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Ready,Set, Go!     
<正>Presidents'meeting paves the way for further development in China-U.S.relations Beijing and Washington both expect the Mar-a-Lago meeting to move China-U.S.relations forward.Although there are differences on some issues,there are also opportunities for agreement on an overall framework for near term and long term relations.  相似文献   

Ready,Set, Go     
正The Chinese people’s passion to run for fun and better health was taken to a new height by the Beijing Olympics. Situated among fascinating architectural structures,Beijing’s Olympic Forest Park is a special place.The 2008 Beijing Olympics organizers was made a wise decision to turn a huge nature reserve in a northern section of the city into a beautiful park open to all. Even on a very hot and humid day in late June, with temperatures  相似文献   

Go Pavilions!     
The majority of pavilions for the Shanghai 2010 World Expo will greet visitors on time Scaffolds covered the dome of the India Pavilion,and construction crews were working in the rain on March 30.On the same day,debris  相似文献   

Expo's a Go!     
China celebrates the one-year countdown of World Expo 2010 Shanghai China started the one-year countdown clock to the World Expo 2010 Shanghai on May 1 with events held in the host city and  相似文献   

The Italian Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo
CT: Would you describe for us the main features of the Italian Pavilion? S. Miraglia: Our theme is "City of Man." We aim to put across ideas from Italian civilization and urban development, creating a window on how we live in Italy, our art, culture, history, design, cooking...and our wine of course!  相似文献   

市容环境综合建设打下管理基础(一)开展区域划分2004年开始,在试点取得的经验基础上,上海全市开展了市容环境示范区域、规范区域、达标区域的创建工作.其中,市容环境示范区域,主要在内环线以内和世博会园区规划区域(及周边地区),全市主要旅游景点和风貌保护区以及中心镇和新城创建;市容环境规范区域,主要在内环线内除示范区域以外的地区、通往外省市主要道路两侧街道(镇)、中心镇和新城创建;市容环境达标区域,除示范、规范区域外,剩余城市化地区必须开展达到水准的创建.  相似文献   

<正>Guizhou Province seeks to narrow the gap with the prosperous east Guizhou Province, a mountainous and multi-ethnic province in southwest China, is gaining popularity with domestic and overseas investors as it accelerates  相似文献   

Ready,Aim, Fire     
<正>Local conferences set their sights on new targets for development Since January 7,provincial regions and cities in China have started holding annual conferences of law makers and political advisers.By February 5,28 out of the 31 provincial regions had concluded two sessions of local people’s congresses and committees  相似文献   

随着我国对外开放程度的加深,上海作为经济都市在世界范围内的影响和地位在不断地提升。但是,与世界其他大型的国际都市比较,上海在文化都市的知名度方面显然还有很大的差距,与经济都市的地位不相称。一上海在科技方面有自己的优势,中国近代以来的许多科学技术都是从上海传入中国各地的。但是上海似乎是一个技术重镇,在思想上鲜见领先潮流的时候。有人批评上海香软肥腻的城市性格,在各个方面都有所体现。可以说,现在的上海是经济都市,但不是文化都市。当然有人会反驳,说上海有马戏城,它有“中国马戏第一城”的美誉,其独特的建筑造型,金灿灿…  相似文献   

PUBLIC sculptures are powerful symbols of a city's culture, embodying its distinct spirit. At the ongoing 2010 World Expo,the sculptures commissioned for the Park not only embellish the Expo Zone and intensify Shanghai's cultural sophistication, but also explicitly echo the theme of Better City, Better Life.  相似文献   

上海世博会"环沪护城河"安保工作,任务艰巨。嘉善县作为浙江省与上海陆上接壤的两个县市之一,承担着我省陆上和内河水域一半的通道查缉安保任务。这对嘉善县公安机关是一次全新的考验。针对社会面管控、卡点查缉和安保队伍建设等重点工作,要坚持合作理念,全力构建世博安保的"安全带";严格卡点缉查,切实担当"环沪护城河"的"过滤器";坚持从严治警,努力打造胜任世博安保工作的"铁队伍",切实构筑起一道坚不可摧的环沪屏障。  相似文献   

一、新的历史机遇期的国家战略选择(一)北京提出建设世界城市意义重大博鳌亚洲论坛秘书长龙永图认为,北京提出建设世界城市时机很好,立意很新,意义很大,目标很高,底气很足.北京建设世界城市不仅仅是北京的事,应该成为全国人民的事.建设世界城市是在中国发展的一个重要时刻,特别是中国迅速崛起,成为世界强国的历史性关键时刻提出来的,它不仪是北京发展的重要举措,更是国家发展战略的一个重要组成部分.  相似文献   

武汉作为华中地区和长江流域的特大中心城市,要适应当代经济全球化的世纪浪潮,步入新经济时代的快车道,必须构建CBD。CBD是现代化国际性城市的重要标志。  相似文献   

当前,城市管理中存在的大量不和谐因素严重制约着我们和谐社会的进程.其中,在城市管理中,如何对待小商、小贩,是长期以来各方关注又非常棘手的一个问题,处理得好不好集中体现了我们政府的公共管理水平的高下和执政能力的优劣.  相似文献   

Game, Set, Match     
Top tournaments bring tennis fever to China The last Tennis Masters Cup came to an end on November 16, 2008.In the season-ending tournament,world No. 3 player Novak Djokovic from Serbia managed a 6:1 and 7:5 win over Russian Nikolay Davydenko at the  相似文献   

王天玺 《创造》2008,(8):8-10
一个民族的腾飞,一个国家的崛起,总会有里程碑意义的年代和事件作为象征。2008年,汶川大地震,北京奥运会,就是这样的里程碑。  相似文献   

<正>Two schoolmates invent a small gadget which helps women to boost rate of pregnancy Traditional y,conceiving a child was mainly considered to be a woman’s job.But this hasn’t discouraged two young men,who graduated from the largely male-dominated STEM hub of Beihang University in 2006.Liu Ting and Liu Hongtao have committed themselves to creating a device designed to help women get pregnant,this despite the fact that their respective majors are completely unrelated to the venture—one holds a master’s degree in aircraft engine data processing and the other  相似文献   


借鉴西方国家政府行政管理改革的成功经验,提出调整政府的城管职能,实行政事分开,引入竞争机制,加快社会化改革是推进城市管理体制改革的关键.  相似文献   

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