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李志楠 《学理论》2012,(2):81-82
农村经济在我国国民经济中具有重要的地位,它不仅是国民经济的重要组成部分,也是国家经济发展的基础。然而,在我国农村经济发展中却存在诸多问题,针对我国农村经济中存在的突出问题,必须大力推进我国农村经济改革,推动农村经济的快速发展,从而为国民经济的快速发展以及全面建设小康社会的顺利实现奠定重要的物质基础。  相似文献   

提要现代社会的一个基本特征是社会管理上具有参与多元性。在中国现代化进程中,农民经济力量的成长对政治权力产生越来越重要的影响,农村民间组织尤其是经济合作组织大量涌现,其发展势头日益上升,逐步体现参与和监督精神,有助于公共性的发扬,为农村公共社会的培育构造着新的组织网络。  相似文献   

The expansion of private forestry and the partnership between government and private sector timber growers and processors highlights the issues associated with a functionally based rather than a place based approaches to changing patterns of land use in rural areas. Rural development through blue gum forestry was promoted as a means of revitalising rural communities, providing both economic and social gains to regional areas. The purpose of this study is to examine the economic consequences of policies designed to promote plantation forestry at a local level. It concludes that while plantation forestry may bring benefits to the national economy, these benefits may not be apparent at a local level especially if the industry operates in competition with a viable alternative.  相似文献   

农村公共文化事业的发展,不仅是新农村建设的重要方面,也是构建和谐社会的重要议题。以甘肃为例,审视农村文化建设现状,不难发现,其存在着"公""私"文化发展不对称、公共文化总量短缺和结构失衡等问题。从体制层面来考察,主要原因是农村文化发展机制的"偏移"。为此,应当通过体制、机制的完善和创新,逐步实现城乡文化的一体化发展。  相似文献   

No other intergovernmental policy has been so costly and difficultfor small local governments to implement as the 1972 versionof federal Clean Water legislation. This legislation has requiredthousands of localities to construct new or upgraded sewagetreatment systems. Rural governments have been hard pressedto cope with the demands of the anti-pollution standards, becauseof limited fiscal and managerial capacities and local valuesoften in conflict with national and state policy goals. Yet,as this study of eight rural California communities suggests,implementation can bring local benefits as well as hardship.As a result of their decade-long experiences with the CleanWater program, the small municipalities generally improved theirsewer system finances, acquired new organizational skills andresources, and increased their capacity to accommodate populationgrowth and stimulate economic development. These were long-runimpacts, occurring after initial problems and delays in theplanning, funding, and construction of the new plants.  相似文献   

20世纪的80年代末到90年代初,我国农村合作基金会经历了从兴起、发展到衰败的全过程.尽管农村合作基金会作为一种非正规金融组织从形式上已经消失,但随着时间的推移,由此而引发的地方政府或有隐性负债及财政风险问题却愈加突出.通过详述农基会的发展历史,分析了农村合作基金会及其债务形成的主要原因,并根据汉娜的"政府风险矩阵"理论分析农村合作基金会及其债务对地方政府及其财政带来的影响,进而提出增强地方政府财政风险意识、减少非理性行政干预和推动农村金融体制改革的建议.  相似文献   

"扶志扶智"作为新时代文化精准扶贫的内生动力,是全面推进乡村振兴战略的重要举措之一。在"造血式扶贫"的过程中激发扶贫对象主动脱贫的内在驱动力,继而以内生文化带动外部经济发展。"扶志扶智"的路径规划应确立"以农民为中心"的视角,根据农民文化心理结构中的双层因子特质,通过道德建立表层"扶"的文化规范,继而在艺术调节机制的作用下提升农民深层审美能力,实现扶"志"与扶"智"路径规划下的真正内涵。  相似文献   

农村干部是农村发展与治理的核心力量,是连接政府与农民的中介,农村干部的工作不仅影响政府在农民心目中的形象,同时也影响农村的发展与稳定。受计划经济、市场经济、地域差异的影响,不同地区村庄的经济发展水平出现较大的差异,村干部的职能也随之发生了转变与分化。而村干部选举、计划生育与土地转让及房屋拆迁则是村干部履职中最常遇到的问题。  相似文献   

农村土地流转政策的执行偏差——对小岗村的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农村土地承包经营权的流转是完善我国农村工作非常重大的现实问题,但政策执行过程中容易产生偏差。有哪些偏差,其原因何在?街道层官僚理论为分析中国农村土地承包经营权流转的政策执行提供了一个全新的理论视角。以中国改革第一村——小岗村为研究对象,以街道层官僚理论为视角,通过对小岗村的农村土地流转政策执行情况及偏差原因进行实证分析。研究发现,处于公共政策执行末梢环节的街道层官僚在资源稀缺和公共服务弹性需求的夹缝之中,因其特殊的身份、地位和工作性质而持有相当大的政策制定能力,导致公共利益权威分配过程中产生偏差;分析了形成该问题的三个具体原因,对提高我国农村土地流转政策执行的质量具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Radin  Beryl A. 《Publius》1992,22(3):111-127
Eight pilot state Rural Development Councils were establishedby the federal government in 1990 to coordinate rural developmentefforts among federal departments and agencies and to establishcollaborative relationships with states, local governments,and the private sector. After one year of operation, these councilsprovided a mechanism for the participating states to definethe rural issues relevant to their unique settings and to worktoward the accomplishment of their goals. In addition, the processallowed federal officials in Washington and in the states toutilize the discretion available in the system to maximize collaborationand cooperation. Additional states will be involved in the effortin 1992. Three types of agendas or expectations surrounded theinitiative: substantive, political, and process approaches.Although it is too early to determine the extent to which thecouncils have "delivered" on these expectations, the experimentprovides preliminary evidence of the scope of federal abilityto stimulate change within a state as well as the economic andpolitical forces that constrain it.  相似文献   

Rural homeownership is promoted in the United States by mortgage insurance programs administered by the federal government. We analyze the choice between assistance offered by two such agencies: the Federal Housing Administration and the Rural Housing Service (RHS). We find applicants are sensitive to the relative annual mortgage insurance premiums and guarantee fees. However, there are also persistent racial differences as well as institutional effects. We also find the application and origination process is substantially longer in the RHS program, but variation in closing times does not clearly impact mortgage choice.  相似文献   

经济发展的过程是动态过程,相应地,援助制度也需要在经济发展的历程中不断变化和创新。援助制度如果能适应发展的需要作出创新,为生产活动提供激励和制度保障,援助就会是高效的。新疆阜康市抓住全国对口援疆的发展机遇,发展自身的煤炭优势产业,促进新的经济生长点,提高自我发展能力,改进人民生活,从而实现我们这个多民族统一国家的长治久安。  相似文献   

Long  Richard W. 《Publius》1987,17(4):15-31
America's rural communities have fared poorly in economic termscompared to metropolitan areas. After a spurt of growth in the1970s that seemed to be closing the gap, rural areas are againlosing ground. Rural communities have argued for special helpfrom the national government. Such help can be justified tofacilitate balanced economic growth, create "more equal" standardsof living, and benefit small farmers, a group for whom the nationhas a special regard. The counter-arguments are that specialhelp to rural areas postpones adjustments to an increasinglyurban world and that federal rural programs subsidize a favoredlife-style. In fact, several federal development programs serverural areas. President Carter announced a rural policy in 1979.In 1980 the Congress enacted legislation requiring future administrationsto address rural concerns systematically. The Reagan administrationhas sent Congress the rural development strategy required bythe law, and two annual updates. However, if having a policymeans having a systematic approach to reaching defined objectives,the U.S. has had no rural policy. The objectives of federalrural efforts have never been settled on, and approaches torural problems continue to be unsystematic.  相似文献   


This paper addresses the question of how Track 2 international policy networks contribute to economic security. If we accept a neoclassical economic interpretation that economic security is best achieved by trade and capital liberalization, then Track 2, or non-formal research and policy networks, are able to help enhance economic security by providing Track 1 or the formal, inter-governmental organizations with novel ideas and approaches on how best to advance regional economic liberalization. As well as providing institutional memories for regional cooperation, Track 2 networks also serve as test-beds for new ideas in emerging issue areas. This was clear in the aftermath of the Asian financial crisis when a number of Track 2 networks grappled with the inter-linkages between economics and security as well as provided expertise on how states can best cope with globalised financial markets and the free flow of capital. By discussing each of the Track 2 networks and how they respectively interact with Track 1 processes, the paper provides a detailed account of the regional governance architecture in the Asia-Pacific region more broadly, and its contribution to economic security.  相似文献   

This article describes the difficulties of reducing analysis of energy use to an application of economic theory. It shows how economic concepts of behavior direct attention selectively to some important determinants of consumer behavior and away from others; how available economic accounts of short-term change in energy use, investment in energy efficiency, and the dynamics of investment limit understanding and narrow analysts' vision; how promising policy options are overlooked as a result; and how concepts and knowledge from the noneconomic behavioral sciences can compensate. Two strategies are discussed for improving analysis. Using economic theory to guide the improvement of existing models can help, conceptual blind spots will remain. A problem-oriented approach drawing on concepts and methods from across the behavioral sciences can avoid the blind spots, but cannot be systematic. Analysis can be improved by using both approaches in concert; some implications of a combined strategy are sketched.  相似文献   

Reeder  Richard J. 《Publius》1989,19(2):143-160
Recent rural economic problems have prompted some states totarget economic development assistance to distressed rural areas.The most common way to target these programs has been to allocateaid based on unemployment rates. This may be a questionablepractice, however, because the unemployment rate is a poor indicatorof economic difficulty in many rural areas. This article assessesthe strengths and weaknesses of alternative economic, social,and fiscal indicators that are available for allocating aidto distressed rural communities. It concludes with some specificsuggestions for improving the effectiveness of state aid fordistressed rural areas. Background information is provided concerningrural economic and fiscal difficulties in the 1980s and recentstate initiatives.  相似文献   

This paper examines rural and urban changes in the distribution of poverty that would result from modifying the conventional poverty measure to include the annuity value of household net worth.
Use of this new income/wealth measure caused numerous shifts in the location and demography of the poverty population. Among those more often found to be in poverty under the new measure were young, renter, and large central city resident households. Age, homeownership, farm employment, education, retirement status, public assistance participation, and residence in the West were important factors in explaining the divergence of the WH and INC measures. The age and retirement impacts were significantly different in rural and urban areas. Rural residence itself was not an important factor in explaining WH and INC differences.  相似文献   

Information and communication technology (ICT) is one of the key sectors promoting economic growth in the present modern era of globalization. It promotes technological advances in global communications as well as production techniques and contributes to economic growth and development. Most of the economic activities, including international trade and foreign direct investment (FDI), are largely dependent on various modern sources of ICT. The objective of this study is to examine the dynamic relationship between FDI, ICT, trade, and per capita gross domestic product growth across the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) developing nations from 2000 to 2017. We have used different panel estimates such as fully modified ordinary least squares, dynamic ordinary least squares, Fisher–Johansen cointegration test, panel autoregressive distributed lag, and Dumitrescu–Hurlin causality. We found existence of unidirectional causality from FDI to ICT and bidirectional causal relationship between trade and ICT. The outcome of our study suggests policy recommendations for improving the standards of ICT, specifically focusing on economic growth, trade openness, and facilitation of foreign investment in the SAARC countries.  相似文献   

In the early transition phase in post-communist Europe, citizens’ perceptions of the national economy appeared more favorable than objective economic indicators would suggest. With triple and quadruple digit annual inflation rates and a severe economic contraction, there was a substantial portion of the population in these countries who still thought that the national economy had been and would be improving. Thus, sociotropic economic perceptions in the wake of the democratic transformation appeared to be disconnected from the real economic situation. The purpose of this paper is threefold. First, it explores the link between objective economic indicators and public evaluations of the economy. Second, it investigates the microfoundations of economic perceptions. And finally, it tests a well-established proposition that political sophisticates are more accurate in their perceptions than their less informed counterparts. The findings of the study can be generalized to any political and economic system undergoing transition.  相似文献   

GU JIAQI 《管理》1992,5(4):391-401
A sustained, steady economic development and a stable, prosperous society cannot come about by focusing only on the formulation of concrete social and economic policies. Increased attention and priority should be given to the reform of the state apparatus itself, especially of the policymaking and implementation process. Administrative structural reform, particularly China's practice of adjusting organizational structure and transforming government functions and management processes, is an example of the efforts to explore strategies and approaches for the conduct of administrative restructuring and enhancing bureaucratic performance in developing countries.
This article discusses three questions: first, the necessity of adjusting the government organizational structure and rationalizing the administrative policymaking mechanism, as well as some practices in China; second, transforming government management processes towards adapting to the changing social and economic environment in developing countries, e.g., describing what has been done by China in order to change direct and micro-management; and third, concentrating on improving efficiency and productivity.  相似文献   

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