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Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: The System: The Misgovernment of Modern Britain. By Max Nicholson Emerging Pattern in Health. Care. By Robert Kohn.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: The Politics of Energy: The Development and Implementation of the NEP By G. Bruce Doern and Glen Toner . The Supreme Court of Canada: History of the Institution By James G. Snell and Frederick Vaughan . Reforming Human Services By Michael Clague , Robert Dill , Roop Seebaran , and Brian Wharf . Alberta's Local Governments and Their Politics By Jack Masson . Administration and Development in the Arab World: an annotated bibliography By Jamil E. Jreisat and Zaki R. Ghosheh . Managing New Technologies: the Information Revolution in Local Government Costis Toregas , editor. Bureaucracy in Canada: Control and Reform By Sharon L. Sutherland and G. Bruce Doern . Hate on Trial: The Zundel Affair, the Media and Public Opinion in Canada By Gabriel weimann and Conrad Winn . Tackling the Federal Deficit By Edward A. Carmichael . The Supreme Court of Canada as an Instrument of Political Change Royal Commission on the Economic Union and Development Prospects for Canada, Law and Constitutional Issues Series, Co-ordinated by Ivan Bernier and Andree Lajoie . The Dynamics of Government Programs for Urban Indians in the Prairie Provinces Raymond Breton and Gail Grant ed., with contributions from David L. Anderson , Harvey Bostrom , James Frideres and John A. Price . Maturing in Hard Times: Canada's Department of Finance through the Great Depression By Robert B. Bryce . Les politiques gouvernementales: élaboration, gestion, évaluation. By Michel Bellavance  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Le ministère des Affaires extérieures du Canada: Volume II, Lessor, 1946–1968 Par john hilliker et donald barry. Rethinking the Delivery of Public Services to Citizens By Leslie f. seidle . Troubled Waters: Economic Structure, Regulatory Reform, and Fisheries Trade By PETER B. DOERINGER and DAVID G. TERKLA. Justice and Identity: Antipodean Practices Edited by Margaret wilson and anna yeatman. The Road to Better Public Services: Progress and Constraints in Five Canadian Federal Agencies By g. bruce doern. Greater Toronto: Report of the gta Task Force. January 1996 Public Administration in Canada: A Text By KENNETH KERNAGHAN and DAVID SIEGEL.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: The Moral Foundations of Canadian Federalism: Paradoxes, Achievements, and Tragedies of Nationhood By samuel v . laselva . Flexible Innovation: Technological Alliances in Canadian Industry By jorge niosi , withmaryse bergeron , michele sawchuck and Nathalie hade . Democracy Dialogue and Environment: The Contested Languages of Social Regulation by BRUCE A. WILLIAMS and ALBERT R. MATHENY. The Greening of Canada: Federal Institutions and Decisions by g. bruce doern andthomas conway Comparative Competition Policy: National Institutions in a Global Market Edited by c. bruce doern and Stephen wilks . The Implications of Knowledge-Based Growth for Micro-Economic Policies: The Industry Canada Research Series. Edited by peter howitt . Book Notes Résumés de livres Milakovich, Michael E. Improving Scrvice Quality, Achieving High Performance in the Public and Private Sectors. Delray Beach, Ha.: St. Lucie Press, 1995. Pp. 258. Koehler, Jerry W. and Joseph M. Pankowski. Quality Government: Designing, Developing and Implementing tqm. Delray Beach, Ha.: St. Lucie Press, 1996. Pp. 281. US$39.95. Koehler, Jerry W. and Joseph M. Pankowski. Teams in Government: A Handbook for Team-Eased Organizations. Delray Beach, Ha.: St. Lucie Press, 1996. Pp. 172. US$29.95. Koehler, Jerry W. and Joseph M. Pankowski. Continual Improvement in Government: Tools and Methods. Delray Beach, Ha.: St. Lucie Press, 1996. Pp. 150. US$29.95.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: The Organization-Society Nexus: A Critical Review of Models and Metaphors By ronald corwin. Equality Rights and Their Limitations in the Charter Marek Debicki Telecommunications in Canada: An Analysls of Outlook and Trends By steven globerman with deborah carter. Health Care and Cultural Change: The Indian Experience in the Central Subarctlc By t. kue young. The Expenditure Budget Process of the Government of Canada: A Public Choice - Rent-Seeking Perspective By douglas g. hartle.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Traité de droit administratif, par RENÉ DUSSAULT Beyond the Bottom Line - Management in Government By timothy W. plumptre. The Politics of Public Spending in Canada By donald J. savoie. Managing Change: A Guide to Producing Innovation from Within Edited by sandraj. Urban Minority Administrators: Politics, Policy and Style Edited by alberT' k. karnig and paula d. mcclain.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: The New Public Management: Canada in A Comparative Perspective By PETER AUCOIN. Studying Public Policy: Policy Cycles and Policy Subsystems By MICHAEL HOWLETT and M. RAMESH. Canada. Commission royale sur les peuples autochtones. La reinstallation dans I'ExtrQme-Arctique: un rapport sur la reinstallation de 1953–1955 . Uncommon Sense About Organizations: Cases, Studies, and Field Observations By GEERT HOFSTEDE. What Price Mental Health? The Ethics and Politics of Setting Priorities Edited by PHILIP J. BOYLE and DANIEL CALLAHAN. Rethinking Federalism: Citizens, Markets, and Governments in a Changing World Edited by KAREN mop, SYLVIA OSTRY, RICHARD SIMEON and KATHERINE SWINTON. Bankrupt Education: The Decline of Liberal Education in Canada By PETER c. EMBERLEY and WALLER R. NEWELL. Public Policy: An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Policy Analysis By WAYNE PARSONS.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: The Effective Public Manager: Achieving Success in Government By steven cohen. Wildlife and the Public Interest: Non-Profit Organizations and Federal Wildlife Policy BY james a. Government Response to Financial Constraints: Budgetary Control in Canada By l.r. jones and jerry l. mccaffery. Diefenbaker's World: A Populist in Foreign Affairs By h. basil robinson. Aboriginal Peoples and Government Responsibility: Exploring Federal and Provincial Roles Edited by david c. hawkes. The Political Limits of Environmental Regulation: Tracking the Unicorn By bruce YANDLE Japan's Civil Service System: Its Structure, Personnel, and Politics BY pauls. kim. Petit traité de I'État De gÉrard Bergeron. Federalism and Political Community: Essays in Honour of Donald Smiley By DAVID P. SHUGARMAN and REG WHITAKER  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Regional Ministers, Power and Influence in the Canadian Cabinet By HERMAN BAKVIS. Response to review of Regional Ministers: Power and Influence Election Finance Regulation: A Critical Review De FILIP PALDA. Aboriginal Self-Determination: Proceedings of a Conference Held September 20 - October 3,1990 Edited by FRANK CASSIDY. The Ethics Challenge in Public Service: A Problem-Solving Guide By CAROL W. LEWIS. Evaluating Welfare and Training Programs Edited by CHARLES F. MANSKI and IRWIN GARFINKEL. Economic Policy-Making in the AsiaPacific Region Edited by JOHN W. LANGFORD and K. LORNE BROWNSEY. Knowledge as Power: Political and Legal Control of Information De DAVID SADOFSKY.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization By peter M. senge. Système politique et administratif des municipalités québécoises De alain baccigalupo.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Handbook of Public Administration Edited by jack rabin, w. bartley hildreth, and gerald j. miller. Public Financial Management: A Canadian Text By C. LLOYD BROWN-JOHN, ANDRÉ LEBLOND, and D. BRIAN marson. Nucleus: A History of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited By Robert bothwell. Proving Discrimination in Canada By BÉatrice Vizkelety. The Future of Health and Health Care Systems in the Industrialized Societies International Public Policy Sourcebook: Vol. 1, Health and Social Welfare Division of Social Sciences, University of Toronto, Scarborough Campus Edited by jack paul desario. Why Leaders Can't Lead: The Unconscious Conspiracy Continues By warren bennis. The Invisible Bureaucracy - The Unconscious in Organizational Problem Solving By HOWELL BAUM, New York: Oxford University Press. 1987 The Workplace Within: Psychodynamlcs of Organizational Life By larry hirschhorn.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Provincial Governments as Employers: A Survey of Public Personnel Administration in Canada's Provinces By J.E. HODGETTS and O.P. DWIVEDI. The Taxation of Canadian Co-operatives By DANIEL ISH. Cities of Canada. 1/Theoretical, Historical and Planning Perspectives By GEORGE A. NADER. Urban Futures for Central Canada Edited by L.S. BOURNE, K.D. MACKINNON, J. SIEGEL, and J.W. SIMMONS.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Urban Canada By JAMES and BOBERT SIMMONS. Politics and Government of Urban Canada Edited by LIONEL D. FELDMAN and MICHAEL D. GOLDBICK. The Canadian Municipal System By DONALD C. BOWAT. Politics: Canada Edited by PAUL FOX. 3rd edition. Contemporary Issues in Canadian Politics Edited by FREDERICK VAUGHAN, PATRICK KYBA and O.P. DWIVEDI. The Canadian Political Process Edited by OREST KRUHLAK, RICHARD SCHULTZ and SINEY POBIHUSHCHY. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Manpower Policies Edited by G.C. SOMEBS and W.D. WOOD. Temporal Dimensions of Development Administration Edited by DWIGHT WALDO. Durham, N.C. Policy Sciences: An International Journal Foreign Policy for Canadians Published by authority of the Honourable Mitchell Sharp, Secretary of State for External Affairs. Social Science and Social Purpose By T.S. SIMEY. The Structure of Local Government A Comparative Survey of 81 Countries By SAMUEL HUMES and EILEEN MABTIN. Changing Patterns of Local Government By A.F. LEEMANS.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Economic Restructuring and African Public Administration: Issues, Actions and Future Choices Edited by m.J. balogun and G. mutahaba Managing Leviathan: Environmental Politics and the Administrative State Edited by Robert paFXlke and douQlas torGerson. Agricultural Trade: Domestic Pressures and International Tensions Edited by grace skogstad and andrew fenton cooper. Farming the System: How Politicians and Producers Shape Canadian Agricultural Policy By barry K. wilson. Negotiating the Past: The Making of Canada's National Historic Parks and Sites By C.J. Taylor Privatizing a Province: The New Right in Saskatchewan By james M. pitsula and ken rasmussen. Ethical Decision Making in Everyday Working Situations By MARY ellen guy.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Innovation Systems in a Global Context: The North American Experience: Edited by Robert Anderson, Theodore Cohn, Chad Day, Michael Howlett and Catherine Murry Managing the Environmental Union: Intergovernmental Relations and Environmental Policy in Canada: Edited by Patrick C. Fafard and Kathryn Harrison Ethics in the Public Service: The Moral Mind at Work: By Charles Carofalo and Dean Ceuras Democracy Beyond the State? The European Dilemma and the Emerging Global Order: Edited by Michael Th. Greven and Louis W. Pauly The New Public Service: By Paul C. Light Public Service: Callings, Commitments and Contributions: Edited by Mark Houen The Republican Option in Canada, Past and Present: By David E. Smith Vouchers and the Provision of Public Services: Edited by C. Eugene Steuerle, Van Doorn Ooms, George Peterson and Robert D. Reischauer Digital Mythologies: The Hidden Complexities of the Internet: By Thomas S. Valovic Cinderella's Slippers? The Role of Charitable Tax Status in Financing Canadian Interest Groups: By Kernaghan Webb  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Politics of Nationalism in Canada: Cultural Conflict since 1760 is a faculty member, Department of Political Science, University of British Columbia. By DAVID CHENNELLS. Law as a Gendering Practice Karine Levasseur is a doctoral student, School of Public Policy and Administration, Carleton University.Edited by DOROTHY E. CHUNN and DANY LACOMBE. Restraining Equality. Human Rights Commissions in Canada By R. BRIAN HOWE and DAVID JOHNSON. The Rights Revolution Rosemary Proctor, consultant and writer on public policy and governance, was formerly a deputy minister with the Ontario government and recently director of the South Africa/Canada Program on Governance. By MICHAEL IGNATIEFF. Agricultural Policy, Volumes I and II (Part 14 of the International Library of Comparative Public Policy) Edited by WYN P. GRANT AND JOHN T.S. KEELER. Philanthropic Foundations: New Scholarship, New Possibilities Edited by ELLEN CONDLIFFE LAGEMANN. Indigenous Difference and the Constitution of Canada By PATRICK MACKLEM. Greed, Chaos and Governance: Using Public Choice to Improve Public Law By JERRY L. MASHAW. The Politics of Educational Reform in Alberta By ALLISON TAYLOR. The Public Employment Service in a Changing Labour Market By PHAN THUY, ELLEN HANSON and DAVDI PRICE.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Quangos, Accountability and Reform: The Politics of Quasi‐Government:Edited by M. V. Flinders and M. J. Smith From Hope to Harris: The Reshaping of Ontario's Schools: By R. D. Gidney Public Attitudes towards Education in Ontario 1998: The Twelfth OISE/UT Survey: By D. W. Livingstone, D. Hart and L. E. Davie A Handbook of Economic Indicators: By John Grant Restructuring Societies: Insights from the Social Sciences: Edited by David B. Knight and Alun E. Joseph Time and Poverty in Western Welfare States: United Germany in Perspective: By Lutz Leisering and Stephan Leibfried Canada: The State of the Federation, 1998/99. How Canadians Connect: Edited by Harvey Lazar and Tom Mcintosh  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Building Leaders: How Successful Companies Develop the Next Generation By jay a. conger and beth benjamin. Leadership A to Z: A Guide for the Appropriately Ambitious By james o'toole. Teaching Ethics and Values in Public Administration Programs: Innovations, Strategies and Issues Edited by james bowman and donald menzel. The Struggle for Quebec: From Referendum to Referendum By robert a. young. Pauline Jewett By Judith McKenzie. Montreal and Kingston. The Measure of Dernocrac: Polling, Market Research, and Public Life, 1930–1945 By daniel j. robinson. Forging Business-Labour Partnerships: The Emergence of Sector Councils in Canada Edited by morley gunderson and andrew sharpe. False Hopes: Overcoming the Obstacles to a Sustainable, Affordable Medicine By daniel callahan. The Communications Revolution at Work: The Social, Economic and Political Impacts of Technological Change Edited by robert boyce.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Politics of Public Management: The HRDC Audit of Grants and Contributions:By DAVID A. GOOD Arctic Justice: On Trial for Murder, Pond Inlet, 1923:By SHELAGH D. GRANT Science, Money and Politics: Political Triumph and Ethical Erosion:By DANIEL S. GREENBERG. Introduction to Emergency Management:By GEORGE D. HADDOW and JANE A. BULLOCK. Voluntary Environmental Agreements: Process, Practice and Future Use:Edited by PATRICK TEN BRINKS The Canadian Federalist Experiment: From Defiant Monarchy to Reluctant Republic:By FREDERICK VAUGHAN Organization Behaviour Reassessed: The Impact of Gender:Edited by ELISABETH WILSON The Struggle for Quebec: From Referendum to Referendum:By ROBERT A YOUNG  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Fire and Ice: The United States, Canada and the Myth of Converging Values By MICHAEL ADAMS with AMY LANGSTAFF and DAVID JAMIESON. The Halifax Explosion and the Royal Canadian Navy: Inquiry and Intrigue By JOHN GRIFFITH ARMSTRONG. Unhealthy Times: Political Economy Perspectives on Health and Care in Canada Edited by PAT ARMSTRONG, HUGH ARMSTRONG and DAVID COBURN. Growth and Governance of Canadian Universities: An Insider's View By HOWARD c. CLARK. Citizen Politics: Research and Theory in Canadian Political Behaviour Edited by JOANNA MARIE EVERITT and BRENDA O'NEILL Protecting Canadian Democracy: The Senate You Never Knew Edited by SERGE JOYAL. The Tools of Government: A Guide to the New Governance Edited by LESTER M. SALAMON  相似文献   

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