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The serum myoglobin levels of 58 fatalities were investigated with special reference to correlations of the myoglobin-concentrations with the postmortem interval, the site of blood sampling and the cause of death (especially concerning death caused by electric current). An increase of the myoglobin values with the passage of postmortem time is obvious. The topographical sampling site plays an important role; the highest concentrations are found adjacent to striated muscles (i.e. in blood from the heart or the femoral vein). There was no significant correlation of myoglobin values and death by electric current.  相似文献   

This paper presents a brief review of the results of research in the area of electrical skin injuries. It also includes a case report of a 5-year-old girl noted on her admission to the hospital to have injuries to the skin of her chest and left arm. Histological examinations demonstrated that the skin lesions were segmental and showed necrosis and inflammation. Deposits of calcium salts distinctly located to collagen fibers were observed below the regenerated epidermis at the periphery of two skin lesions of the chest wall, in the lower part of dermis at the periphery of a skin lesion of the left arm, and within connective tissue adjacent to elastic arteries and peripheral nerves from the thoracic cavity. The pattern of calcification localized to collagen fibers and situated both superficially and deeply in the skin in a zone of viable tissue close to necrotic tissue is characteristic of electrically induced lesions. Although there have been reports of deposition of calcium salts on collagen fibers after application of calcium salts in high concentration at the skin surface, the collagen calcification in the pattern observed in this patient is probably diagnostic of electrical injury.  相似文献   

电击伤最佳病理取材部位的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨日常低电压电击后机体电流通路上极向化等病变规律和最佳病理取材部位。方法SD大鼠随机分为电击组和对照组,建立左前爪-右后爪路径220V电击大鼠模型,取电极接触处皮肤、四肢血管、神经和周边组织及腹腔大血管,常规HE染色病理组织学图像分析。结果电极接触处皮肤基底细胞(skinbasalcell,SBC)核明显极向化改变,长/短径比值与对照组比较差异高度显著,P<0.001;电流通路上腕和踝部血管及腹主动脉内皮、平滑肌细胞核的极向化与对照组比较,差异显著,P<0.05,其中腕和踝部病理改变最明显;周围骨骼肌细胞核的长/短径比值无明显规律性。结论在电击死中最常见的“手-足通路”,腕、踝部血管可能为病理取材的最佳部位。同时,由于腕和踝部距离手脚掌较远,直接接触热源和化学试剂等其他可能引起“极向化”改变的因素机会少,因此,腕和踝部血管及其周边组织的极向化改变更具有电损伤的特异性。  相似文献   

This work is part of a larger investigation aiming at tracing differences between injuries caused by heat and electricity. Electrodes and heaters similar to the electrodes of an electric cattle baton are used to dissipate approximately 40 joules in 40 seconds in pig skin.Voltages in the range 40–60 volts (AC or DC) are applied via stainless steel electrodes and temperatures in the range 50–100 °C are applied via heaters made of copper wire. Heat transfer is controlled by electronically regulated heaters utilizing the temperature dependence of the heater wire itself as a thermometer.Transfer of electricity takes place from either commerical DC supply, from transformed voltage from the mains or from a sine voltage generator connected to a power amplifier. The energy transfer is in all cases measured by electronic integration of the dissipated power in time. The power supplied to the electrodes or the heaters is found by electronic multiplication of the applied voltage and current.Typical power vs. time curves are presented.  相似文献   

The crossbow is an uncommon source of fatal injury. In Los Angeles County, two crossbow homicides have occurred in the past 20 years. Following the second case, a crossbow was test-fired into a fresh pork thigh, resulting in distinctive wounds. Experimental studies also showed that the vanes of the bolt (arrow) may be a source of trace material found in the wound.  相似文献   

There are several similarities found in blunt trauma injuries to humans sustained as a result of vertical deceleration (falling) and those sustained as a result of deceleration in a horizontal plane (automobile accidents). However, examination of the patterns of traumatic skeletal injuries can distinguish those injuries associated with falling from heights from those associated with automobile accidents. While there is considerable variation within each type of blunt trauma injury dependent on the angle at which one falls or is struck, there are several characteristic skeletal features associated with each type of trauma. In this study we review both the current literature and human skeletal remains from the University of New Mexico's Documented Collection known to have been subjected to blunt trauma. This collection is used to characterize and differentiate the pattern of skeletal injuries to various parts of the body for each type of trauma. These assessments are applied to investigate the traumatic skeletal lesions observed in a forensic case where the manner of death is unknown. Analyses suggest two possible scenarios that would explain the death of the individual investigated, with death most likely related to a vehicular-pedestrian accident.  相似文献   

The Hamburg University Institute of Legal Medicine presents 2 cases of injuries of crossbow arrows where the patients survived. Crossbows are used nowadays as sports and hunting weapons. They are freely obtainable, and since people without practice can shoot them, there are constant injuries and fatal cases. Crossbow arrows have a high penetration force and can even pierce bone. Depending on the tip of the arrow used, they bore or cut through tissue, here damage to the tissue being restricted to the direct surroundings. Due to the elasticity of the tissue, the arrow shaft in the wound track may have the effect of an incomplete tamponade so that major hemorrhaging is prevented. In this condition, the injured person may be conscious and capacitated. From the medical viewpoint, crossbow arrows should therefore be invariably left in the wound, secured against displacement during transport, and only removed in the hospital.  相似文献   

Gladiator remains from a recently unearthed cemetery in ancient Ephesus (Turkey) offer a unique opportunity for proving common theories involving the weaponry and techniques of gladiator fighting based on the evidence supplied by cranial bones. This mass grave is the first of its kind to undergo a thorough osteological and forensic examination.A minimum number of individuals (MNI) analyses revealed that at least 68 individuals. All individuals found turned out to have been males aged between 20 and 30 years, except for one female associated with a female slave gravestone, and one male aged 45–55 years, had been buried in this area of the cemetery. The male mean body height was 168 cm (S.D. = 5 cm), which lies inside the normal range of height for Roman populations at those times.Eleven (16% of MNI) individuals exhibit a total of 16 well-healed antemortal cranial traumata. Five of the 11 individuals showed multiple trauma. Ten (15% of MNI) individuals exhibited a total of 10 perimortal cranial traumata. This is a surprisingly high frequency of deadly head injuries, taking into account that most of the gladiator types wore helmets. A possible explanation could be the frequently reported deathblow technique used by the hammer-carrying death god “Dis Pater”.The gladiator weaponry is well known through historical sources. At least one injury per known type of offensive weapon could be identified, as well as evidence for the most popular, the gladiator trident, which was found to be represented by one perimortem and two antemortem injuries. Overall the reportedly very strict nature of combat rules for gladiator fights could be confirmed by the absence of multiple perimortal traumatized individuals, showing a lack of the excessive violence commonly observed on medieval battle ground victims.This graveyard gives the opportunity to confirm historical aspects and to check the reliability of forensic methods for identification of antemortem, perimortem, or postmortem bone lesions. Typical examples for these kinds of lesions and injuries are presented. The colour of the margins of the traumata proved to be the most distinguishing feature for postmortal lesions.  相似文献   

Gladiator remains from a recently unearthed cemetery in ancient Ephesus (Turkey) offer a unique opportunity for proving common theories involving the weaponry and techniques of gladiator fighting based on the evidence supplied by cranial bones. This mass grave is the first of its kind to undergo a thorough osteological and forensic examination. A minimum number of individuals (MNI) analyses revealed that at least 68 individuals. All individuals found turned out to have been males aged between 20 and 30 years, except for one female associated with a female slave gravestone, and one male aged 45-55 years, had been buried in this area of the cemetery. The male mean body height was 168 cm (S.D.=5 cm), which lies inside the normal range of height for Roman populations at those times. Eleven (16% of MNI) individuals exhibit a total of 16 well-healed antemortal cranial traumata. Five of the 11 individuals showed multiple trauma. Ten (15% of MNI) individuals exhibited a total of 10 perimortal cranial traumata. This is a surprisingly high frequency of deadly head injuries, taking into account that most of the gladiator types wore helmets. A possible explanation could be the frequently reported deathblow technique used by the hammer-carrying death god "Dis Pater". The gladiator weaponry is well known through historical sources. At least one injury per known type of offensive weapon could be identified, as well as evidence for the most popular, the gladiator trident, which was found to be represented by one perimortem and two antemortem injuries. Overall the reportedly very strict nature of combat rules for gladiator fights could be confirmed by the absence of multiple perimortal traumatized individuals, showing a lack of the excessive violence commonly observed on medieval battle ground victims. This graveyard gives the opportunity to confirm historical aspects and to check the reliability of forensic methods for identification of antemortem, perimortem, or postmortem bone lesions. Typical examples for these kinds of lesions and injuries are presented. The colour of the margins of the traumata proved to be the most distinguishing feature for postmortal lesions.  相似文献   

Two different cases are reported in which a total of five persons were (mortally) injured by explosions. Although all victims were close to the region of explosion, they presented quite different patterns of injuries. These injuries allowed reconstruction of what had taken place.  相似文献   

It was stipulated that in medicolegal examination of deaths due to mechanical trauma accompanied by vertebral column separation it is necessary to investigate the surface of separation, which as a rule passes along the verge of the osseous and cartilagnous locking laminae. At the initial stage of avulsion a fragment of osseous lamina of the adjacent vertebral corpus remains fixed to cartilaginous lamina. Taking into account the localization of this fragment one may judge upon the direction of spine flexure.  相似文献   

质疑经侦“初查”制度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋阳 《犯罪研究》2004,(3):52-55
各地公安机关在经济犯罪侦查工作中普遍实行了"初查"制度,但该制度没有法律依据,具有一定的危害,没有实行的必要.应正确理解<刑事诉讼法>特别是刑事诉讼的立案条件,创建"立案后初查"制度,改"初查"为"侦查的初始阶段".  相似文献   

Current structure of pancreatic traumas of peace time is considered. The dynamics, mechanism and characteristics of pancreastic injury are described. Surgical treatment of pancreatic injuries and causes of their inadequate management are analysed. This will contribute to improvement of the quality of treatment of pancreatic injuries and of expert evaluation.  相似文献   

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