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餐饮行业要求从业人员身体健康理所当然,也是对公共安全和顾客利益负责的表现。公安民警在哈尔滨市某大型商场抽查了600多张健康证,而假证竟然占到一半,数量惊人。  相似文献   

曾几何时,当我们回顾改革开放经济社会取得巨大发展、人民生活发生巨大变化、国家综合实力大为增强的时候,当我们置身于稳定和谐的社会环境中安逸生活时,可曾想过,是广大公安民警不顾生命安危,不断地与严重刑事犯罪活动作斗争,时刻保护着人民群众的生命和财产安全?  相似文献   

沈伟晶 《人民司法》2020,(11):36-38
【裁判要旨】以抢夺枪支的方式阻碍公安民警依法执行职务,行为人的行为在特定的时空环境下未侵害不特定多数人的生命、财产安全或公共生活利益,且主观上没有危害公共安全故意的,应当以妨害公务罪追究其刑事责任,在对被告人量刑时应根据罪责刑相适应原则和案件具体情况进行裁量,以实现司法公正。  相似文献   

陈新民 《江淮法治》2010,(17):26-26
水是生命之源,也是城市发展的命脉,特别是饮用水水源环境保护关系人民群众的身体健康和生命安全。为确保城镇居民生活饮用水安全,黄山市人大常委会今年开展了专题调研——  相似文献   

娄亚莉 《政法学刊》2014,(3):125-128
近年来,国民幸福感相关研究得到世界各国的重视,公安民警是压力密集型的应急职业,需要健康的心理保证才能适应它,但公安民警的幸福感现状令人担忧,开设心理讲座,开办心理咨询热线,通过专家门诊来缓解警察内心的压力,这是问题的一个方面,但心理的自我调适还是最重要的。表现为个人行为,自我完成的阅读疗法是进行心理自我调适的方法之一,利用阅读疗法提升公安民警幸福感的方法进行研究,以进一步增强警队的战斗力。  相似文献   

王羽 《法制与社会》2021,(1):129-130
当前,少数基层公安民警出现理想信念动摇,价值观念偏差,敬业精神弱化的思想变化.本文通过对比分析影响基层公安民警思想变化的因素,并结合新时代公安队伍建设实际,提出从坚定政治信念与树立正确价值观相结合、继承传统与开拓创新相结合和解决思想问题与解决实际需求相结合三个方面加强基层公安民警政治思想工作,从而改善基层公安民警思想现...  相似文献   

提高人民的生活质量是人类社会发展的最终目的,生活质量指标评价体系研究的一些积极成果,可以引导人们生活方式的转变,引导经济发展模式的转变,协调人与自然的和谐,使人们过上更加健康、幸福的生活。本文对国外生活质量研究成果进行了概述,对我国生活质量指标体系研究现状进行了分析,最后对未来生活质量评价体系的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

本文通过对公权与私权的分析,指出公安民警执法权益与公民合法权益有冲突的一面,为更好的分析公安民警的执法权益与公民合法权益的关系奠定了基础。文章分为三部分:公安民警执法既是权利(权力)也是义务;公安民警执法的目的是保护公民的合法权益;公安民警执法权益的易扩大性及其规制。从正反两个方面对公安民警的执法权益与公民合法权益的关系进行了分析,最后分析指出了防止公安民警执法权益扩大而必须坚持的几大原则。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国药品管理法》已经第六届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第七次会议审议通过,将于一九八五年七月一日起施行。这是继《中华人民共和国食品卫生法(试行)》之后,我国又一部保障人民健康的重要法律。它的颁布施行,体现了党和国家对人民身体健康的重视和关怀,标志着我国药品监督管理工作进入了法制化的新阶段。一药品是特殊商品,是同疾病作斗争的武器。药品的质量直接关系到患者的康复和生命安危。因此,提高药品质量、增进药品疗效,对维护亿万人民的身体健  相似文献   

公安民警的执法问题已经受到了全社会的密切重视,在全面建设和谐社会的情况下,公安民警执法的法律保护问题迫切需要解决。本文主要分析了新形势下公安民警执法权延伸维护的必要性,新形势下公安民警执法中法律保护内涵,新形势下公安民警遭遇不法侵害现状及成因,新形势下公安民警执法维护措施。  相似文献   

There is a long tradition of research into police integrity in the USA. Over the last few decades the focus of this research has shifted from regarding police misconduct as an individual problem to viewing it as an occupational/organisational one. Very little research has been conducted in this area in Scandinavia, however. This article presents findings from a Swedish questionnaire survey of levels of intolerance for corruption and other forms of misconduct within the Swedish police force. The study was conducted as part of an international project. Thirteen percent of Swedish police officers were included in the sample. Attitudes towards police misconduct are characterized by a high degree of consistency. The more seriously a behaviour is viewed, the more severely officers feel it should be sanctioned and the more willing police officers are to report it. Levels of intolerance towards theft are very high, whilst this intolerance is more moderate in relation to the use of excessive force, and is more or less non-existent when it comes to using a police car to ferry a fellow officer to work. At the same time, the patterns visible among the officers' responses are indicative of both ego-defence and of the existence of a code of silence. The article also compares the Swedish findings with responses from similar surveys conducted in the USA and Croatia. Differences between the circumstances in which the studies were conducted make comparisons between the different police forces difficult. The most conspicuous trend, however, is that different types of misconduct are ranked almost identically across the three countries.  相似文献   

张淼  孙常平 《政法学刊》2011,28(6):101-104
特殊的任务和使命使反恐基层一线的警察承受着较大的职业压力和职业风险,而他们所承受的压力源和应激源又完全不同于其他的警察,因此探索反恐基层一线警察的心理健康状况、人格特征及应对方式,对于提高他们的心理健康水平,工作效率以及维护社会稳定有重大意义。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):223-251
This research examines the influence of community‐oriented policing (COP) on citizens’ crime‐reporting behaviors. The study’s data consist of incidents of violence obtained from the Area‐Identified National Crime Victimization Survey that were linked to city‐level measures of police involvement in COP. Multinomial logistic regression analyses reveal that although third‐party police notification is more likely in cities with large numbers of full‐time COP officers, victims residing in such cities are significantly less likely to report to the police than they are to report to non‐police officials. However, in cities where the training of police officers in COP is relatively extensive, victims demonstrate a preference for police notification (relative to both non‐police notification and non‐reporting). Lastly, multiplicative models indicate that police involvement in COP has less of an influence on the reporting behaviors of residentially unstable victims who likely lack strong social ties to the communities in which they reside.  相似文献   

For some time there has been an intensive effort among police scholars to determine the attitudes of law enforcement personnel. Their efforts have focused particularly on the determinants of police cynicism. However, to date, there has only been one attempt to construct an index estimating that attitude—Niederhoffer's in 1967. Thus, all discussions of police cynicism rest on that index.This paper examines for the first time the reliability and validity of that instrument on a separate population of police personnel. The results were significant. First, it is shown that the index has an extremely low reliability and validity. Then, it is revealed that the index is tapping at least five separate dimensions of cynicism—not one, as police scholars so frequently assert.The implications from this research are great. The most obvious is that it is time to stop discussing the “cynical cop.” Instead, social scientist can begin specifying toward which dimensions of the occupation officers with particular traits are likely to become cynical. Second, the findings indicate the need to develop additional measures of police cynicism that are more reliable and valid than the sole existing index.  相似文献   

The findings of a study aimed at measuring citizen satisfaction with police performance in victimization situations and analyzing the variation in this performance indicator are reported here. Evaluation of the police from this perspective is recognized as being important as an indication of responsiveness to citizens' needs and desires, in part because improved police effectiveness will require citizen cooperation and participation.The analysis used data on members of victimized households drawn from a community survey in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The line of questioning on victimization incidents moved from perceptions of response time and investigations to whether a suspect was arrested or convicted, with respondents also being asked about their satisfaction at various stages in this process as well as their satisfaction with overall police performance. The analysis indicates (1) that overall satisfaction varies with type of crime and response time more than with socioeconomic characteristics, (2) that follow-up investigations and arrests influence overall satisfaction beyond satisfaction with the initial investigation, (3) that satisfaction with the police decreases at later stages of the process, and (4) that for those cases involving a follow-up investigation, overall satisfaction is more closely tied to satisfaction with the way in which the follow-up was conducted than to satisfaction with response time or the initial investigation.  相似文献   

This study examines views about police legitimacy and competence in neighbourhoods over time. The study compares theories about police legitimacy, the cooperation hypothesis, and the collective security hypothesis to predict violence. Findings suggest that when police legitimacy is deficient in neighbourhoods, a culture supportive of violence to resolve disputes may develop. Results show the importance of police competence to suppress violence and build collective efficacy. Finally, police are more successful in neighbourhoods that are collectively efficacious. The cooperation hypothesis is fully supported, but the collective security hypothesis and LaFree’s legitimacy theory receive partial support. Findings underscore the merit of examining neighbourhood consequences of police legitimacy, including how institutions, like police, can impact neighbourhood socialisation processes and are impacted by them.  相似文献   

During the course of their duties, police regularly have contact with mentally ill persons who are experiencing psychiatric crisis and require some form of mental health transfer. This study examined 2611 unique mental health transfers completed by police in the Australian state of Victoria over an eight-month period in 2009–2010. The overwhelming majority of mental health transfers performed by police during this period were the result of unplanned calls for assistance. Although police frequently requested assistance from other services, these were often not available. The study findings support a substantial body of anecdotal evidence from police citing lengthy involvement with people experiencing mentally illness, with the average mental health transfer consuming 2.5?h of police time. The frontline responses of police to people in psychiatric crisis need to be more formally acknowledged and creative solutions need to be sought with health and welfare services to better meet the needs of those who are falling between the cracks of community mental health care services.  相似文献   

黎小平 《政法学刊》2004,21(6):13-14
警察心理健康教育是当前警察队伍建设中不可忽视的一个重要问题,各级公安机关和公安院校要高度重视警察心理素 质的培养和提高,帮助他们解决因各种压力而造成的心理问题,从而培养良好的个性特征,促进心理品质的不断完善。  相似文献   

This study suggests that police departments who promote counseling benefit from officer stress reduction. Officers from sixteen municipal police departments (n = 1,114) across the state of Alabama possessed moderate stress, but were influenced significantly by organizational demographics (including counseling opportunities). A majority of officers believed that stress signs were not predictive of police suitability but remained reluctant to share fears and anxieties with fellow colleagues, suggesting that officers feared the stigma associated with the need for stress counseling. Officers working in supportive counseling climates had significantly less stress, a reduced need for counseling, and a greater willingness to use counseling. Officers who engaged in counseling (at least occasionally) also reported more stress, indicating an awareness of their need for counseling. The authors concluded that police departments should consider requiring mandatory and periodic counseling for all officers, a procedural tactic that camouflages counseling need while concurrently treating the source of officer stress.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to measure the efficacy of protection orders (POs) in reducing assault and injury-related outcomes using a matched comparison group and tracking outcomes over time. This study was a retrospective review of police, emergency department, family court, and prosecutor administrative records for a cohort of police-involved female IPV victims; all events over a 4-year study period were abstracted. Victims who obtained POs were compared with a propensity-score-based match group without POs over three time periods: Before, During, and After the issuance of a PO. Having a PO in place was associated with significantly more calls to police for nonassaultive incidents and more police charging requests that were of multiple-count and felony-level. Comparing outcomes, PO victims had police incident rates that were more than double the matched group prior to the PO but dropped to the level of the matched group during and after the order. ED visits dropped over time for both groups. This study confirmed the protective effect of POs, which are associated with reduced police incidents and emergency department visits both during and after the order and reduced police incidents compared with a matched comparison group.  相似文献   

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