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晋继勇 《外交评论》2020,(3):23-44,I0002
新冠肺炎疫情是当前国际社会遇到的极为严重的公共卫生安全危机,不但给全球政治经济发展带来前所未有的挑战,也对全球卫生治理机制构成史无前例的压力测试。作为全球卫生治理最重要的多边机制,世界卫生组织积极致力于新冠肺炎疫情防控,成为全球卫生安全命运共同体理念的"推动者"、全球抗疫合作的"协调者"、全球抗疫薄弱环节的"补位者"以及全球抗疫规范和技术的"提供者"。实际上,世界卫生组织一直通过机构改革来适应不断变化的全球卫生安全形势,优化和提升其全球卫生治理功能。特别是在谭德塞担任总干事后,世界卫生组织发起了该组织"历史上最广泛的改革",将项目规划、应急能力建设、对外关系和治理以及组织规范与标准作为其改革的四大支柱,使其全球卫生治理功能得到显著提升。然而,新冠肺炎疫情防控同样也暴露了世界卫生组织全球卫生治理功能的不足和局限。国际社会唯有诉诸通力合作、彰显责任担当,共同为以世界卫生组织为主体的全球卫生治理机制运作创造更有利的国际政治环境,新冠肺炎疫情方能尽快平息,全球卫生治理才能真正进入健康的运行轨道。  相似文献   

农村环境治理中公众参与已上升为国家意志,多元共治已成为农村环境治理共识。现阶段政府主导下的环境治理公众参与在实践操作层面存在参与意识薄弱、参与过程模糊以及参与机制缺失等参与失灵困境。不同于政府主导下的环境治理公众参与,社区介入依托于社区自身具有的激励优势、民主优势与自治优势为公众参与提供有利契机,有助于化解公众参与失灵困境。农村环境治理实践中通过社区介入推动公众参与的经验诠释了公众参与的动力系统、运作系统与强化系统等关键问题。有别于西方社会自下而上的公众参与模式,我国农村环境治理需要在政府推动下借助社区介入从宣传认同、公开互动与授权合作等方面提升农村环境治理公众参与度。  相似文献   

随着我国城市化的扩张,安置社区大量涌现,安置社区治理已成为时代课题。调研发现,城市安置社区治理呈现吸附性特征。地方政府以吸纳社区精英的方式建立起结构性的递进式层级治理体系,包括社区居委会以行政化和职业化为导向的正式吸纳、社区非正式组织的半正式吸纳、以激活社区居民参与为手段的非正式吸纳。在此机制下,安置社区治理呈现出治理重心下沉和政府兜底的治理取向,建立起了多元共治的快速回应机制和情法分流的二元融合机制,实现了安置社区的有效治理。  相似文献   

十五年来中新苏州工业园区建设成功不可或缺的一环就是在借鉴新加坡公共管理经验的基础上,以善治的网络治理理念为指引,实现政府、市场与公民社会三者之间的良性互动,这也是在当今全力构建和谐社会背景下,我国走向善治的必由之路。  相似文献   

Several Canadian and international scholars offer commentaries on the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for governments and public service institutions, and fruitful directions for public administration research and practice. This first suite of commentaries focuses on the executive branch, variously considering: the challenge for governments to balance demands for accountability and learning while rethinking policy mixes as social solidarity and expert knowledge increasingly get challenged; how the policy-advisory systems of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and United Kingdom were structured and performed in response to the COVID-19 crisis; whether there are better ways to suspend the accountability repertoires of Parliamentary systems than the multiparty agreement struck by the minority Liberal government with several opposition parties; comparing the Canadian government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the Global Financial Crisis and how each has brought the challenge of inequality to the fore; and whether the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated or disrupted digital government initiatives, reinforced traditional public administration values or more open government.  相似文献   

基于对基层社会治理中政社互动的既有研究发现:政社互动是在国家行政权力上收与基层自治不足的情况下,加强国家与社会之间联系的一种方式,其经验推进是在政府主导下,社会组织嵌入以及政府向社会组织购买公共服务而形成的两种合作治理形式。在“强国家-弱社会”的政社关系下,政府的过度干预导致社会组织逐渐依附于行政体系,加上承接服务的主体缺失与回应不足,使政社互动陷入“内卷化”的困境。在基层社会治理中,政府应从集权管控走向吸纳治理,从单向嵌入走向双向互嵌,从政府排斥走向社会自觉,进而实现政府治理与社会自治的有效衔接与良性互动。  相似文献   

It is an important task to study the logic of behavior of local governments for interpretation of the “password” of national governance and promotion of modernization of national governance system and governance capabilities. From the perspectives of structure-function, governance processes and organizational system, the paper reviews the behavioral logic of local government over the past decade. It concludes that institution is a core element which affects local government behavior, and research transforms from the determinism which formal national governance system plays a decisive role over the local government to mutual construction of central governments, local governments and local social institution, from normative research to empirical research, from a macro-level to meso-level, from organization to organization field. In the future, empirical and comparative studies are recommended, focusing on the process of generating, strengthening, weakening or re-institutionalizing in inter-governmental or organizational interaction, for more exploration into the general logic of local government behavior.  相似文献   

In response to the global financial crisis that began in late 2007, many countries took on significant levels of deficit financing in order to increase spending on public works and infrastructure. This rapid infusion of public funding has raised concerns about the accountability and transparency of stimulus measures, including how best to monitor and evaluate the allocation and impact of the funds and report back to citizens. While there is growing research on the macro‐economic impacts of stimulus spending, very little comparative work has been done on the approaches of different countries to the governance of infrastructure stimulus spending programs. This article focuses on the latter by identifying and explaining the different practices in Canada, Australia and the United States in order to highlight implications for future stimulus‐led investment.  相似文献   

政府治理一直是政府和学界非常关注的问题,在西方,随着信息化、数字化技术的普遍使用,已经兴起了与信息时代相适应的政府治理新模式,即整体性治理,它主要是针对新公共管理带来的碎片化、空心化政府等一系列问题而提出,强调整体与合作和信息时代背景。整体性治理成为当代政府治理新理念,也是探究政府改革的学术前沿领域,因此,对之研究具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文介绍了整体性治理理论在英国兴起的时代背景,同时详细阐述了整体性治理的一般概念和核心特征,介绍了其实际运用情况,分析了它存在的障碍和缺陷,并对其前景进行展望。通过对其进行较全面的介绍,以期引起对这一理论模式的学术重视与探讨。  相似文献   

现代治道与治道变革   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
治道 ,就是人类社会治理公共事务、解决公共问题、提供公共服务的基本模式。传统治道的制度平台包括无限政府、人治政府、专制政府、集权政府和封闭政府等构件 ,现代治道的制度平台包括有限政府、法治政府、民主政府、分权政府和开放政府等。从前者向后者的变化就是治道变革。本文探讨了传统治道和现代治道的基本内涵 ,中国政府治道变革的基本历程 ,以及治道变革作为一个无休止的变革过程的基本特征。  相似文献   

政府治理成本支出的高效化是政府治理的核心,也是公民满意的必要条件,而公民满意有利于政府治理成本的高效化,二者内在关系紧密。中国政府治理成本控制压力加大,政府治理有效性与公民需求存在一定差距,而广大人民对政府治理效能的期望不断提高,政府必须要树立善治理念,提高政府治理能力,遏制扩大治理成本的原始动机;树立人民至上的服务观念,科学决策和制定政策,遏制制度性成本;树立质量观念,不断提高公共产品与服务的供给质量;树立公平与共享理念,充分发挥公共财政调节机制,健全政府成本会计体系,增强人民的获得感和满意度,提高政府治理成本支出的有效性。  相似文献   

Delegated Administrative Authorities (DAAs) are widely employed for delivering public safety and consumer protection regulatory functions at the provincial level in Canada. Although strongly supported by governments, the model has been subject to considerable criticism from legislative committees and officers, non‐governmental organizations, and the media. This paper examines Ontario's DAA experience through the case of the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA). It finds that, like other jurisdictions pursuing similar new public management (NPM) reforms, the Ontario government adopted legislation significantly strengthening its oversight and control, indicating substantial concerns about the structure and performance of the TSSA and by implication Ontario's other DAAs. Even with these changes, significant gaps are identified in the TSSA's governance and accountability structures.  相似文献   

目前,我国正处在社会转型期,政府职能转变是社会转型的必然要求和关键所在。戈德史密斯教授和埃格斯教授所提出的网络化治理理论强调在公共服务供给中更深层次的公私合作及政府更高水平的网络管理能力,对我国的政府职能转变有重大的借鉴意义。结合网络化治理理论,构建网络化政府。从我国基本国情出发,结合“控权-服务论”,促进我国政府职能的转变。  相似文献   

当前,我国区域警务合作开展主要是依靠上级政府强制展开的。这种治理方式对于完成特定的警务任务有着显著的效果,却也存在着非制度化、形式化、短期化和唯上级化等弱点。合作治理是一种以合作博弈为理论基础,寻求以地方政府为主体,建立合理规则为主要合作机制的治理理念,具有更高的社会治理效果。为了进一步提高区域警务合作的治理效果,有必...  相似文献   

Abstract: The argument presented in this article is that the appointment of an ad hoc expert commission to carry out governance is unlikely to depoliticize difficult restructuring issues or to deflect blame from governments dealing with such problems in Westminster-style polities. Unlike in American-style presidential systems and parliamentary systems with proportional representation experiencing frequent minority governments, such commissions can never be truly independent as there are no serious checks on the government's ability to remake the agency, its mandate, its composition, nor even any barriers to the government's premature termination of an ad hoc expert commission's authority. When governments in a Westminster-style polity seek to establish the appearance that such a commission is an independent agency of governance they must work at cross-purposes to the basic rules for insuring accountability by giving such a body a very vague mandate. This will almost certainly lead to disputes between political actors and the commission over its powers and refocus blame on the government. The ministers of a government employing this strategy must also be extraordinarily careful so as not to engage in any activities that would undermine the ad hoc expert commission's already fragile claim to autonomy, otherwise the blame focused on the government will magnify even further. The difficulties involved in employing an ad hoc expert commission as a means to depoliticize decisions and as a blame-avoidance strategy for governments in Westminster-style polities are illustrated in the Ontario government's experience with the Health Services Restructuring Commission (hsrc).  相似文献   

党政分工:新时代机构改革的深层逻辑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新时代机构改革是在推进国家治理现代化的大背景下而出现的一场深刻变革。基于机构改革经验和社会环境变化,新时代机构改革原则已转变为坚持党的全面领导、以人民为中心、优化协同高效和全面依法治国。在此指导下,新时代机构改革深刻揭示了党政分工的内在逻辑,一方面加强党管重大决策、纪检监察、干部人事、意识形态、统一战线职能,另一方面完善政府经济调节、市场监管、社会管理、公共服务、生态环境保护职能。沿着党政分工的基本路径,未来机构改革还应在增强党的领导力、提高政府执行力,统合“大部制”和“双合制”改革,科学配置党政部门内设机构权力和职责,推进国家组织法律和党内组织法规建设等方面下功夫。  相似文献   

As an innovative approach of social governance mechanism under the good governance perspective, purchase of services is currently the necessary requirement of transforming government functions and constructing the new government-society relationship, and it is also the important way of stimulating the vitality of social organization and meeting the public needs. Since China’s purchase of services system is still in its infancy, how to establish a cooperative relations of independent, equality, mutual trust between government and society to promote the achievement of expected effectiveness of purchase of services policy, and it has become currently the core issues of constructing new government-society relationship. This article points out that there exist government being community, the lag of legal system and lack of mutual trust and other multiple characteristics and practical problems in the construction of government-society relationship of purchase of services; and then based on the analysis for its roots and from the perspective of good governance theory, the paper creatively introduces contract spirit and kindness system and seeks the effective ways to construct a new government-society relationship of firmness and flexibility from the structural reform, legal system construction, mutual trust mechanism and other aspects, so that making purchase of services truly become an innovation of social governance mechanism.  相似文献   

Several Canadian and international scholars offer commentaries on the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for governments and public service institutions, and fruitful directions for public administration research and practice. This second suite of commentaries considers the challenges confronting governments as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and in the decades to come with an increasingly broad lens: the need to understand and rethink the architecture of the state given recent and future challenges awaiting governments; the need to rethink government-civil society relations and policies to deliver services for increasingly diverse citizens and communities; the need for new repertoires and sensibilities on the part of governments for recognizing, anticipating, and engaging on governance risks despite imperfect expert knowledge and public skepticism; how the COVID-19 crisis has caused us to reconceive international and sub-national borders where new “borders” are being drawn; and the need to anticipate a steady stream of crises similar to the COVID-19 pandemic arising from climate change and related challenges, and develop new national and international governance strategies for fostering population and community resilience.  相似文献   

新公共服务是关于公共行政在将公共服务、民主治理和公民参与置于中心地位的治理系统中所扮演角色的一系列思想和理论,借助此理论中的公共价值、公共责任、公民参与等理念,解释昆明市家庭服务业立法政策议题从产生形成、反复论证到被暂缓实施这一过程的原因,凸显政府公共服务精神与战略决策能力在发展民生工程、体现民主与公民权、促进公共利益实现中的重要作用。  相似文献   

政务微博已经成为我国政府信息发布和网络问政的重要平台。然而作为新生事物,政务微博在发展过程中也存在着制度不健全、运行不规范、人才较匮乏等问题,需要我们在把握其职责定位、完善制度规范、提升传播效果、打造专业化管理队伍等方面下功夫,促进政务微博健康、有序发展。  相似文献   

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