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MOSTChinesepeoplehaveseenrealchangeintheirdailylivesfthehousingconditionsofurbanresidentshaveimnroved.moreandloreordinaryhouseholdshaveelectricalaPpliances,ndthetelephoneisbeingusedmorethaneverbefore.Exceptinafewremoteareas,thecountry's900mil-onpeasantshaveacomfortablelife.Todayshopsarewellstockedwitharticlespeoplewanttobuyandthegeneralstandardoflivinghasimprovedgreatly.Intermsoffood,clothing,hous-ingandtransportationpeoplearebetteroffthanbe-fore.Sucharethefruitsof20yearsofreformandopen-ingt…  相似文献   

More and more foreign friends are now working and living in Nanjing as China deepens its reform and opening process. What kind of a city Nanjing is in their eyes?  相似文献   

IN 2004. the Chinese government set itself the goal of building ar-harmonious society, and still more emphasis has been put on this goal in 2005. Building an harmonious society means not only encouraging growth of GDP, but also achieving harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature, and coordinated development of various social aspects. Putting into practice this-concept has revitalized Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture in southwestern China's Yunnan Province.  相似文献   

The brains behind the Beijing Pop Festival, Ja- son Magnus talks about getting Sebastian Bach and Placebo to play China's only international rock festival. W E had a thousand security offi cers last year and 600 this year.” That’s progress for Jason Magnus. It’s also a sign of how far government relations can take a rock promoter who has managed to bring some of the biggest names in popular music to a park in the most raref ied district of the Chinese capital for the Beijing Pop Festi…  相似文献   

Chine se wine was first mentioned by Paracelsus. It caused a sensation in Europe, where techniques of fermentation and distillation were as yet unknown. These days China produces brandy equal to that of France, only cheaper.  相似文献   

Xiamen is surrounded by ocean on three sides, and faces Taiwan straight across. Between the azure sky and aqua sea with its long beaches are mountain villas hidden by green trees. It's no wonder the city has been called the best residence in China.  相似文献   

1. The inauguration ceremony of the Zhejiang Activity, Culinary Kingdom Tour ?China 2003Date: January 1Place: Restaurants in HangzhouSponsor: Zhejiang Provincial Tourism AdministrationWhat s on: It is a delicacy festival featuring local customs and Hangzhou special dishes in East China's Zhejiang Province.  相似文献   

HUANGMEI Opera is native to Anhui Prov- ince, as is the group of young girls learn- ing it in the provin- cial capital of Hefei. At 15 years old, Hu Yuanyuan is the youngest but tallest in her class. She has been studying Huangmei Opera for two years. Before entering the school she had neither tried nor considered learning the opera, but now finds it an intense pleasure. Gong Jingjing, 16, disliked opera in the past. During slack farming seasons opera troupes would frequently come to he…  相似文献   

SUNITA DWIVEDI 《人权》2006,5(4):36-37
EDITOR'S NOTE: Sunita Dwivedi, writer from India, visited Tibet on June 8-19,2005. After she went back home, she wrote a story for Amar Ujala of India. Following is her story.  相似文献   

CHINESE construction companies sated with the huge projects which have redefince china's urban landscape are increasingly  相似文献   

Football Football, or to be more exact, soccer, was first played in China in the Han Dynasty (206 BC -AD 220). Then, as now, the actual ball was made of leather, but inflated with hair and other soft fillings rather than air. That the so-called beautiful game has such a long history in the celestial kingdom may come as a sur-  相似文献   

IN 493, Emperor Xiaowen set out with 300,000 troops, from the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534) capital of Pingcheng (present-day Datong, Shanxi) on a southern expedition.The emperor, called Tuoba Hong,was then 26 years old. In his lifetime he ruled only  相似文献   

ZHU WEIQUN 《人权》2006,5(1):2-4
Our topic of discussion"Buddhism and Building ofHarmonious Society,"isimportant and touches on abroad range of subjects.A harmonious soci-ety has always been apersistent pursuit of thehuman race,as such asociety epitomizesprogress of human civi-lization.B…  相似文献   

THE Chinese word for sea turtle, haigui, has recently taken on a whole new meaning. In the modern Chinese vernacular, it refers to overseas Chinese students who have returned to their motherland to contribute to China's economic boom. Since the end of the 1970s more than  相似文献   

LI Ruohong is founder of the King's Water Garden Villas, golfing ace of real estate circles and a peace emissary of business circles. The annual CBD and Great Wall Cup tournaments organized by him for the past five years constitute a platform of communication between the government and foreign entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

The heads of people-to-peo-ple organizations of Chinaand Japan gathered at the GreatHall of the People in Beijing onthe morning of March 31 for ameeting to exchange views onstrengthening nongovernmentalexchanges and improving Sino-Japanese relations. Present at themeeting from the Chinese sidewere Song Jian, president of theChina-Japan Friendship Associa-tion, Chen Haosu, president ofthe CPAFFC, Zhou Qiang, firstsecretary of the Secretariat of theCentral Committee of the Chi-nese C…  相似文献   

AS people of the world celebrated the first glimmer ofthe21st century and lookedto a bright future,some unfortunate places remainedin darkness. The world is beset notOnly by natural disasters, but alsoby man-made calamities, with badnews emanating from all directions. Not even a carved stoneBuddha, a symbol of tranquility, could escape misguided man-made devastation. The tragedy of thegiant Bamian Buddha inAfghanistan has shockedthe world.Bamian Buddha and VairocanaFor the l,500 yearsprior…  相似文献   

ARTISTIC buildings, flourishing trees, a beautiful lake -- everything you see in Tianjin University of Finance and Economics (TUFE) is bright and pleasant. Students and academics live harmoniously with the stunning natural surroundings.  相似文献   

AT a time when the surge of avant—garde fine art isin abeyance,the art world has been drawn into theimpetuosity of instant—gain lucrative art.Persecerance and honesty in an artist are,there—fore,to be valued.Having emerged from the MiyangStudio,Duan Xiucang has never forgotten his artistic,modem ink and wash roots,and has maintained an his—  相似文献   

SHEN Shulan earns RMB 2,400 (US $320) per month, hourly-paid, as home help in two Beijing households. This sounds modest, but compares favorably to the RMB 300 (US $40) she earned in the year 2000 when she first started this type of work.  相似文献   

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