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The New York-born journalist and travel writer Francis Nichols (1879-1904) is best known for his travels through early 20th-century China. However, his attempt in 1903-4 to travel through Tibet to Lhasa ahead of the Younghusband Mission, and thus to become the first westerner to reach the city, has been forgotten, partly on account of his death in the field and the loss of his diary. From new research in recently-catalogued documents and letters in the archives of the American Geographical Society (AGS), the author has compiled an account of Nichols’ mission to Lhasa, including the support he received from US backers, including the AGS, his travels in China, Tibet and India, and his relations with Younghusband and the British. Although Nichols was unable to reach Lhasa, the author observes that he should be credited as the first American to travel from India into the Chumbi valley in southern Tibet and across the Tibetan plateau from Phari to the town of Gyantse, 120 miles south-west of Lhasa.  相似文献   

Nicholas Howe 《耶鲁评论》2004,92(3):143-159
The Poetry of Petrarch, translated by David Young
Petrarch's Guide to the Holy Land: Itinerary to the Sepulcher of Our Lord Jesus Christ, with an introductory essay, translation, and notes by Theodore J. Cachey, Jr
My Secret Book, by Francis Petrarch, translated by J. G. Nichols, foreword by Germaine Greer  相似文献   

From 9 to 14 November 2001, Qatar hosted the Fourth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and a new trade round, the successor to the Uruguay round, was successfully launched in Doha. This was by no means a foregone conclusion and was a major feat. The outcome of the Doha Ministerial Conference was in doubt until the very end. Failure at Doha to resolve the issues left over from the inconclusive Seattle Ministerial Conference of 1999 would have seriously weakened the WTO and threatened the future of the multilateral trading system. In this article, WTO Director-General Mike Moore, describes the steps taken in a more transparent and inclusive preparatory process for the Doha meeting and the key achievements of the new round--the Doha Development Agenda. He concludes that as a ''member-driven'' organization, all WTO members share joint responsibility for a successful and inclusive multilateral trading system and describes the current preparations being made for the conclusion of the new round by the three-year time-frame, as agreed by ministers.  相似文献   

Labour governments around the world are struggling to renew labour and social democratic values in the modern era. The South Australian Labor government, led by Mike Rann (2002–11), presents a striking case of a labour government that pursued a renewal of social democracy. By offering a critical examination of the ideological contours of the Rann Government, this paper contributes to wider debates about the flux of social democracy. In Australia, debates about Labor's identity tend to focus on the federal rather than state level, which this article seeks, in part, to redress. The Rann government's economic and social inclusion policies are examined and compared with its South Australian historical forebears, and the Rann government is located within the various labour “traditions”.  相似文献   

Books reviewed:
Sampson Vera Tudela, Colonial Angels: Narratives of Gender and Sprituality in Mexico
Archer, Wars of Independence in Spanish America
Bergad, Slavery and the Demographic and Economic History of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 1720–1888
McFarlane and Posado-Carbó, Independence and Revolution in Spanish America: Perspectives and Problems
Earle, Spain and the Independence of Colombia, 1800–1825
Zimmermann, Judicial Institutions in Nineteenth-Century Latin America
Nugent, Modernity at the Edge of Empire: State, Individual, and Nation in the Northern Peruvian Andes
Chowning, Wealth and Power in Provincial Mexico: Michoacán from the Late Colony ti the Revolution
Benjamin, La Revolució: Mexico's Great Revolution as Memory, Myth, and History
Spenser, The Impossible Triangle: Mexico, Soviet Russia, and the United States in the 1920s
Buve and Weisebron, Procesos de Integración en América Latina: Perspectivas y Experiencias Latinoamericanas y Europeas
Edelman, Peasants Against Globalisation: Rural Social Movements in Costa Rica
Pelupessy and Ruben, Agrarian Policies in Central America
Harvey, The Chiapas Rebellion: The Struggle for Land and Democracy
Hite, When the Romance Ended: Leaders of the Chilean Left
Aguirre and Buffington, Reconstructing Criminality in Latin America
Craske, Women and Politics in Latin America
Beverley, Subalternity and Representation: Arguments in Cultural Theory
Breiner, An Introduction to West Indian Poetry
Goslinga, Caribbean Literature: A Bibliography
San Román, Onetti and Others: Comparative Essays on a Major Figure in Latin American Literature  相似文献   


Ever since Richard Nixon announced that the United States would adopt a “low profile” defense posture in Asia, American foreign affairs analysts have sought to construct an accurate model of the new policy. Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield, who analyzed the Nixon Doctrine in a 1969 report to the Congress, concluded that henceforth “The United States will avoid the creation of situations in which there is such dependence on us that, inevitably, we become enmeshed in what are essentially Asian problems and conflicts.” Lest this conclusion alarm any of our more insecure clients in the area, Vice President Agnew toured Asia in early 1970 to announce that the President had never intended such a sweeping reversal of policy: “Let me make it very clear,” he told newsmen in Canberra, “that despite a great deal of speculation and rumor, we are not withdrawing from Asia and the Pacific…. As a Pacific power, we will remain in the Pacific.” Nixon himself seems to have encouraged this dichotomy: thus the invasion of Cambodia in 1970 and the massive air attacks on Hanoi in 1972 suggested that he was committed to the interventionist stance represented by Agnew; while the cease-fire in Vietnam and the initiation of diplomatic contacts with China suggest that he leans toward the more restrained position of Mansfield.  相似文献   

Book Notes     
THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF IMPERIALISM: Its Theoretical and Polemical Treatment from Mercantilist to Multilateral Imperialism. By Dan Nabudere PROTEST AND PARTICIPATION: The New Working Class in Italy. By John R. Low-Beer THE POLITICS OF ECONOMIC DECLINE: Economic Management and Political Behaviour in Britain since 1964. By James E. Alt CRISIS AND LEGITIMACY: The Administrative Process and American Government. By James O. Freedman ILLUSIONS OF CONFLICT: Anglo-American Diplomacy toward Latin America, 1865–1896. By Joseph Smith THE FINAL SOLUTION AND THE GERMAN FOREIGN OFFICE: A Study of Referat D III of Abteilung Deutschland 1940–43. By Christopher R. Browning ALBANY TO ZEEHAN: A New Look at Local Governments. By Ruth Atkins THE CAMBRIDGE APOSTLES: The Early Years. By Peter Allen A CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY OF AUSTRALIA. By W.G. McMinn ‘IT'S COMING YET…’: An Aboriginal Treaty within Australia between Australians. By Stewart Harris GOVERNMENT POLITICS AND POWER IN AUSTRALIA. Edited by John Summers, Dennis Woodward and Andrew Parkin STRUCTURAL ADAPTATION IN AN AILING ECONOMY: Report to the Study Group on Structural Adjustment (Crawford Committee). By Peter B. Dixon and Alan A. Powell NATIVES AND STRANGERS: Ethnic Groups and the Building of America. By Leonard Dinnerstein, Roger L. Nichols and David M. Reimers THE OFFICE OF GOVERNOR-GENERAL. By Paul Hasluck THE QUALITY OF POLICE EDUCATION: A Critical Review with Recommendations for Improving Programs in Higher Education. A Report prepared with the Support of the Police Foundation. By Lawrence W. Sherman and the National Advisory Commission on Higher Education for Police Officers THE WEALTH REPORT. Edited by Frank Field THE MACMILLAN DICTIONARY OF AUSTRALIAN POLITICS. Edited by Dean Jaensch and Max Teichmann OIL AND AUSTRALIA'S FUTURE: Economic, Social and Political Aspects. Edited by Theo van Dugteren OIL AND WORLD POWER. By P.R. Odell. Fifth edition MATTHEW ARNOLD: Culture, Society and Education. By Imelda Palmer CAPTAIN JAMES COOK IMAGE AND IMPACT: South Seas Discoveries and the World of Letters. Volume II - The Pacific Syndrome: Conditions and Consequences. Edited by Walter Veit  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: GLAD, CONFIDENT MORNING, 1860–1900: The Oxford History of Australia, Volume 3 By Beverlcy Kingston. A DIFFICULT INFANT: Sydney before Macquarie Edited by Graeme Aplin. CAMDEN: Farm and Village Life in Early New South Wales By Alan Atkinson. THAT LAND OF EXILES: Scots in Australia By Eric Richards THE RUSSIANS AND AUSTRALIA. Volume 1 of Russia and the South pacific 1696–1840 By Glynn Barratt. ACTS OF PARLIAMENT: A narrative history of the Senate and House of Representatives By Gavin Souter. PARLIAMENT AND THE PRESS: The Federal Parliamentary Press Gallery By C. J. Lloyd. THE POPULATION OF AUSTRALIA By R. V. Jackson. NEW ZEALAND PREPARES FOR WAR: Defence Policy 119–1939. By W. David McIntyre. THE ENGLIS REFORMATION REVISED Edited by Christopher Haigh. ROBERT HARLEY: Speaker, Secretary of State, and Premier Minister By Brian W. Hill. LONDON NEWSPAPERS IN THE AGE OF WALPOLE: A Study of the Origins of the Modern English Press By Michael Harris. PRESS AND POLITICS IN PREREVOLUTIONARY FRANCE Edited by Jack R. Censer and Jeremy D. Popkin. BRITAIN AND THE FIRST WORLD WAR Edited by John Turner. THE LIFE AND OPINIONS OF MAXIMILIEN ROBERSPIERRE By Norman Hampson. NICHTANGRIFFSPAKTE: ENTWICKLUNG UND OPERATIVE NUTZUNG IN EUROPA 1922–1939 By Rolf Ahmann. FASCISM AND RESISTANCE IN PORTUGAL: Communists, Liberals and military Dissidents in the Opposition to Salazar, 1941–1974 By D. L. Raby. BORDER CROSSINGS: Studies in International History By Christpher Thorne. WIND OVER SAND: The Diplomacy of Franklin Roosevelt By Frederick W. Marks III. THE EAGLE AND THE LION: The Tragedy of American-Iranian Relations By James A. Bill. BEGIN: An Anatomy of Leadership By Sasson Sofer. BLAMING THE VICTIMS: Spurious Scholarship and the Palestinian Question Edited by Edward Said & Christopher Hitchens. BEYOND THE BARRICADES: Popular resistance in South Africa in the 1980s Edited by Iris Hill & Alex Harris. FASCISM: A Reader's Guide Edited by Walter Loquer. THE SEXUAL CONTRACT Edited By Carole Pateman. MEECH LAKE AND CANADA: Perspectives from the West by Roger Gibbins POLICIES FOR PROSPERITY: Essays in a Keynesian Mode By James Tobin. CAPITALISM AND UNFREE LABOUR: Anomaly or Necessity? By Robert Miles. FOUNDATIONS OF RADICAL POLITICAL ECONOMY Howard J. Sherman RIVALRY IN BUSINESS, SCIENCE, AMONG NATIONS. By Reuven Brenner. ARTICULATED AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT: Traditional and Capitalist Agriculture in Papuna New Guinea By Mike Donaldson and Kenneth Good. THE PRIVATE PROVISION OF PUBLIC WELFARE: State, Market and Community By Elim Papadak-is and Peter Taylor-Gooby Brighton THE JESUIT MIND. By A. Lynn Martin. CIVIL SOCIETY AND THE STATE Edited by John Keane. PATTERNS OF MORAL COMPLEXITY By Charles E. Larmore. FIRST PRINCIPLES PREPARATORY TO CONSTITUTIONAL CODE By Jeremy Bentham. BENTHAM By John Dinwiddy A FAREWELL TO MARX: An Outline and Appraisal of his Theories By David Conway. ALTHUSSER. The Detour of Theory By Gregory Elliot.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: MALCOLM FRASER AND AUSTRALIAN FOREIGN POLICY. By Alan Renouf LOYALTY AND DISLOYALTY. SOCIAL CONFLICT ON THE QUEENSLAND HOMEFRONT, 1914–18. By Raymond Evans RIGHTS OF PASSAGE. EMIGRATION TO AUSTRALIA IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. By Helen R. Woolcock THE AUSTRALIAN PEACE MOVEMENT: A SHORT HISTORY. By Malcolm Saunders and Ralph Summy STEPHEN HENRY ROBERTS—A SHORT BIOGRAPHY. By D.R.V. Wood A HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN LITERATURK. By Ken Goodwin THE STATE AS DEVELOPER. Public Enterprise in South Australia. Edited by Kyoko Sheridan. Adelaide SOME SCOTS WERE HERE—A History of the Presbyterian Church in South Australia. By R.J. Scrimgeour THE OUTCASTS OF MELBOURNE: ESSAYS IN SOCIAL HISTORY. Edited by Graeme Davison, David Dunstan and Chris McConville THE MIGRANT SHEPHERD OBER-ROSBACH TO TENTERHELD. By K. Lloyd Sommerlad WOMEN, MARRIAGE AND POLITICS 1860–1914. By Pal Jalland EIN VOLK MUß SEINE FREIHEIT SELBST EROBERN. ZUR GESCHICHTE DER DEUTSCHEN JAKOBINER. By Walter Grab DIE DEUTSCHEN UND DIE FREIHEIT. Perspektiven der Nachkriegszeit. By Hans Maier DER DOPPELTE MILITARISMUS. Die deutsche Heeresrüstungspolitik zwischen Status-Quo-Sicherung und Aggression 1890–1913. By Stig Förster HEIMKEHK AUS DEM ZWEITEN WELTKRIEG. Die Entlassung der deutschen Kriegsgefangcnen. By Arthur L. Smith WILHELM STÖCKLE. Das deutsche Kaiserreich-Ansichtskarten und Texte aus der wilhelminischen Zeit, 1888–1918 THE POLICIES OF GENOCIDE. Jews & Soviet Prisoners of War in Nazi Germany. Edited by Gerhard Hirschfeld REICHSTAGSBRAND - AUFKL ÄRUNG EINER HISTORISCHEN LEGENDE. By Uwe Baekes, Karl-Heinz Janßen, Eckhard Jesse, Henning Köhler, Hans Mommsen and Fritz Tobias DER DEUTSCHE WIDERSTAND 1933–1945. Edited by K.J. Müller and Hans Mommsen. THE FACES OF CONTEMPORARY RUSSIAN NATIONALISM. By John B. Dunlop UTILITARIANISM AND OTHER ESSAYS. By John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham, edited by Alan Ryan BRITAIN AND JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN. By Michael Balfour PARLIAMENTARY SELECTION. Social and Political Choice in Early Modern England. By Mark A. Kishlansky THE TORIES AND THE PEOPLE, 1880–1935. By Martin Pugh SMALL BOOKS AND PLEASANT HISTORIES. Popular fiction and its readership in seventeenth-century England. By Margaret Spufford IRELAND AND BRITAIN SINCE 1922: Irish Studies 5. Edited by P.J. Drudy PRODIGALS AND PILGRIMS, THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION AGAINST PATRIARCHAL AUTHORITY, 1750–1800. By Jay Fliegelman ECONOMIA DE LA HISPANIA ROMANA. By J.M. Blazquez ASPECTS OF INTERNATIONAL SOCIALISM 1871–1914. By George Haupt DIVISIONS OF LABOUR. By R.E. Pahl SOCRATES AND THE POLITICAL COMMUNITY: An Ancient Debate. By Mary P. Nichols A RECONSTRUCTION OF HISTORICAL MATERIALISM. By Jorge Larrain FEDERAL THEORY. By Max Frenkel. Centre for Research on Federal Financial Relations THE IMPRISONMENT OF WOMEN. By Russell P. Dobash, R. Emerson Dobash and Sue Gutteridge  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: ORDERED TO THE ISLAND: Irish Convicts and Van Diemen's Land By John Williams. THE IRISH-AUSTRALIAN CONNECTION AN CAIDREAMH GAEL-ASTRALACH Edited by Seamus Grimes & Gearoid O Tuathaigh. BRISBANE: The Ethnic Presence Since the 1850s Edited by Rod Fisher and Barry Shaw. AUSTRALIAN ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY: Essays and Cases Edited by Stephen Dovers. POLICY-MAKING IN VOLATILE TIMES Edited by A. Hede and S. Prasser. THE TASMANIAN PARLIAMENTARY ACCORD AND PUBLIC POLICY 1989-92: Accommodating the New Politics?Edited by Marcus Howard and Peter Larmour. UNDERSTANDING SOCIAL JUSTICE: An Australian Perspective By Andrew C. Theophanous. GOVERNMENT AND BUSINESS RELATIONS IN AUSTRALIA Edited by Randal G. Stewart. STRIKES: Causes, Conduct and Consequences By Douglas Blackmur. A LIFE OF JOHN CALVIN: A Study in the Shaping of Western Culture By Alister E. McGrath. THE MAKING OF BOURGEOIS EUROPE: Absolutism, Revolution, and the Rise of Capitalism in England, France and Germany By Colin Mooers. WOMEN IN ENGLAND 1500–1760: A Social History By Anne Lawrence. THE HISTORY MEN: The Historical Profession in England Since the Renaissance By John Kenyon. THE IMAGINED SLUM: Newspaper Representation in Three Cities, 1870–1914 By Alan Mayne. THE FALL OF IMPERIAL BRITAIN IN SOUTH-EAST ASIA By Nicholas Tarling. LABOURISM AND THE ENGLISH GENIUS: The Strange Death of Labour England?By Gregory Elliott. DEFEAT FROM THE JAWS OF VICTORY: Inside Kinnock's Labour Party By Richard Heffernan and Mike Marqusee. ULSTER: CONFLICT AND CONSENT By Tom Wilson. THE POST-COLD WAR ORDER: Diagnoses and Prognoses Edited by Richard Leaver and James L. EX UNO PLURES: Federal-Provincial Relations in Canada 1867–1896 By Garth Stevenson. FRANCE AND THE SOUTH PACIFIC SINCE 1940 By Robert Aldrich. GENOCIDE AND DEMOCRACY IN CAMBODIA: The Khmer Rouge, the United Nations and the International Community Edited by Ben Kiernan. THE SHADOW OF THE DURIAN: Indonesia Observed By R. W. L. Austin. THE TOKYO TRIAL AND BEYOND: Reflections of a Peace Monger By B. V. A. Roling. Edited and with an introduction by Antonio Cassese. SOCIAL CHANGE, DEVELOPMENT AND DEPENDENCY Tony Spybey. A ZONE OF ENGAGEMENT By Perry Anderson. ANTONIO GRAMSCI: LIFE OF A REVOLUTIONARY By Giuseppe Fiori. FREEDOM: A HISTORY By Donald W. Treadgold. POSTHISTOIRE: Has History Come to An End?Lutz Niethammer, in collaboration with Dirk Van Laak, translated by Patrick Camiller.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: CLASS AND POLITICS: New South Wales, Victoria and the Early Commonwealth, 1890–1910. By John Kickard LABOR AND THE CONSTITUTION 1972–1975 Essays and Commentaries on the Constitutional Controversies of the Whitlam Years in Australian Government. Edited by Gareth Evans (Melbourne: Heinemann, 1977). DESIGN FOR DIVERSITY: Library Services for Higher Education and Research in Australia. Edited by Harrison Bryan and Gordon Greenwood LEGISLATIVE, EXECUTIVE AND JUDICIAL POWERS IN AUSTRALIA. By W. Ansteq Wynes. SOCIAL POLICY IN AUSTRALIA: Some Perspectives 1901–1975. Edited by Jill Roe (Sydney: Casseil Australia, 1976). OPPORTUNITY AND ATTAINMENT IN AUSTRALIA. By Leonard Broom and F. Lancaster Jones (Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1976). AUSTRALIA IN WORLD AFFAIRS 1966–1970. Edited by Gordon Greenwood and Norman Harper (Melbourne: Cheshire, for Australian Institute of International Affairs 1974). THE GOVERNMENT OF VICTORIA. By Jean Holmes THE GOVERNMENT OF TASMANIA. By W.A. Townsley THE GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. By D.H. Jaensch POLICE IN AUSTRALIA: Development, Functions and Procedures. Written and edited by Kerry L. Mike, assisted by Thomas A. Weber THE AUSTRALIAN PRICES JUSTIFICATION TRIBUNAL. By J.P. Nieuwenhuysen and A.E. Daly GANDHI AND CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE: The Mahatma in Indian Politics 1928–34. By Judith M. Brown PANCHAYATI RAJ AND EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION. By Iqbal Narain, K.C. Pande and Mohan Lal Sharma (Jaipur: Aalekh Publishers, 1976) CHINA: THE IMPACT OF REVOLUTION: A Survey of Twentieth Century China. Edited by Colin Mackerras INSIDE MAO TSE-TUNC THOUGHT: An Analytical Blueprint of His Actions. By Yeh Ch'ing, translated and edited by Stephen Pan, T.H. Tsuan and R. Mortensen SINO-SOVIET DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS, 1917–1926. By Sow-Theng Leong JAPANESE FOREIGN POLICY, 1869–3942 Kasumigaseki to Miyakezaka. By Ian Nish ORIGINS OF THE WAR IN THE EAST: Britain, China and Japan 1937–39. By Aron Shai INDONESIA. Second edition. By J. D. Legge THE LESSONS OF VIETNAM. Edited by W. Scott Thompson and Donaldson D. Frizzell (Brisbane: University of Queensland Press, 1977). THE MYTH OF THE LAZY NATIVE A Study of the Image of the Malays, Filipinos and Javanese from the 16th to the 20th Century and its Function in the Ideology of Colonial Capitalism. By Syed Hussein Alatas INTELLECTUALS IN DEVELOPING SOCIETIES. By S. H. Alatas OCEANIA AND BEYOND Essays on the Pacific Since 1945. Edited by Frank P. King THE POLITICS OF CHANGE IN A ZAMBIAN COMMUNITY. By George C. Bond ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF LATIN AMERICA: Historical Background and Contemporary Problems. Second Edition. By Celso Furtado THE HISTORIAN AS DIPLOMAT Charles Kingsley Webster and the United Nations 1939–1946. By P.A. Reynolds and E.J. Hughes YOUTH, EMPIRE AND SOCIETY: British Youth Movements 1883–1940. By John Springhall SYSTEMS OF STATES. By Martin Wight. Edited by Hedley Bull EYE-DEEP IN HELL: The Western Front 1914–18. By John Ellis LORDSHIP AND FEUDALISM IN THE MIDDLE AGES. By Guy Fourquin PLANNING, POLITICS AND PUBLIC POLICY: The British, French and Italian Experience. Edited by Jack Hayward and Michael Watson MODERN SOCIAL POLITICS IN BRITAIN AND SWEDEN: From Relief to Income Maintenance. By Hugh Heclo INTERVENTION IN THE MIXED ECONOMY: The Evolution of British Industrial Policy 1964–72. By Stephen Young and A.V. Lowe THE YUGOSLAV EXPERIMENT, 1948–1974. By Dennison Rusinow (London: C. Hurst & Company, for the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1977). THE DE LORENZO GAMBIT The Italian Coup Manque of 1964. By Richard Collin THE EMERGENCE OF POLITICAL CATHOLICISM IN ITALY: Partito Popolare 1919–1926. By John N. Molony SOCIAL THOUGHT IN TSARIST RUSSIA: The Quest for a General Science of Society, 1861–1917. By Alexander Vucinich IRON AND STEEL IN THE GERMAN INFLATION 1916–1923. By Gerald D. Feldman (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1977). THE SPANISH ARMY AND CATALONIA: The ‘Cu-Cut! Incident’ and the Law of Jurisdictions, 1905–1906. By Joaquin Rornero-Maura DIE ZElT DER WELTKRIEGE: Handbuch der Deutschen Geschichte, Band 4. By Karl Dietrich Erdmann (Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Verlag, 1976). PARLIAMENT, POLICY AND POLITICS IN THE REIGN OF WIILIAM III. by Henry Horwitz (Manchester: Manchester University Press. 1977). CHARLES STEWART PARNELL The Man and His Family. By R. F. Foster KING LABOUR: The British Working Class 1850–1914. By David Kynaston ESSAYS IN LABOUR HISTORY 1918–1939. Volume 3. Edited by Asa Briggs and John Saville (London: Croom Helm, 1977). THE POST OFFICE ENGINEERING UNION: The History of the Post Office Engineers, 1870–1970. By Frank Bealey (London: Bachman and Turner, 1976). MACAULAY AND THE WHIG TRADITION. By Joseph Hamburger THE HOLLAND HOUSE DIARIES 1831–1840: The Diary of Henry Richard Vassall Fox, Third Lord Holland, with Extracts from the Diary of Dr. John Allen. THE FRENCH REVOLUTION: Extracts from The Times 1789–1794. Introduced and edited by Neal Ascherson THE FRENCH POPULAR FRONT: A Legislative Analysis. By Paul Warwick FRANCE 1870–1914 Politics and Society. By R.D. Anderson STUDIES ON THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Edited by Neville Meaney FROM NATIONALISM TO INTERNATIONALISM: U.S. Foreign Policy to 1914. By Akira Iriye THE IMPERIAL YEARS The United States Since 1939. By Alonzo L. Hamby MASS SOCIETY AND POLITICAL CONFLICT Toward a Reconstruction of Theory. By Sandor Halebsky CRIME AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN SOCIETY. By Howard Zehr OLD AGE IN EUROPEAN SOCIETY: The Case of France. By Peter N. Stearns POWER AND CONTROL: Social Structures and Their Transformation. Edited by Tom R. Burns and Walter Buckley RULING CLASS, RULING CULTURE Studies of Conflict, Power and Hegemony in Australian Life. By R.W. Connell JOHN STUART MILL, By R.J. Halliday MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS OF POLITICAL SYSTEMS: A Science of Social Behavior. By Stephen Coleman LANGUAGE AND POLITICS. Edited by William M. O'Barr and Jean F. O'Barr THE SOCIOLOGY OF POWER. By Roderick Martin ORIGIN AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL A Marxist Perspective. By Phil Slater HOBBES AND AMERICA: Exploring the Constitutional Foundations. By Frank M. Coleman  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: THE LITTLE DIGGER 1914–1952: William Morris Hughes, A Political Biography. Volume II By L. F. Fitzhardinge THE LIBERAL PARTY: Principles and Performance. By P. G. Tiver PERSPECTIVES IN AUSTRALIAN SOCIAL POLICY: A Book of Readings. Edited by Adam Graycar. INDUSTRIAL AWAKENING: A GEOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIAN MANUFACTURING 1788 to 1890. By G. J. R. Linge. FEDERAL EXECUTIVE MINUTES 1915–1955: Minutes of the Meetings of the Federal Executive of the Australian Labor Party. Edited by Patrick Weller and Beverley Lloyd. A DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF THE AUSTRALIAN LABOR MOVEMENT 1850–1975. By Brian McKinlay. AUSTRALIA THROUGH AMERICAN EYES 1935–1945: Observations by American Diplomats. Edited by P. G. Edwards. THE AUSTRALIAN LEAGUE OF RIGHTS: A Study in Political Extremism and Subversion. By Andrew A. Campbell. WORKING PAPERS ON PARLIAMENT. By Geoffrey Hawker et al. INFLUENCE WITHOUT POWER: The Role of the Backbench in Australian Foreign Policy 1976–77. APSA/Parliamentary Fellow Monograph No. 1. By Martin Indyk. THE ACCULTURATION TO POLITICAL WORK: New Members of the Federal Backbench. APSA/Parliamentary Fellow Monograph No. 2. By James Walter. THE MANUFACTURE OF AUSTRALIAN HISTORY. By Rob Pascoe. HISTORICAL DISCIPLINES AND CULTURE IN AUSTRALASIA: An Assessment. Edited by John A. Moses. A HERITAGE OF SPIRIT: A Biography of Major-General Sir William Throsby Bridges K. C. B., C. M. G. By C. D. Coulthard-Clark. ESSAYS IN THE POLITICAL, ECONOMY OF AUSTRALIAN CAPITALISM. Volume two. Edited by E. L. Wheelwright and Ken Buckley. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN ELECTIONS AND POLITICS 1965–1978: A Handbook and Guide. By David Black and Michael Wood. THE 1979 ELECTIONS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA: A Statistical Analysis. By Dean Jaensch JESSIE STREET: A Rewarding but Unrewarded Life. By Peter Sekuless. RACE RELATIONS IN NORTH QUEENSLAND. Edited by Henry Reynolds. ELITES IN AUSTRALIA. By John Higley, Desley Deacon and Don Smart. THE DIVIDED LEGAL PROFESSION IN AUSTRALIA: History, Rationalisation and Rationale. By J. R. S. Forbes. STRATEGIES OF SURVIVAL: The Foreign Policy Dilemmas of Smaller Asian States. By Charles E. Morrison and Astri Suhrke. SOUTHEAST ASIA: An Introductory History. By Milton Osborne. TRADITION AND POLITICS IN SOUTH ASIA. Edited by R. J. Moore. THE ARMY AND POLITICS IN INDONESIA. By Harold Crouch. BEFORE KAMPUCHEA: Preludes to Tragedy. By Milton Osborne. INSECURITY! The Spread of Weapons in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Edited by Robert O'Neill. THE SPANISH LAKE: The Pacifle since Magellan, Vol. 1. By O. H. K. Spate. THE CRISIS OF CHINESE CONSCIOUSNESS: Radical Antitraditionalism in the May Fourth Era. By Lin Yu-Sheng. THE APOTHEOSIS OF IMPERIALISM: Indian Land Economy under Curzon. By V. C. Bhutani. CHURCHILL, CRIPPS, AND INDIA, 1939–1945. By R. J. Moore. THE PRESIDENT AND THE PARLIAMENT. By R. N. Misra. ELITE POLITICS IN AN IDEOLOGICAL STATE: The Case of Pakistan. By Asaf Hussain. SRI LANKA: Third World Democracy. By James Jupp. RITUALS OF THE KANDYAN STATE. By H. L. Seneviratne. A HISTORY OF RHODESIA. By Robert Blake. POST-WAR BRITAIN: A political history. By Alan Sked and Chris Cook. FACTION AND PARLIAMENT: Essays on Early Stuart History. Edited by Kevin Sharpe. CONTINUITY AND ANACHRONISM: Parliamentary and Constitutional Development in Whig Historiography and in the Anti-Whig Reaction between 1890 and 1930. By P. B. M. Blaas. THE BIRMINGHAM POLITICAL UNION AND THE MOVEMENTS FOR REFORM IN BRITAIN, 1830–1839. By Carlos Flick. STATE AND SOCIETY IN CONTEMPORARY EUROPE. Edited by Jack Hayward and R. N. Berki. DAS DEUTSCHE REICH UND DER ZWEITE WELTKRIEG: Ursachen und Vorraussetzungen der deutschen Kriegspolitik. Von Wilhelm Diest, Manfred Messerschmidt, Hans-Erich Volkmann, und Wolfram Wette THE RUHR AND REVOLUTION: The Revolutionary Movement in the Rhenish-Westphalian Industrial Region 1912–1919. By Jurgen Tampke ELECTIONS AND PARTIES: Socio-Political Change and Participation in the West German Federal Election of 1976. Edited by Max Kaase and Klaus von Beyme. SOCIALISM IN PROVENCE 1871–1914: A study in the origins of the modern French Left. By Tony Judt. LES FEMMES ET LE SOCIALISME: Un siècle d'histoire. By Charles Sowerwine. FRANCE'S VIETNAM POLICY: A Study in French-American Relations. By Marianna P. Sultivan. A HISTORY OF ITALY 1700–1860: The Social Constraints of Political Change. By Stuart Woolf. RURAL SOCIOLOGY IN THE SOVIET UNION: Its History and Basic Concepts. By Terence M. Cox. DOCUMENTS IN COMMUNIST AFFAIRS 1977. Edited by Bogdan Szajkowski. THE POLITICS OF THE SOVIET CINEMA 1917–1929. By Richard Taylor. SELECTED WRITINGS OF AUGUST CIESZKOWSKI. Edited and translated by André Liebich. POLITICAL PARTICIPATION IN LATIN AMERICA, Vol. II: Politics and the Poor. Edited by Mitchell A. Seligson and John A. Booth. THE MERCHANTS OF BUENOS AIRES 1778–1810: Family and Commerce. By Susan Migden Socolow. CAPITALISM AND CATASTROPHE: A Critical Appraisal of the Limits of Capitalism. By Stephen Rousseas. THE CAPITALIST WORLD-ECONOMY: Essays by Immanual Wallerstein. THE INDUSTRIAL DEMOCRATS: Trade Unions in an uncertain world. By Giles Radice. THE FOUNDATIONS OF MODERN POLITICAL THOUGHT: Vol. I, The Renaissance; Vol. II, The Age of Reformation. By Quentin Skinner. THREE ASPECTS OF POLITICAL THEORY: On Confusions and Reformation of an Expression. By Conal Condren. THE SHAPES OF TIME: A New Look at the Philosophy of History. By Peter Munz. METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO SOCIAL SCIENCE. By Ian I. Mitroff and Ralph H. Kilmann. THEORY CONSTRUCTION AND DATA ANALYSIS IN THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES. Edited by Samuel Shye. THE PROBLEM OF POLITICAL OBLIGATION: A Critical Analysis of Liberal Theory. By Carole Pateman. MARX AND THE PROLETARIAT: A Study in Social Theory. By Timothy McCarthy. JOHN LOCKE. By Geraint Parry. PRIDE AND SOLACE: The Functions and Limits of Political Theory. By Norman Jacobson. MIRRORS OF THE NEW WORLD: Images and Image-Makers in the Settlement Process. By J. M. Powell. THE POLITICS OF INTRUSION: The Super Powers and the Indian Ocean. By Kim C. Beazley and Ian Clark. THE POLITICS OF IMPERFECTION: The Religious and Secular Traditions of Conservative Thought in England from Hooker to Oakeshott. By Anthony Quinton. BIRDS OF PASSAGE: Migrant labor and industrial societies. By Michael J. Piore. BIOLOGICAL IDEAS IN POLITICS. By W. J. M. Mackenzie. THE TOTALITARIAN TEMPTATION. By Jean-Francois Revel. TREASON, TRADITION AND THE INTELLECTUAL: Julian Benda and Political Discourse, By Ray Nichols POLITICAL LANGUAGE AND RHETORIC. By Paul E. Corcoran. ALEXANDER HERZEN AND THE ROLE OF THE INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTIONARY. By Edward Acton. CLASSES, STRATA AND POWER. By W. Wesolowski. OPENING AND CLOSING: Strategies of Information Adaptation in Society. By Orrin E. Klapp. THE RISE AND FALL OF ECONOMIC GROWTH: A Study in Contemporary Thought. By H. W. Arndt. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS THEORY: A Bibliography. Edited by A. J. R. Groom and C. R. Mitchell. KISSINGER AND THE MEANING OF HISTORY. By Peter W. Dickson.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: THIS IS THE ABC: The Australian Broadcasting Commission 1932–1983. By K. S. lnglis assisted by Jan Brazier. STRATEGY AND DEFENCE: Australian Essays. Edited by Desmond Ball. SIR THOMAS PLAYFORD: A Portrait. By Walter Crocker. THE YOUNG MAN FROM HOME: James Balfour 1830–1913. By Andrew Lemon. THE DEMON OF DISCORD: Tensions in the Catholic Church in Victoria, 1853–1864. By Margaret M. Pawsey. SOLID BLUESTONE FOUNDATIONS AND OTHER MEMORIES OF A MELBOURNE GIRLHOOD, 1908–1928. By Kathleen Fitzpatrick. THE HALF-OPEN DOOR: Sixteen modern Australian women look at professional life and achievement. Edited by Patricia Grimshaw and Lynne Strahan. HELEN PALMER'S OUTLOOK. Edited by Doreen Bridges. THE ETHNIC DIMENSION: Papers on Ethnicity and Pluralism by Jean Martin. Edited by S. Encel. AUSTRIA TO AUSTRALIA: The Autobiography of an Australian Jew from birth to emigration 1904–1938. By Walter Krauss. THE FRENCH IN AUSTRALIA. By Anny P. L. Stuer. COLONIAL CASUALTIES: Chinese in Early Victoria. By Kathryn Cronin. A NEST OF HORNETS: The Massacre of the Fraser Family at Hornet Bank Station, Central Queensland, 1875 and Related Events. By Gordon Reid. BLACK DEATH, WHITE HANDS. By Paul Wilson. AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINES IN THE NEWS. THE OTHER AUSTRALIA: The Crisis in Aboriginal Health. By Peter D. Osborne. SERVICE DELIVERY TO REMOTE COMMUNITIES. Edited by P. Loveday. SERVICE DELIVERY TO OUTSTATIONS. Edited by P. Loveday. SERVICE DELIVERY TO REMOTE COMMUNITIES. Edited by P. Loveday. CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS IN AUSTRALIA. By Chris Chamberlain. OPEN CUT: The working class in an Australian mining town. By Claire Williams. DEMOCRACY IN TRADE UNIONS: Studies in Membership Participation and Control. By Mary Dickenson. FROM SUBSERVIENCE TO STRIKE: Industrial Relations in the Banking Industry. By John Hill. A FRACTURED FEDERATION? AUSTRALIA IN THE 1980s. Edited by Jennifer Alfred and John Wilkes. A LIBERAL NATION: The Liberal Party and Australian Politics. By Marian Simms. STABILITY AND CHANGE IN AUSTRALIAN POLITICS. Second Edition. By Don Aitkin. THREE CORNERED CONTESTS IN SOUTH EAST QUEENSLAND STATE SEATS. By David Hamill and Paul Reynolds. THE TEAM AT THE TOP: Ministers in the Northern Territory. By Patrick Weller and Will Sanders. THE AUSTRALIAN FINANCIAL SYSTEM AFTER THE CAMPBELL REPORT. By J. O. N. Perkins. TEACHING HUMAN RIGHTS: An Australian Symposium. Edited by Alice Erh-Soon Tay in collaboration with Graeme Connolly and Roger Wilkins. STUCK! Unemployed people talk to Michele Turner. By Michele Turner. ASIA–THE WINNING OF INDEPENDENCE. Edited by Robin Jeffrey. LOMBOK: Conquest, Colonization and Underdevelopment, 1870–1940. By Alfons van der Kraan. LAWYER IN THE WILDERNESS. By K. H. Digby. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL CHANGE IN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. By Willy Kraus. WESTERN REPORTS ON THE TAIPING: A selection of documents. By Prescott Clarke and J. S. Gregory. THE ORIGINS OF SOCIALIST THOUGHT IN JAPAN. By John Crump. THE HIRI IN HISTORY: Further Aspects of long distance Motu trade in Central Papua. Edited by Tom Dutton. THE UNION OF CHRISTMAS ISLAND WORKERS. By Les Waters. THE CREATION OF THE ANGLO-AMERICAN ALLIANCE, 1937–41: A Study in Competitive Cooperation. By David Reynolds. LORD LOTHIAN AND ANGLO-AMERICAN RELATIONS, 1939–1940. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia for Promoting Useful Knowledge, Vol. 73, Part 2, 1983. By David Reynolds. SUPERPOWERS IN COLLISION: The Cold War Now. By Noam Chomsky, Jonathan Steele and John Gittings. CONGRESSMEN, CONSTITUENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS: Determinants of Roll Call Voting in the House of Representatives. By James B. Kau and Paul H. Rubin. A FLANNEL SHIRT AND LIBERTY: British Gentlewomen in the Canadian West, 1880–1914. Edited by Susan Jackel. THE JACOBITE ARMY IN ENGLAND 1745: The Final Campaign. By F. J. McLynn. AUGUSTAN ENGLAND: Professions, State and Society, 1680–1730. By peoffrey Holmes. NEWMAN. By Owen Chadwick. BRITAIN AGAINST ITSELF: The Political Contradictions of Collectivism. By Samuel H. Beer. CROMWELLIAN SCOTLAND 1651–1660. By F. D. Dow. SCOTTISH CULTURE AND SCOTTISH EDUCATION 1800–1980. Edited by Walter M. Humes and Hamish M. Paterson. REBIRTH OF A NATION: Wales 1880–1980. By Kenneth O. Morgan. IRELAND AND SCOTLAND 1600–1850: Parallels and Contrasts in Economic and Social Development. Edited by T. M. Devine and David Dickson. A NEW HISTORY OF IRELAND. III. EARLY MODERN IRELAND, 1534–1691. Edited by T. W. Moody, F. X. Martin and F. J. Byrne. THE MAKING OF THE SANS-CULOTTES: Democratic ideas and institutions in Paris, 1789–92. By R. B. Rose POLICY AND POLITICS IN FRANCE: Living with Uncertainty. By Douglas E. Ashford. ALPHONSE DE LAMARTINE: A Political Biography. By William Fortescue. NIDROITE NI GAUCHE: L'ideologie fasciste en France. By Zeev Sternhell. FRANCE IN THE 1980s: The Definitive Book. By John Ardagh. THE MAKING OF RUSSIAN ABSOLUTISM, 1613–1801. By Paul Dukes. KHRUSHCHEV. By Roy Medvedev. KHRUSHCHEV AND BREZHNEV AS LEADERS: Building Authority in Soviet Politics. By George W. Breslauer. CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE USSR: A Guide to the Soviet Constitutions. By Aryeh L. Unger. GOD'S PLAYGROUND: A History of Poland. Volume II: 1795 to the Present. By Norman Davies. THE MINANGKABAU RESPONSE TO DUTCH COLONIAL RULE IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. By Elizabeth E. Graves. COMINTERN ARMY: The International Brigades and the Spanish Civil War. By R. Dan Richardson. STUDIES ON THE POLITICAL THOUGHT OF GAETANO MOSCA: The Theory of the Ruling Class and its Development Abroad. Edited by Ettore A. Albertoni. PEREIASLAV 1654: A Historiographical Study. By John Basarab. EUROPE SINCE HITLER: The Rebirth of Europe. By Walter Lacqueur. THOMAS MORE: History and Providence. By Alistair Fox. MARX AND MARXISM. By Peter Worsley. MAX WEBER. By Frank Parkin. EMILE DURKHEIM. By Kenneth Thompson. THE HISTORY OF MARXISM. Volume One: Marxism in Marx's Day. Edited by Eric J. Hobsbawm. POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT THEORY: The Contemporary Debate. By Richard A. Higgott. LEGAL RIGHT AND SOCIAL DEMOCRACY: Essays in Legal and Political Philosophy. By Neil MacCormick THE END OF SOCIAL INEQUALITY? Class, Status and Power Under State Socialism. By David Lane. LIMITED NUCLEAR WAR: Political Theory and War Conventions. By Ian Clark MEN AT WAR: Politics, Technology and Innovation in the Twentieth Century. Edited by Timothy Travers and Christon Archer. Chicago, Precedent, 1982. OPEC BEHAVIOR AND WORLD OIL PRICES. Edited by James M. Griffin and David J. Teece. THE CHALLENGE OF ENERGY: Policies in the Making. Edited by Mohammad W. Khouja. ARGUMENTS FOR DEMOCRACY. By Tony Benn. SOCIALISM WITH A HUMAN FACE: The political economy of Britain in the 1980s. By Michael Meacher. BROADCASTING AND SOCIETY 1918–1939. By Mark Pegg. THE HEALTH OF NATIONS: A North-South Investigation. By Mike Muller. THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF BIG BUSINESS. By M. A. Utton HOW TO TELL THE LIARS FROM THE STATISTICIANS. By Robert Hooke.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this articles. Oman: The Islamic Democratic Tradition , by Hussein Ghubash. Translated from the French by Mary Turton. Iraq in Fragments: The Occupation and Its Legacy , by Eric Herring and Glen Rangwala. Iran's Nuclear Ambitions , by Shahram Chubin. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Hidden Iran: Paradox and Power in the Islamic Republic , by Ray Takeyh, Times Books, 2006. The Shia Revival: How Conflicts within Islam Will Shape the Future , by Vali Nasr. The Iron Cage: The Story of the Palestinian Struggle for Statehood , by Rashid Khalidi. The Palestinian Hamas: Vision, Violence, and Coexistence , by Shaul Mishal and Avraham Sela. Trapped in the War on Terror , by Ian S. Lustick. America at the Crossroads: Democracy, Power and the Neoconservative Legacy , by Francis Fukuyama. Ethical Realism: A Vision for America's Role in the World , by Anatol Lieven and John Hulsman.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Stories of Democracy: Politics and Society in Contemporary Kuwait , by Mary Ann Tétreault All in the Family: Absolutism, Revolution, and Democracy in the Middle Eastern Monarchies , by Michael Herb. Saddam's Secrets: The Hunt for Iraq's Hidden Weapons , by Tim Trevan. Endgame: Solving the Iraq Problem‐Once and for All , by Scott Ritter. The Arab Shia: The Forgotten Muslims , by Graham E. A Very Political Economy: Peacebuilding and Foreign Aid in the West Bank and Gaza , by Rex Brynen. Water Politics in the Middle East: A Context for Conflict or Cooperation? , by Mostafa Dolatrar and Tim S. Gray. Water in the Middle East: A Geography of Peace , eds. Hussein A. Amery and Aaron T. Wolfe. Water Conflict: Economics, Politics, Law and the Palestinian‐Israeli Water Resources , by Sharif S. Elmusa. New Encyclopedia of Zionism and Israel , ed. Geoffrey Wigoder. The Oxford History of Islam , ed. John Esposito Islam and Central Asia: An Enduring Legacy or an Evolving Threat ? eds. Roald Sagdeev and Susan Eisenhower.  相似文献   

Review Essay     
Book reviewed in this article:
Khomeinism: Essays on the Islamic Republic, by Ervand Abrahamian.
From Rags to Riches: A Story of Abu Dhabi, by Mohammed Al-Fahim.
Oman and the World: The Emergence of an Independent Foreign Policy, by Joseph A. Kechichain.
The Life and Times of Sheikh Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalifa: Ruler of Bahrain 1942-61, by Andrew Wheatcroft.
Fallen Pillars: U.S. Policy towards Palestine and Israel since 1945, by Donald Neff.
Broken Covenant, by Moshe Arens.
Homeland: Oral Histories of Palestine and Palestinians, edited by Staughton Lynd, Sam Bahour and Alice Lynd.
Intimate Enemies: Jews and Arabs in a Shared Land, by Meron Benvenisti.
The Obstruction of Peace: The U.S., Israel and the Palestinians, by Naseer Aruri.
WATER AND POWER. The Politics of a Scarce Resource in the Jordan River Basin, by Miriam R. Lowi.
Rivers of Eden: The Struggle for Water and the Quest for Peace in the Middle East, by Daniel Hillel.
Arms Control and Security in the Middle East: The Search for Common Ground, edited by Richard Eisendorf.
The Superpowers and the Middle East: Regional and International Politics 1955-1967, by Fawaz A. Gerges.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Politics of Dispossession: The Struggle for Palestinian Self-Determination, 1969–1993 , by Edward W. Said.
Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years , by Israel Shahak. Foreward by Gore Vidal.
All That Remains: the Palestinian Villages Occupied and Depopulated by Israel in 1948, Walid Khalidi, ed.
The Palestine Liberation Organization: From Armed Struggle to the Declaration of Independence , by Jamal R. Nassar.
Building Peace in the Middle East, Challenges for States and Civil Society, edited by Elise Boulding.
Crisis in the Arabian Gulf: An Independent Iraqi View , by Omar Ali.
America and the Iraqi Crisis, 1990–1992: Origins and Aflermath , by Lester H. Brune.
Iraqi Statesman: A Portrait of Mohammed Fadhel Jamali , by Harry J. Almond.
Broadcasting in the Arab World: A Survey of the Electronic Media in the Middle East , by Douglas Boyd.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
The Gaza Strip: The Political Economy of De-Development, by Sara Roy.
Gaza: Legacy of OccupationndashA Photographer's Journey, by Dick Doughty and Mohammed El Aydi.
Political Liberalization and Democratization in the Arab World: Theoretical Perspectives. Volume 1, by Rex Brynen, Bahgat Korany and Paul Noble
Western Dominance and Political Islam: Challenges and Responses, by Khalid Bin Sayeed. Albany
Iraq: The Search for National Identity, by Liora Lukitz.
Qadhaf'S Libya, 1969-1994, edited by Dirk Vandewalle.
Powder Keg in the Middle East: The Struggle for Gulf Security, edited by Geoffrey Kemp and Janice Gross Stein.
Come with Me from Lebanon: An American Family Odyssey, by Ann Zwicker Kerr
The Baburnama: Memoirs of Babur, Prince and Emperor, translated, edited and annotated by Wheeler M. Thackston.  相似文献   

The SVP is the strongest party in the National Council, but the weakest among governmental parties in the Council of States. This article analyses possible explanations for this surprising difference by combining macro‐level information on electoral results and data from recent election studies. The results presented show that the weakness of the SVP in the Council of States is due neither to its decision to compete only in selected constituencies, nor to “mechanical” effects of the electoral system. Rather, this weakness is explained both by the strategic behaviour of voters, who avoid “wasting” their vote in the majoritarian election of the Council of States, and by incumbency effects. The SVP is further disadvantaged by its ideological position, as its candidates have more difficulty gathering the majority of votes required for election in the Council of States than do, for instance, those of the centre‐right parties.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article The United States Army/Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Manual , with forewords by General David H. Petraeus, Lt. General James F. Amos and Lt. Colonel John A. Nagl, with a new introduction by Sarah Sewall. Diplomacy Lessons: Realism for an Unloved Superpower , by John Brady Kiesling. Treacherous Alliance: The Secret Dealings of Israel, Iran, and the United States , by Trita Parsi. Reading Legitimation Crisis in Tehran: Iran and the Future of Liberalism , by Danny Postel. Distant Relations: Iran & Lebanon in the Last 500 years , H.E. Chehabi, ed. From Oslo to Jerusalem: The Palestinian Story of the Secret Negotiations , by Ahmed Qurei (‘Abu Ala’) A Framework for a Palestinian National Security Doctrine , by Hussein Agha and Ahmad S Khalidi. The Emergence of a New Turkey: Democracy and the AK Parti , edited by M. Hakan Yavuz. Prison Writings: The Roots of Civilisation , by Abdullah Ocalan. Translated by Klaus Happel. The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non‐Muslims , by Andrew G. Bostom. Foreword by Ibn Warraq. Oil Titans: National Oil Companies in the Middle East . by Valerie Marcel and John V. Mitchell.  相似文献   

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