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A new method for enhancement of ninhydrin or 1,8-diazafluoren-9-one (DFO)-treated latent fingerprints on thermal paper will be described. Most thermosensitive surfaces of thermal paper become dark when treated with DFO or ninhydrin petroleum ether (NPB) solution. This effect minimizes contrast between the developed fingerprints and the background. The new method described reduces this dark staining without removing the thermosensitive layer and parts of the developed fingerprints, as occurs with acetone washing. Through the new method, the developed fingerprints appear in sharp lines and high contrast. Extensive tests were performed, leading to an optimized working solution, which charges the paper with a minimum of chemicals, is cheap, and enables a large quantity of papers to be treated in a short time. The working solution contains commercially available, nonvolatile, nitrogenous organic compounds and can be used like the application of NPB solution by dipping.  相似文献   

目的建立一种加载高压静电法,提高金属表面手印显现效果。方法利用自行设计的静电加载设备,在常见金属客体表面分别遗留1、3、7、15d的手印,分别用静电加载和普通磁性粉进行显现。结果高压静电法显现金属表面汗潜指印效果均有明显的提高。结论该方法现场操作性强,简便有效。  相似文献   

Fingerprints developed with ninhydrin form stable, colored complexes when treated with various metal salts. Many of these colored complexes can be used to increase the sensitivity of detection of latent prints because of photoluminescent properties. The intensity of this photoluminescence is increased at low temperature (77K), and this is a common characteristic of each of the complexes formed with salts of the IIb group of the Periodic Table. Spectral characteristics of these Group IIb metal complexes and the influence of environmental factors on their formation are reported. These data have helped determine optimal conditions for the enhancement of ninhydrin developed fingerprints. Taking into account spectral characteristics, solubility, versatility, stability, and reproducibility, the use of the cadmium nitrate tetrahydrate complex is advocated for general use for fingerprint enhancement. The use of zinc nitrate is favored if toxicological considerations are paramount, but ninhydrin development has to be carefully controlled if optimal results are to be obtained. Limited applications for mercuric complexes are found when a red shift is desired to remove background effects.  相似文献   

Lyophilized Sigma Type III trypsin has been applied to latent prints two weeks to two months old. This trypsin preparation eliminates the background problems that had been encountered with old prints in a previous study. Zinc chloride treatment of latent prints previously exposed to ninhydrin enhances their detectability upon laser examination. However, it has been reported that the zinc chloride reaction occasionally fails to occur. Accordingly, we have investigated the optimization of this reaction. We find that high humidity and elevated temperature, particularly the former, are needed. Cadmium nitrate, although it produces weaker fluorescence than zinc chloride, may at times be useful. Reaction conditions are much the same as those for zinc chloride.  相似文献   

A previously identified difficulty with the development of latent fingerprints on low-density polyethylene (LDPE) by vacuum metal deposition (VMD) is that excess gold deposition prevents effective zinc deposition and so inhibits latent print development [1]. The investigation of a means to correct for excess gold deposition was the basis for this study. Exposure to zinc and the readmission of air into the vacuum chamber followed by VMD development results in the deactivation of the initial gold clusters due to the formation of zinc oxide and the adsorption of air and water molecules. As a result, the majority of the gold deposited during the second treatment creates new gold clusters rather than adding to the gold clusters previously formed. After excess gold deposition on LDPE, the deposition of 1.5 times the optimum gold amount will result in good-quality normal development. The results also indicate that, on all surfaces, at least twice the initial gold count should be used for re-treatment when further development is required after air has been readmitted to the chamber.  相似文献   

This study investigated fingerprint development on five different polymer substrates using vacuum metal deposition (VMD). The conditions required for optimum development are shown to depend on a number of factors. No one set of conditions will result in good development in all situations. Polymer type has been confirmed as a major factor in determining the types of development that will occur and the optimum VMD conditions required. For more consistently successful VMD development, polymer type should be determined before selecting conditions. While polymer type is a key factor in determining optimum development conditions, there may be variation of the optimum conditions within a polymer type, most likely due to the presence of additives in the plastic. The heaviness of a latent print, i.e. amount of residue that constitutes the print, also affects the VMD conditions required. The donor, manner of deposition, and age of a print affect the heaviness of the deposit. The heavier the print, the higher the gold count necessary for successful VMD development. The occurrence of 'empty prints' (i.e. zinc deposition on the general background but not on or between the print ridges) was found to be related to polymer type and print heaviness. Heavy prints on PVC and PET are the most likely to be 'empty' after VMD treatment. The development of empty prints may be due to the diffusion of print residue into the print valleys. Pre-treatment with cyanoacrylate fuming was also found to affect VMD development. In particular, it was shown that cyanoacrylate pre-treatment was beneficial for print development on PET and PVC. The results of this study were used to formulate guidelines for use as an aid by laboratories using VMD in casework.  相似文献   

Vacuum metal deposition (VMD) is an established technique for the development of latent fingerprints on non-porous surfaces. VMD has advantages over cyanoacrylate fuming, especially in circumstances where prints are old, have been exposed to adverse environmental conditions, or are present on semi-porous surfaces. Under normal circumstances, VMD produces 'negative' prints as zinc deposits onto the background substrate and not the print ridges themselves. A phenomenon of 'reverse' development, when zinc deposits onto the print ridges and not the background, has been reported by many authors but its causes have not been conclusively identified.Four plastic substrates were used in this study and these could be easily divided into two groups based on the types of development observed as the amount of deposited gold was increased. On group I plastics, identified as low-density polyethylene (LDPE), normal development then reverse development and finally no development resulted with increasing gold. On group II plastics, identified as high-density polyethylene (HDPE), normal development then over-development and finally poor-quality normal development resulted with increasing gold. Our results suggest that the difference between these plastic types causes variations in the gold film structure which in turn dictates the nature of the zinc deposition.On group I plastics, the structure and thickness of the gold film has been identified as the critical factor in the occurrence of normal or reverse development. Thin gold films on plastic substrates form small 'clusters' (or agglomerates) rather than the atoms being uniformly spread over the surface. The size and shape of these clusters is critical. Once the clusters reach a certain morphology, they no longer act as nucleation sites for zinc, and hence, zinc will not deposit onto the substrate.On group II plastics, results suggest that the gold clusters are smaller and more densely packed. Hence, even though the same amount of gold has been deposited, the gold clusters in this case do not reach the critical morphology and so continue to act as nucleation sites for zinc.Typically, zinc will not deposit onto the fingerprint ridges as the gold nucleation sites are buried within the print residue. However, when more gold is deposited, gold emerges at the surface of the latent print allowing zinc deposition onto the ridges.The rate of gold evaporation was found not to affect the structure of the gold film, although a slower rate of evaporation resulted in more effective deposition.  相似文献   

Chance fingerprints may be found on every type of surfaces of contact and when they are latent, need to be developed by various methods. The type of surface on which latent prints are to be developed is one of the important factors when a choice for a method of development is to be made. The matter becomes more crucial when the surface is unique like a compact disc containing digital data. In this case, to develop the fingerprints is not the only matter to be taken care of but also, is very important to select such a method which may not effect the stored data and its retrieval. In present investigation, various methods have been tried to develop fingerprints on the writing surface of a CD and results are discussed with respect to their development as well as its effect on stored data and data retrieval.  相似文献   

目的探索真空镀膜手印显现技术,提高现场潜在手印显现率。方法通过真空镀膜与"502"熏显法显现常见非渗透性客体上汗潜手印的对比实验,比较二者显现效果优劣。结果真空镀膜法对于显现常见非渗透性客体上的新鲜和陈旧汗潜手印都有着明显的优势。结论真空镀膜是一种更为灵敏的非渗透性客体手印显现方法,是现有手印显现方法的重要补充。  相似文献   

With the iodine-silver plate transfer method latent fingerprints on human skin can be developed. The continuation of experiments leading to the eventual application to a bona fide case processed through a judicial system will indicate the "arrival" of a new and useful tool for the law enforcement officer in identifying the perpetrators of our more serious crimes.  相似文献   

目的建立蜡质客体上汗潜手印的显现方法;方法遗留在蜡质客体上的汗潜手印,经适量“502”熏显后,用较高浓度的BBD溶液进行染色,在多波段光源的激发下以增强显现效果。结果遗留在蜡面上10天以内的汗潜手印可得到理想结果;结论该方法方便易行,并成功用于检案。  相似文献   

Many of the currently available fingerprinting methods have limited ability to visualize fingerprints on plastic tape without expensive equipment or significant handling of the sample. This is especially true for visualizing fingerprints on black electrical tape. This study sought a hands-off method to produce easy visualization of fingerprints on different types of plastic tape, including black electrical tape, without the need for expensive equipment. The methods selected were to sublime disperse dyes into the tape, both with and without the fuming of cyanoacrylate, everywhere except for where the fingerprint was applied. The resulting color contrasts provided enough differentiation to visualize fingerprints on plastic tape under ambient light. Sequential fuming with cyanoacrylate followed by disperse dyes provided the best visualizations on all tapes, and cyanoacrylate followed by disperse yellow 211 clearly visualized fingerprints on black electrical tape.  相似文献   

目的找到一种显现化学类纸张上汗潜手印的有效方法。方法制作DMAC显现试剂并进行大量比对实验、外延实验。结论用该方法操作简便、效果较好。  相似文献   

The potential for enhancement and recovery of latent fingerprints on a variety of foodstuffs has been investigated. In general, black magnetic powder and black powder suspensions appear to be the most successful enhancement techniques with a high number of ridge detail-developed prints over a selected time scale. Banana, apple and tomato surfaces showed enhancement of latent prints but potato and egg surfaces proved to be less successful.  相似文献   

The article deals with the method of determining the age of fingerprints elaborated in Poland. It consists in analysing the changes occurring in the perspiratory-adipose substance with lapse of time and enables to determine a presumable time of leaving the evidential traces on smooth and unabsorptive surface within the limits from 24 hours to a few years.  相似文献   

目的探究布料载体上潜掌纹经真空镀膜显现后,掌纹DNA提取相关影响因素与检出基因座数目的关系。方法分别进行出汗手与无汗手掌纹按压,放置不同时间;对提取的掌纹DNA进行定量检测;比较白色与黑色布料载体基因座数目检出情况。结果掌纹基因座数目检出随时间延长而递减,出汗手组基因座数目检出高于无汗手组,rfu值600时,基因座数目检出百分比90%,模板量阈值为0.013ng。同一提取方法白布基因座数目检出高于黑布,布料色素抑制PCR扩增,致使基因座检出数目减少。结论真空镀膜技术能够很好地应于掌纹DNA的检测。  相似文献   

目的根据胶带粘面上潜在手印的特点,利用染料和潜手印的理化性质,研究开发胶带粘面手印荧光显现剂。方法在各种胶带粘面上显现潜在手印,并与常规的碳素墨水染色法进行比较。结果在长波紫外线照射下手印呈黄色明亮荧光,手印纹线清晰、连贯,基本不受手印遗留时间、客体表面颜色和性质的影响。结论胶带粘面上的汗潜手印和血潜手印用荧光显现剂显现效果优于碳素墨水染色法,在实际案件的侦破中有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

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