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ON the first page of C.F. Xiao's biography of NBA superstar Yao Ming he asks: "Who in the world does not recognize Yao Ming?" This is a good question; Provided you have a television and read the news, it's impossible to be unaware of China's favorite son. This biography reads like a collection of interesting stories; more than praising Yao's on-court skills, Xiao's book celebrates his laid-back sense of humor and keen work ethic. Yao Ming was born in 1980, four years after the end of the "cultural revolution" and two years after the open  相似文献   

<正>Nangang Village refl ects the unique folk customs and traditional culture of the Yao people.Experts say that the Yao stockades here are the largest,oldest and most distinctive in China,perhaps in the world.The village,which has earned the title of"No.1 Yao Stockaded Village in China,"is protected as a national treasure.  相似文献   

<正>Experienced craftsmen share their works of art in downtown Beijing On Beijing’s Qianmen Avenue,hidden between two alleyways a few steps from Tiananmen Square is the small workshop of Yao Huifen.From the outside,you would have a hard time believing that this new and modern-looking shop contains a world of millennial treasures.Yao is a master craftsman of traditional  相似文献   

When he's not playing basketball, internationally renowned athlete Yao Ming devotes himself to public service, being the face of the Special Olympic Games To many, Yao Ming is worthy of admiration both on and off the basketball court, as he has become more involved in public service, serving as the spokesman for the International Special Olympics since 2004. Yet he remains humble. When a reporter once asked Yao what he thought of  相似文献   

FLYING Manes and Striking Hooves in the Singing Gale depicts a moving herd of hundreds of horses; viewers of the 10-meter-long scroll seem to hear the thudding of their stampede and the excited whinnying. The painter Yao Dixiong excels at painting horses, a beast whose majesty he can  相似文献   

When Yao Bo went to work one morning,he didn’t expect to be stabbed in the face.At a hospital in Suzhou,Jiangsu Province,Yao(not his real name),a sales representative for Guangzhou Wanglaoji Pharmaceutical Co.  相似文献   

DURING a break between meetings on the train from Hunan's Changsha to Chenzhou on February 2, 2008, Xinhua News photographer Yao Dawei took the opportunity to photograph Premier Wen Jiabao, who was touring snow-hit southern China earlier this year. "I saw the Premier sitting motionless by the window, a cup of tea on the table in front of him," recalls Yao. "The train was speeding across a territory of ice and snow, trees laden with thick snow and ice cones, and now and then devastated iron transmission towers in the distance jumped into view.  相似文献   

<正>The Yao people continue observing and celebrating their traditions deep in the Dayao Mountains.This ethnic village,28km from the nearest sizable town,is surrounded by an idyllic landscape.Here you will hear various spoken languages such as the language of the Yao,local dialects,and southwest Mandarin.Among the Yao people  相似文献   

WE introduced Yao medicine practitioner Qin Xunyun in the January issue. This month we give an account of our visit to Jinxiu Yao Autonomous County, home of the Yao people who formulated Yao medicine. The five Yao sub-groups-the Chashan, Pan, Hualan, Shanzi and Ao-all live in Jinxiu. After visiting the county five times noted sociologist Fei Xiaotong says, "Jinxiu is the center for research into the Yao ethnic group."  相似文献   

The concert's promotional material, which reads "Who is singing in Spring?" is partly designed by friends. JIANG Shilong's friends call him Lao Yao or "old demon." He has a band called Xishan Laoyao, "West Mountain Old Demon," which he started with a few friends in Beijing after graduating from college, When the other members left, Lao Yao continued  相似文献   

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