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Since November 9, 2000, about a month after the break out of the Palestinian uprising, the Israeli government had launched a military strategy of assassinating Palestinian activists it deems to be security threats in the West Bank and Gaza. This study examines how the daily press covered this policy and how the assassinations were constructed in the news media. The analysis focuses on the handling of the killings carried out in November and December 2000, because of the importance of the initial frameworks of meaning and interpretation. It is shown that the reporting regarding the extreme measures taken by Israel, took place without any sense of criticism. The newspapers gave a wide coverage to the IDF version of the events, quoted largely senior security officers and adopted official definitions, including the assumption that IDF only kills people directly involved in terrorist attacks. IDF killings were depicted as a reaction to Palestinian terrorism, and presented in vague, distancing and laconic terms. Palestinian violence was identified, detailed and received prominence in many ways. It is argued that the structured relations between the press and its military sources granted a wide range of legitimacy to the assassinations and enabled the Israeli government to pursue its policy and even extend it. The fact that these assassinations brought an escalation in the conflict and contributed to the continuation of terrorist attacks was never an issue.  相似文献   

Machiavelli's 500‐year‐old treatise The Prince outlined the central features of the realist tradition in international relations. His premises led him to question the likelihood of efficacious and stable international law and international courts, a skepticism that has present‐day proponents. Machiavelli's reluctance was due to a combination of features of human nature and a focus on anarchic features of the relations among states. This article challenges these assumptions and implications: Other interpretations of human nature are closer to Machiavelli's text, and current relations among states are significantly different. The revised assumptions should make Machiavelli's followers more optimistic about international law and international courts.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):661-681

Despite considerable interest among criminologists, the literature on terrorism has been largely atheoretical and nonempirical. This paper provides the results of a national study of federal criminal cases that arose from the FBI's Counterterrorism Program during the 1980s. The strategies of federal prosecutors are discussed in relation to Turk's notions of “explicit politicality” and “exceptional vagueness.” Evidence shows that in keeping with historical studies of American political crime, prosecutorial efforts to depict terrorists as common criminals have been the most frequently used and most successful strategy. Prosecutors' efforts to explicitly politicize the terrorists' crimes have been largely unsuccessful and are rarely employed.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the framework of a reinterpretation of Marxism and Rawlsianism which aims at a non-eclectic integration of both these theories, the author presents a transformation of the Rawlsian principles of justice into principles of political struggle with a view to establishing a just society. He deduces this normative development from a general theory of the modern world, proposed in his recent book (Bidet 1990).  相似文献   

Conclusion Unlike the great majority of international travelers whose purposes are mainly recreational, touring or visiting among relatives and friends, business executives are obliged by the nature of their occupations, much like airline personnel and other professional groups, to travel despite varying degrees of hazard to their persons. And it is this segment of the traveling public that has suffered the most in terrorist incidents. Within the subject populations of international travelers, the outcomes were apparent, both of which involved rationalizations in overcoming fear. For the inexperienced international travelers who depend on second hand accounts of danger, they tend to accept sensational accounts of terrorist threast and overestimate risks; experienced executives who have traveled and who possess more reliable, concrete knowledge of terrorism, react differently: in their case, reactions are also psychologically determined. They are induced by dental, but are additionally informed by more valid information and experiences about the extent and dangers of terrorism.  相似文献   

This essay sets forth a research agenda to begin filling some key gaps in terrorism studies. Since the September 2001 Al Qaeda attacks against the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon that claimed over 3000 lives, interest in terrorism research has increased. After these attacks, the United States and other governments prioritized the scientific study of the causes of and responses to terrorism. Importantly though, our review of the terrorism literature demonstrates that despite this progress, intriguing questions remain underexplored or altogether unexplored. This essay identifies four gaps in terrorism studies: (1) employing non-terrorist comparison groups, (2) broadening the dependent variable (focus of study), (3) exploring exceptions/anomalies to “established” findings, and (4) engaging measurement issues. We discuss these issues and outline a research agenda that could begin to fill these gaps.  相似文献   

The authors were confronted with developing a use-of-force/self-defense training program and were directly responsible for the implementation of this new inservice program. The authors found through the research, that the psychological factors were more important than the psychomotor self-defense tactics.  相似文献   

Since 9/11 the threat from terrorism has been regarded as ‘exceptional’, a threat that requires military and sometimes even extra-judicial responses. But experience has shown that these responses can have unintended and counterproductive results. Many experts now believe that criminal justice and rule of law-based responses to terrorism are often more legitimate, effective and sustainable. The paper argues that prosecutors have a vital role to play in promoting appropriate criminal justice responses to terrorism. Yet with no international court with jurisdiction over terrorist crimes, prosecutors carry the primary responsibility to work with their local law enforcement agencies to bring terrorist suspects to justice before national courts, while ensuring that no misuses or abuses of authority have occurred. To deliver on this mandate, prosecutors must remain vigilant and ensure that the counter-terrorism actions of police, corrections and other law enforcement authorities are lawful and respectful of human rights. This will often require immense courage under fire.  相似文献   

Ice cream markets in Europe are characterized by vertical restraints of varying degrees of restrictiveness. Mars, an entrant to the market, sought to establish in a court action and in a complaint to the European Union Commission that the dominant incumbent, Unilever, had acted with the object and effect of foreclosing the market in Ireland by bundling the price of ice cream and freezer services and restricting retailers to stocking Unilever product alone in freezers supplied by them. This article applies a model of bundling, tying, and foreclosure developed by M.D. Whinston to demonstrate that it would not have been rational for Unilever to attempt to foreclose the market by means of these restrictions and therefore that the Commission was not justified in obliging Unilever to accept the changes imposed on it.With apologies to William Boyd.  相似文献   

With the widespread concerns about cyber terrorism and the frequent use of the term “cyber terrorism” at the present time, many international organisations have made efforts to combat this threat. Since cyber terrorism is an international crime, local regulations alone are not able to defend against such attacks; they require a transnational response. Therefore, an attacked country will invoke international law to seek justice for any damage caused, through the exercise of universal jurisdiction. Without the aid of international organisations, it is difficult to prevent cyber terrorism. At the same time, international organisations determine which state court, or international court, has the authority to settle a dispute. The objective of this paper is to analyse and review the effectiveness and sufficiency of the current global responses to cyber terrorism through the exercise of international jurisdiction. This article also touches upon the notion of cyber terrorism as a transnational crime and an international threat; thus, national regulations alone cannot prevent it. The need for an international organisation to prevent and defend nations from cyber terrorism attacks is pressing. This paper finds that, as cyber terrorism is a transnational crime, it should be subjected to universal jurisdiction through multinational cooperation, and this would be the most suitable method to counter future transnational crimes such as cyber terrorism.  相似文献   

Why are ‘trustee’ notions of representation still invoked in the UK House of Commons in the 1990s? In answering this question this article analyses the premises of Burkean theory and the arguments that these premises are of little relevance in the late twentieth century. Despite these dismissals of trusteeship, Burkean ideas are still articulated in the Commons some 200 years after they were first voiced. The idea of trusteeship can prove extremely useful to justify the actions of representatives when those actions conflict with constituency ‘opinion’, party policy or the wishes of interest groups. Examples of the occasions when Burkean notions have been invoked in the 1990s are provided.  相似文献   

The contribution of universities to growth: empirical evidence for Italy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
New entrepreneurial ventures may represent a viable and effective mechanism to transform academic knowledge into regional economic growth. We test this notion for the Italian provinces between 2001 and 2006. We evaluate three outputs of academic activities: teaching, research and intellectual property rights activities. New ventures may be able to transform the mentioned outputs into improved economic performance. The findings show that the effects of academic outputs on provincial economic growth (all sectors) are appreciable when they are associated with sustained entrepreneurial activities in the province. It suggests that academic inquiry may provide new ventures with valuable commercial opportunities overseen by established companies.  相似文献   

The premise of this paper is that the drug war cannot be won without the public's full commitment. Based on a random sample of households (n=532) in Belize City, public attitudes are analyzed to assess the degree of support for drug enforcement. The findings show strong support for drug education as well as for increasing criminal sanctions and the size of the police force. Support fades, however, as drug enforcement is militarized. The significant determinants of public support are education, gender, attitudes toward the police, fear of property crime, and neighborhood crime prevalence. The paper closes by offering two concrete ways to build public support for drug enforcement.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, March 1991.  相似文献   

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