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互联网法院借助互联网技术审理特定类型的涉互联网案件,以全流程在线办理为原则,改变了诉讼行为发生的时空条件.互联网法院在现阶段面临的程序法困境主要包括设立依据有违法定法官原则、管辖范围的界定不够妥当、在线庭审的规则创新冲击民事司法之基本原则、诉讼规则忽视对当事人处分权和平等权的保障等方面.从立法上明确互联网法院的试点法院...  相似文献   

The ability to instantly communicate with a global audience has created numerous legal uncertainties as jurists struggle to adapt age-old jurisprudence to modern-day technologies —and defamation jurisprudence is no exception. The definition of a plaintiff's community is critical to his or her ability to succeed in a defamation lawsuit, often determining whether the plaintiff is a public figure or whether the plaintiff's reputation has been injured in his or her community. This article examines federal and state defamation jurisprudence to compare the factors courts have used to define community in both traditional print and broadcast cases with the factors used in more recent Internet defamation cases. It then suggests three possible rubrics courts could employ to more uniformly define community in Internet defamation cases.  相似文献   

论民事诉讼简易程序的法理基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐胜萍 《现代法学》2003,25(6):26-30
民事诉讼简易程序作为迅速、廉价地解决民事简单案件的诉讼程序 ,得到越来越广泛的肯定和适用。设立民事诉讼简易程序 ,并非仅仅是为了提高法院的办案速度而采取的权宜之计 ,而是基于公民获得司法救济权、诉讼费用相当、司法资源的合理配置以及适时审判等诉讼法理的必然要求  相似文献   

In the past quarter-century, the number of suits filed by prisoners in federal courts has substantially increased. Critics have borrowed metaphors from ballistics or pathologv to describe this increase as an “epidemic” of “legal pollution” or an “explosion.” The causes of this “hyperlexis,” or excessive litigation, are often attributed to prisoners' attempts to retry their cases once they have lost, or to some psychological attribute of plaintiffs who view litigation as a means of striking back at their keepers. This paper examines several common conceptions of prisoner litigation. National ling data from federal district courts are used to assess the merits of each. The data provide little support for many of the conceptions of and explanations for prisoner suits. It is suggested that prisoners' use of courts may be a form of social resistance to conditions for which there is no other legitimate avenue for relief:  相似文献   

在我国行政诉讼中确立“成熟原则”的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“对公民、法人或者其他组织权利义务不产生实际影响的行为”不可诉 ,体现了我国行政诉讼中的“成熟原则” ;确立“成熟原则”有利于行政机关正常行使行政权、人民法院正确审理行政案件以及切实保护行政相对人的合法权益 ;行政行为是否对行政相对人产生实际不利影响和行政行为的实施是否形成最后的决定 ,分别是判断“成熟性”的实质和形式标准。  相似文献   

论我国劳动争议处理制度的重构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈彬 《现代法学》2005,27(6):93-99
劳动争议处理制度具有独特的程序价值,应当体现促进劳动关系和谐的精神,有助于释放争议劳动关系中的紧张因素,公正、及时地化解劳动争议,降低当事人耗费和社会成本,强化处理过程及结果的定纷止争功能和积极导向作用。我国现行“先裁后审模式”和学者建议的“单一机构处理模式”不足以实现上述目的,有必要重新构建,即实行“或裁或审、裁审自择、两裁终局、两审终审”的制度;设置三级两裁的劳动争议仲裁体系,落实“三方原则”,加强仲裁机构“实体化”建设;在人民法院内部设立专门的劳动法庭,并对劳动争议诉讼时效、当事人等制度进行改造。  相似文献   

Because a staggering percentage of criminal court caseloads are intrinsically related to drug or alcohol abuse, general jurisdiction courts with rehabilitative “Drug Court” programs have experienced notable success. A similarly large number of juvenile and family court cases also involve substance abuse. The establishment of a “Family Drug Court” is allowing parents involved in abuse and neglect litigation to benefit from the juvenile justice system's social service mode of rehabilitation.  相似文献   

When nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) encounter state resistance to human rights accountability, how do NGOs use international courts for their human rights advocacy strategies? Considering the overlapping phenomena of shrinking civic space within authoritarian, hybrid, and democratically backsliding regimes, and state backlash against international courts, NGOs navigate two potential levels of state backlash against human rights accountability. Building on the interdisciplinary scholarship on legal mobilization, we develop an integrated framework for explaining how states' two-level (domestic and international) backlash tactics can both promote and deter NGOs' strategic litigation at international human rights courts (IHRCs). States' backlash tactics can influence NGOs' opportunities, capacities, and goals for their human rights advocacy, and thus affect whether and how they pursue strategic litigation at IHRCs. We elucidate the value of this framework through case studies of NGOs' litigation against Tanzania at the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights, an understudied IHRC. Drawing on an original data set, interviews, and documentation, we process-trace how Tanzania's various backlash tactics influenced whether and how NGOs litigated at the Court. Our framework and analysis show how state backlash against human rights accountability affects NGOs' mobilization at IHRCs and, relatedly, IHRCs' opportunities for influence.  相似文献   

The trans-administrative regional (trans-regional) court was created as part of China’s judicial reforms in 2014. Thus far, only two trans-regional courts have been established, namely the Shanghai No. 3 and Beijing No. 4 Intermediate People’s Courts. An important reason for this slow pace is that the trans-regional court has transcended the current structural framework under the Organic Law of the People’s Courts in that (1) it is neither a specialized court that hears certain types of cases, (2) nor a local court established completely in keeping with administrative divisions. Therefore, the legal nature and status can only be clarified and justified when there is a clear definition of this new court system in the Organic Law of the People’s Courts. Several models, namely the independent set-up model, full reshuffling model and limited transformation model, have been proposed for the establishment of trans-regional courts. The most practical and efficient among these models is the limited transformation model, aiming to reconstruct the existing railway transportation courts. The trans-regional courts may have exclusive, alienage, or supplemental jurisdiction. Each form addresses particular types of special and major trans-regional cases, and other cases based on the theory of consolidation.  相似文献   

房旭 《行政与法》2014,(2):92-97
不确定法律概念往往成为行政诉讼争议的焦点.实践中,法院消极审查可能导致行政诉讼目的难以实现,积极审查又可能干涉行政权的行使.然而,国内学者的观点——不确定法律概念可分为经验概念和价值概念,对于经验概念,法院可以进行严格审查;对于价值概念,法院应给予高度的尊重——在司法权与行政权地位明显失衡的现状下以及在实现行政诉讼目的和司法最终裁决原则的要求下,已经明显“站不住脚”了.本文通过对第103号行政审判指导案例的分析,认为应确立对所有不确定法律概念都可进行司法审查的原则,在此前提下依据对不确定法律概念进行的重新分类再确定相应的司法审查程度和司法审查标准.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, there has been an explosion of litigation addressing an employer's right to unilaterally amend or terminate medical benefits provided to retirees. The sheer volume of these cases and the variety of facts and legal theories have combined to obscure the patterns and trends that actually are emerging from this litigation. This article will describe the context of the struggle over retiree benefits and discuss those leading decisions in which the federal courts of appeals have established their rules for deciding retiree benefits cases.  相似文献   

基于对我国的行政行为效力理论、诉讼机制、法院组织机构以及内部审理组织设置等因素的现状的分析,目前契合于我国制度背景的司法救济模式只能是在坚持固有的案件性质和法院审理组织之间一一对应的前提下,由行政审判庭审理专利复审委和商标评审委为被告的行政案件。  相似文献   

刘计划 《中国法学》2012,(5):133-148
解构我国检察机关刑事审判监督职能表明,三种行使方式都系诉权范畴,即属诉讼职能。其中,向法院提出"纠正意见"名不副实,实为一种异议;抗诉案件改判比例极低,与检察机关"在刑事抗诉中始终站在客观、中立、公正的立场上,代表国家对法院确有错误的裁判实施法律监督"的辩称不符,二审、再审中的抗诉不过是检察机关提起的上诉和申请再审;对审判人员职务犯罪案件的侦查,实为检察机关调查事实、收集证据的追诉活动,因定性为监督,造成诉讼法律关系混乱和诉讼职能冲突。将检察机关在刑事审判程序中的职能区分为诉讼职能和监督职能,是我国传统刑事诉讼理论研究中的误区,并无实际意义,相反却滋生了诸多负面效应。  相似文献   

目前,我国已经构建了帮助弱者的法律援助机制,但这种单一的权利救济方式由于其机制自身对受助者条件要求较高,难以满足全体公民的需要.国外的经验表明,诉讼可以与商业化的保险相结合,从而缓解公民不断增加的诉讼需求与司法资源有限两者之间的矛盾.因此,诉讼保险制度在我国日益引起重视,但诉讼保险制度的移植并非易事,需要对该项制度进行反复考察,只有建立起适合我国国情的诉讼保险制度,才能更好地推进我国法治建设的发展.  相似文献   

由于没有明确的立法规定,“或裁或审”条款的性质与类型在认定上十分模糊,因此各级人民法院经常在该问题上产生混乱。例如,“或裁或审”条款与“一裁终局”条款相混淆,多份协议与单一协议中的“或裁或审”条款相模糊,以及对《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国仲裁法〉若干问题的解释》(以下简称《仲裁法司法解释》)第7条的理解不一致等。虽然最高人民法院发布的司法解释或指导性案例能为各级人民法院在“或裁或审”条款的性质与类型的定性中提供指引,但并不能从根本上解决《仲裁法司法解释》第7条中对于仲裁协议无效的规定。纵观各国对于既约定仲裁又约定诉讼的条款的态度,我国对于仲裁无效的判定过于严厉,这与我国正在推进建立亚太国际仲裁中心的政策考量不入。只有对法律制度的突破与变更才能在实质上修正立法的滞后性。先管辖先受理原则的借鉴,不仅可以为维护当事人意思自治提供出路,而且可以为我国鼓励与支持仲裁的发展消弭弊端。  相似文献   

This article examines collective legal mobilization through the courts, or collective litigation, in a non‐liberal regime. It analyses the emergence and development of collective litigation to challenge the constitutionality of section 377A of the Penal Code, the law that criminalizes same‐sex sexual conduct in Singapore. The analysis focuses on the relational dynamics of collective litigation and legal subjectivities of the social actors involved, highlighting how social positions and strategic interests shaped their interactions and decisions on litigation. While gay rights activists emphasized their movement's collective interests when choosing the appropriate case and lawyers, a movement outsider pursued individual interests on behalf of a client. Due to their divergent social positions and strategic interests, the two teams competed with each other as they initiated two separate constitutional challenges. Tension between the teams led to conflict with constituents of the gay rights movement and influenced their relational dynamics with other parties.  相似文献   

王瀚  李广辉 《法律科学》2004,22(2):93-99
诉讼竞合是由于各国对管辖权规定的差异而产生的一种现象。但对诉讼竞合 ,迄今我国既无相应的立法可资因应 ,亦没有形成判例规则。这种状况不仅不利于保护我国当事人的合法权益 ,而且亦使我国法院在面临此类问题时无所依循。因此 ,我国除应积极参与《国际民商事管辖权和判决的承认与执行公约》(即《海牙管辖权公约》)以及相关国际公约的制定之外 ,还需进行相应的补充立法以更好地协调国际私法诉讼竞合之法律冲突 ,促进国际司法协助的顺利进行  相似文献   

清末民初行政诉讼法制中的“民告官”传统遗存   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴欢 《北方法学》2014,(2):152-160
在中国古代"为民父母行政"的传统行政法律文化中存在一个延宕千年的"民告官"传统。这一传统体现在"以上制下"的逐级申控制度、"从严治吏"的御史监察制度、"为民申冤"的直诉京控制度和"便民告官"的越诉特许制度等方面,其精神旨趣是廉政监督而非民权保障。"民告官"传统在清末民初近代行政诉讼法制滥觞和确立阶段仍然有不同程度的遗存。这种遗存可以从彼时行政诉讼审判机构的设立存废之争、具体制度设计和实际运行效果三个方面考察。未来中国行政诉讼法制的发展必须建立在对近代百年行政诉讼法制变迁充分省察的基础之上,必须认真对待和妥善处理"民告官"传统的影响。  相似文献   

《反不正当竞争法》第20条规定了反不正当竞争案件中损害赔偿额的计算方法,但是对于既无充分证据证明原告损失、也无法认定被告所得的情况,没有相应的规定。司法实践中,为了解决此类案件,法院进行了各种探索,并逐渐确立了定额赔偿的制度。但此种制度一直受到合法性的困扰。在商标法、著作权法以及专利法明确规定法定赔偿金制度后,反不正当竞争法中确立此种制度也势在必行。而法学理论界对这一制度变迁未能提供相应的理论支持与关注,是法学研究值得总结的教训。本文通过对我国司法案例的类型化整理与系统考察,对这一制度变迁过程进行了研究。  相似文献   

Since the reform and the opening up to the world of China, there has been increasingly more litigation in China, which has stimulated further development of the legal profession and greater public and private expenditure on the legal practice. Accordingly, legal reform has become an important component of the national scheme of social transformation. On the other hand, the rapid increase in litigation has unexpectedly eroded the traditional means to resolve disputes of both mediation and judicial mediation. More alarming is that judicial credibility is seriously challenged by judicial corruption and poor enforcement of judicial decisions. The increasing number of litigation-related complaints by the public, and the large number of vetoes against the working reports of the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate by the National People’s Congress, are two indicators of the crisis of judicial credibility. This paper is to analyze the data of litigation, legal profession, mediation, and the phenomena of judicial corruption. Based on this analysis, it suggests that, to overcome the current quandary of judicial development, further reform should not only focus on courts, but also on all functional departments that could collaborate one way or another with the judiciary, should not depend only on governmental organizations but also on NGOs in resolving disputes and social issues, and should explore and develop innovative ways of social management.  相似文献   

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