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曹禺的剧作《原野》通过一个复仇的命运悲剧故事,深刻地展示出作家对"人生困境"的困惑以及对神秘宇宙的哲学思考.为了戏剧化地传达这种认识,《原野》借鉴了西方表现主义的艺术手段,并结合本民族的欣赏习惯,成功地对戏剧文本的叙述方式进行了新的探索.  相似文献   

ZHANG Wanhong  HU Genfu 《人权》2021,20(5):789-804
Since the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action in 1993 recommended that countries formulate national human rights action plans, many countries have carrie...  相似文献   

There are too many tea varieties, factories, and styles of packaging and too few registered trademarks and known domestic and international brands. No brand name means no market, let alone reputation or consumer loyalty. Beneath the superficially prosperous Chinese tea industry there lurks a nagging insecurity over its dearth of brand names.  相似文献   

台湾当局为了争取海外华侨华人的支持 ,历来重视吸引和辅助海外侨生赴台升学 ,并取得一定的历史成效。 80年代以来 ,受多种因素的影响 ,台湾岛内侨生教育逐渐陷入困境。在新的时代背景下 ,我们应加强海峡两岸华文教育的合作互补 ,大力推动海外华侨华人学生来祖国大陆就学。  相似文献   

The Athens Olympic Games marked a watershed in Chinese sporting history. China's remarkable achievements, second only to those of America, placed indelibly it on the list of powerful sporting nations. More important, China's most celebrated athlete, 110-meter hurdle gold medallist Liu Xiang, banished forever the myth that Asian athletes do not measure up to those of Europe or the USA.  相似文献   

Tower C of Office Park, a dazzling new property in Beijing’s Central Business District (CBD), has been widely praised in the market for its great amenities after it was unveiled to the public in a press conference held in March 2010.  相似文献   

正China continues reform and opening up to meet the challenges of a changing world The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC)declared in October 2017 that socialism with Chinese characteristics had entered a new era,charting a new historical direction for China's development.In this new era,the Chinese nation is  相似文献   

自从人类有了自我意识以来,人类就从来没有停止过对自身存在意义的上下求索,以建构自我安顿之所实现超越的追求。随着现代工业文明发展带来的一系列问题,尤其是造成人的全方位异化和生存困境,由古希腊理性精神衍生而来的西方传统理性精神陷入了危机。而从批判传统理性精神片面发展基础上出发的非理性精神也走入了另一个极端,两者都没有给人们指明正确的人生之维。唯有一种超越两者的追求境界——实践合理性的出现,在认真剖析人类自我认识的复杂性基础上,帮助人们走出自我认识的困境,不断实现理性与非理性、工具理性与价值理性、历史理性、科学精神与人本精神的辩证统一。  相似文献   

Wang Fenggang comes from a poor farming family in Shanxi Province. Over the decades he has painstakingly perfected his writing, calligraphy and root carving skills. Today he is a member of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting  相似文献   

正G20 members team up to mold a favorable environment for trade and investment As the world shifts from the shadow of the global financial crisis, G20 economies are now reaching toward the goal of creating long-term governance mechanisms.While fiscal and financial policies topped the agenda in  相似文献   

ARTISTIC buildings, flourishing trees, a beautiful lake -- everything you see in Tianjin University of Finance and Economics (TUFE) is bright and pleasant. Students and academics live harmoniously with the stunning natural surroundings.  相似文献   

HAN ZHEN 《人权》2008,7(6):26-31
This article tries to probe the dispute or polemic that runs through the entire history of humanity, i.e., which is the primary factor, individual liberty or social interest? Observation of the generative causes of the major viewpoints of Liberalism and Communitarianism leads to this conclusion: in addition to the root cause of the interests of the social strata, there rather exists a difference in epistemology.  相似文献   

INSIDE the heavily guarded SSGAC (State Sports General Administration of China) gymnasium the China National Women's Gymnastic Team members train rigorously in preparation for the 2004 Olympics. Gao Jian, director of SSGAC Gymnastic Management Center, expects the Chinese women's team to win gold medals for the uneven bars and balance beam, and third place overall. He states, "Our goal at the 2008 Beijing Olympics is the women's team championship."  相似文献   

台湾的非营利组织与公民社会建构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王茹 《台湾研究集刊》2004,(4):26-32,107
非营利组织是公民社会的基础,其参与治理公共事物已成为全球潮流。台湾的社会力从威权时期长期被严厉压制下的状态下奔流而出,成为政治转型的重要推力。随着政治与社会的发展,社会运动型的社团向着比较常态的、正式的非营利组织回归。台湾的非营利组织也获得很大发展,并已参与治理台湾的公共事物,“社区总体营造”和“9.21大地震”的救灾及灾后重建,在一定程度上代表了官方主导和民间自发两种不同的方式与路径。  相似文献   

盖光 《思想战线》2005,31(4):84-89
自然生态艺术审美从生成论的视域中将文艺审美活动视为人的一种自由精神的生命体验形式,它超越人的现实存在,在最有效、最合理的层面上凸显人与自然的生态关联与生命共通感.自然生态艺术审美特征表现为"天地自然"与"人心营构"之"象"的生态生成性;"有我之境"与"无我之境"的"境界"生态本体性;"不著一字"与"浅深聚散"的"无工"生态契合性;"芙蓉出水"与"外枯中膏"的"心意"生态流转性;"观山观水"与"悦心乐知"的"主客"生态互证性.  相似文献   

著作权犯罪是否应该“以营利为目的”,学界有“取消说”和“保留说”,我国侵犯著作权犯罪的哲学依据是“激励理论”和“社会规划理论”,这就决定了我国的著作权犯罪必须具备“以营利为目的”。  相似文献   

对自由的追求是人类思想史上一个永不陨落的主题,但是,在不同的时代,探讨自由的思想路径是不同的。从思想的社会基础看,在农业社会中,无论作为个人,还是作为整体的人类对自我命运都无法主宰,人的命运是由某种必然性预先决定了的。进入工业社会,在自由与民主的旗帜指导下,人类把自己从必然世界中解放了出来,驶入了追求自由世界的轨道。但是,由于自由与民主本身存在着无法克服的内在矛盾,以自由和民主为坐标所勾画出来的自由世界蓝图还是无法真正付诸实践,在自由与民主的激烈冲突中,人类反而离自由世界越来越远了。在走向后工业社会的进程中,对自由世界的追求需要超越自由与民主互为前提的理论模式。  相似文献   

让追求美德成为时尚   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
现代社会是时尚社会,各种时尚潮流一波未平一波又起,让人目不暇接。在这些时尚潮流中,总能见到青少年的身影。时尚左右着青少年,青少年引领着时尚。我们希望在青少年中兴起一种新的潮流,这就是追求美德。2006年3月4日,胡锦涛总书记在看望出席全国政协十届四次会议的委员时指出,要引导广大干部群众特别是青少年树立社会主义荣辱观,并精辟地用“八荣八耻”概括和阐明了社会主义荣辱观的丰富内容和深刻内涵。“八荣八耻”既指出了加强社会主义思想道德建设和引导青少年健康成长的方向,又提出了明确的要求和目标,是促进社会主义思想道德建设和青…  相似文献   

KUANG Han came to Beijing in 1989, and immediately fell in love with its hutong. He spent his spare time wandering about and sketching Beijing's boulevards and alley- ways until he had amassed a 3,000-pic- ture portfolio. It helped him to draw accurately the gates and houses of old Beijing, as well as the street life that was and still is the cultural heart of this 3,000-year-old city. Kuang's works portray ordinary life and its everyday kindnesses and are imbued with a strong sense of his-…  相似文献   

笔迹检验中常常涉及签名.为防止他人模仿自己的签名,有些人专门给自己设计美观的艺术化的签名,在不同的场合使用.笔迹检验的同一认定首先需要对艺术签名进行辫识.研究发现,艺术签名的设计方法是有规律可循的,我们可以运用不同的方法辫识艺术签名.  相似文献   

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