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顺德市共青团工作创新的社会背景是受产业化、市场化、城市化、文明化、法制 化五大趋势影响;共青团工作的新战略是“塑造青年形象、振兴产业文化、推动社会转型”;具体 策略是创造品牌系列、建立外围团体、发展志愿服务、重视咨询反馈。  相似文献   

加入WTO对宝安区青年"三业"工程(即学业、就业、创业)提出新的要求.它要求团宝安区委以创新的思维推进青年"三业"工程:一是以学习"三个代表"为动力,激发青年创造与成才的热情;二是以加入WTO为机遇,增强青年竞争与发展的能力;三是以公民道德建设为重点,提高青少年的综合素质;四是以制度化建设为基础,形成关心、支持、激励青少年健康成长的社会环境.  相似文献   

青年群体的创新、创业活动对深圳的经济发展和文化建设起到不可替代的作用,并随着时间的沉淀而衍生出青年创新文化这一朝气蓬勃的文化样态.深圳青年创新文化是深圳文化内在逻辑的必然产物.具体来说,深圳多元融生的文化结构为青年创新文化提供了独有的孵化场域;古今、中西交汇的精神传承所熔铸的观念意识,成为深圳青年创新文化生长的"源代码...  相似文献   

深圳青年工作未来的发展要在坚持正确的发展方向的基础上,制定有针对性的工作对策:1.进一步 优化青年的成长环境;2.加强管理和培训;3.塑造健康向上的打工文化。  相似文献   

青年工作转型与发展的研究报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析国内外青年工作转型与发展对深圳青年工作的启示,以及加入WTO后深圳青年工作的社会背 景、社会形势与社会要求,说明深圳青年工作必须主动改革和创新,才能更好地为社会发展和青年发展服务。  相似文献   

去年 12月 ,中国正式成为世贸组织新成员。入世后 ,中国的社会、经济面貌将会发生许多变化 ,共青团工作也随之要面对许多新的工作领域。这些工作领域主要有 :重视青年人力资源的开发 ;组织农村青年 ,搞专业化生产、产业化经营 ;帮助青年开拓就业渠道 ;引导青年树立新的观念。  相似文献   

根据对广州市荔湾区青年人才工作的实证调查 ,分析了该区青年人才成长的现状及共青团工作对青年人才成长的促进作用 ,并对青年工作如何进一步满足青年人才成长的迫切需求提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

广东共青团工作已经取得了引人注目的成绩,但为了适应新的社会形势和社会需要,必须勇于改革、大胆创新,进一步为全国作出探索和试验。其中的关键在于理论创新。广东共青团工作理论创新的重大课题是:1.全面建设小康社会与广东青年的历史责任;2."三个代表"重要思想与广东共青团组织的生机活力;3.广东市场经济体制建立与共青团先进性质的拓展;4.广东社会阶层结构变化与共青团群众基础的扩大;5.广东共青团工作的社会化趋势与可持续发展。在新思想、新理论的指导下,广东共青团将建立"一条主线、三支队伍、五项服务"的新型工作体系,开创崭新的工作局面。  相似文献   

学习型组织的提出是组织理论领域里的一场革命。共青团作为引导、教育和服务青年的组织,要在新的形势下有所作为,可以借鉴学习型组织的一些理念与方法,从组织观念、工作手段、活动内容、育人环境和运行机制等方面作相应的变革和创新。  相似文献   

青年文化:青年社会化的新视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青年文化,作为在青年中流行、并对青年产生重大影响的因子,是青年社会化的主要执行者。同时,随着时代的发展,青年文化又使青年社会化出现了新特点,蕴含着当今青年社会化的二重性。因此,积极加强青年文化建设,对青年社会化的顺利实现乃至社会的发展都有着极大的现实意义。  相似文献   

西方后现代因素已渗透到我国的文化发展之中,青年文化所受影响更甚,并呈现出某些后现代的特 征:时尚文化的低俗化,文化运作商业化,价值标准多元化,文化理性的缺失,行为方式的异化等。  相似文献   

新时期高校共青团工作面临着挑战与机遇,创新成为新时期高校共青团工作的主题。高校共青团工 作必须从工作思路、工作内容、工作手段、工作机制等方面进行创新,不断推进高校团组织的建设。  相似文献   

Comparative studies of aging men in a variety of preliterate traditional societies suggest that older men, across cultures, are relatively mild and uncompetitive, as compared to younger men from the same communities. Older men are more interested in receiving than in producing, more interested in communion than in agency; their sense of pleasure and security is based on food, religion, and the assurance of love. The counterculture gives priority to the same themes, and thereby seems to sponsor a premature senescence, in the psychological sense. Various contemporary myths stemming from affluence and consumerism that have led to the new geriatrics are examined, particularly the myth of the all-including, omnipotential self, which is seen as a translation of socialist, collectivist ideals into the domain of personality. The effects of the new psychic collectivism on ego development in the adolescent and postadolescent periods are also considered.The overall program of cross-cultural research has been supported by Career Development Award No. 5-K3-Hd-6043 from the National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development. Field expenses for Indian studies in Mexico and America were covered by Faculty Research Grants Nos. 1344 and 1412 from the Rackham School of Graduate Studies, the University of Michigan, and by Grant No. MH 13031-01 from the National Institutes of Mental Health. Fieldwork expenses among the Middle-Eastern Druze were covered by Grant No. M66-345 from the Foundation's Fund for Research in Psychiatry.Received Ph.D. in 1959 from the Committee on Human Development at the University of Chicago. Main fields are clinical psychology and personality theory. Research interests are comparative psychology of aging and psychosocial aspects of ego development.  相似文献   

This study investigated the assumption that youth culture orientation adversely affects school performance, using rock music as the youth culture component. Adolescents in grades 9–12 were assigned to a subject matter topic in the area of literature, mathematics, physical science, or social science and requested to study this topic intensely for 30 min in a music condition consisting of rock, classical, or no music. The subjects then were tested on their retention of the factual content of the article either immediately after the study period, 1 day later, or 3 days later. Retention was significantly lower in the rock music condition. Students recalled more content in the literature topic and in the immediate test. The results are discussed with reference to a social learning theory interpretation of youth culture.Received his Ph.D. in developmental psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Major interests are in the area of social and personality development in children and adolescents.Received her M.A. in psychology from the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Major interests are in the area of child and family therapy and play behavior. At present she is working in a clinical setting.  相似文献   

The term youth voice has been identified as a mechanism that helps youth who are participating in out-of-school time programs (e.g., 4-H, Boys & Girls Club, Big Brother/Big Sister) achieve successful outcomes such as improved academic and social functioning. Youth voice promotion is commonly enacted in out-of-school time programs when youth workers extend opportunities to youth to provide feedback and make key program decisions. To date, scant research has focused on organizational factors that contribute to program staff (e.g., youth workers) willingness to promote youth voice. A structural equation model using person-environment fit theory within a Positive Youth Development theory framework was constructed to test organizational factors that contribute to youth voice promotion among youth workers. Data from 569 frontline youth workers within out-of-school time programs across the United States indicated that youth workers' abilities to form positive relationships with youth, professional efficacy, and ability to make decisions in their own jobs directly predicted youth workers' endorsement of youth voice. In addition, positive relationships partially mediated the effects of professional efficacy on youth voice promotion. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

江泽民同志关于青年问题的观点主要有:青年的健康成长离不开党;青年必须高举爱国主义的伟大旗帜;当代青年的历史使命是实现中华民族的伟大复兴;同人民群众紧密结合是青年健康成长的必由之路;马克思主义政党只有赢得青年,才能赢得未来;创新的希望在青年;青年应该成为引领社会风气之先的力量;社会主义精神文明建设的关键在青年一代。  相似文献   

The relationships between personal substance use, health beliefs, peer use, sex, and religion were examined using data collected from 265 middle school students in rural northern Michigan and northeastern Wisconsin in January and February 1984. A positive correlation between peer and personal drug use was established. A relationship was also found between health beliefs and personal substance use. In addition, a regression model was able to account for a statistically significant amount of the variance of alcohol, marihuana, and cigarette use in the target population. Recommendations are made concerning future research, methods of improving health education program development, and possible target areas for psychotherapy.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 1985 annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.Received Ph.D. in Health Education from The University of Michigan. Research interests include program evaluation, measurement, and community health education.Received Ed.D. in Health Education from Wayne State University. Research interests include school health, international health, and program evaluation.  相似文献   

非公经济领域青年的发展需求目前显得尤为迫切。他们的各种需求随着经济社会的发展不断变化。 非公有经济的发展需要理论的指导、法律的保障、政策的支持,青年可以在促进经济社会的发展中寻找人生的定 位。  相似文献   

网络对青少年的负面影响剖析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网络是一把双刃剑 ,既有无可替代的优越功能 ,也有一些不足和危害。青少年由于其独特的心理特征 ,更容易受到网络的伤害。分析网络对青少年造成的心理损害和社会化障碍 ,探讨网络对青少年的负面影响 ,可以引起有关方面的重视 ,采取有效措施 ,保证青少年的健康成长。  相似文献   

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