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技术社会学诞生于现代性语境中,以技术决定论为基本内核,伴随工业社会和理性主义拓展而形成对现代社会变迁的技术解释图景。技术决定论现代性意涵的历史诠释中存在着技术与社会对立的二元逻辑张力,从技术与现代性的相互建构论视角透视,揭示出经验转向以来对技术决定论的社会维度和技术维度批判的不对称性。技术决定论经历了欧洲起源、美国发展、全球影响的时空展现过程,主要是启蒙的社会进步思潮与现代技术的本质主义理解共同形塑的结果。深入反思技术与社会关系问题隐含的解释模式,将成为走出技术决定论困境的必由之路。  相似文献   

A new statute, “Hiding New and Old Fugitive Slaves of Manchus,” was added to the first version of the Qing code in 1647, and this statute surprisingly regulated that any offenders would be excluded from any amnesties. This is especially noteworthy because, according to both Ming and Qing codes, only severe crimes, such as treason and rebellion, were excluded from any amnesties. Previous scholars have not considered why the statute excluded any amnesties, nor have they analyzed how this amnesty policy was implemented in practice. This article contends that the exclusion did not arise from Manchu tradition. Instead, it was an exceptional response to the norms of amnesties in the Ming and Qing codes. Because the fugitive problem, involving slaves of Manchus fleeing from the banner system, endangered Manchus’ interests, the Qing court was compelled to exclude fugitive criminals from amnesties. However, the Qing court did not strictly apply the amnesty policy of this statute. Criminals in fugitive cases were sometimes pardoned because of amnesties during the Dorgon regency period. Dorgon, Shunzhi, Oboi, and Kangxi all initially excluded those harboring fugitives from amnesties, but later changed their amnesty policies in this regard. Even though the crime of harboring fugitives became a permanent symbol of Manchu rule and was recorded in every emperor’s enthronement edict from Kangxi to Xuantong, the Qing court gradually came to accept norms concerning amnesties as practiced in Han society and treated fugitive cases as ordinary court cases during and after the Kangxi emperor’s reign.  相似文献   

Regulatory analyses often assume that compliance is desirable, with literature focusing on strategies to encourage "excellence" in adherence to regulatory goals. Yet, it is not unusual for disparate regulatory goals to exist that are based on competing values of what constitutes the "good society." It is this conflict that forms the substance of this paper. In cases of competing regulatory goals, techniques that encourage exemplary compliance in one area can create incentives to breach regulatory provisions of a competing regime. In such cases, generic regulatory techniques are unable to provide a useful means for resolving regulatory conflict but do allow a political delegation of conflict resolution to the "scientific" strategies of the regulator. In turn, the regulator places responsibility on companies for resolving competing regulatory demands. Successive delegation leads to juridification as well as regulators vying to retain primacy for their regime. This problem is examined through analysis of responsibilities for subcontractor safety under Australian health and safety law and sections of the Australian Trade Practices Act 1974 aimed at protecting competition.  相似文献   

版权:一种历史视野   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将版权这一概念放在历史的视野里进行考察。通过探询英、法、德、中等国历史上的版权概念及其所彰示的理念,比较了特定历史条件下的版权所反映的人们的看法。在此基础上,文章探讨了中国古代没有产生版权法的历史原因。  相似文献   

In Simón, the Argentine Supreme Court held that two amnestylaws, adopted in the late 1980s in order to shield authors ofserious human rights violations committed during the so-called‘Dirty War’ (1976–1983), were unconstitutionaland void. Although the Argentine Congress had already repealedthe two laws in 2003, uncertainty about the validity of thisparliamentary decision had led to some controversy. With itsdecision in Simón, the Supreme Court puts an end to thelegal uncertainty concerning the prosecution of serious humanrights violations committed under the military regime and definitivelyclears the path for judicial actions against their authors.Setting aside deeply rooted national legal principles —such as statutory limitations, the principle of legality andamnesties — the Argentine Supreme Court has confirmedthe role of human rights principles and of public internationallaw in general in dealing with the most heinous crimes againsthumanity.  相似文献   

In this article I place U.S. punishment trends in comparative context, seeking to show that the contemporary penal regime in the United States resembles patterns of governance prevalent throughout Latin America, the world's most economically unequal region. In both the U.S. and Latin America, I argue, neoliberal reforms have produced societies characterized by ever greater divides between the haves and have-nots, and state criminal justice institutions increasingly position themselves to police this boundary rather than mitigate its effects. In this article, I examine these trends through the lens of wars on crime and terrorism, arguing that in societies polarized between a dwindling set of haves and an ever more numerous (and potentially unruly) group of have-nots, an inexorable pull makes criminal justice institutions more aggressive in their enforcement of class and racial boundaries. Hallmarks include a widening of the criminal justice net (by broadening definitions of criminal activity, for example) and a deepening of the deprivations visited on those ensnared within it. The article concludes with reflections on the need for reconfiguring conceptions of human rights and their relation to security.  相似文献   

This paper examines the history of the debate between advocates of the regulation and the deregulation of family life through a case study of English social policy for children in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It introduces the generational order as an issue worthy of consideration alongside that of the gender order. It considers the nature of the relationship between private and public spheres of social action and questions the adequacy of rigid formulations of this distinction. Successive attempts to develop technologies of intervention are discussed and the limitations imposed by liberal political theory are identified. It is argued, nevertheless, that the generational order is of such importance that some form of social regulation is inescapable.  相似文献   

全球化:当代中国法治化的历史新境界   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全球化的发展必将对中国法治化进程产生全面、深刻、持久的影响。本文结合这一全球化趋势,深入研究分析了全球化的科学涵义以及全球化背景下中国法治化面临的种种挑战。在此基础上,进一步探讨了在这一全球化背景下中国法治化进程中需注重解决的几个问题。  相似文献   

在新时期小说中,童年母题得到了丰富而深刻的艺术表现.从叙事特征看,这类以童年为书写对象的童年小说常常包含着"过去-现在"两种时态、"成人-儿童"两种视角;从情感基调来看,温情是这些童年小说的美学特征和情感标识.同时,在童年经验与记忆的诗性回眸中也内含着作家追踪与反思自我人格生成,以及在自我主体性形成中开掘童年所蕴含的人类童年心理及时代因素的文化自觉.  相似文献   

算法治理是算法时代的核心议题。然而,当下算法治理的实效不彰,算法治理的理论亦分歧重重。鉴古而知今,20世纪60年代以降的算法治理史不但展现了丰富的制度实践,也为我国算法治理体系的建构提供了深邃洞见。聚焦于关键场景算法透明公平的“法律”、趋于共识的算法伦理“规范”和迈向算法可解释的“代码”,贯穿了长达半个世纪的算法治理进程。政府(法律)、社会(规范)、市场(代码)的耦合,以及工具性/自主性算法和高/低风险算法的类型化,共同塑造了理一分殊的“模块化”算法治理体系,为分类分级的算法治理奠定了稳固的理论之基。  相似文献   

从一定角度看,知识产权法上的公共利益可以诠释为与知识产权人利益相对应的、不特定的、众多的、潜在的各种知识产品使用者(公众)对受知识产权保护的知识产品加以获取与使用的利益.在国际层面上,这一利益与发展中国家的利益存在交叉.以促进公共利益为目的和原则是各国知识产权法乃至早期国际知识产权公约的历史传统.以 《TRIPS协定》为核心的当代国际知识产权制度,对知识产权实体权利进行猛烈扩张,并纳入国际贸易制度予以保护,严重偏离公共利益原则,与发展中国家健康权、食物权等基本人权困境存在正相关关系,警示现行知识产权制度需要进行一定的修正.未来知识产权制度的改革需要重拾公共利益传统,可以在 《TRIPS协定》框架下,对现行国际知识产权制度进行“一收一扩”: “一收”即将知识私权的权利边界进行适当收缩和限制,扩大和加强公共领域保护; “一扩”即把传统资源剥离出公共领域,纳入知识私权范畴.  相似文献   

The Japanese government has embarked on a series of reforms aimed at stimulating technology transfer from universities to industry. As a result, technology licensing offices are springing up at many national universities. Advocates hope that these reforms will increase the level of university patenting and licensing, which historically has not been a common mode of technology transfer in Japan. Their model is the technology licensing process in the United States, which acquired its present form after passage of the Bayh-Dole Technology Transfer Act of 1980. Such changes face serious historical and institutional barriers. Academic researchers, especially in engineering and physical science, have a long record of collaborative research with industry. Decisions about patenting, however, were usually left to the corporate partner; universities rarely filed for patents under their own name, nor have they, until recently, encouraged or assisted faculty researchers in doing so. Consequently, we believe that current reforms, by going against the grain of past practices, will take time to achieve the hoped for results.  相似文献   

主体是马克思主义唯物史观的核心议题之一。历史唯物主义认为,主体是处于一定社会历史联系中的、有目的有意识的、能动地进行对象性活动的现实的人。历史唯物主义中的主体是实践主体、解放主体、社会主体的统一,是实践与价值、个体与群体的辩证统一,它实现了主体哲学的深刻变革,对于中国特色社会主义实践具有十分重要的理论价值。按照唯物史观主体理论,马克思主义中国化可以理解为中华民族主体性的觉醒;中国特色表征着社会主义生动的现实实践;人民群众是社会主义现代化建设唯物史观意义上的实践主体。  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,习近平总书记多次强调弘扬中华优秀传统文化,加强道德建设的重要意义。中华传统道德与美德无疑是其重要组成部分:回顾我国的悠久历史与灿烂文化,两宋时期文化高度繁荣,儒家思想也发展到新的高峰,并形成了影响深远的程朱理学等众多流派。其核心的道德规范和价值体系有:士人们秉承儒家民胞物与、忧国忧民的情怀,心系国计民生,具有鲜明的入世精神:他们注重内心涵养,敛情约性,崇尚不慕荣利的人生态度;倡导力学苦读,追求诚明直谅、文章德行双馨的人生目标;孜孜以求儒学的风范、不断提升个人道德修养,等等,这些都是中华民族传统文化的精华,也给我们当代文化和社会主义道德建设,提供了重要的实践价值与借鉴依据。  相似文献   

In Peru the power system put in place by the former PresidentAlberto Fujimori created a network of illegality in which manycrimes were committed (e.g. various forms of human rights violations,including torture, murders, arms and drug trafficking and corruption).These offences were brought to light simultaneously by distinctbut intertwined investigations. In order to prosecute and punishthese crimes a special Anti-corruption System was established,which consisted of both special investigative authorities aswell as specialized anti-corruption courts. In addition, a specialsystem of Benefits for Effective Collaboration with the Prosecutionhas been put in place covering organized crime, as well as customand terrorist offences. In this respect, negotiated justiceconstitutes a very important instrument in the hands of thestate to fight organized crime. However, the prioritizationof the principles of expeditiousness and effectiveness, togetherwith very broad powers conferred on the prosecutors, impliesthe risk of undermining other equally important principles,such as the legality of evidence (legalidad de la prueba), respectfor the rights of the defence and the principle of equalitybefore the law. Finally, the author emphasizes the role thatcould be played by public international law to facilitate internationalcooperation for securing evidence and the arrest of accusedpersons, as well as to enable Peruvian authorities to identifyand seize the proceeds of crimes.  相似文献   

魏晋以降,寒门学子很难通过教育奋斗实现社会上升。北宋时出现显著的寒门出贵子现象。该现象虽缘起于政治及教育改革打破了中古权贵社会结构,为寒门学子依靠教育奋斗获得社会上升提供了史无前例公平的制度途径,但也离不开寒门学子自身争气与努力,其杰出代表更是以心系天下的行动重塑了此前自私贵子形象,北宋寒门出贵子因此具有非凡意义。考察魏晋至北宋时寒门学子的教育奋斗与社会上升,不仅有利于教育社会学开拓历史社会学进路的教育公平研究,还能为探讨当前寒门难出贵子问题提供有益的历史参照。  相似文献   

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