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伴随着房地产行业的迅猛发展,商品房交易领域的各类纠纷也层出不穷,其中多数纠纷是由于开发商不按约定条件交付房屋导致.现本文作者以房地产领域从业律师的视觉出发,围绕商品房买卖法律关系项下房屋交付行为所相关的法律问题简要剖析论述如下.  相似文献   

房屋买卖合同的出卖人,在收取了买受人支付的大部分款项后,不能以房屋的工程价款需优先受偿为由,拒绝按合同约定向房屋买受人交付房屋。  相似文献   

房屋期货买卖是相对房屋现货买卖而言。现货买卖民口买受人与出卖人一手交钱,一手交货,货钱交割结清。而期货买卖则是一种远期的买卖合同,买卖双方达成协议到标的物交付需要一段时间,在此期间,买受人可以将合同转让于他人。因此,期货买卖成立之后,到交割之前,实物并没有交付。所谓房屋期货买卖,是指出卖人以尚未建成或正在建造中的房屋作为标的物,与买受人达成约定期限交付房屋,买受人一次性或分期支付房款的一种财产流转方式,它具有如下特征:一是房屋定期交付。买卖合同成立时,买  相似文献   

承包人交付的建设工程应符合合同约定的交付条件及相关工程验收标准。工程实际存在明显的质量问题,承包人以工程竣工验收合格证明等主张工程质量合格的,人民法院不予支持。  相似文献   

【裁判要旨】房屋行政主管部门对未经审批而改建、重建的房屋,可因现实状况与不动产登记簿记载的权利状况不一致,将其认定为附有违法建筑并结构相连的房屋进而其限制交易。如何认定这类房屋买卖合同的效力,实践中存在分歧。善意买受人根据不动产登记的公示公信原则,确信登记的权利状态与现实状态相一致,此信赖利益应予保护;根据区分原则,房屋因附有违法建筑而无法过户应属合同履行范畴,不影响合同效力。因此,这类合同如不具备合同法第五十二条的无效情形,应当认定有效。出卖人负有将房屋恢复至原登记的权利状态并消除行政限制的义务。在买受人同意按现状交付并自愿承担恢复原状义务的情况下,出卖人应按诚实信用原则将房屋交付买受人,并于买受人将房屋恢复原状、消除行政限制后协助完成过户手续。  相似文献   

案情:被逾期办理的房屋产权证一位购房者与某房地产开发商签订房屋买卖合同并约定:买受人(购房者)购买出卖人(开发商)开发的房屋一套,出卖人应当在2010年9月30日前向买受人交付该商品房,如因出卖人的责任,买受人未能在商品房交付之日起730日内取得房屋所有权证(房屋产权证),自买受人应当取得房屋所有权证的期限届满之次日起至实际取得房屋所有权证书之日止,出卖人按日计算向买受人支付全部已付房款万分之零点五的违约金,并于买受人实际取得房屋所有权证之日起30日内由出卖人支付。  相似文献   

论所有权保留的法律构成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所有权保留,是与分期付款买卖结合紧密的担保制度。不同的物权变动模式之下,所有权保留的法律构成也存有差异。《中华人民共和国物权法》坚持我国原有民事立法的作法,以债权形式主义的物权变动模式为原则。但就动产标的物如何基于合同行为发生所有权转移的法律效果,我国原有民事立法以补充性任意性规范的方式确立了债权形式主义的物权变动模式,《中华人民共和国物权法》则略作调整,以强制性规范的方式确立了债权形式主义的物权变动模式。在此背景下,所有权保留的法律构成体现为:分期付款买卖合同中,除与动产标的物所有权转移相关的合同条款附有生效条件外,其他条款自依法成立时生效。在与动产标的物所有权转移相关的合同条款所附生效条件成就前,出卖人向买受人进行的标的物交付行为,系服务于买受人提前享用的需要,而非履行其转移标的物所有权于买受人的合同义务;一旦该生效条件成就,买受人即可基于简易交付取得标的物的所有权。  相似文献   

李先锋 《法制与社会》2012,(30):268-269
之所以将房字加上双引号,是因为有这几种情形,一是此房处于在建阶段,二是此房已建造完毕,交付使用并办理了房屋权属证书,三是该房为存量房,也就是通常所说的"二手房",有房屋权属证书。在第一种情形下,买卖双方还只停留在合同阶段。虽然双方签定的为《商品房买卖合同》,但并非实际上的"房屋",合同条款注明,开发商负有在约定的时间,将具备多种条件的商品房交付买方使用,并在交付使用后通常为90日内到产权登记机关备案,以使买受人获得房屋权属证书。  相似文献   

目前司法实务中占优势的观点认为,根据《合同法》第148条的规定,买受人以标的物质量瑕疵为由拒绝受领的,相关质量瑕疵应达到根本违约的程度.这是对《合同法》第148条的误读.买受人的拒绝受领权是一种程序性权利,既可以基于实体性的合同解除权而产生,也可以基于买受人对瑕疵给付所享有的瑕疵补救请求权而作出.如果出卖人交付的标的物不符合合同约定或者法定的质量标准,只要相关瑕疵不属于显著轻微或无法补救的情形,买受人就有权拒绝受领,要求出卖人按照合同约定进行补救后重新交付.如果出卖人拒绝按照合同约定进行瑕疵补救或因补救瑕疵导致迟延给付的,应当承担拒绝履行或迟延履行的违约责任.  相似文献   

孙英 《山东审判》2005,21(3):30-32
一、出卖人交付标的物义务及买受人支付价款义务履行期限的确定根据《合同法》第61条的规定,当事人对合同义务的履行期限没有约定或约定不明确的,不影响合同的成立,当事人可以补充协议,不能达成补充协议的,按照合同有关条款或交易习惯确定,仍不能确定的,根据《合同法》第62条的规定,债务人可以随时履行,债权人可以随时要求履行,但应当给对方必要的准备时间。买卖合同对义务履行期限有约定的,当事人应当按照约定期限履行义务,如果买卖合同对出卖人交付标的物义务或买受人支付价款义务的履行期限未作约定的,是否应当按照《合同法》总则的上述…  相似文献   

《Federal register》1995,60(10):3405-3410
This notice establishes special payment limits for standard home blood glucose monitors, identified as code E0607 of the HCFA Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS). This final notice is intended to prevent excessive payment for these items. Currently, payment under the Medicare program for home blood glucose monitors and other items of durable medical equipment (DME) is equal to 80 percent of the lesser of the actual charge for the item or the fee schedule amount for the item. This notice requires that payment for standard home blood glucose monitors be equal to 80 percent of the lesser of the actual charge or a special payment limit.  相似文献   

This final rule amends Medicare certification and payment requirements for rural health clinics (RHCs) as required by the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (BBA). It changes the definition of a qualifying rural shortage area in which a Medicare RHC must be located; establishes criteria for identifying RHCs essential to delivery of primary care services that we can continue to approve as Medicare RHCs in areas no longer designated as medically underserved; and limits waivers of certain nonphysician practitioner staffing requirements. This final rule imposes payment limits on provider-based RHCs and prohibits "commingling" (the use of the space, professional staff, equipment, and other resources) of an RHC with another entity. The rule also requires RHCs to establish a quality assessment and performance improvement program that goes beyond current regulations. Finally, this final rule addresses public comments received on the February 28, 2002 proposed rule and makes other revisions for clarity and uniformity and to improve program administration.  相似文献   

行政处罚当事人申请延期或者分期缴纳罚款的,应当符合法律规定的条件,并在规定的期限内提出。在确定罚款延期或者分期缴纳的最长期限时,应注意不得逾越行政强制执行时效期间和申请人民法院强制执行的期限。至于分期缴纳罚款的期数,应当根据罚款数额的大小和当事人可预期的罚款缴纳能力等因素确定。为完善罚款延期或者分期缴纳审批制度,有必要规范和健全相关的申请、受理、审查和决定程序。  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(36):9140-9143
This final rule revises certain requirements and procedures for the TRICARE Program, the purpose of which is to implement a comprehensive managed health care delivery system composed of military medical treatment facilities and CHAMPUS. Issues addressed in this rule include priority for access to care in military treatment facilities and requirements for payment of enrollment fees. This rule also includes provisions revising the requirement that certain beneficiaries obtain a non-availability statement from a military treatment facility commander prior to receiving certain health care services from civilian providers.  相似文献   

This final rule finalizes the process that was set forth in an interim final rule published on December 13, 2002, for establishing a realistic and equitable payment amount for Medicare Part B services (other than physicians' services) when the existing payment amounts are inherently unreasonable because they are either grossly excessive or grossly deficient. This process does not apply to services paid under a prospective payment system, such as outpatient hospital services or home health services. The December 2002 interim final rule also described the factors we (or our carriers) will consider and the procedures we will follow in establishing realistic and equitable payment amounts for Medicare Part B services. In addition, this final rule responds to public comments we received on two provisions in the December 13, 2002 interim final rule relating to how we define grossly excessive or deficient payment amounts and to the criteria for using valid and reliable data in applying the inherent reasonableness authority.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1990,55(171):35990-36175
We are revising the Medicare inpatient hospital prospective payment system to implement necessary changes arising from legislation and our continuing experience with the system. In addition, in the Addendum to this final rule, we are describing changes in the amounts and factors necessary to determine prospective payment rates for Medicare inpatient hospital services. In general, these changes are applicable to discharges occurring on or after October 1, 1990. We also set forth rate-of-increase limits for hospitals and hospital units excluded from the prospective payment system. This final rule also responds to comments received concerning changes to hospital payments made in an April 20, 1990 final rule with comment. These changes include mid-year changes to the inpatient hospital prospective payment system that implemented provisions of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989; and adjustments applicable to prospective payment hospitals and to the target amounts of hospitals and units excluded from the prospective payment system due to the elimination of the day limitation on covered inpatient hospital days made by the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988 and later repealed by provisions in the Medicare Catastrophic Repeal Act of 1989. The April 20, 1990 final rule with comment also incorporated changes to these provisions made by the Family Support Act of 1988, which clarified the criteria for adjusting the target amounts and implementation date. In addition, this final rule clarifies the documentation requirements necessary to support the cost allocation of teaching physicians and the allowability of costs for rotating residents in determining payment for the direct costs of an approved graduate medical education program. This clarification is being made as a result of a September 29, 1989 final rule that made changes in Medicare policy concerning payment for the direct graduate medical education costs of providers associated with approved residency programs in medicine, osteopathy, dentistry, and podiatry.  相似文献   

This final rule establishes a prospective payment system for Medicare payment of inpatient hospital services furnished in psychiatric hospitals and psychiatric units of acute care hospitals and critical access hospitals. It implements section 124 of the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Balanced Budget Refinement Act of 1999 (BBRA). The prospective payment system described in this final rule will replace the reasonable cost-based payment system under which psychiatric hospitals and psychiatric units are paid under Medicare.  相似文献   

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