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马克思主义是具有实践意义的科学体系。马克思主义作为一种以实践性为本质特征的理论学说,从实践中产生,在实践中发展,以改变现实世界的实践为目的,并且不断被新的实践所补充、修正和完善。当年,马克思不但把解决哲学问题的任务交给了实践,还把它交给了一个特定的阶级——无产阶级,他用毕生精力关心并且为之奋斗的问题就是无产阶级和全人类的解放。这就决定了马克思主义理论的实践性和马克思主义的“改变世界”的宗旨,而这也正是马克思主义的科学性和生命力之所在。  相似文献   

米歇尔·亨利第一次将他的生命现象学运用于马克思关于“社会现实”的分析。亨利关于马克思的哲学思想是“一种新现象学的马克思主义”。在马克思的文本中,现象学最基本的原则“回到事物自身”被亨利解读为“回到个体现实性生命”,所有社会中显示的关系必须还原到个体生命。“社会总体性”还原到纯粹的“个体主体性”是理解马克思社会批判的有力工具。“彻底的主体性”概念是亨利新现象学的马克思主义的核心概念。马克思的“现实性”应该被理解为个体的主体实践。马克思看到了实践的原初本质:实践恰恰是一种努力的主观体验,简言之即劳动。马克思以“谱系学”开始进行社会批判,这是一种对各种社会结构下的主观现实性的描述方法。  相似文献   

基于所处时代哲学任务的需求,马克思恩格斯在阐述其理论时强调经济基础的作用,而鲜有对文化领域的观照。而马克思逝世后,科技理性所带来的巨大影响、国际工人运动的走向、资本主义和社会主义社会结构的发展以及现代性危机的涌现,似乎与马克思理论的阐述都有所不同。如此种种,引发了西方学者对于马克思文化观、社会发展理论的误读,以及对现代性问题实质的误判,出现了经济决定论、唯物史观过时论等论调。其中,丹尼尔·贝尔则是这种思潮的代表,他以“意识形态终结论”“资本主义文化矛盾”“后工业社会”等大观念为基础,构建了西方社会发展的理论体系,却无不映现其曲解、否定马克思主义,宣扬历史唯心主义观念论的错误。从马克思的社会发展理论、文化观和现代性问题三个层面对贝尔的误读进行梳理和回应,可澄明马克思主义理论的生命力和解释力。  相似文献   

晚年恩格斯在马克思逝世后对这位共同合作40年的挚友思想的权威解释形成了极具影响力的研究范式,他所构建的马克思主义哲学内在逻辑彰显了科学的唯物主义自然观和历史观的辩证统一,其中呈现的思维规律在很大程度上代表了马克思主义哲学的本质特征。这种思路后来遭到多种质疑,澄清这个问题,需要理解围绕晚年恩格斯展开的百年论争的实质,在历史语境中解读马克思和恩格斯的学术关系,进而在当代视域中理解晚年恩格斯哲学的广博性和大众化特征。这是促进马克思主义哲学中国化、时代化、大众化的应有之义。  相似文献   

This paper examines the alliance that Derrida makes between his notion of justice as undeconstructible and a certain spirit of Marx's emancipatory promise. By following some of the precautions that Derrida undertakes in distinguishing the undeconstructibility of justice from the deconstructible justice should not be viewed as a contradiction in terms. I also argue that while the themes of justice, ethics, and politics can be rendered self‐present. Rather, Derrida's response to the injunctions of Marx suggests that it is precisely because justice and the emancipatory promise cannot be given over to the present that they are situated as undeconstructible. As such, taking responsibility for the heritage of Marxism involves working and sorting through the many spectres of Marx that inhabit the same injunction, where the promise remains as that yet to come.  相似文献   

The paper begins by expressing some doubts about how Gramsci has been appropriated by the so-called 'Italian School' of International Relations/International Political Economy (IR/IPE). Particularly questionable is the attempt to 'internationalise' his concepts of 'civil society' and 'hegemony', whose respective meanings are sometimes extended beyond Gramscian usage. Also dubious is the tendency to assume that his conceptual framework supports a counter-discourse within IR/IPE that contradicts the 'realist' mainstream. In his political ideas, Gramsci was as much a child of Machiavelli as of Marx, and he praised the Florentine for developing a progressive or 'transformative' realism in opposition to the conventional type of realism that seeks only to 'manage' the status quo. This interpretation of Gramsci as a kind of realist is defended by highlighting three 'Machiavellian' aspects of his thought: (a) his contempt for abstract ideals of justice or democracy, (b) his hostility to 'vague and purely ideological' (his words) internationalism; and (c) his surprising (for a supposed Marxist) doubts about the prospects for a non-coercive and egalitarian society. In conclusion, it is pointed out that Gramsci helps us to illustrate a tension at the heart of Marxism: that between utopianism and realism. Because of his admiration for Machiavelli, he eventually betrayed second thoughts about Marx's vision of a world without borders or conflict. His idea of transformative realism, rather than his concept of hegemony, should perhaps be seen as his chief contribution to IR/IPE.  相似文献   

Noting the prevalence of the theme of ‘solitude’ in the writings of Louis Althusser, this paper aims to capture something of Althusser's own theoretical solitude as a Communist philosopher intent upon renovating Marxist theory in order to ‘help put some substance back into the revolutionary project . . . in the West’. It argues that Althusser's singularity within the Marxist tradition consists in his effective rupture not only with orthodox dialectical and historical materialism and heterodox western Marxism, but with central tenets of classical Marxism itself; that this break derives from his utilization of key non-Marxist discourses (Spinozism, conventionalist philosophy of science, and aspects of structuralism); and that the resulting reconstruction of Marxism was highly original, yet seriously flawed. It concludes that, despite the resonance of his work in the 1960s and 1970s, for theoretical and political reasons Althusser is today once again condemned to solitude. “Communists, when they are Marxists, and Marxists when they are Communists, never cry in the wilderness. Even when they are practically alone.” (Louis Althusser, Reply to John Lewis)  相似文献   

Sen  Amartya 《Public Choice》2021,187(1-2):27-32

Janos Kornai chose to become an economist after reading Karl Marx’s Das Kapital. Kornai’s relation with Marx is not merely political, but also professional. Kornai “broke with Marxism” in 1956, but his relationship with Marx’s thoughts were not severed then. Kornai’s post-1956 works can be examined in the light of Marx’s ideas, dealing particularly with equity, freedom and the relation between theory and practice. Some of Marx’s own theses can be enriched interestingly by taking note of Kornai’s later writings.


汤姆·洛克莫尔是研究当代欧陆哲学和马克思哲学的著名学者,在德国古典哲学和马克思主义研究领域颇有影响,现为北京大学人文讲席教授。他出版了《黑格尔:之前和之后——黑格尔思想历史导论》、《马克思主义之后的马克思》、《历史唯物主义:哈贝马斯的重建》、《在康德的唤醒下:20世纪西方哲学》、《非理性主义:卢卡奇与马克思主义理性观》等著作。近日,中国人民大学哲学院臧峰宇教授围绕启蒙的谱系、马克思政治哲学的观念资源与卢卡奇的理性观等问题对话汤姆·洛克莫尔教授,这些讨论关注马克思政治哲学史与马克思主义哲学理解史,在历史语境中勾勒出启蒙哲学与马克思哲学之间关系的一种可能性图景。  相似文献   

人的解放和自由发展是马克思主义理论的最终目标和永恒追求;劳动解放是全部马克思主义理论的逻辑起点和理论基石,是无产阶级及其政党的初心使命,是无产阶级政党长期不懈奋斗的价值情怀。中国共产党全面地坚持和继承了马克思主义劳动解放的理论基调,经过100年来的不懈努力,从“劳工神圣”“劳工万岁”到“改善劳动组织”,到各尽所能、按劳分配,再到劳动最崇高、劳动最伟大、“劳动托起中国梦”,丰富和发展了马克思主义劳动解放理论中国化的新内涵和新境界,铸就了中国共产党人夺取革命胜利和中国道路成功的制胜法宝。在新的历史条件下,“着重保护劳动所得”“构建和谐劳动关系,促进广大劳动者实现体面劳动、全面发展”“让全体人民进一步焕发劳动热情、释放创造潜能,通过劳动创造更加美好生活”是中国共产党人对劳动解放的崭新诠释。  相似文献   

Gary Marx’s work on surveillance is important to those concerned about the causes and implications of modern surveillance technologies. This essay addresses the themes of reality, complexity, and transdisciplinarity that are prominent in all of Marx’s work including his 2016 book, Windows into the Soul: Surveillance and Society in an Age of High Technology.  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(1):71-92

Marx was and remained a philosopher. This simple fact was forgotten when Marxism became a system. Now that the system has been defeated, the philosophy re-emerges. However, its "Marxist" adherents have never understood that this philosophy was always political - in short, they have never understood politics, and there fore will never understand philosophy. Thus, the claim of the article is that, correctly read, Marx can be seen as the true philosophical founder of a modern theory of democracy.  相似文献   


This is Part 1 of an article arguing for an extended application of Karl Marx’s insight that the apparent reciprocity of free market exchange is to be understood as an ideology that obscures material processes of exploitation and accumulation. Rather than to confine this insight to the worker’s sale of his or her labor-power for wages, and basing it on the conviction that labor-power is uniquely capable of generating more value than its price, the article argues that capital accumulation also relies on asymmetric transfers of several other biophysical resources such as embodied non-human energy, land, and materials. It proposes that the very notions of “price” and “value” serve to obscure the material history and substance of traded commodities. Such a shift of perspective extends Marx’s foundational critique of mainstream economics by focusing on the unacknowledged role of ecologically unequal exchange, but requires a critical rethinking of the concept of “use-value.” It also suggests a fundamental reconceptualization of the ontology of technological progress, frequently celebrated in Marxist theory. Part 1 of the article introduces the argument on unequal exchange, the ideological function of money, some concerns of ecological Marxism, and the conundrum posed by three contradictory understandings of “use-value.”  相似文献   

房立洲 《学理论》2012,(16):68-69,85
在马克思主义哲学中,物化和异化是个经常的话题。早在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中,马克思就提出了物化和异化理论并据此对资本主义社会劳动与人的关系进行了分析和阐述。在《手稿》之后,西方马克思主义理论家卢卡奇秉承马克思的衣钵,在他的《历史与阶级意识》(以下简称《意识》)中再次对物化进行了全面的探讨。但他的物化概念与马克思的物化理论还是有着较大差别的,拟从两人对物化概念的理解、对物化产生根源的论证等四个方面对此进行浅析。  相似文献   

1932年马克思的“巴黎手稿”(以《1844年经济学哲学手稿》为题名)首次公开出版,遂及在正在兴起的“西方马克思主义”学界引发了解读热潮。其中,以法国存在主义马克思主义学者列斐伏尔、梅洛-庞蒂的解读,构成了对“巴黎手稿”之存在主义马克思主义解读之主要蓝图。本文认为,其基本特点包括:在具体-总体中,强调“总体的人”(total man)的“自然”与“历史”的“生成”过程,也即人的“存在的”属性,这种存在的属性,换言之,就是行动的哲学或曰立足于“日常生活批判”的“存在的哲学”(existential philosophy)。  相似文献   

Alasdair MacIntyre's concept of social practice sits at the core of his account of the virtue-fostering forms of resistance to capitalism, liberalism and the modern (un)democratic state. However, while this concept was articulated, in part, as a response to perceived weaknesses with Marx's analysis of working-class revolutionary praxis, and although MacIntyre has criticised Marx for the paucity of his theorisation of such practice, he has himself only gestured towards concrete instances of his alternative. This essay engages with one of these examples: MacIntyre's suggestion that Welsh mining communities in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries should be numbered among those modern communities within which the virtues have flourished. I explore some of the ramifications of this example for MacIntyre's broader ethical theory through the lens of a discussion of the continuities and breaks between his youthful Marxism and his more mature thought. I suggest that this example problematises his concept of practice in a way that implies a space for reconciliation between his mature thought and his earlier Marxism.  相似文献   

苏东解体东西德合并后,德国的马克思主义研究呈现出新的特点。研究者围绕着社会主义、资本主义和马克思主义展开了广泛的研究和讨论,召开了一系列的会议,出版了一系列文集。  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学研究对象的解释学探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克思主义哲学研完对象就是马克思主义哲学文本著作,对它既要作认识论研究,又要作解释学研究,解释学研究包括两个方面:其一,研究马克思主义哲学文本的"量"和"质",量是指马克思主义哲学文本的范围,质是指此范围内的文本是绝对具有还是相对具有"马克思主义哲学"性质,马克思主义哲学教科书、恩格斯等经典作家的著作、马克思本人的全部著作不能绝对地、确定无疑地认定为马克思主义哲学著作.其二,研究马克思主义哲学文本的本质--意义,这个意义是体现在文本中的马克思的哲学思想,它是马克思赋予的,而非读者赋予的,它是固定不变的,并可以被认识.  相似文献   

Ben Serby 《Society》2018,55(4):356-360

Marxism and Nationalism analyses the histroy of thinking on nationalism within classical historical materalism from Marx and engles themselves, through lenin and the Austro-Marxists to Gramsci. While it identifies variations in the degree of reductionism and economism involved, it finds a recurrent distorian due to the underlying errors of Marxist theory itself. The theorist who most escaped from these constraints was Otto Bauer. Nimni's analysis, while rich and suggestive, is however too indulgent towards nationalism itself, and fails to identify the enduring importance of economic factors in the rise of nationalist movements. Itis also mistakenly identifies as specific to marxism a belitting of nationalism that is common to much liberal and sociological thought.  相似文献   

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