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Abstract: In the increasingly complex and “horizontal” environment of Canadian governmental decision‐making, the ability of governments to advance a major new policy initiative can be compromised or impeded by the often cumbersome systems evolved to ensure both due diligence and a comprehensive approach. In Ontario, the urgent and multi‐faceted health care reform agenda has been implemented using a new set of policy‐development and program‐implementation techniques. This paper summarizes those reforms. In doing so, it outlines the degree to which the reform agenda has been implemented using techniques and processes that have been grafted onto or even short circuited existing decision‐making systems. The paper also draws conclusions about the potential utility of the Ontario experience both for health care reform and for developing new mechanisms to implement challenging, time‐limited reform agendas within parliamentary systems of government with politically neutral civil services. Sommaire: Dans le contexte de plus en plus complexe et “horizontal” de la prise de décisions gouvernementale au Canada, l'aptitude des gouvernements à promouvoir une nouvelle initiative politique majeure peut être compromise ou entravée par la lourdeur des systèmes élaborés pour assurer une diligence raisonnable et une approche exhaustive. En Ontario, le programme de réforme des soins de santé, urgent et polyvalent, a été mis en œuvre grâce à un nouvel ensemble de techniques d‘élaboration de politiques et de mise en œuvre de programmes. Le présent article résume ces réformes. Ce faisant, il souligne comment le programme de réforme a été mis en œuvre grâce à des techniques et processus qui ont été greffés, ou qui ont même court‐circuité les systèmes de prise de décisions existants. L'article tire aussi des conclusions sur l'utilité possible de l'expérience de l'Ontario en ce qui concerne la réforme des soins de santé mais aussi la mise au point de nouveaux mécanismes pour exécuter des programmes de réforme difficiles, à délai déterminé, au sein de systèmes parlementaires de gouvernement avec des fonctions civiles politiquement neutres.  相似文献   

One of the defining characteristics of Canadian Public Administration is its singular coverage of topics. In this research, we extend Wake Carroll and Kpessa’s (2007) work to see if the themes found in Canadian Public Administration (CPA) for the 2008‐2016 period are in line with the topics published for the 2000‐2006 period. We also compare the contemporary topics published in CPA to the Australian Journal of Public Administration (AJPA). We then surveyed Canadian public servants about their interests. Our results show that they express more interest towards the themes published in CPA in the last decade than during 2001‐2006, and more interest than the ones published in AJPA in the last decade.  相似文献   

公共政策的回应机制与公共秩序   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
公共秩序是社会公共生活赖以存在的基础。公共政策回应机制对于构建公共秩序具有重要意义。开放机制、传导机制和应答机制构成了公共政策的主要回应机制。公共政策回应机制的弱化导致公共秩序失衡。优化公共政策的回应机制是构建良好公共秩序的根本前提。政策网络作为一种新型的治理方式,为优化公共政策的回应机制提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper argues that the study of public administration needs to be reoriented to assist governments, in particular our public services, to meet new challenges. The paper suggests that our public services are facing nothing short of a crisis situation. Public bureaucracies are under attack everywhere, even at times by the political masters they seek to serve and by those who in the past urged governments to intervene in the economy. The Westminster model that underpins the work of our public services is also being transformed in many subtle and not-so-subtle ways. In addition, governments everywhere are being pressed to do more with less and public servants are being asked to manage government operations more efficiently. The paper suggests that, as presently constituted, our public administration programs in Canadian universities are of limited help to public administrators. Policy issues dominate the agenda of our public administration programs far too much. The paper calls for a return to the work of the pioneers of Canadian public administration. It also calls for new studies in public management and suggests ways in which this could be accomplished. Sommaire: Cet exposé soutient qu'il faut réorienter I'étude de I'administration publique pour aider les gouvernements, et plus particulièrement les fonctions publiques, à relever de nouveaux défis. L'auteur avance que les services publics font face à une crise. Partout, les bureaucraties publiques font I'objet d'attaques, aussi bien de la part des politiciens qu'elles s'efforcent de servir que de ceux qui ont autrefois incité les gouvernements à intervenir dans I'économie. Le modèle de Westminster, qui sous-tend l'activité de nos services publics, subit lui aussi des transformations tantôt subtiles tantôt radicales. De plus, les gouvernements sont partout contraints à faire davantage avec moins de ressources, tandis que les fonctionnaires sont poussés à assurer les activités gouvernementales avec une plus grande efficacité.  相似文献   

Education policy affects communities across Canada. Changes in demographics, enrolment patterns, and pressures on education budgets have put school closures on the political agenda in many provinces. Implementing these policies is increasingly contested and conflict-ridden. Public administrators are at the cross-hairs of implementing evidence-based policies, based on authentic stakeholder input and engagement. This article examines two cases of school closure policy implementation in Ontario to illustrate the tension between these two important dimensions of public administration and challenges that must be overcome in this and other policy areas where evidence and engagement are increasingly important.  相似文献   

Abstract. The development and implementation of a government policy by a single ministry is a greater stimulus to creativity than a collective and inter-ministerial approach. Starting from the principle that creation is an individual act which emanates neither from administrative structures, nor from committees, nor from manuals of instructions, the author affirms that the conditions which favour creativity in a public or other administration are precisely those which awaken and increase the creative impulse of the human mind. In the individual method, the ministry alone formulates the policies which are within its competence. The other ministries affected by them are asked for their views and the possible constraints which may result, but only on a consultative basis. This method has obvious advantages for the ministry in question. The author suggests, inter alia, that the ministry be allowed to retain 50 per cent of any economies realized through greater efficiency in the execution of its policies. On the other hand, if civil servants misread ministerial intentions or ignore constraints imposed by other policies, they should pay the price, which may, in the final analysis, involve the dismissal of the minister or his principal policy advisor. In the collective method, the policy is not worked out by the immediately responsible ministry but rather by a committee including all the interested ministries. The dynamics of such an approach are very different from the individual method. Being more prudent and bureaucratic, it stalemates individual creativity and is prejudicial to innovative thinking. The constraints and the various interests are so well represented within the committee that they tend to dominate the debate and cause the ministry in charge to be on the defensive. In an endless discussion, the other ministries are hoisted with their own petard of counter-arguments, and the proposing ministry cannot put forward the positive advantages of the new policy. The resulting loss of time and energy is harmful to creativity. At the level of policy execution too, the author favours the individual approach which is both efficient and economical. The ministry in charge of the policy is far better placed to determine its implementation within the constraints which delineate its scope. Here, too, the author reaches the conclusion that creativity is better served than in the collective approach.  相似文献   

Abstract: Some fundamental questions are being asked about how government is organized and about public servants, their roles and relationships to ministers and Parliament, and the skills and values they need to do their jobs. Sadly, much of what is being said about federal public servants is based on clichks and myths. The purpose of the paper is to consider the forces at play that are changing the federal public service and to review new conditions and circumstances under which public servants must now operate. The paper also looks to the future and points to new emerging challenges for public servants and for the study of public administration. The paper concludes with the suggestion that greater emphasis must be placed inside government on managing human resources more effectively and that a new corporate culture among federal public servants must emerge. It also concludes with a plea for more academic studies on managing in the public sector and on government organization. The paper also calls for closer collaboraton between public serants and the academic community. Sommaire: On se pose quelques questions fondamentales à propos de l'organisation du gouvernernent fédéral et des fonctionnaires, du rôle de ces derniers, des rapports qu'ils entretiennent avec le Parlement et les ministres, des compétences et des valeurs qu'ils doivent poséder pour assumer leurs responsabilités professionnelles. Il est triste, toutefois, de constater que ce qu'on raconte sur les fonctionnaires fédéraux se fonde sur des stéréotypes et des mythes. Cet article analyse les forces qui sont en train de modifier la fonction publique fédérale et passe en revue les nouvelles conditions et circonstances dans lesquelles les fonctionnaires sont maintenant tenus de travailler. Lauteur de l'article s'interroge également sur I'avenir et indique les nouveaux défis qui vont se poser aux fonctionnaires et i ceux qui étudient l'administration publique. En conclusion, l'auteur sug-gère qu'on devrait se préoccuper davantage, au sein du gouvernement, de la gestion des ressources humaines, et qu'une culture corporative devrait faire son apparition par mi les fonctionnaires du gouvernement fédéral. Il plaide également pour que des études sur la gestion dans le secteur public et sur l'organisation du gouvernement se multiplient au niveau universitaire. Il exprirne aussi le souhait que les fonctionnaires et les milieux academiques coopèrent plus étroitement.  相似文献   

公共政策过程中的公众参与分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
公众参与公共政策过程是公民政治参与的重要方面 ,也是公共政策研究的崭新话题。但在现阶段 ,公众参与公共政策还面临着诸多方面的制约和挑战。而要扩大和规范公共政策中的公众参与 ,政府应该发挥更多作用和功能 ,以完善公众参与的制度化途径。  相似文献   

Abstract: The policy-making process in Canadian broadcasting involves a wide array of groups from institutional, industrial and sociocultural sectors. The policy review leading up to adoption of a new federal Broadcasting Act in 1991 saw these groups deploy a range of tactics in attempting to influence broadcasting policy in line with their respective interests. In this article, we report on the relative influence of different categories of actors with regard to Canadian broadcasting policy in light of the resources they enjoy and the strategies they use to maximize their use. For non-industrial public interest and sociocultural interest groups, the fact that an important part of the policy process unfolded in public was an important factor for gaining access, through legislative change, to the broadcasting system itself. Where economic interests were concerned, however, the means deployed were radically increased and sought to address policy makers directly. The resulting policy outcomes demonstrated that, depending on the particular issue and the interest base promoting it, both public action and direct pressure could be effective levers of influence. In short, influence on the policy process was shown to be relative, depending on the degree of access to the decision making process enjoyed by the various parties. Sommaire: Le processus de définition des politiques de radiodiffusion au Canada implique un large éventail de groupes institutionnels, industriels et socio-culturels. Lors de la révision des politiques qui a précédé l'adoption, en 1991, d'une nouvelle Loi sur la radiodiffusion fédérale, ces groupes ont adopté toute une gamme de tactiques pour essayer d'influer sur la politique en matière de radiodiffusion, con-formément à leurs intérêts respectifs. Dans le présent article, nous exposons l'influence relative des diverses catégories d'intervenants en ce qui conceme la politique de radiodiffusion canadienne, en tenant compte des ressources à leur disposition ainsi que des stratégies qu'ils ont utilisées afin de maximiser l'utilisation de ces ressources. Pour les gmupes d'intérêt socio-culturel ou d'intérêt public non industriel, le fait meme qu'une partie importante du processus d'élaboration des politiques ait eu lieu en public fut un élément important afin d'accéder, par voie de modification legislative, au système de radiodiffusion lui-même. Cependant, lorsque des intérêts économiques étaient en cause, les moyens utilisés étaient nettement supérieurs et visaient directement les décideurs. Les résultats en termes de politique adoptée ont démontré que, selon la question concernée et le groupe d'intérêt qui la préconisait, tant l'intervention publique que la pression directe pouvaient exercer une influence efficace. En bref, il s'avére que l'influence sur le processus de définition des politiques est relative et défend le degré d'accès qu'avaient les diverses parties au processus décisionnel.  相似文献   

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