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China plays an active role in safeguarding stability on the Korean Peninsula Tensions on the Korean Peninsula finally seem to be easing.President of the Republic of Korea(ROK) Park Geun Hye said on April 11 that Seoul would conduct dialogue with Pyongyang and offer humanitarian assistance.During his recent visits to China and South Korea,U.S.Secretary of State John Kerry  相似文献   

正Broader Belt and Road cooperation will unfold after pandemic blows over The impact of the novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19) on the world economy is yet to be assessed. Estimations are particularly difficult because plans are being continuously  相似文献   

<正>Ending world hunger,eradicating poverty and creating a planet filled with peace and prosperity seems like fantasy,but the 193 member states of the United Nations(UN)took steps in mid-August to turn that dream into a reality.After two years of negotiations,participating countries agreed to  相似文献   

January 16 marked the fifth anniversary of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB). Today, the multilateral development bank has grown into an institution with more than 100 members. At an online event hosted by U.S. think tank Brookings Institution on January 25, AIIB President Jin Liqun talked about its operations and ambitions.  相似文献   

NOORTHWESTChinaincludesShaanxi,QinghaiandGansuprovincesandNingxiaHuiandYinjianUygurautonomousregionsandcoversonethirdofChina.Itisfarfromthecoast,thetransportationsystemisoutdated,rainfallisscant,theclimateisadverse,anddevelopmenthasbeenslowerthaninotherpartsinthecountry.Thus,tosay"NorthwestChina"hasoftenbeentantamounttosaying"underdeveloped."Hasthesituationchangedatall?InthisissuewePublishaseriesofarticlesunderthebanner"Ningxia:Challenge,DreamandAccomplishment."InoneHusseinIsmail,a…  相似文献   

Chimneys were, for a short period of time, the symbols of indus-trialization and urbanization. They were soon reduced to symbols of pollution and backwardness. But today the site of a chimney at the  相似文献   

Robin Li,CEO of Internet giant Baidu,foresees artificial intelligence (AI) changing our lives and ways of production.Li is also a member of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC),the top political advisory body.He talked with Beijing Review reporter Zhao Wei about the proposals he has submitted at the annual CPPCC session,which kicked off on March 4,Baidu's recent innovations,and China's position in global Al technology.This is an edited excerpt of his interview.  相似文献   

The government has pledged to adopt all necessary policies to stimu-late the troubled residential real estate sector  相似文献   

AS China's traditional manufacturing industries lose their competitive edge on the world market,privately owned businesses are turning their eyes to high-tech products."Squeezed by continually rising prices of raw materials and climbing labor costs on the one hand,and unremitting demands for better quality and low prices from our customers on the other hand, we have no choice but to develop high technology products,"says Cai Xianping,deputy general manager of Jiangsu Xingrong High-tech Company Limited.  相似文献   

四年前,我遭遇了一场灾难,我以为将是我白头到老的爱情倒塌了。我是一个完美主义者,我一直以为我能做到一切,包括爱情,尽管这是一段从一开始就不被祝福的爱情。可我还是坚持不懈地付出了所有,直到最  相似文献   

Schooling Hope     
<正>Xinjiang headmaster promotes standard Chinese to give future generations more opportunities Nineteen years ago, Kuerban Niyaz, a Uygur local, built a primary school for the instruction of standard spoken and written Chinese in Wushi County,  相似文献   

Injecting Hope     
正With the first batch of Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines rolling off production lines in Egypt on July 5,it became the first country on the African continent to do so in cooperation with China.The program was launched in December 2020.Local production commenced six months later and reached an output of 1 million doses within a relatively short period.  相似文献   

inOctober1989,aprojectaimedathelpingschooldropoutsinpoorregionstocontinuetheirschoolingandimprovingtheireducationconditionswasinitiatedbytheChinaYouthdevelopmentFoundation(CYHF).ItwasnamedProjectHope.Overthelastdecade,thissocialcharityactivityhasgreatlypromotededucationaldevelopmentinpoorareas,andithasbeenactivelysupportedbyeveryChinesecitizen.fromstateleaderstoordinarycitizens.Manyoverseasorganizations,enterprises,groupsandindividualshavealsokindlyofferedtheirhelp,therefore,itisknownasthe…  相似文献   

Extending Hope     
IN1989,thedecision-makersofthenewlyestablishedChinaYouthDevelopmentFoundationsettheireyesonbasiceducationinthepoverty--strickenareas.Atthattime,80millionpeopleinChinastilllivedbelowthepovertyline.Foralongtime,China'seducationexpenditurewasallocatedbythegovernment,lackingsupportfromthepeopleandsociety.Asaresult,schoolsinpoorareaswerefarfromadequate.Eachyearamillionstudentsdroppedoutofschoolduetopoverty.Apublicwelfareactivityaimedathelpingschooldropoutsandimprovingschoolconditionscameintobei…  相似文献   

LIKE her fellow Tibetans in Yamda Village,Doilungdêqên,Drakse knows first-hand how much local lives have improved.She is now 52,and when a little girl in the 1960s,her family of five toiled on a plot of less than a half-hectare,with the assistance of a horse,goat or donkey.After she spent two years in the classroom her parents sadly couldn’t afford any more education for her,and they needed her help on the farm in any case.At age 16 Drakse joined her father on the road building team,earning RMB 5 a day.They had roasted barley flour for all three daily meals in those years,an unthinkable privation for Tibet’s youth today.  相似文献   

Since China launched the drive to develop western provinces, Chengdu, capital of Sichuan Province, has encountered swift and strong growth on the back of state policy support. The city’s momentum gained even greater steam in recent years as more and more manufacturing industries move inland from the east coast. Chengdu took  相似文献   

Zhang Mengxu from Yunnanprovince was released fromprison in September 2009 after serving 18 months forrobbery.he had no job skills.The following year he was arrestedon more than 20 charges of fraud,robbery and burglary involving more than 90,000yuan($14,250).China’s Criminal Law,which took  相似文献   

Children of Hope     
ZHANG Xiaoqiong lives in the new county seat of Bei-chuan Qiang Autonomous County, Mianyang City, Si-chuan Province. Pushing her baby son Liu Peng in his pram in morning sunshine is the happiest moment of  相似文献   

Hope In Less     
Demand for electricity is falling across China,a sign of slower growth and a call for change Walking under the scorching Beijing sun,Li Yuxuan said she felt the heat of the road had penetrated the soles of her shoes."Pour some cumin on me,and I will become a slice of barbecue meatloaf,"she joked.In fact,plenty of records regarding the  相似文献   

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