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与其他使用测谎技术的国家(尤其是美国)相比,中国不仅对测谎仪器的技术性问题的研究起步晚,理论研究薄弱,对规范其使用的法律制度基本上也处于空白状态。加之对测谎技术知识的匮乏和宣传上的一些误导,人们对测谎技术理解难免存在一些偏差,如测谎技术是测试人说的话是真是假、良好心理素质的人能逃过测谎、测谎结论是没用的、测谎技术是万能的、测谎技术就是仪器测试、测谎结论是仅从测试图谱得出的等,这些认识误区制约着测谎技术的发展和运用。本文就常见的测谎技术认识误区进行了剖析。  相似文献   

理论和实践都证明测谎结论具有证据的客观性、关联性、合法性等特征,因此,测谎结论的属性是证据,且属于《刑事诉讼法》规定的七种证据形式之一的鉴定结论。当前我国测谎规则体系存在不科学、不完善等问题,应从测试主体、测试程序、测试环境条件、测试方法和测试结论的审查等方面对测谎规则体系进行建构。  相似文献   

目前我国心理测试技术界有两种主要的编题方法:一是借鉴和改进美国测谎的编题方法,二是由武伯欣教授等人在大量实案测试的基础上总结和创立的认知综合检测法编题。符合心理科学和中国国情的认知综合检测法编题在理论和实践操作上有更高的科学性。  相似文献   

测谎技术在刑事司法、维护国家安全、民事裁决、防范恐怖活动等多方面均可发挥重要作用。准确性和有效性是测谎技术的关键。反测谎是随测谎技术发展而衍生的一种个体实施的对抗、干扰测谎的行为,反测谎的运用对测试人员实施测试、分析图谱、出具结论会造成困难。认知脑电技术是伴随认知神经科学的发展而逐渐进入应用领域的新型测谎技术,它通过对被测人呈现案件相关刺激,并分析其对刺激进行加工的认知过程,进而推断出被测人是否参与案件。相对于传统多道仪测谎,认知脑电技术在基础原理的严谨性和测试结论的科学性上存在诸多优势。比较传统多道仪测谎和认知脑电技术在技术原理、反测谎实施方面的诸多差别,并介绍国内外前沿的研究成果,对于认知脑电技术的反测谎研究发展是能够有所推动的。  相似文献   

测谎研究应当突破当前单纯技术层面的研究,立足大侦查、大测谎,重视侦、测、审的综合研究,为测谎技术的更好发展寻求有效途径。对侦查人员进行测谎知识的科学普及教育是行之有效的方法之一,有助于测谎技术为侦查工作的有效服务。  相似文献   

美国历史上首次对测谎结论的证据规则作出权威性规定是在Frye诉美利坚合众国一案。随后几十年里,Frye规则成为科学证据采纳性的标准,将众多"伪科学证据"排除在法庭之外。1993年美国联邦最高法院又建构了Daubert规则,改变了测谎结论在法庭的应用。但是由于测谎技术在相关学术领域仍然存在较大的分歧,美国大多数州法院对测谎结论的法庭可采性仍然持有非常谨慎的态度。我国在测谎技术方面的研究水平及相关应用与美国相比还比较落后,应当对刑事案件中的测谎结论进行严格的再审查,方能提高测谎结论的可采性。  相似文献   

测谎技术在刑事案件侦查中的作用勿容质疑,但测谎结论能否作为诉讼证据,却是一个见仁见智的问题。本文在对测谎技术的发展历史作简单考察的基础上,从证据的客观性、相关性和可采性方面对测谎结论进行了全面分析,提出测谎结论具有证据价值,并进一步对测谎结论的审查判断和测谎证据的规范化予以了阐释。  相似文献   

简论测谎技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人类在识别谎言的历史长河中经历了从非科学到科学 ,从简单到复杂的漫长过程。近代测谎技术是从采集人的生理参数开始的 ,测谎技术的发展伴随着采集生理参数装置的改进而进步。现代测谎技术以计算机技术为依托 ,综合多学科理论 ,成果呈多样化方向发展。  相似文献   

测谎题目的编制是犯罪心理测试技术的核心内容,准绳问题测试法(CQT)和案件隐秘信息测试法(CIT)是犯罪心理测试技术中最为常用的两种测试方法。CQT主要适用于粗案、明案、过光案件,CIT常用在隐秘案、证据不足案中。两种测试方法并不相互排斥,根据不同案情结合使用,才能在犯罪案件的侦破中发挥更好的作用。  相似文献   

我国犯罪心理测试技术的历史沿革与发展综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从 1991年公安部审定我国自行研制的PG -I型心理测试仪至今 ,现已完善成PG - 12、PGA - 2 0 0 0等型测试仪的智能计算机系统。犯罪心理测试技术在我国已实测数千起疑难重大案件 ,直接测试逾万人 ,仅PGA系列实测千起测评结果区分无辜和相关的准确率达 90 %以上 ,犯罪心理测试技术已在刑事司法实践中显示了其独特的位置和实用的价值。作为以多元学科综合一体的新兴的边缘学科 ,犯罪心理测试技术经过专家、学者、技术人员的不断研究和完善 ,将从实践中得到积累 ,从积累中得以生存和发展 ,随着科学技术的发展 ,此学科应用范围将全方位拓展 ,其生存与发展必将走向光明的前景  相似文献   

徐幸美 《学理论》2010,(7):133-134
科学发展观是党的十七大作出的一项重大战略部署。科学发展观,第一要义是发展,核心是以人为本,基本要求是全面协调可持续,根本方法是统筹兼顾。高校作为社会的重要组成部分,创建和谐大学校园是全面落实科学发展观的实际行动,如何创建和谐校园,是我们将要研究的新课题。  相似文献   

Recent literature finds that, although lies politicians spread to achieve partisan goals can be corrected, politicians who spread misinformation rarely pay a price for lying. We argue that the cost of lying should be greater when the norm of honesty is salient. Using three survey experiments that feature both a well-known politician (Donald Trump) and a fictitious member of Congress, we examine the cost politicians pay when they are caught in a lie. We find that many citizens, regardless of partisanship, will recognize a lie when one has been told. And although citizens punish unknown politicians for lying, they do not punish Trump similarly unless the norm of honesty is made salient. This effect, however, is limited to the narrower measure of situational approval; individual lies do not affect overall measures of job approval regardless of honesty salience. These results demonstrate the difficulty of getting citizens to update their views on well-known politicians, even when those politicians are caught in an obvious lie. Yet our findings suggest fruitful paths toward creating a disincentive for politicians to distort the truth.  相似文献   

吴蒙 《学理论》2009,(6):44-45
近年来,随着金融危机的蔓延以及我国保险业的快速发展,由于保险公司自身、保险中介机构、客户等原因造成的保险公司应收保费急剧增加,直接影响着保险公司的现金流及财务稳定性,其潜在危害很大,已引起保险监管机构和各保险公司的高度关注。认真分析应收保费风险的成因及危害,采取有效措施,防范风险,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

王中原  唐世平 《政治学研究》2020,(2):52-64,M0004
预测是人类的基本认知活动。作为社会科学预测性研究的重要领域,选举预测是促进政治学理论和方法创新的动力。选举预测不仅限于民调,科学的选举预测可以划分为四类范式:意见聚合范式;模型范式;混合范式;大数据范式。每类范式包含若干种预测方法,不同预测方法在准确性、超前性、解释力、可重复性、中立性和预测成本等评判标准上各具优势,预测方法的选择是基于预测目标和应用场景的综合权衡。目前,选举预测领域呈现多元化、交叉互补、跨学科的发展趋势;其未来发展方向是“理论驱动”与“数据驱动”相结合、微观预测变量与宏观预测变量相结合、预测与解释相结合,以政治科学为基础,通过跨学科合作和前沿技术手段推进预测范式的创新,并在预测实践中不断更新升级。预测性研究与解释性研究可以构成“双螺旋”的共生互补关系,共同致力于增进人类对复杂政治活动的理解和研判,提升政治学研究的科学水平和政策应用价值。  相似文献   

文灿 《学理论》2011,(33):228-229
农村英语教育是关系我国英语教育水平高低的重要因素之一。但是由于种种原因,农村初中英语教学水平一直不高。从农村英语教学的现状出发,分析其存在的问题及原因,从提高教师的自身素质、改进教学方法、改善教学设施和培养学生学习英语的兴趣四个方面提出解决的途径与方法。  相似文献   

廉洁教育实效性强调取得实际的效益和效果,凸显廉洁教育的务实性、实在性和有效性。实效性是廉洁教育的本质所决定,是实现高校廉洁教育目的的关键,同样也构成廉洁教育方法途径创新探索的核心。基于实效性的方法途径创新,表现为诸多方法途径整合为有机统一的整体,共同作用于廉洁教育。因此,必须以重视实践、制度建设与校园文化建设为基本原则,理顺和正确处理高校内外的各种现实关系,真正实现廉洁教育之实效。  相似文献   

建立一个形式上的妇女草根组织容易,要使其能够持续发展下去并保持良好的运作却相当困难,需要花大力气促进组织成员的意识提升与能力增长,才能使之最终走上自我管理、自我发展的道路,通过河南社区教育研究中心多年推动妇女草根组织的经验,总结了农村妇女草根组织发展的多样化推动手法。  相似文献   

The most recent response of our universities to the challenge presented by the urban crisis—the domestic problems that show their dramatic symptoms in our cities—has taken the form of new graduate programs in the policy sciences. They are widely diverse in course content, teaching methods, measures to assure experiential inputs and devices for survival in the standard discipline-oriented university climate, but all have the common purpose of improving the quality and enlarging the quantity of both public policy practitioners and analysts.These pioneering activities are growing in an atmosphere of intense intellectual debate and self-examination. How best to design and conduct them with respect to these input parameters, appropriate overall roles for universities in policy science training, the nature of more rational decisionmaking as a process, and the roles of policy science-trained analysts and practitioners in it and in promoting it, are all under lively examination and discussion.What has thus far received relatively little attention is the nature of the decision universe in which the products of these programs, the graduates, will need to perform if they are to have impact. In this paper that universe and the relationship of the university to it are characterized in simple market terms. Doing so suggests that the most pressing problems for policy science lie on the demand, not the supply, side of the market. It will take the best efforts of policy scientists to address them successfully.  相似文献   

Policy conclusions of two or more disciplines often appear to contradict one another, and so cancel out one another's influence on policy. This article investigates the degree to which the contradiction is only apparent, in the sense that the disciplines answer different questions. In many instances the disciplines are complementary; some measure of reconciliation can be obtained by defining more sharply the assumptions and data that lie behind their questions, and hence the theoretical domains over which their answers are valid. By showing that those domains are non-overlapping, disputes can often be understood and opposing views reconciled.For some scholars empathy with the aims and methods of another discipline is possible; for others the advance of their own discipline is too important an objective to allow limiting its applicability. By uncompromising arguments, however, they may harm their own cause. For when different disciplines publicly press for opposite policies they weaken the credibility and influence of science in all fields, including their own.  相似文献   

The belief that turnout and abstention depend on theinteraction of the benefits and costs of voting is oneof the longest held in public choice. The interplaybetween benefits and costs has typically been studiedwithin the context of voter turnout in elections, butthese results are confounded by the fact thatparticipation in such elections is a low-cost, low-benefit activity. Analysis of voting in legislatures,where the potential returns and costs to participantsare greater, is more promising. This paper examines participation on roll calls in theU.S. House of Representatives during the recent 104thCongress (1995–1996). We analyze all contested rollcalls during this two-year period, using a negativebinomial count model that accounts for legislatorheterogeneity, to determine what factors associatedwith such votes induce turnout. Our results suggestthat, while turnout is predictable, its primaryexplanation does not lie with our standard calculationof expected benefits. We find that the ideologicalpolarization of the roll call alternatives is not avery important factor for turnout and, even morestrikingly and contrary to what past analysis hasimplied, the likelihood of any given legislator beingpivotal is completely irrelevant. Rather, what is mostimportant is that a non-trivial number of members ofCongress decide not to vote when contextual factorsforce them to choose between electioneering andlegislating. Consequently, while our results are notsufficient to induce a full-fledged ``paradox ofcongressional voting'' analogous to that of massvoting, they do indicate that participation inCongress depends most heavily on factors beyond adesire to affect the outcome.  相似文献   

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