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In this retrospective study (11/2013–04/2014), we aimed to identify the factors associated with psychiatric hospitalization among detainees in police custody. We included 137 patients (M/F, 74%/26%; median age, 37 years), and 125 (91%) had a mental disorder. Seventy‐seven patients (56%) had involuntary hospitalization. Sixty patients (44%) were declared fit for detention, and 48 (80%) of these patients had a mental disorder. All patients who required urgent psychiatric care and could not provide valid consent for care were declared as requiring involuntary hospitalization. Forty‐nine of the 62 patients (79%) who required urgent psychiatric care and were suspected to have committed serious crimes were involuntarily admitted. In conclusion, we commonly found that some individuals with mental disorders were considered fit for detention in police cells.  相似文献   

We studied (May–September 2014) all arrestees who reported mental health issues during the medical examination performed by a forensic physician for the assessment of fitness for detention. Among 4814 arrestees, 420 (9%) reported a current mental health issue. The suspected crimes among arrestees reporting a current mental health issue were more often related to violent behaviors (physical assault, 23% vs. 16%, p < 0.001, sexual assault, 3% vs. 1%, p = 0.01) and less often drug offenses (18% vs. 29%, p < 0.001). Among arrestees reporting mental health issues, 80% reported psychiatric or psychological care, of whom 33% reported previous mental health care. Decisions of unfitness for detention were more frequent among arrestees reporting mental health issues than in other detainees (3% vs. 1%, p < 0.001). The high proportion of patients with interrupted mental health care among those reporting mental disorders suggests that the medical examination during custody could be a significant opportunity to restore psychiatric care.  相似文献   

合同纠纷中精神障碍者民事行为能力评定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的寻找并确证合同纠纷中精神障碍者民事行为能力评定的考量的指标。方法回顾性收集合同纠纷中精神障碍民事行为能力评定案例中被鉴定人相关资料;对所提炼民事行为能力评定应当考量的6项指标,即处境认识、争端理解、结果认识、信息利用、环境功能和决定交流进行评定与分析。结果纳入与精神障碍者民事行为评定相关的合同纠纷案例56例,所有案例中民事行为能力均实行三级划分,即完全民事行为能力、限制民事行为能力、无民事行为能力。合同类型主要集中于两类,与房屋相关合同38例,劳动合同14例。经统计发现各考量指标与专家鉴定结论的相关性较高,相关系数0.703~0.834,6项指标内部相关性高,相关系数0.712~0.877。结论合同纠纷中精神障碍者民事行为能力可实行三级划分,上述6项指标对精神障碍者的民事行为评定具有较强代表性,可以此为基础进一步开展民事行为能力评定标准化和量化研究。  相似文献   

目的探讨性自我防卫能力评定量表在非精神发育迟滞精神障碍患者中的适用性。方法收集性自我防卫能力评定案例87例,由经过培训的人员按照精神障碍者性自我防卫能力评定量表(CapacityofSexualSelf—defenseAssessmentScale,CSSAS)进行评分,并与专家鉴定意见进行比较。结果按照专家鉴定意见分组,有性自我防卫能力组、性自我防卫能力削弱组和无性自我防卫能力组的CSSAS评分分别为5.97±5.83、32.22±10.15、61.60±13.02,3组间的差异具有统计学意义(P〈O.01)。量表各条目得分与总分的相关系数为0.59~0.91,全量表的Cronbachd系数为0.96,拆半信度Cronbach理系数分别为0.94和0.91,两部分的相关系数为0.94。按照原始界值分,量表评定结果与专家鉴定意见的Kappa值为0.32(P〈0.01),重新划定界值分后.两者的Kappa值为0.84(P〈0.01)。因子分析共提取2个因子,方差解释率分别为46.15%和28.93%,判别函数回代94.30%的样本被正确划分。结论CSSAS可应用于非精神发育迟滞精神障碍患者的性自我防卫能力评定,但应重新修订界值分和因子的权重。  相似文献   

目的研制符合中国法律体系的精神障碍者受审能力评定量表。方法从法学要件着手,提取出15个条目,编制出初步的精神障碍者受审能力评定量表,从决断值、条目与总分相关、校正条目与总分相关、条目删除后的α值、条目共同性、因素负荷量6个方面对量表进行条目分析,并以Logistic回归方程与ROC曲线划定界值两种方式进行诊断效能的判断。结果各条目极端组的决断值18.390~46.763,各条目与总分相关系数0.639~0.952,校正条目与总分相关系数0.582~0.944,条目共同性0.377~0.916,因素负荷量0.614~0.957。共7个条目进入回归方程,总样本的回判正确率为96.0%。ROC拟合曲线分析出宜以33分作为量表划界分,与专家鉴定意见的重叠率为95.8%,敏感性为0.938,特异性为0.966,阳性似然比为27.67,阴性似然比为0.06。结论量表编制合理,各条目符合同质性检验要求,诊断性评价指标较好。  相似文献   

This cross‐sectional study conducted in prisons in the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, investigated the association between the presence of psychiatric disorders in 462 prisoners and the types of crimes committed by them. Psychiatric diagnosis was obtained by means of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the Mini‐International Neuropsychiatric Interview. A statistically significant association was found between some psychiatric disorders and specific groups of crime: lifelong substance addiction with sex crimes and homicide; antisocial personality disorder with robbery and with kidnapping and extortion; borderline personality disorder with sex crimes; and lifelong alcohol addiction with fraud and conspiracy and with armed robbery and murder. It was concluded that the mental disorders considered more severe (psychosis and bipolar disorder) were not associated with violent crimes, suggesting that the severity of the psychotic disorder may be the factor that has caused psychosis to be associated with violent crimes in previous studies.  相似文献   

Since 2017, complaints of sexual violence have increased in France. At the same time, the management of sexual offenders has been at the center of international public health policies. The prevalence of mental disorders among sexual offenders is an essential field of research. There are some published studies on the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in sexual offenders in detention, but there are few recent published studies among French individuals who were detained. Our objectives were to determine the prevalence of psychiatric disorders among persons detained for sexual offenses and the level of care received according to their diagnosis. For this purpose, we carried out a retrospective observational study from January 2017 to October 2021 of all adult sexual offenders, whether accused or convicted, who were seen in the psychiatric consultation unit of Les Baumettes prison, Marseille, France. The primary outcome measure was the psychiatric diagnosis entered in the medical records. One hundred forty-two patients were included in analysis. All patients were men, and the majority (n = 97, 68.3%) of these patients presented with at least one psychiatric disorder, principally a personality disorder (31.7%). 10.6% presented with a schizophrenic disorder, 4.9% a bipolar disorder, 3.5% a depressive disorder, 5.6% pedophilic paraphilia, and 25.4% an addictive disorder. Their management and comorbid addictions were analyzed in subgroups for each psychiatric disorder. Patients appeared to receive an appropriate level of care for their diagnosed disorder. It seems important to develop structured assessment of recidivism risk for better management of sexual offenders.  相似文献   

再议毒品所致精神障碍者的刑事责任能力评定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国法律并未直接规定毒品所致精神障碍者的刑事责任问题,国内法学界和司法精神病学界对此问题仍分歧众多。争论的焦点主要集中在吸毒者陷于辨认或控制能力丧失状态下实施危害行为时该如何评定其刑事责任能力上。从法律的角度来探讨毒品所致精神障碍者的刑事责任能力评定。主张目前实践中司法鉴定人员结合吸毒者的心理态度来评定其刑事责任能力缺乏法律依据,也不适宜对案件的处理,因此不宜由司法鉴定人员以精神病学的角度来认定毒品所致精神障碍者的刑事责任能力。  相似文献   

黎小平 《政法学刊》2002,19(1):85-87
高校学生的心理健康教育已愈来愈被社会重视,公安院校的学生由于日后所从事的职业的特殊性,要求我们公安院校在对学生进行素质教育,提高学生政治素质、文化素质、专业素质、体能和技能素质教育的同时,必须加强对学生的心理健康教育,以增强学生承受挫折、适应环境的能力,从而提高学生的心理素质。  相似文献   

目的探索修订版外显攻击行为量表(Modified Overt Aggression Scale,MOAS)用于预测精神障碍住院患者发生严重攻击行为的价值,为住院精神障碍患者的暴力风险评估提供理论依据。方法由经过培训的医务人员对某精神卫生专科机构2009年9月在院的918例住院患者采用MOAS进行评估,并随访2年内是否发生严重攻击行为。通过SPSS 21.0分析采用MOAS评估预测精神障碍患者发生严重攻击行为的价值。结果 (1)与未发生严重攻击行为者相比,2年内发生严重攻击行为者,其MOAS评分中言语攻击、财物攻击、身体攻击和加权总分存在差异(P0.05);(2)MOAS中的言语攻击评分,与2年内精神障碍患者的严重攻击行为相关(P0.05);(3)通过MOAS各项评分预测2年内精神障碍患者是否出现严重攻击行为时,言语攻击、体力攻击及加权总分三项评分存在一定的价值(P0.05)。结论 MOAS评分用于预测住院的精神障碍患者2年内发生的严重攻击行为时,存在一定的价值。  相似文献   

简要分析制定全国统一、规范的精神障碍者刑事责任能力评定标准的紧迫性和重要性。重点介绍制定《大纲》的基本原则、内容及其实用性。  相似文献   

罗一龙 《政法学刊》2011,28(2):71-75
证据问题不但是诉讼的核心问题,也是公安执法办案的中心问题。而公安机关是证据的收集者,研究非法证据排除规则在公安执法中的适用问题,对推动非法证据排除规则的贯彻实施与完善,遏制公安机关的非法取证行为具有现实意义。  相似文献   

目前中国的侦查程序中不存在典型的“控、辩、裁三方相互制衡”的诉讼形态,带有极强的行政职权主义色彩。侦查程序与当事人主义、审判为中心的刑事司法改革目标难趋一致,成为刑事诉讼改革的焦点。实行检警一体化,实现两者职能的紧密结合,切实加强检察机关对侦查活动的监督,确立犯罪嫌疑人的诉讼主体地位,已刻不容缓。  相似文献   

Fitness to Stand Trial is a critical concept in the adjudication of justice‐involved persons. A retrospective study was conducted to examine criminal defendants' specific psychiatric symptoms and those symptoms' associations with expert opinions on Competence to Stand Trial. One hundred charts were reviewed: 50 Cases (opined as Not Fit) were compared against 50 Controls (opined as Fit) with respect to ratings on the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS). A significance level of 0.001 was selected a priori. Statistically significant differences were found in seven of the eighteen BPRS symptom constructs (with the highest differences in Conceptual Disorganization and Unusual Thought Content) and two of the four BPRS higher‐order syndrome factors (Thinking Disorder and Hostile‐Suspiciousness). Consistent with previous reports, psychotic symptoms are found in this study to be inversely associated with Fitness. Validity, reliability, and limitations of this study, as well as directions for future research, are discussed herein.  相似文献   

我国侦查主体与侦查权的合理设置与配置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒋石平 《河北法学》2008,26(2):109-113
我国现行侦查主体设置与侦查权配置的二元化模式不符合国际"侦查主体一元化"的潮流,因此后者必然成为我国在此方面改革的借鉴。"检警一体化"的侦查模式由于其存在特定缺陷也难以与我国历史情况与现实国情契合,因此按"警察一体化"的侦查模式重新调整我国现有的检警关系成为我国对此改革的方向。独立、垂直的职务犯罪侦查局的设置可以将剥离出来的检察机关对职务犯罪的侦查权和纪委对党员干部涉嫌职务犯罪的调查权或称之为"准侦查权"合并吸纳,有利于对职务犯罪的实际预防、控制和惩处。  相似文献   

德国联邦宪法法院基于国家信息行为的三方性特征在合宪性审查中采用了偏离自由权三阶审查模式的回应方式:增加了"保障内涵"(Gewhrleistungsgehalt)的审查标准,同时把"侵害"(Eingriff)概念扩展为"损害"(Beeintrchtigung)并以宪法未明文规定的"国家领导任务"(Aufgabe der Staatslei-tung)建构国家信息行为的正当性基础。在观察基本权利教义学结构与面貌变动的基础上明确了:基本权利教义学以提供理性化之法律适用并达成个案之基本权利保障为目的,面对多变的国家行为形式具有开展的弹性与适应变迁的可能性。  相似文献   

Interrogations present several major challenges to persons with mental retardation (MR). Sixty adults with mild MR completed measures of Miranda comprehension and tendency to yield to leading questions. In addition, suggestibility was assessed based on whether participants revised answers to questions in response to unfriendly, friendly, or neutral feedback to original responses. Furthermore, we examined how expressed confidence in answers to repeated questions varied with the type of feedback received. Results revealed that participants demonstrated marked difficulties understanding their Miranda rights and greater likelihood of changing answers to questions for which they received friendly feedback than for questions for which they received unfriendly or neutral feedback. Most participants who received positive reinforcement for their answers on a second trial expressed confidence about improvement from trial 1 to trial 2, although accuracy did not improve. Implications of these results are reviewed.  相似文献   

The House of Lords upheld the Secretary of State's right to deny compensation under section 133 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 and the ex gratia scheme to Mullen, whose conviction for conspiracy to cause explosions had been quashed by the Court of Appeal solely by reference to actions by the authorities (securing his illegal deportation to the UK) that constituted an abuse of process, without impugning the fairness of his trial or the accuracy of the verdict The note discusses the different judgments in the House of Lords and the Court of Appeal in terms of their implications for the respective roles of legal and political systems in determining guilt and innocence. In particular, the note explores the nature of the legal principle of the presumption of innocence as it operates in the context of successful appeals.  相似文献   

Texas' foster care system is overpopulated, underfunded, and doing a grave disservice to the children in its care. Specifically, the foster care system is violating the constitutional rights of children regarding how they must be taken care of while in the State's custody. Parents whose custodial rights were involuntarily terminated now have a clear path for petitioning to regain their rights thanks to Texas House Bill 2926. Much of House Bill 2926's value is lost in the legalese used to write it, which is the problem my proposed solution, The 2926 Project, aims to remedy.  相似文献   

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