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1895年,清政府与日本国政府签订《马关条约》,台湾从此沦为日本殖民地长达50年之久。对日本殖民者的残酷统治压迫,台湾人民进行了长期英勇的斗争,给日本殖民者以沉重打击。台湾人民反抗日本殖民者的斗争,是中华民族抵抗日本帝国主义侵略的重要组成部分,是中国近代史上波澜壮阔的群众爱国救亡运动的光辉篇章。  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(4):477-500
Since its foundation in 1919 the International Labour Organization (ILO) has regarded the worldwide eradication of forced labour as one of its basic aims. This article looks at the ILO's role both as a forum for public discourse on the historically shifting boundaries that separated free labour from coercion, and as an independent actor in the struggle against forced labour throughout the twentieth century. Examining the ILO's efforts in three distinct phases (the inter-war period, the Cold War years and the age of decolonization/postcolonial nation-building) will also shed light and contribute to the discussion on the influence of international organizations in the making of the modern world.  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(1):25-45
Seeking to establish a base for organizing California farmworkers, the National Farm Labor Union (NFLU) between 1948 and 1950 led a strike against DiGiorgio Fruit Corporation, the state's preeminent farming operation. Featuring several new developments—among them huge car and truck caravans of strikers that were described as ‘the world's longest picket line’ and a secondary boycott of DiGiorgio products that inaugurated a tactic that would later become a cornerstone of the farmworker movement—the strike was the first substantial challenge to California growers since the collapse of the farmworker movement a decade earlier. While these aspects are often mentioned by historians, there is another less understood but more profound dimension to the strike that revolves around a documentary film Poverty in the Valley of Plenty. Angered by its portrayal in the film, DiGiorgio won a libel case against the NFLU, suppressed the film, forced the union to withdraw and destroy all surviving prints, and for the next generation sued anyone caught showing Poverty in the Valley of Plenty. A watershed in labor and legal history, this tactic extended the law of libel from printed words to images. Presenting a fuller and more complete exploration of this critical chapter in the evolving relationship between photography, farmworkers, and labor organizing, this essay explores the way DiGiorgio eliminated unfavorable visual information, curbed First Amendment rights of free speech, augmented vigilante raids and accusations of communism as tactics of farmworker union smashing, undercut the NFLU's boycott, and substituted an entirely fictitious and benign picture of life and labor at its Bear Mountain ranch. Not until the Delano grape strike 25 years later did farmworkers succeed in finally getting their picture across to the public and using it to develop a boycott that turned the tables on California agriculture.  相似文献   

"创争"活动是全面提高职工素质,建立学习型企业的强大推动力,是企业文化建设深入发展的引擎,赋予了企业文化建设创新的活力,增强企业文化对内外环境变化的应变能力,突显企业文化建设的个性特征."创争"活动也是促进企业文化落地的好形式,它推动"全员参与"企业文化建设,促进企业文化理念的确立,畅通企业文化传播渠道."创争"活动要与企业文化建设紧密结合进行.  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(1):47-62
In the first half of the twentieth century, South Africa's two main coal-producing provinces, Natal and the Transvaal, were regarded as having separate industries. Comparing the two, the article shows that their geology, markets, ownership and organization were distinctive. In contrast, the patterns of labour struggles were alike, reflecting labour processes, racial divisions, and legal and ideological frameworks that were similar. The historiography of South African mining labour has emphasized the role of black migrants, who ‘oscillated’ between the mines and the rural areas from where they originated and to which they retired. While structuralist analyses argued that migrancy was the bedrock of a cheap-labour system that underpinned white power, leading social historians stressed that migrants were primarily rural men. The account presented here rejects the thrust of both positions, showing that a high proportion of coal miners settled around the mines. More of them would have done so had this been permitted, and the same applies to Africans working on the gold mines. Given that cheap-labour theory strengthens the exceptionalism that runs through much South African history, rejecting it can open up new possibilities for comparative study. In passing, the article reveals that black workers participated in the militant 1913 strike by the Witwatersrand's white mine workers.  相似文献   

Focusing on the countryside and rural poor, this article delineates the contours and considers the effects of the Indian state's adoption of neoliberal policies in the early 1990s. It argues that the shift to neoliberalism has produced a pattern of predatory growth that has privileged urban India, entailed a withdrawal of state support for the agrarian sector, and increasingly involved the forcible expropriation of the land and resources of the rural poor. This pattern and the neoliberal policies underpinning it have precipitated an agrarian crisis, while domestic and international capital have been the principal beneficiaries of the ‘internal colonization’ of the poor through dispossession and suppression. At the same time, the shift to neoliberalism has formed the specific context for an intensification of agrarian class conflict that has included the mobilization of rural elites as well as the rural poor.  相似文献   

一百年前爆发的伟大二七斗争是中国共产党领导的全国第一次工运高潮中的重大事件。这场伟 大斗争铸就了二七坚毅斗争精神,残酷的阶级压迫积聚了这一精神的火种,争自由、争人权的口号燃起了这一 精神的火焰。二七坚毅斗争精神是对伟大建党精神的传承和弘扬,因为它源自伟大建党精神,是对伟大建党精 神的践行和拓展,推动了党的精神谱系的传承与发展。在新时代新征程上继续传承与弘扬二七坚毅斗争精神, 就要坚持党对工人运动的领导,坚持党的思想理论的武装,坚持斗争的正确方向,坚持增强斗争的本领,坚持 开拓创新,依靠顽强奋斗打开工运事业发展新天地。  相似文献   

在全国人民热烈响应党中央号召积极支援西部大开发的号角声中,全国成人高校学报系统联络中心第三次会员代表大会在我国西南第二春城--贵阳市召开了.这次会议是步入21世纪之后,我们成人高校学报联络中心召开的第一次会议,是一次富有历史纪念意义的盛会.这次会议的任务主要有五项:一是总结1996年第二次会员代表大会以来学报联络中心的工作,提出今后工作的设想;二是选举产生联络中心新一届工作班子;三是开展学术研讨;四是表彰5年来为我们成高学报事业的发展做出了突出贡献的优秀会务工作单位和优秀会务工作者;五是进行学报交流学习.  相似文献   

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