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杨天潼 《证据科学》2012,20(1):46-59
法医学是应用病理学、生物学、生物化学和其他医学科学理论和技能解决法律问题,为侦查和审判提供证据的科学。法医学学科属性是医学,其目的是解决法律问题,因而法医学同时具有自然科学和人文科学属性。现今,我们对于法医学的研究往往局限在自然科学领域,而对其人文学科属性却有所忽视。当代西方法医学起源自中世纪的欧洲大陆,当时罗马法和教会法占统治地位,它们没有设立陪审团制度,而且允许对嫌疑人进行刑讯逼供,而英美法系的司法审判程序设立了陪审团制度。在这两种司法体制下,法医医学证言、证词逐步形成了两种形式:英美法系控诉式诉讼体制下的言辞证据形式和罗马法诉讼中纠问体制下的书证形式。本文将对中世纪欧洲的法医学进行溯源研究,从欧洲法医学的起源和发展角度,完善法医学史研究内容,为世界法医学史比较研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This presentation of information regarding the application of the forensic sciences and medicine to the evaluation of living persons and its related problems is based on the case experience of a private practitioner of forensic medicine and pathology. Lawyers, law-enforcement personnel, and fellow physicians must be educated regarding the potential role of the forensic physician in the examination of living people. Many examples of the application of forensic expertise to the solution of crimes and civil problems involving living persons are included.  相似文献   

The major issue in questioning the performance of general pathologists doing medicolegal or forensic autopsies is that they are very often without a firm basis for performing this task. With minimal training in medical school and minimal exposure during their residency, practicing general pathologists, although expected or even forced to do these cases, may face criticism after their performance in a case. The necessity for teaching forensic medicine and pathology in medical schools is obvious, and the necessity of there being more forensic pathology exposure in residency training programs in the United States and overseas is also obvious. Medical educators are responsible for all phases of medicine being taught to medical undergraduates and graduates and must be pressured to support the practice of all kinds of medicine in American communities, including legal or forensic medicine, in those cases in which questions arise that lead to the performance of postmortem examination.  相似文献   

法医临床学是法医学的重要分支学科,正处于蓬勃发展阶段。研究法医临床学的发展史,对明确其定义和实践范畴,维护司法公正,具有重要意义。本文将从“简介、历史溯源、18世纪之后的法医临床学发展、现代法医临床学、世界法医临床学司法实践现状和结语”六个部分介绍法医临床学在国外,尤其是英国的发展历史,促进我国法医临床学的学科建设和发展。  相似文献   

在林几的学术生涯中,中国法医学史是其研究的重要领域,并取得一系列研究成果,进而形成的法医学史观,构成了林几法医学术思想的重要组成部分。林几的中国法医学史观主要包括:以比较法医学的视野研究中国法医学发展史;运用实验法医学的方法鉴别中国古代法医学的精华和糟粕;古代法医学的现代转型具有必要性和迫切性;实现法医学的现代转型,应注意科学总结中外法医学发展史的经验教训。这些法医学史观对于全面理解中国古代法医学兴衰之路,以及推动民国时期中国法医学的现代转型具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

In the last years the research output of forensic medicine has sometimes been regarded as insufficient and as of poor quality, especially when parameters as impact factors and external funding were taken into account. However, forensic medicine has different tasks compared to clinical medicine. The main difference between basic subjects, clinical and forensic medicine is not a lack of scientific efficiency in forensic medicine but is a result of the questions asked, the available methods and specific aims. In contrast to natural-scientific research, forensic science has furthermore important intersections with arts and socio-scientific disciplines. Etiologic and pathogenetic research is of only limited relevance in forensic medicine. Thus, forensic medicine is excluded from these research fields, which are mainly supported by external funding. In forensic medicine research mainly means applied research regarding findings, the probative value and reconstruction as well as examination at different points of intersection between medicine and law. Clinical types of research such as controlled randomised, prospective cross-sectional, cohort or case-control studies can only rarely be applied in forensic medicine due to the area specific research fields (e.g. thantatology, violent death, vitality, traffic medicine, analytical toxicology, hemogenetics and stain analysis). The types of studies which are successfully established in forensic medicine are comparison of methods, sensitivity studies, validation of methods, kinetic examinations etc. Tasks of research in forensic medicine and study types, which may be applied will be addressed.  相似文献   

杨天潼 《证据科学》2013,(6):740-759
本文以中国知网为网络搜索平台,综述了2012年法医临床学研究领域的最新进展,主要包括伤残鉴定、损伤程度鉴定和医疗纠纷鉴定等。上述内容代表了法医临床学研究领域的最高研究水平。  相似文献   

The main facets of professor N.I. Pirogov's professional activity are outlined. Forensic medicine (in the first place its organizational and practical aspects) was an integral component of his scientific and clinical work, along with applied anatomy and surgery. Landmark publications of N.I. Pirogov are listed with special reference to those concerned with forensic medical expertise of medical malpractice cases, postmortem inspection and intravital examination procedures, wound ballistics studies, the atlas of forensic pathology, etc. The surgeon and anatomist N.I. Pirogov can be justly regarded as a founder of forensic medicine in this country.  相似文献   

本文从三个方面进行论述,即法医学鉴定意见的案情趋向性;法医学鉴定中的案情资料价值;法医学鉴定的科学局限性。从而说明法医学鉴定在很多情况下依赖案情,对法医学鉴定意见进行审查判断十分必要。  相似文献   

American forensic medicine is forever indebted to pioneers like George Magrath of Boston, Milton Helpern of New York, LeMoyne Snyder of Michigan, and others, but the organizing of forensic medicine in the formal sense is due to the efforts of Charles Norris (Figure 1) and his successor Thomas A. Gonzales (Figure 2). These men were instrumental in developing the subspecialty as an extension of clinical medicine in which information derived from study of the dead was applied to benefit the living. Their combined efforts between 1918 and 1954 represent the epitome of the application of scientific expertise to medicolegal investigation of deaths in America. Their collaboration from 1918 to 1935 was particularly fruitful. The support of Dr. Alexander Gettler and, in 1938, the addition of Dr. Wiener to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner made this period a golden era for forensic medicine.  相似文献   

法医学研究伦理审查既是法医学研究管理工作的内容,也是法医学研究的对象,本文针对法医学研究中的伦理审查问题,论述开展伦理审查的必要性,并对法医学研究伦理审查委员会建设指导原则进行探讨,呼吁开展伦理审查建设。  相似文献   

法医学是当前司法鉴定中的重要组成部分,其研究内容广泛,具有高度的专业性。随着网络技术的发展、信息资源的增加以及人们法律意识的增强,法医学必然会面临许多新问题,对诉讼证据的要求标准也越来越高。鉴于此,在法医学领域应建立起循证的理念,通过循证的方式在法医学以及相关领域内寻求最合适的解决法医学实务中具体问题的证据,循证不但能够及时解决法医学领域的现行问题,其对于法医学的进步与发展也将具有重大的推动作用。本文综述了循证的基本理论及其在法医学领域的作用,以及循证的途径、方法、证据的评价,并探讨网络环境下法医学循证的应用价值。  相似文献   

German Forensic Medicine established the tasks and aims of forensic medicine during the period of the "Weimar Republic" (1919-1933). Since 1925, forensic medicine is part of the medical examination regulation. In times of the 3rd Reich (1933-1945), most of forensic pathologists were influenced by and involved in National Socialism. The special subject of forensic medicine was endangered by the absence of political neutral forensic pathologists.  相似文献   

计算机辅助法医教学系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐小虎 《法医学杂志》1997,13(2):112-113
本研究综合应用多媒体计算机技术,结合法医学实际,研制出法医学尸体解剖教学的计算机软件.结果表明符合形象教学的要求.具有较强的交互能力,能按学习不同层次选择有关步骤和内容.  相似文献   

从证据学角度探讨法医学及其分支学科的重新定义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从证据学角度,对法医学及其分支学科进行了重新定义和划分。同时,为了从人文科学和自然科学两个方面理顺法医学的学科定位,尝试澄清了"证据科学"与"法(庭)科学"、"应用医学"与"特种医学"等相关上下位学科和平行学科的概念。  相似文献   

Forensic cases may be of historical interest because of their rarity, unique characteristics and conclusions, and potential for educating forensic scientists. The case of John Donald Merrett, who committed multiple murders for profit in Great Britain in 1926 and in 1954, is a notable example of a case in which both police and forensic scientists made serious errors, these errors leading to Merrett's acquittal when he was tried in 1927 for the shooting death of his mother. Imprisoned for forgery, Merrett was released only to resume a life of crime culminating in 1954 in the brutal murders of his wife and mother-in-law. Pursued by the police, he committed suicide. The Merrett case was of great benefit to forensic medicine in emphasizing the necessity for close teamwork among police and forensic scientists and in furthering the development of forensic ballistics.  相似文献   

法医学鉴定的对象是人及与人相关材料,因此在法医学检案实践中需要考虑伦理问题。基于法医学鉴定中的公平正义、尊重、真相告知三大基本原则,进一步衍生出法医学检案实践活动的具体伦理要求,即法医学鉴定的称职性、对鉴定涉及案件及其当事人伦理考虑、如何处理案件检材。然而当前法医学鉴定却存在部分法医鉴定人不称职、重技术轻程序、鉴定机构选择出现争议、利益输送与利益冲突等问题。笔者针对以上问题提出相应对策,并重点讨论三大矛盾,保证法医学鉴定称职性。  相似文献   

目前,法医学教材、行业标准和鉴定书上存在不规范名词使用问题。为解决这一问题,探究发生原因,提出处理原则,建议成立法医学规范名词审定委员会,规范使用专有名词,及时纠正期刊中、标准中、鉴定意见中、学术活动中出现的不规范法医学名词,促进我国法医学发展和学术交流。  相似文献   

循证医学与循证法医学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
循证医学已经在医学领域迅猛发展起来,本文在简介了循证医学之后提出了循证法医学的概念,指出循证法医学应该得到重视和发展。  相似文献   

陈垣,我国当代著名国学大师,史学家,教育家,在宗教史、元史、考据学、校勘学等方面成绩卓著。他早年学医及执教期间发表不少医药卫生及医学史的研究论文,被誉为中国医学史研究的奠基人之一。在法医学方面,他于1908-1909年在《医学卫生报》发表《洗冤录略史》《吉省新设检验吏》《奏设检验吏已咨行到粤》《美医剖验交涉命案》等文章,呼吁建立现代法医学检验制度,其中《洗冤录略史》是对我国法医学史研究有一定影响力的早期著作,因此,陈垣应被视为我国法医学史研究的早期学者之一。  相似文献   

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