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从逻辑学的角度看,法律推理具有非单调性。人工智能时代更清晰地凸显出了与这一特性相应的可废止推理模式的必要性。可废止推理虽未必一定用可废止逻辑来刻画,但这一做法在人工智能的环境下更加合乎目的。法律推理的可废止性源于法律规则的可废止性,法律规则的逻辑形式化要求将其构成要件表征为"有待证明的要素"(P要素)与"未被驳倒的要素"(NR要素)两部分,后者的引入恰当地处理了规则与例外的关系。在此基础上,可以通过引入三类"废止者",即反驳型废止者、截断型废止者和削弱型废止者,来建构可废止法律推理的基本模型。但这同时也显现出了可废止法律推理的智能化限度,核心在于它无法进行司法裁判中必不可少的价值判断。  相似文献   

Atria  Fernando 《Law and Philosophy》1999,18(5):537-577
This article deals with the relation between a theory of law and a theory of legal reasoning. Starting from a close reading of Chapter VII of H. L. A. Hart's The Concept of Law, it claims that a theory of law like Hart's requires a particular theory of legal reasoning, or at least a theory of legal reasoning with some particular characteristics. It then goes on to say that any theory of legal reasoning that satisfies those requirements is highly implausible, and tries to show that this is the reason why not only Hart, but also writers like Neil MacCormick and Joseph Raz have failed to offer a theory of legal reasoning that is compatible with legal positivism as a theory of law. They have faced a choice between an explanation of legal reasoning that is incompatible with the core of legal positivism or else strangely sceptical, insofar as it severs the link between general rules and particular decisions that purport to apply them.  相似文献   

语用学是从微观、语言的层面分析和把握法律推理的新视角。在语用学规范性视域中,法律推理是一种融合话语行为、命题行为和语用行为的交互言语行为。其中,"说者"与"听者"都是法律推理主体;达成合理共识是法律推理的目的和原动力;遵守合作原则是法律推理语言有效性的保证。语境通过语言选择的"装扮"来影响法律推理,是影响话语权分配、共识达成及合作原则遵守与否的关键因素。改善语境是发展法律推理的必由之路。  相似文献   

随着人工智能技术在司法领域的应用,相关研究的热度持续高涨,但仍需要探讨的是人工智能在司法实践中运用的实际情况:包括何种人工智能发挥了作用、作用何在以及为何会在有些方面产生效果而其它方面又效果不彰。总体而言,人工智能在中国司法实践中取得了一定的成效,主要体现在警务活动与司法辅助性活动中,但仍难称理想。小范围的成功是源于成熟通用人工智能技术的普适性适用,而大部分司法人工智能产品难以发挥作用是由于未结合专门司法需求展开,所投入的资金与人才资源远远不足。未来应当降低对于司法人工智能的盲目期待,将研发重心从通用领域转向司法专用领域,转变司法人工智能的投入模式,大力培养既懂法律又懂技术的专门化、复合型人才。  相似文献   

The year 2017 has seen many EU and UK legislative initiatives and proposals to consider and address the impact of artificial intelligence on society, covering questions of liability, legal personality and other ethical and legal issues, including in the context of data processing. In March 2017, the Information Commissioner's Office (UK) updated its big data guidance to address the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning, and to provide (GDPR), which will apply from 25 May 2018.This paper situates the ICO's guidance in the context of wider legal and ethical considerations and provides a critique of the position adopted by the ICO. On the ICO's analysis, the key challenge for artificial intelligence processing personal data is in establishing that such processing is fair. This shift reflects the potential for artificial intelligence to have negative social consequences (whether intended or unintended) that are not otherwise addressed by the GDPR. The question of ‘fairness’ is an important one, to address the imbalance between big data organisations and individual data subjects, with a number of ethical and social impacts that need to be evaluated.  相似文献   

最高人民检察院检察长张军强调“要紧紧抓住信息化建设带来的机遇,大力加强智慧检务建设。”检察机关人工智能建设的成效值得深入调研。以S省Z市G区检察院人工智能与智慧检务建设为样本进行实证研究,从类案大数据检索、文书智能生成、程序智能预警、办案质效提升等方面进行数据分析,破解基层检察院人工智能建设进程中存在的盲目追求智能范围广度而忽略深度、忽视司法活动的多元化与差异性、技术开发与一线需求断层等问题,从增强顶层设计,明确法律人工智能的限度、专门化技术创新、法律人参与度及人才培养等方面对法律人工智能未来的发展方向和举措进行探究。  相似文献   

进入网络时代以后,人们逐步形成了一种以技术性和流动性为核心的在线生存样态.人们日益被数据化和被算法化.技术平台往往会利用自身在数据处理和深度学习算法上的技术优势,生成一种隐性的支配权和控制权,从而形成人工智能算法独特的运行逻辑.人工智能算法独特的运行逻辑正在深刻地改变着以往的生产方式和生活方式,并诱发了一系列的伦理危机...  相似文献   

归纳法在判例主义法律推理中的有效性与论证   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李安 《法律科学》2007,25(2):40-48
法律推理既具有逻辑特性又具有法学特性,所以法律推理的有效性也应当分别通过逻辑视角与法学精神进行论证.判例主义法律推理融类比推理、归纳推理与演绎推理为一体,具有良好的自我检验功能.归纳推理在判例主义法律推理中占有重要地位,虽然归纳推理在逻辑上仅仅具有相对的有效性即具有"归纳问题",但在"归纳原理"的作用下至少能够保证推理结论的"概率真理性".  相似文献   

中医人工智能的伦理风险初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人工智能是时代进步发展的成果,作为一种先进科学技术在给人类带来方便快捷的同时,随之而来的潜在风险也日渐凸显,尤其是对人类道德伦理的挑战。探讨机器本身的特性,分析其具有的问题和产生原因;探讨如何治理防控是对公众安全的保护也是对人工智能发展方向的人文指导,强化其人文意识确立人类主导地位,坚定医生主体地位显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

“中国造”问题源于中国粗放式消耗型经济,农村廉价劳动力和资本、资源的低值大量投入换来经济的快速增长,却伴生着“中国造”与生俱来的营养不良症。对照WTO规则中国仍在完善法律制度和政策规范,也在做相应的跟进和修改。关键是要扭转思维,实现“中国造”向现代技术型标准型转轨。中国法律人应对全面解决“中国造”问题做出一份实在贡献。  相似文献   

Liu KL  Kong B  Guo TY 《法医学杂志》2006,22(2):137-138
目的探讨颅脑外伤的儿童智力特点。方法对43例因车祸导致颅脑外伤儿童和50名正常儿童的韦氏智力测验结果进行比较。结果车祸致颅脑外伤儿童的智力水平普遍下降,其总智商、言语智商和操作智商均显著低于正常对照组,弥漫性颅脑损伤对智力的损伤最大。结论颅脑外伤儿童智力水平普遍下降,弥漫性颅脑损伤对智商的损伤最大。  相似文献   


Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of the Scharff technique for gathering human intelligence, but little is known about how this efficacy might vary among different samples of practitioners. In this training study we examined a sample of military officers (n?=?37). Half was trained in the Scharff technique and compared against officers receiving no Scharff training. All officers received the same case file describing two sources holding information about a terrorist attack. University students (n?=?74) took the role of the semi-cooperative sources. Scharff-trained officers adhered to the training as they (1) aimed to establish the ‘knowing-it-all’ illusion, (2) posed claims as a means of eliciting information, and (3) asked fewer explicit questions. The ‘untrained’ officers asked many explicit questions, questioned the reliability of the provided information, pressured the source, and displayed disappointment with the source's contribution. Scharff-trained officers were perceived as less eager to gather information and left their sources with the impression of having provided comparatively less new information, but collected a similar amount of new information as their untrained colleagues. The present paper both replicates and advances previous work in the field, and marks the Scharff technique as a promising technique for gathering human intelligence.  相似文献   

Evolving technologies have created many exciting opportunities to increase the availability of legal information, and to facilitate the organization and publication of this information. With the globalization of almost all legal issues, increased access to primary and secondary resources in electronic format across jurisdictional lines has been a welcomed development by academics, lawyers, international business entities, and others. However, the myriad of legal systems and approaches to maintaining legislative and judicial records has led to a host of challenges in regard to coherent and efficient management of legal information. Focusing on development of legal information systems in China and the United States, this paper will open with a summary of the exciting current and emerging technological advances in legal research methodologies and in the electronic publication of cases, statutes, regulations and other critical resources. The paper will then analyze corresponding challenges, including authenticity, accuracy, currency and consistency. The analysis will include discussion of the varying quality of legal information resources proliferating in the Internet, as well as the host of issues surrounding electronic publishing of legal information by government entities and commercial enterprises. The paper will conclude with a prospective analysis of the manner in which emerging technologies can enhance knowledge management of legal information and strengthen legal systems in both common law and civil law jurisdictions.  相似文献   

法律判断大小前提的建构及其方法   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
郑永流 《法学研究》2006,28(4):3-18
法律方法效命于法律判断的形成,法律判断的形成是一个将大小前提进行等置的过程。在这个过程中,视事实与规范之间的不同关系,要运用各种方法去建构大小前提,即使事实一般化、使规范具体化。这些方法包括:客观目的探究,法律修正、正当违背法律,法律补充、反向推论等建构大前提的特有方法;观察、实验、技术鉴定、法医鉴定等建构小前提的特有方法;以及演绎、归纳、设证、类比、解释、论证、诠释等建构大小前提共同运用的方法。它们共同构成法律方法的体系。  相似文献   

海洛因技术分析在禁毒情报方面的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文通过统计缴获样本的化学检测信息及案卷资料,得到有关毒品的来源、含量、地区分布及掺假情况等情报信息。这些情报信息可以作为我国禁毒部门从战术角度(样本间的比较)和战略角度(毒品来源确定)研判我国毒品形势的手段之一。  相似文献   


Previous research has suggested that sex offenders are deficient in several areas of emotional functioning such as empathy, emotional perception, emotional management and interpersonal functioning. It is unclear, however, whether sex offenders display a general deficit in emotional functioning or whether their emotional deficits are specific to the circumstances in which offences occur. The present study aimed to provide a broad assessment of the emotional functioning of sex offenders by assessing their emotional intelligence (EI) using an abilities-based emotional intelligence test. Nineteen sex offenders, 18 non-sex offending prisoners and 19 controls were administered the Perception, Assimilation and Management branch subtests from the Mayer Salovey Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT). The results indicated that the sex offenders were not significantly different than the control group, as assessed by these three branches of the MSCEIT. The results lend support to the suggestion that the emotional deficits displayed by sex offenders may be offence-specific. Implications for the use of the MSCEIT in sex offending populations and the role of EI in relapse prevention programmes are discussed.  相似文献   

The primary aim of any DNA Database is to link individuals to unsolved offenses and unsolved offenses to each other via DNA profiling. This aim has been successfully realised during the operation of the New Zealand (NZ) DNA Databank over the past five years. The DNA Intelligence Project (DIP), a collaborative project involving NZ forensic and law enforcement agencies, interrogated the forensic case data held on the NZ DNA databank and collated it into a functional intelligence database. This database has been used to identify significant trends which direct Police and forensic personnel towards the most appropriate use of DNA technology. Intelligence is being provided in areas such as the level of usage of DNA techniques in criminal investigation, the relative success of crime scene samples and the geographical distribution of crimes. The DIP has broadened the dimensions of the information offered through the NZ DNA Databank and has furthered the understanding and investigative capability of both Police and forensic scientists. The outcomes of this research fit soundly with the current policies of 'intelligence led policing', which are being adopted by Police jurisdictions locally and overseas.  相似文献   

模糊不明,即法律词汇表达的意思不明确,是一切法律都可能存在的病灶之一,这是人类思维的固有缺陷造成的。法律的统一性、明确性和规范性,不能放任法律意义的模糊,因此,寻求法律意义的明晰和确定,是法律人必须完成的使命。法律解释的基本任务即通过语言、文字或行为的方式交代,明晰因法律意义模糊而产生的困惑,其效力基础在于有权解释的强制性以及人们对法定权威的接受性。但在疑难、复杂案件中,当案件事实与规范之间的对接与沟通出现困难时,法律解释无能为力,此时需要法律推理出场。疑难案件中,对法律可能存在多重意义的理解,法律论证可使案件的读者能够有自身的选择,这是一种更深层次的理解和阐释法律的活动。  相似文献   

法律推理的客观性及其实现条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪西方法理学经历了从法律确定性向法律不确定性的转向,以“唯一正确答案”为核心的法律确定性难以成立。然而,这并不会影响法律确定性所追求的限制权力这一政治目标的实现,恰当阐释的法律客观性观念可以作为法治的基石。共同的社会文化背景、适当的法律推理思维方法、成熟的法律职业共同体三者的共同作用将为法律推理的客观性的实现提供保障。  相似文献   

建构法律推理的新视角:以语用学合作原则为切入点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何建构大小前提,关系到法律推理能否取得有效性,以往对于建构大小前提的研究偏向于抽象的理论探讨,缺乏具体的、可操作的方法。在语用学视域中,法律推理不仅是逻辑推理也是行动推理,构建大小前提的过程体现为言语行为活动,而语用学合作原则是理解言语行为的一个非常重要的原则,能够在建构大小前提中发挥重要作用,为研究法律推理提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

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