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中美关系从两国建交后的一波三折逐渐演变成今天比较正常的国家关系,除了中国在两国关系的改善和发展上做出重要努力外,双方强劲的经贸合作带来的双赢也起到到了极其重要的作用。随着中国经济实力的提升,经济因素在中美关系中的分量和影响还将进一步增强。  相似文献   

In the quarter-century since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the former Soviet Union's disintegration in 1991 and the end of the Cold War,China-U.S. relations have supported the trend of development. The two countries extensively and intensively have engaged in dialogue, close personnel exchanges, unprecedented economic and trade relations, and bilateral coordination on intemational and regional issues. The bilateral relationship has profound influence over the two countries and the world but, while total confrontation and crisis is not on the horizon, there is no guarantee that their future disagreements will not become serious or intractable. In this past quarter-century, the U.S. has repeatedly used and threatened to use force against China, a sign that military conflict between them, even a local or relatively large-scale war, is not out of the question. The U.S. global strategy has not changed, the basic content and goals of the U.S. strategy towards China have not changed, and the nature of the China-U.S. relationship is yet to be defined.  相似文献   

Aheated debate arose on the nature of China-U. S. relations among scholars inthe two countries. Are the two "strategic partners"? "Competitors"? "Neitherfriends nor enemies"? Or even "Potential enemies"? But largely since 1997, alongwith the establishment of the framework for "a constructive strategic partnership",the definition seems to has been accepted by the mainstream in the Chinese academ-ic circle. By contrast, Governor George. W. Bush, the Republican presidential  相似文献   

中美关系中的第三方因素对两国关系的稳定与发展有着特殊的影响,在相互依存度日益紧密和双方力量此消彼长的背景下,两国如何应对双边关系中的第三者,不但直接影响到中美关系,也影响到第三者本身及亚太地区的稳定与和平.两国是否要利用第三者而去抗衡或打压对方则是问题的另一方面.从2009年11月奥巴马访问亚洲后的情况看,美国已明显地调整了对华外交政策,由认为两国应该同舟共济来共同管理世界(G2)到如今利用两国关系中的第三方因素,如在天安舰事件、钓鱼岛、南中国海等问题上来牵制中国,表明美国的亚太政策回归到了均势理论与实践.本文分析第三方因素的存在,追溯其历史演进,指出任何想利用第三方因素来获取本国利益最大化的政策.既不合时宜,也会危及自身.  相似文献   

Sino-U. S. economic and trade relations as the most important and dynamic component of bilateral ties have evolved into the stabilizer, pillar and driving force for cementing the linkage between the two capitals. Their furtherance along the designated line of treating a "stake holder" and handling a "constructive partnership" will carry an ever-ballooning strategic significance even in diplomatic and security terms. Nevertheless the general trend looks set to be incessant progress amidst reciprocal accommodation in disregard of occasional twists and turns.  相似文献   

在西方基督教会全面离开中国60年后的今天,宗教再度成为中美关系中的重要因素.目前中美宗教交往已进入后传教时代,而且比以往任何时候都更加多样化.中美关系是不断发展的动态关系,即使在一些通常认为是两国关系的问题或结构性分歧的领域,交流和沟通对促进两国关系具有积极作用.  相似文献   

To predict the future development of China-U.S. relations, w should attach importance to the three new characteristics of this bilateral relationship. First, we should see clearly the changes of the principa contradiction in Sino-American relations, which is the key link in understanding the bilateral relationship from the strategic and  相似文献   

在全球气候变化问题上,中美欧既是最引人关注的责任方,也是重要的利益攸关方,还是全球治理制度的关键建设者,这些构成了中美欧三边关系的基本要素.随着全球气候变化谈判的不断推进,中美欧三边关系经历了四个阶段的演变,分别表现出欧美合作高于中美和中欧合作、中欧合作超过欧美和中美合作、"浪漫三角共处"、美中联手使欧盟被边缘化等不同关系形态,并揭示出其总体的合作性、局部具体问题上的竞争性以及动态变化等特征.  相似文献   

Significant changes have taken place in China-U.S. economic and trade relations after the world entered the 21^st Century. China's reform and opening-up are proceeding in depth with sustained, rapid economic growth and rising leverage in world affairs.As noted by Vice Premier Wu Yi recently, "Today China-U.S. economic and trade relations are growing on an unprecedented scale and in a broadening range of areas with profound interest at stake for both countries as never seen before."  相似文献   

Since China and the United States established diplomatic relations 30 years ago, their bilateral relations have gone through all twists and turns. The initial strategic-oriented relationship with the purpose of coping with the Soviet threats has evolved into a comprehensive relationship of constructive cooperation. With its profound impact on world situation, the relationship is now one of the most important bilateral relations in the world.  相似文献   

本文就中美三个联合公报的形成和30多年来中美关系时好时坏、复杂多变的实际进行了回顾,从中可以看出美国政府对华政策在台湾问题上的两面性。  相似文献   

奥巴马政府执政以来,美国的对华政策基本上是继承上届政府的衣钵,保持总体战略定位不变,采用两边下注策略。但政策框架并不稳固,一方面美国需要中国在国际上的更多方面发挥作用,突出其政策中的对华合作一面;另一方面受国内政治因素的左右而突然变脸,进入2010年以来中美关系的突变,正是其政策框架不稳的表现。总体上,未来中美关系发展的大趋势不会改变,既有相互合作的一面,又有利益冲突危及双边关系的一面。  相似文献   

Further smooth and more successful development of China-U.S. relations depends on whether it, in the years to come, could go beyond four constraints.  相似文献   

Few people would challenge the current relative stability of Sino-U.S. relationship, though not necessarily "at its best since the 1972 normalization" in the mind of everyone. But differences in views arise when it comes to questions like "Why so?" "How long will the positive trend hold? "Here enters into the picture the theme of my paper: Any vast vista for future bilateral ties?  相似文献   

When China and the United States established diplomatic relations, even the most optimistic people did not expect that the bilateral relations could reach to such a point today. When the two countries established diplomatic relations in 1979, they had their respective interests and motivation. To the United States, there were three-fold considerations. Firstly, it was in its strategic interests to engage China the Soviet challenge and change rivalry.  相似文献   

中国致力于和谐世界、和谐社会的构建,这既是中国民心所向,也是顺应世界人民渴求和平与发展的时代潮流。中国为推动和谐世界的构建,努力同世界各国发展友好关系,其中尤为重视同美国的关系。中国无意质疑美国的总体政策取向,更不会挑战美国的地位。只要美国从积极的方面理解中国的和平发展,特别是尊重中国人民在台湾问题上的民族感情,中美关系就能够平稳健康地向前发展。  相似文献   

"Strategic Reassurance" and the Future of China-U.S. Relations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"Strategic reassurance," a new concept in Obama's China policy, should be fostered bilaterally by dialogue designed to highlight and reinforce the areas of common interests while addressing the sources of mistrust directly. Yet in practice it seems that U.S. strategic reassurance has contrasted all China's core interests. The United States and China must recognize their different social systems and asymmetrical national strength in seeking to realize strategic stability. Crisis control requires sophisticated management of both side, especially on sensitive issues like weapons sales, the Dalai Lama, and the South China Sea dispute.  相似文献   

中美建设性合作关系的发展表明中美关系进入常规性基本上正常和稳定发展的阶段.这是两国关系发展的逻辑结果,和双方政治、经济、安全关系深化与扩大的反映,合乎世界和平、发展的历史潮流.尽管中美关系仍存在结构性矛盾,摩擦和龃龉不可避免,但总体看,两国不会发生全局性对抗,建设性合作关系将继续在曲折中前进.  相似文献   

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