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Legal Firewall     
China passed legislation to strengthen the protection of online information Writer Wang Xiaoshan had enough.Never again would he set down his chopsticks during supper to answer an unsolicited phone call from a real estate agent.  相似文献   

AS a former official of China’s National Development and Reform Commission, Jiang Xiaolin knew everything there was to know about state-owned enterprises and real estate operations. But after a career spent in public service, he decided the time was right to strike out on his own. "We all feel sometimes that we can do a job better ourselves, that we can turn a lawn into a garden on our own," Jiang said. So in 2005 he seized on the greatest opportunity of his career.  相似文献   

When Ren Zhengfei, founder and CEO of Chinese telecom giant Huawei, spoke of his admiration for the iPhone ecosystem during a recent interview, he visualized a day when China and the U.S. would work together for universal benefits. His revelation that he buys Apple products for his family members may be a surprise to many, but building partnerships by engaging in fair competition and exploring comparative advantages is not a new idea.  相似文献   

Ron Bick Lee was one of the more successful ones. Ron Bick Lee left Taishan, south-eastern China in 1910 armed with a small bag of personal possessions, carrying on his shoulders all the hopes and dreams of his townspeople. He was bound across the Pacific for gum san, Gold Mountain, specifically Canada. Thanks to his family and neighbours, who pooled their money for the 18 year old, he could afford the rites of passage and the exorbitant $500. head tax. His son, Bob, a real estate tycoon, now in his seventieth year, recalls his own life as a youngster, surviving the years of the Depression, and admiring his hard-working father The story, recently encapsu-  相似文献   

Due to China’s latest moves to rein in property prices,the mainland stock exchange on March 4 saw plunges of stock prices in sectors like real estate,building materials,cement,coal and steel.Without a doubt,the real estate sector still plays a predominant role in China’s economy and investment market. When people expected prices for new commercial housing and renting to be boosted by the 20-percent personal capital gains tax levied  相似文献   

Housing for All     
New measures focus on controlling price hikes while maintaining the property sector's impetus to aggregate demand China's real estate market, like its stock market, is in urgent need of a "policy" remedy. But while the stock market needs policies to stimulate it, the real estate market needs policies to cool down the overheating investment and exorbitant prices. Real estate developers have had a rough 2005 with a series of measures taken to rein in the market. They seem to have taken  相似文献   

正Tycoon Wang Jianlin shares the secrets of his success in his best-selling biography One of Asia’s richest people,Wang Jianlin,who made a fortune with his giant real estate firm,Dalian Wanda,is now on a course to change the world of entertainment and sports.  相似文献   

What's hot and what's not in China's property market The Beijing 2008 Olympics is a giant magnet for real estate investment, but how far-reaching is its pull? Is it a good time to buy real estate in second-tier cities? And could a bal- looning worldwide real estate bubble have ramifications for China? Inquiring minds want to know the answers to all these questions in real estate circles. Experts may not always answer harmoniously, but unless you have a villa empire, their advice could help you conquer this tricky market more successfully. No bubble in Beijing or beyond The Olympic effect will cause real  相似文献   

正China’s real estate market is in a stage of cyclical adjustment.Data from the National Bureau of Statistics show that in April,secondhand housing prices in 22 of the country’s 70large and medium-sized cities dropped from the previous month,and newly built housing prices in eight of the 70 cities declined over those of a month ago.In the last several years,the country’s real estate industry has developed very rapidly,pushing up overall economic growth.However,  相似文献   

正Quality healthcare is being made more affordable and accessible to the poor Yang Xitai was a happy man.His 23-yearold son,Yang Jie,had graduated and was waiting on a prime job offer from one of the local banks.It seemed after years of struggle that life had taken a turn for the better.And then tragedy struck the family in a rural area in central China’s Henan Province.On June 3,Yang Xitai noticed that his son  相似文献   

Following the extraordinary success of Cityscape Dubai, the world ’ s largest interna tional B2B real estate event for inves t o r s and de vel o p e r s, IIR Middle East, the organ i z er of Cityscape , pres e n t e d the Cityscape brand concept to a gath e r ing of top real estate indus- tr y prof essionals here in Beijing to for ma l l y launch the even t ’ s lat- est oriental exp o r t, Cityscape China.Neil Hickman, Exhibition Director of Cityscape China, said, “T his is the fir …  相似文献   

To the Rescue!     
Local officials and the Central Government have different ideas about how to put the country's topsy-turvy real estate market back on track when Meng Qinghai, a correspondent for China Central Television, traveled to Shenzhen in July, he discovered a disturbing situation-one similar to the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis had emerged in one of China's most economically developed cities. Some home buyers there reported that they had stopped making their monthly pay- ments on their mortgages. The reason was simple: When their home prices dropped,  相似文献   

After years of exponential growth,China’s housingmarket has begun to show signs of stagnation Returning from a stint as a visiting scholar at Cambridge University,Wang Shi,the 63-year-old heavyweight in China’s real estate world,didn’t change his straightforward style of communication."People can no longer expect to be laughing all the way to the bank simply by purchasing properties,and the mushroom growth of  相似文献   

China’s real estate market has polarized,and the government needs to take action Selling season is in full swing in China’s real estate market.According to statistics from China Index Academy,the research arm of Soufun,China’s largest property website,the average price of new homes in 100 major Chinese cities rose 1.07 percent in September  相似文献   

The Starlight Project, a top real estate tourism project, recently broke ground in Tianjin Municipality. The launch of the project is a piece of groundbreaking news in and out of the real estate industry. Upon completion, the Starlight Project will become a new highlight in Tianjin and China'  相似文献   

THE Global Investment Trend Monitor released last October by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTAD)revealed that China had surpassed the U.S.in the first half of 2012 as the world’s largest recipient of foreign direct investment(FDI).The statement was corroborated by figures from China’s Ministry of Commerce:in the first three quarters of 2012,the foreign investment China’s mainland used in real terms added up to US $83.42 billion.Though this marks a 3.8 percent dip compared with the same period in 2011,the sum going into the service industry(excluding real estate)picked up.Meanwhile,transnational corporations built more R & D centers and regional headquarters in the country,signifying their confidence in China’s investment environment and prospects for growth.The continued influx of global capital,technology and professionals led to more rational distribution and structure of FDI in China.  相似文献   

Balancing Act     
正China will continue regulating the real estate market in 2012 China's real estate market experienced challenges in 2011,with the overheated market starting to cool down and the exorbitantly high  相似文献   

A Simple Wedding     
Zheng Tiantian and Ren Guoqing had three wedding ceremonies in 2018.One was in her hometown in Hebi City,central China's Henan Province;one in his hometown in Juxian County,east China's Shandong Province;and the third was in Shandong's Qingdao City, where the two work at a public institution.  相似文献   

On April 29, Shama Luxe, the most luxuriously serviced residence brand based in Hong Kong,and Shui On Group,a leader in real estate, housing construction and building materials in China with in  相似文献   

Income Gaps May Continue Widening Question: According to computa-tion done by the World Bank, the Gini coefficient, a measure of inequality developed by Italian statistician Corra-do Gini, was 0.26 for China in the 1980s and 0.38 in 1995. By the end of the 20th century, it had exceeded 0.4, suggesting that the gap between the rich and the poor, as internationally understood, had grown quite big. How would you com-ment on this? Do you think that the gap will continue to widen in the future…  相似文献   

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