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近年来,学界对东亚秩序的研究兴趣迅速上升,因为它是一个直接关系到"东亚往何处去"的问题。孙学峰和黄宇兴的论文对东亚秩序的变迁问题进行了探讨,认为决定东亚秩序未来走向的两个核心因素是美国东亚同盟体系的延续和中国经济实力的崛起。东亚秩序的特征是:美国依靠其地区同盟  相似文献   

阎梁  田尧舜 《当代亚太》2012,(4):100-112,159
冷战结束后,塑造东亚地区安全秩序的力量来源主要有两个:一是雅尔塔体系的遗产,二是东南亚国家的经济外交。一方面,中国与俄罗斯通过上海合作组织构建了在安全等领域的合作,而美国在美日同盟的基础上强化了其在东亚的单边及多边同盟体系。因此,雅尔塔体系遗产的组织化程度较以往明显提高。另一方面,东南亚诸国通过在东盟"10+"合作框架、亚太经合组织以及亚欧会议等平台实施经济外交,比较成功地把主要大国及区域集团力量牵绊在东亚地区,并藉此影响了冷战后东亚地区的政治、安全秩序。  相似文献   

安全预期、经济收益与东亚安全秩序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘丰 《当代亚太》2011,(3):6-25,5
冷战后,东亚地区不仅没有进入一个充满紧张和冲突的时期,反而维持了相对长时间的和平状态。有关东亚安全秩序的既有解释主要强调的是体系结构或过程,但不足以解释东亚安全秩序内部的动力和机制,以及这种秩序蕴含的内在不稳定性的主要原因。本文提出了一种功能论的解释,认为美国和中国分别为东亚地区提供了安全预期和经济收益两项最为重要的公共产品,是维系当前东亚安全秩序的基础。然而,在中国崛起和美国重返东亚带来的冲击下,这两种地区性公共产品的供给脱节和供给矛盾使既有东亚安全秩序面临内在的不稳定性。为了应对这种不确定性,达到稳定周边环境和缓解崛起疑虑的效果,中国在为本地区提供稳定的经济收益的同时也需要在政治和军事方面采取积极的安全保障措施,营造东亚安全秩序的新基础。  相似文献   

美日同盟是冷战时代的产物,在冷战中发挥了反苏反共的重要作用。冷战结束后,美日同盟在国际社会的角色转型、性质定位正逐步发生演变,并出现日益强化的趋势。冷战后时代,美日同盟的调整对东亚安全秩序产生了重要影响,一方面,它遏制和防范中国的发展;另一方面,它在一定程度上发挥了制衡作用,有利于防止东亚地区危机的爆发。以美日同盟为核...  相似文献   

中国崛起、东亚格局变迁与东亚秩序的发展方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周方银 《当代亚太》2012,(5):4-32,157
文章对中国崛起背景下东亚格局的变迁与东亚秩序的发展方向进行了分析。文章认为,中国的崛起在性质上改变了东亚格局的面貌,在东亚地区形成了经济中心与安全中心相互分离的二元格局,该格局的形成是中国的经济崛起、美国的"接触加遏制"的对华政策以及众多东亚国家在中美之间两面下注的政策相互作用的产物,这一格局反过来进一步加剧了东亚国家两面下注的政策。二元格局的存在,对东亚合作产生了不利影响,导致地区内大国和重要行为体更多地把地区制度作为战略性工具来使用,使地区制度安排成为服务于权力竞争的手段。总体来说,东亚二元格局会在未来一个比较长的时期持续,我们需要在这一前提下,探索东亚秩序的稳定持续与有效运作的问题。从根本上说,东亚秩序的稳定和效率,需要中美探索共处之道的新形式。  相似文献   

美澳同盟关系缔结于20世纪50年代,是冷战条件下美国同盟体系的重要一环,成为美国在亚太地区南部的重要战略支点。冷战结束后,美澳同盟关系在经历短暂的"漂浮"后,又趋于稳定并得到进一步强化。进入21世纪后,联合反恐和应对中国崛起成为美澳同盟关系新的催化剂和强心剂。文章拟在分析美澳同盟建立和转型背景基础上,首先探讨澳大利亚作为美国亚太地区战略支点地位是如何确立的;其次分析冷战结束后美澳同盟经历了怎样的挑战和转型;最后重点探讨在中国崛起的形势下,美澳同盟如何进行政策调整及再定义。同时,本文还试图分析作为同盟相对弱小的一方,澳大利亚在追随盟主美国对外战略的同时,如何处理同盟义务与自身国家利益的不一致性,特别是当前经济上依赖中国,安全上依赖美国的矛盾。文章作者认为,作为一项较为明智的政策选择,澳大利亚可能倾向于加深与中国在经济上的合作,同时在政治和安全上仍然依靠美国。与此同时,作为一种长期政策,澳大利亚将会和美国一道,通过国际组织,极力诱使中国遵守美国主导下的国际秩序。  相似文献   

东亚地区在面对中国崛起时的战略选择,是当前国际关系学界探讨的重要问题,但是学者们围绕战略行为的类型界定和原因解释都缺乏充分的学术共识。根据中小国家应对崛起国的战略方向和强度,战略行为可以划分为疏远、对冲、制衡和追随四类。对冲是当前东亚地区国家应对中国崛起而采取的具有普遍性和主导性的战略选择,主要表现为强化与中国的经济关系,在与其他大国开展紧密安全互动的同时避免与中国产生安全矛盾。从新古典现实主义视角来看,东亚地区中小国家的战略行为是由它们所面临的体系压力和国家战略偏好两个要素所共同决定的。在地区内崛起国与其他大国处于弱对抗态势的情况下,中小国家并没有面临明确的选边站队压力;而同时追求自主性、安全和福利三项战略目标,也使得它们倾向于在多方力量之间维持平衡。当然,对冲战略能否持续,取决于地区结构转移和战略偏好变化的前景。如果东亚地区格局向强对抗体系转变,这些国家面临的权衡取舍将更加艰难,对冲战略的条件也将难以维持。  相似文献   

针对当前东亚地区主义发展面临的困境,有关争论的焦点已经从关注传统的内部因素差异和外部美国阻碍的初级阶段推进到了对制度变量的关注,但争论双方都普遍接受存在东亚地区主义这一前提假定。然而,地区合作本身并不必然意味着地区主义,存在着一种没有地区主义的地区合作。文章通过对严重泛化、经济化和扭曲化的地区主义概念的重新界定,把地区主义与地区合作区分开来,质疑所谓东亚地区主义本身的存在;以对地区主义概念的推导为基础,提出了一个包含三个检验标准的初步的检验框架,以检验地区主义的存在;应用该框架分析了东亚地区合作的目的和起源、机制现状以及外部因素,认为东亚不存在地区层面的地区主义。在中国崛起并优先寻求与美国建立"新型大国关系"的背景下,亚太跨地区主义而非东亚地区主义将是未来东亚地区合作的前景。  相似文献   

<正>东亚秩序演变对中国的影响不仅是一个具有战略意义的现实性问题,也是一个重大理论问题。对这一问题的继续深入讨论是本期的焦点。其中,有三篇文章从不同角度分析了美国及其亚太同盟体系与中国的崛起。刘丰和陈志瑞运用新古典现实主义理论,解释了东亚国家在应对中国崛起时的战略选择。文章从体系压力和国家战略偏好这两个因素人手,诠释了为何当前东亚中小国家对中国普遍采取对冲战略,并依据这一分析框架,指出了东亚国家对冲战略持续的条件和前景。周建仁和刘若楠重点分析了美国的亚太同盟战  相似文献   

从结构现实主义的视角看冷战后东亚地区和平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷战后东亚地区保持了相对程度的和平,究其原因是多方面的.作为惟一的超级大国,美国依赖其超强的总体实力,加上其在东亚地区的双边军事同盟体系,主导着冷战后东亚地区的和平局面.本文试图从结构现实主义的视角来分析美国霸权在维护东亚和平中的作用.  相似文献   


Following the June 1967 Six-Day War, the Soviet Union and Britain invested significant efforts in rehabilitating their relations with the Arab countries, notably Egypt. While both supported the withdrawal of Israel from the Arab-occupied territories, the two countries differed over the nature of the settlement. Still, at the UN Security Council, the Soviet Union supported the British draft resolution for solving the Middle East conflict. Cold War interests and competition over influence in the Middle East, however, led the Soviets to launch a public campaign against British policy in the Middle East and prevented the two countries from joining efforts to bring about a breakthrough in the Arab–Israeli conflict.  相似文献   

The Peacekeeping Operations (PKO) Law was passed in Japan in 1992, after much debate and controversy over the question of sending SDF troops on UN peacekeeping missions. The limits implicit in the "Five Principles" of that Law mean, however, the SDF cannot participate in UN PKO missions in any meaningful way. In this article, Kimberly Marten Zisk, Associate Professor at Barnard College, Columbia University, addresses the issues behind the arguments for and against a more active Japanese UN PKO participation. The strong antimilitarist sentiment which arose as a reaction to the specter of the Pacific War, and the fears of her neighbors, in addition to domestic political concerns, are all contributory factors to Japan's reluctance for a more active UN PKO role. Nevertheless, Zisk states that a s a "middle power" in international relations, and one that is very keen for a seat on the United Nations Permanent Security Council, it is puzzling that Japan should have placed so many restrictions on the SDF's PKO. She argues that for any comprehensive study of Japanese defense policy and PKO, the bureaucratic influences on peacekeeping policy should also be taken into account.  相似文献   

李巍 《当代亚太》2011,(4):6-32,5
冷战结束以来,东亚的经济地区主义虽然取得了一些进展,但至今仍然没有发展出一个成熟稳定的区域制度框架来推动区域经济进行深度整合。该地区多重制度框架相互竞争,造成了一种"制度过剩"的特殊格局。这导致东亚地区在经济整合的过程中,缺乏有力的制度推动和有效的区域治理,具体表现为该地区至今仍难以建立有助于提高经济绩效的经济要素完全自由流动的统一经济区;难以采取集体行动,共同应对来自外部的各种经济风险和冲击。本文认为,东亚地区多重制度竞争的背后,是由于与该区域相关的主要行为体对塑造东亚经济秩序有着不同的利益偏好和战略诉求,他们各自极力推动对自身有利的区域机制,从而形成"制度过剩"。主要行为体在东亚的主导权竞争以区域制度竞争的形式展开。随着金融危机之后中国经济的加速崛起以及美国决心重返东亚,东亚经济整合中制衡与反制衡的矛盾将日益突出,从而带来更加激烈的制度竞争,这是东亚经济地区主义遭遇挫折而非取得成功的标志,东亚地区将因此继续沦为经济全球化进程中的"碎片"。  相似文献   

朱适 《东南亚研究》2008,45(1):55-60
澳大利亚政府是在越南战争期间积极支持美国的军事行动的西方国家之一,对于其出兵越南的原因一直存在争论.本文认为,国内特殊的政治环境、基于前进防御战略的国家安全需要、相关信息的匮乏以及澳大利亚当时所处的特殊国际环境等一系列因素促使澳大利亚政府向越南派遣军事顾问以及最后部署大量军队协助美国在印支地区的作战.越南战争的失败促使澳大利亚重新反思其亚洲政策,并逐渐加强了其与亚洲在经济、政治和文化领域的交流.  相似文献   

2007年4月27日,日本最高法院做出"根据中日联合声明中国国民的请求权已经被放弃"的判决,使得二战受难者在日民间战争赔偿诉讼陷入僵局。此种境遇下"和解"成为战后遗留问题工作者寻求突破的无奈选择。安野和解正是在此背景下达成。虽然和解取得了如企业承认强掳劳工的历史事实、表示谢罪、经济赔偿等一些成果,但受日本政府态度的影响,和解只能存在于受难者与企业间,就必然使得和解带有不彻底性,这也恰恰成为和解饱受争议的根源。彻底解决这一问题的方法在于以诉讼推动战争赔偿立法,以实现日本政府与企业两个层面上承认强掳华工法律责任基础上的全面解决,诉讼的根本目标及意义也在于此。  相似文献   

What have been the most important factors in international relations for Australian foreign‐policymakers over the last sixty years? Five broad themes stand out: the end of empire; Cold War dependency; the changing nature of security; economic development; and race and national identity. Cumulatively, and often in intertwined ways, these themes have amounted to little short of a revolution in Australia's place in the world since the Second World War. The challenges facing Australians have, as a result, been considerable. The international context in which Liberals have made foreign policy has been reshaping Australia as it has been reshaping the external environment.  相似文献   

The Russian Internet remained relatively unregulated compared to the media sector as a whole until about 2012. One of the levers for increased control over the Internet was ownership, direct or indirect, of the most important infrastructure and websites. Control through ownership over the Russian Internet companies has increased, but in a finely calibrated fashion in order not to spark discontent and risk the formation of a social movement. The Internet’s global nature, however, has made it impossible to use the same methods against international companies. The Russian government has had to exert other forms of pressure, change legislation, or block entire social networks. Furthermore, increasing and more systematic control through ownership carries with it considerable long-term consequences and costs, both when it comes to the modernization of Russia and in terms of possible rising discontent if Internet users no longer accept that the repressive measures taken are in their interest.  相似文献   

Atrocities committed by American soldiers against Vietnamese civilians during the Vietnam War have once again become an issue of public debate in the United States, yet similar actions by South Korean troops fighting America's war in Vietnam remain virtually unknown in the West. The Republic of Korea (ROK) dispatched more than 300,000 combat troops to Vietnam between 1965 and 1973, but after decades of enforced silence by successive authoritarian governments, Koreans have only recently begun to grapple with the ambiguous legacy of the Vietnam War for South Korea. In the spring and summer of 2000, testimonies in the South Korean media by Korean veterans of the Vietnam War revealed for the first time detailed, extensive accounts of Korean atrocities against Vietnamese civilians. These revelations, and the controversy they triggered within South Korea, bring into bold relief the role of Koreans in America's Vietnam War and the role of the Vietnam War in the political and economic development of South Korea.  相似文献   

Martin J. Murray 《亚洲研究》2013,45(1-2):111-118

Who owns the history of the Vietnam War? Whose vision or revision of the war will remain in the minds of Americans who were not there? These are questions that have certainly not been answered definitively in the flood of cogently argued, carefully researched books written over the past fifteen years. A striking feature of the writing on this topic has been the inability of scholars to move toward any overarching interpretive consensus that could assist in clarifying which questions have been more or less answered, and organizing which problems remain to be resolved.  相似文献   

Arab hopes of an emerging multipolar international system after the Cold War were immediately dashed by the second Gulf War. The US proved to be the indispensable guarantor of security, especially for the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Nevertheless, the EU and the GCC had engaged in a successful relationship since their formal cooperation agreement in 1988. The following article gives an insight into the priorities of both. Furthermore, it asks whether the numerous political declarations of the EU‐GCC Joint Council are more compensation for stalemate in the free trade negotiations than the expression of real political ambition, with the GCC mainly interested in using the EU as an element of counterbalance and the EU primarily concerned with safe energy supplies. Finally, the article examines the probability of continuing European junior partnership with the US or a more equal role in the Gulf area—either through European initiative or an increasing American reluctance to make sacrifices in order to secure the oil flow to European economic competitors.  相似文献   

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