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《岭南摭怪》是一部民间传说的故事集,武琼和乔富都清楚地地认识到了那些故事的民间性质。武琼在其序文中写道:“呜呼!《岭南摭怪》何不刻入石,写于竹,而仅传诸于口碑。从年少儒子至白发老人,皆诵而爱之,以此作为有关纲常、风化之善诫……”。乔富在跋中云:“我越国于十二使君之前,文献尚未昌明,然国家之事迹,常见于《涑水通鉴》  相似文献   

何平 《东南亚》2005,(4):50-57
扶南是中国史书提到的一个东南亚古国。中国正史最早提到扶南的是《三国志》,该书卷四七吴书吴主传二记载:“[吴主赤乌六年(公元243年)]十二月,扶南王范旃遣使献乐及方物”。同书卷六十吴书贺全吕周钟离传第十五又记载:“岱既定交州,复进讨九真,斩获以万数。又遣从事南宣国化,暨徼外扶南、林邑、堂明诸王,各遣使朝贡。权嘉其功,进拜镇南将军”。此后,《晋书》、《宋书》、《南齐书》、《梁书》、《陈书》、《南史》及以后一些史书均有关于扶南的记载。对之记载稍详的有《晋书》、《南齐书》、《梁书》、《南史》等。据学者研究,扶南这个国家…  相似文献   

秦象郡与桂林、南海郡同设于公元前214年(秦始皇三十三年)。秦象郡的四至,自汉以降,历代的说法是比较一致的:东界:《太平御览》卷一百七十二《岭南道》、引《方舆志》云:“廉州合浦郡,秦象郡地”。又云:“雷州海康郡,秦象郡地。”又引《十道志》云:“横州宁浦郡,古越地,秦象郡地。汉为合浦郡之高凉县地”。据此,秦象郡东界桂林郡。  相似文献   

马欢的《瀛涯胜览》 研究泰国古代史时,可以在中国古籍中看到上水这个泰境的古地名。元代《大德南海志》载:“暹国管,上水速孤底。”明代马欢的《瀛涯胜览》载:“国之西北,去二百余里,有一市镇,名上水,可通云南后门。”历来的研究者对上水之所在,有着不同的看法。 上述的研究家,都以马欢的记载为依据,而马欢的《瀛涯胜览》,是随从郑和下西洋所作的记载。  相似文献   

《后汉书》作者范晔在《循吏列传》中叙述锡光和任延二人的治绩时说道:“岭南华风,始于二守”。寥寥八个字,既是赞语,也是总结,符合历史实际。范晔参考前人著述,博采众家之长,订伪考异,删繁补略,写成《后汉书》。《后汉书》的特点是文约事详,概括性强。他的论断,对我们探讨岭南开发史、汉文化南传  相似文献   

真腊原为扶南属国,在扶南之北,六世纪以后,真腊逐渐兴盛,摆脱了扶南的控制,并于七世纪上半叶最后兼并了扶南。 关于真腊兼并扶南之事,在中国史书中以《隋书》的记载最早。《隋书·真腊传》载道:“其王姓刹利氏,名质多斯那,自其祖渐已强盛,至质多斯那,遂兼扶南而有之。死,子伊奢那先代立。”成书稍晚的《北史》也有《真腊传》,所记与《隋书》同。《旧唐书》和《新唐书》则有不同于《隋书》的记载。《新唐书·真腊传》载道:“真腊……  相似文献   

“究不事”在东南亚古代史研究中,特别是柬埔寨古代史研究中,是一个热点。虽然各家所说各见仁智,但我总觉得尚有商榷之余地,故不揣冒昧,撰此拙文,以就教于史学界同人。“究不事”,作为古代东南亚一古国,在今天,我们仅能在范晔所撰之《后汉书·南蛮西南夷列传》中见到:“肃宗元和元年(公元84年),日南徼外蛮夷究不事人邑豪献生犀、白雉”。①又考《后汉书·章帝本纪》关于此事之记载,其称:“元和元年春正月,……日南徼外蛮夷献生犀、白雉”。②这就是直接和“究不事”有关的全部史料。  相似文献   

赏石、藏石是中国传统文化的一个遗泽。我的恩师,当代著名学者、著名书法家欧阳中石先生的名字与“石”结下了终生之缘;人们常常喜爱用石头来形容美好的事物,也就是说石头与人有着一种特殊的机缘与情缘。在《可人集》一书中,欧阳中石老师的《石颂》是这样写的:“石者天成有巨有  相似文献   

在中西文化中柳树普遍可以用来表达忧伤、寄托哀思, 这在中西风俗习惯、文学作品 中都有显现, 而西方多种语言对“垂柳”的词汇表达更是最直接的明证。中西怨柳文化似乎都有独 立的传承历史, 尚无明确证据可以证明怨柳文化发源于共同的源头。我国将柳树与忧伤情感联系 起来的最早记载是《诗经》, 时间至迟在公元前7世纪之前。西方最早的怨柳记载是《圣经》, 大约 在公元前五六百年, 其次是ArrianusHistoricus的FragmentaHistorica的记载, 大约在公元1世纪。 西方怨柳文化的重大发展发生在文艺复兴时期, 很可能与中西交流的加强有关。  相似文献   

一、古代中越贸易的开辟(秦汉) 先秦时期,我国中原地区就同交趾有经济文化联系,但当时还是中越关系史上的传说时代。公元214年,秦始皇进军岭南,在今日越南北部和中部设立象郡之后,才开始有信史记载的中越贸易史。 秦汉时期对岭南地区的开辟,为内地与交趾的贸易准备了物质与交通条件。据史籍记载,秦始皇统一中国以后,将中原地区的“逋亡人、赘婿、贾人”谪徙岭南。这批移民对开发岭南和沟通贸易发挥了重要作用。秦始皇挖凿了联接长江和珠江两大水系的湘、漓  相似文献   

The history of Cuba was imbued with a sense of purpose at its inception. To have discerned the need at all for a history of Cuba in the nineteenth century was itself product and portent of a momentous shift in consciousness, an occasion when narratives of the past revealed themselves as a potential source of national community. The history of Cuba began at the moment that the past became relevant to the future. Historical narrative developed as a matter of necessity, a product of a time and place, a means by which Cubans addressed the needs of their times. Purpose and point of view were inscribed into the very premise of the historical narrative, and indeed fixed the narrative genre around which the history of Cuba was structured. The historical narrative in this instance contained a premonition of nation which shared something with the new collective consciousness to which it contributed. Historical consciousness was itself a product of national formation, to which it responded and for which it was summoned: the proposition of a shared awareness of a common past with which to bring a people together and justify a nation apart.  相似文献   

Rebecca Suter 《Japan Forum》2020,32(3):361-378

In many of Murakami Haruki’s works, the protagonist is in a profession close to the world of literature, although usually not exactly a writer. In their role as translators, advertising copywriters, journalists, or editors, Murakami’s protagonists are invested with the task of rearranging fragments of reality into narrative or artistic form, and/or of transmitting a message. This process is emotionally charged, often involving a supernatural dimension. While the process of reconstructing a narrative is largely unconscious, the narrator’s choice to act in this capacity is deliberate, and is presented as a way of fulfilling his responsibility towards others. I read this element as an expression of Murakami’s vision of the role of a writer in society. The figure of the artist-narrator takes an interesting form in Kishidanchō-Goroshi (Killing Commendatore, 2017), where the protagonist, a visual artist specialising in realistic portraits, decides to pursue a more creative approach to painting that leads him to a series of supernatural adventures. Through a close reading of the novel, this article investigates how Murakami’s portrayal of the artist as a shaman-like figure functions like a metaphor for the role of the literary author as a catalyst that enables people to connect with their inner self and with each other.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between foreign imposed regime change and war participation. The oppertunity and willingness of an opponent to impose a new regime on a war participant affects the likelihood that such a change will occur. Results from a logistic regression model suggest that (1) winning or losing the war, (2) the amount of war costs the participant endures, (3) the power of the participant relative to its opponent, (4) the amount of war costs the opponent endures, (5) the occurrence of a domestic regime change during the war, and (6) the difference between the authority structures of the war participant and its opponent all have a significant and sizable impact on the probability that a war participant endures a foreign imposed regime change. The first three variables measure the opponent's opportunity to force a regime change, while the last three measure its willingness. I suggest that these results increase our ability to evaluate the likely consequences of a war, and may have important implications for our understanding of the decision to enter and terminate a war.  相似文献   

3rd party intervention in interstate conflict is a common strategy for mitigating conflict and obtaining a final agreement. However, not all mediations are successful, leading to the development of a rich literature on the mechanisms which decrease the probability of failure in a 3rd-party intervention. Within this literature, some studies examine how a mediator’ behavior and incentives affect the result of the mediation. Virtually all these studies assume that the mediator is virtuous such that peace is the most desired outcome of a conflict for her. However, this study challenges this assumption and contends that a mediator can gain benefit from the conflict between disputants. If this benefit is adequately large to overcome the benefits of peace, then the mediator has enough incentive not to conduct the mediation toward a peaceful outcome. We develop a signaling game model to study this issue formally and test the proposed hypothesis empirically.  相似文献   

沙皇时代的西伯利亚流放   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在300余年的漫长岁月中,沙皇政府视西伯利亚为"国内殖民地",在西伯利亚长期奉行"惩罚式的垦殖"政策。西伯利亚成为国内外有名的苦役流放地。西伯利亚流放是俄国社会政治斗争的"晴雨表"。同时,它给西伯利亚开发带来严重的负面影响,是西伯利亚劳动力匮乏、社会经济发展迟缓的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

关于黑龙江省对俄劳务合作的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
1988年以来,黑龙江省对俄劳务合作得到了较快发展,双方的合作达到了一定的规模,合作领城逐渐拓宽,中长期合作项目增多。但受中俄双方政策调整的影响,黑龙江省对俄劳务合作也出现过波动。对俄劳务合作对于缓解省内就业压力、进一步开拓俄罗斯市场、实现对俄经贸关系的战略升级都具有重要意义,为此应适度对俄投资,开展多种经营,实现多元化发展,全面提高劳务人员素质,争取国家给予相应政策支持。  相似文献   

In August 2007, the government of Tanzania made a commitment to doubling the number of training places for skilled midwives, following a five-year campaign by the White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood in Tanzania (WRATZ), which culminated in the first television screening of a participatory film, ‘Play Your Part’. With contributions from a range of health professionals, communities, a pop singer, and the Minister of Health, the message was that everyone at every level has a part to play in saving mothers' lives. WRATZ was successful because it was able to promote its message in a way that provides a model for advocacy, combining the reactive creativity of journalism and the methodological rigour of participatory video to bring about a tangible impact.  相似文献   

When creating a process of international aid, the definition of a political strategy is critically important. In theory, a government able to deliver services and goods to its population and to guarantee participation in decision-making might not need the presence of international aid. International aid should bridge an existing gap between a government and its own population by adopting a relevant political strategy. This viewpoint proposes a reference framework for international cooperation actors to define their basic political strategy and provides a comprehensive framework for situating different political strategies into a wider approach.  相似文献   

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