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Participants in three conditions (foresight, hindsight, and a modified hindsight condition designed to ameliorate the hindsight effect) assessed whether a municipality should take, or have taken, precautions to protect a riparian property owner from flood damage. In the foresight condition, participants reviewed evidence in the context of an administrative hearing. Hindsight participants reviewed parallel materials in the context of a trial. Three quarters of the participants in foresight concluded that a flood was too unlikely to justify further precautions-a decision that a majority of the participants in hindsight found to be negligent. Participants in hindsight also gave higher estimates for the probability of the disaster occurring. The debiasing procedure failed to produce any significant differences from the regular hindsight condition. The results suggest that absent an effective debiasing technique, risk assessments made in foresight will be judged harshly in hindsight.  相似文献   

The pursuit of welfare objectives through contract law rules could be exemplified in the case of illegality and subsequent nullity sanctions attached to a contract that violates certain regulatory rules. The effectiveness of contractual allocation of risk of illegality (regulatory prohibitions), therefore, varies, depending on which contract theory prevails. Maintaining the validity of a prohibited and failed contract, and allocation of the relevant risks, is crucially dependent on whether we adhere to a welfare or rights-based theory of contract. In this paper we argue that impossibility of ex ante and ex post allocation of risk of illegality is the logical outcome of the adherence to a welfare theory of contract law, as maintaining even a minimum validity of the failed contract would result in some welfare losses. According to this approach unjust enrichment could not be rectified because it would diminish the optimal enforcement of welfare objectives. On the other hand, and despite such prohibition and illegality, a rights-based theory would resist opportunistic and rent-seeking behaviour and would ensure the validity of the contract and just allocation of losses and gains, which arise from the failure of the prohibited contract.  相似文献   

职权主义--我国行政审判模式的必然选择   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文和当前盛行的主张行政审判方式改革以当事人主义为目标模式的观点相反,主张行政审判应采职权主义模式.作者从诉讼价值观、法律文化传统和行政审判的本质特征与目的三个角度分别论述了在我国行政审判中选择职权主义模式的必要性与可行性;并对行政审判的庭前准备阶段、法庭审理阶段和裁判文书阶段进行了具体设计,倡导法官在这三个阶段依职权积极作为,同时,适当发挥当事人的配合作用;最后,对职权主义行政审判模式与司法改革的关系作了探讨.  相似文献   

根据联合国安理会第827号决议,1993年5月25日,联合国国际前南斯拉夫刑事裁判所("前南刑庭”)成立,安理会史无前例之举在国际法领域引发一系列的争论.安理会的权限、前南刑庭的管辖权、合宪性都是争执的焦点.争执最初便在前南刑庭审理的图斯可、泰底齐(案号1T-94-1-AR72)一案中得以反映.  相似文献   

指印检验新方面   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
100多年来指印鉴定一直是犯罪侦查最有效的个体识别手段,在物证鉴定领域占据重要地位,上世纪80~90年代指印检验技术研究的重要进步更是使指印物证技术应用达到一个新的水平。最近几年指印技术研究又取得许多新进展和突破,特别是在指印显现技术和指印纹线物质成分分析方面开创了新方法和新方向,形成指印物证应用新体系,但同时在指印鉴定结论可靠性方面也出现新争议。  相似文献   

本文根据国内外相关文献,对烧骨的宏观、微观形态学特点,烧骨形态特征与各影响因素之间的关系,热致骨折与损伤骨折、条件性骨折的鉴别等方面进行了综述,并对现有研究的局限之处进行了分析,提出改进方向。  相似文献   

A laboratory system of examination of illicit cocaine exhibits is described. Separation and identification of many of the components in exhibits are achieved by the use of capillary column gas chromatography and a Finnigan ion trap detector. Further examination and quantitation of the components of exhibits is achieved using two high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) systems. Both of these systems use identical reverse phase C8 columns. System 1 employs a solvent composed of 40% acetonitrile, 10% tetrahydrofuran and 50% 0.1% v/v aqueous triethylamine. The eluant is monitored at 280 nm. This system is preferred for routine quantitative analysis of cocaine and related alkaloids in exhibits. System 2 employs a solvent composed of 30% acetonitrile and 70% 0.05M phosphate buffer (pH = 5.0). The eluant from this system is monitored at both 220 and 280 nm. This system offers advantages in sensitivity. The relative retention times of a number of relevant substances as determined with gas chromatography and the two HPLC systems are given. The utility of the methodology for the identification and comparison of exhibits is demonstrated.  相似文献   

遥控类爆炸装置的爆炸残片分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的为了推断遥控爆炸犯罪案件中所制作的遥控爆炸装置种类;方法首先制作常见的两类共3种遥控爆炸装置,进行爆炸实验;接着通过对爆炸残片的检验,研究各种遥控爆炸装置的爆炸残片特征;结果在不多于400克药量的常见炸药爆炸后,3种遥控爆炸装置爆炸后都可以在现场收集到大多数的爆炸装置残片可供检验;结论通过对爆炸残片的特征检验,基本上可以推断遥控爆炸装置的种类与外包装的种类,以及是否使用电池电源。  相似文献   

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