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国际社会共生性是普遍有效的理论命题,具有无可辩驳性。上世纪前半期发生的两次世界大战和大危机,都表明国际关系理论的变革已处于历史的转折点上,用国际社会共生性命题取代国际社会无政府状态命题势在必然,可惜至今没有实现。第二次世界大战后国际社会发展更加充分地为确立国际社会共生性命题在国际关系研究中的主导地位提供了丰富的资源,凭借这种发展势头,弘扬中华民族传统文化和谐哲学的智慧,科学认识国际社会共生性,是创立和平发展时代国际关系理论的需要,是中国坚持和平发展道路的需要,也会为建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界作出贡献。  相似文献   

黄河  吴雪 《国际展望》2011,(2):29-45
后冷战时代,随着传统的军事安全地位的相对下降,全球环境问题正渗透到国际关系领域成为许多国家对外政策的一个重要方面,甚至成为国际冲突中的一个新热点。对于全球环境问题,传统经济学所提出的解决方法并不适用,因此有必要对国际政治经济学中的“国际公共产品”理论进行改造和重构,提出“环境类区域性国际公共产品”的概念。有关国家为了本地区的环境安全而联合起来共同生产和维护环境类区域性国际公共产品将成为一种必然趋势,也必将成为今后国际关系的一个基本特点。  相似文献   

This article contributes to international political sociology and the further enhancement of the interdisciplinary study of the global system by introducing some of the lexicon of critical criminology into the discourse. It suggests that the contemporary global system is ripe with existential anxieties that are symptoms of momentous historical change and it argues that, for good or for ill, issues of crime definition and control have become central to the transnational condition. As a consequence, criminological theories should be introduced into theoretical discussions about the nature of the contemporary global scene. Such interdisciplinary cross-fertilization is vital, given the centrality of the language of criminal threats in the language of global governance and the language of governance globally.  相似文献   

美国学者沃伦·本尼斯(Warren Bennis)曾明确指出,“在全球范围内,人类面临着三个格外严重的威胁:核事故或核战争毁灭世界的威胁,艾滋病大流行的威胁,生态灾难的威胁。这些威胁引出了第四个威胁:解决这些危机的领导力失败。尽管核浩劫、艾滋病和生态灾难都是严重的问题,但是在很多方面,领导力的失败更紧迫、更危急。  相似文献   

近年来,中国学界在马克思主义国际关系理论及其中国化研究方面取得了新的进展,研究主题涉及理论概述和诠释、国际关系重大现实问题分析、与西方主流国际关系理论的比较、发展路径和方法思考等。已有的研究关注者甚众,但存在专业研究队伍偏小、研究者之间的沟通较少、研究主题分散、实证研究甚少等问题。未来应加强经典文本及方法论的研究,追踪当代新马克思主义国际关系理论的发展,深化与西方主流国际关系理论的比较研究,高度关注并深入解读当今国际关系中的重大理论和现实问题。  相似文献   

国际关系中的意识形态因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨淞 《当代世界》2008,(10):53-54
意识形态作为上层建筑的组成部分,不仅在一个国家的国内政治生活中发挥重要作用,而且通常与国家利益交织,影响一国的对外决策,从而牵动国际关系的发展演变。冷战结束以来,由于全球化背景下国家间的联系和交往空前加强,各种利益关系更加错综复杂,意识形态对国际关系的渗透和影响被逐步放大,并呈现出一些新特点。  相似文献   

随着中国崛起及其世界政治影响,需要进一步总结和概括中国特色的国际关系与外交理论。为此,需要探究中国外交与国际关系理论的历史和文化根源,分析和总结新中国的外交历程和实践,对世界主要大国的外交思想和外交理论进行比较研究,梳理并借鉴现有国际关系理论,形成一整套有“中国视角”的知识体系和解释系统,以此为新兴大国中国的对外政策和主张提供理论支持,表达中国的国家利益和战略诉求,从而实现中国特色的国际关系与外交理论的创新。  相似文献   

South Africa's constitution enshrines the right to adequate housing, and policy since 1994 has attempted to address this issue. However, realities of poverty, rapid urbanization and limited resources for local authorities undermine the state's ability to meet housing needs. This article presents a case study from Msunduzi Municipality (formerly Pietermaritzburg) to evaluate state policy in the urban low-cost housing sector, particularly in terms of the needs of female-headed households. While subsidized housing allocation has successfully reached female-headed households, and recent policy documents acknowledge gendered housing needs, the situation on the ground remains problematic. Gender-based social and economic inequalities persist, and new government-subsidized housing suffers problems including inappropriate location, poor housing quality, and inadequate protection of tenure security. Applying a gender lens to housing highlights shortcomings in South African housing policy, while applying a housing lens to examine gender inequality demonstrates limitations to the transformative potential of gender mainstreaming in this sector.  相似文献   

中国共产党是重视并善于用思想和理论指导工作的政党。党的对外工作作为党的事业的重要组成部分,顺应时代要求、把握形势变化,在不同历史时期形成了一系列指导思想,推动党的对外工作实践不断向前发展。回顾总结党的对外工作指导思想的演变历程,对于深刻认识和把握党的对外工作基本规律,不断推进党的对外工作理论和实践创新,开创新时代党的对外工作新局面,具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

This article describes and analyses the transnational relations of Russian extreme right entities. It classifies the Russian extreme right into categories according to their ideological orientation (ethnonationalism and civilisational nationalism) and forms of activity (political parties and interest groups, intellectuals, the autonomous neo-Nazi scene, and paramilitary formations). For each category important contacts are described in terms of the travels abroad of Russian extreme right activists, visits by foreign extremists to Russia, and the establishment of transnational organisation branches in Russia. The article concludes that although so far the Russian extreme right has mostly had ad hoc contacts abroad, it has been involved in the gradual building of stable networks.  相似文献   

张珺 《国际展望》2011,(6):32-46
在跨国对抗研究中,宗教一直是一个被"边缘化"的因素,然而宗教非政府组织的跨国集体行动使得它们对国际关系的影响力日益显著,形成了"宗教性跨国对抗"。本文从宗教非政府组织所关注的主要议题之一"宗教人权"领域,以个案"倡议国际"组织为例,结合政治社会学、国际关系的相关理论分析这一类型组织的国际政治参与。  相似文献   

Zoltan Barany 《欧亚研究》2008,60(4):581-604
The Russian military's extraordinary decline is widely known. The changing political role of high-ranking officers and the different treatment they have been subjected to by Russian presidents has received relatively little scholarly attention, however. This article analyses this phenomenon—including the military elites' electoral participation, relationship to the executive, and opposition to state policy—and offers a method for explaining it. To generate a more penetrating understanding of Russian particularities while expanding our theoretical reach, the article combines the civil–military relations literature with that of the institutionalist approach, and more specifically, the concepts of path dependence and institutional decay.  相似文献   

The modern condition of poverty in Africa is a global phenomenon, the outcome of world-historical processes of social change, and reproduced by globally structured social relations. This is obscured in academic analysis. The 20th century division of labour produced an absence of theorising the international from the discipline of Development Studies, and an absence of poverty from the concerns of International Relations. Neither Development Studies nor ir have adequately emphasised or theorised the global production and reproduction of local poverty in Africa. Perhaps this can be remedied, thanks to the increasing attention to studying international relations ‘from below’ in recent critical scholarship. However, methodologically, the current critical approaches in ir and ds are disabled by their abandonment of objectivity and a commitment to explanation. The article concludes by arguing for elaboration of the global political economy of poverty in Africa, as a form of social scientific inquiry with necessarily emancipatory implications.  相似文献   

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