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MULTIPLE ancient cultures met on the vast Luxi (western Shandong) Plain: agricultural culture, Yellow River culture, and the commercial culture out of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, to name just a few. No wonder people describe Liaocheng, a vibrantcity lying on this plain, as "energetic, ancient and modem."  相似文献   

左犀 《北京观察》2005,(3):50-51
问题的提出 中国南北大运河南起杭州,经江苏、山东、河北、天津到达北京,纵贯长江三角洲和华北平原,沟通钱塘江、长江、淮河、黄河、海河等五大水系,南北跨越10个纬度,全长1700多公里.  相似文献   

SERIOUS water shortages in Beijing, Tianjin and northern Chinagenerally are the impetus behind the ambitious South-to-North WaterDiversion Project, whose aim is to divert water from the Yangtze Riverinto North China. It is the biggest project of its kind in the world.The South-to-North Water Diversion Project will channel waterfrom the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River along a western,central and eastern route. The eastern route will make use of the 1800-km-longGra…  相似文献   

THE prosperity of Shanghai and her surrounding cities used to depend heavily on a single waterway - the Grand Canal. With Beijing and Hangzhou at its ends, the canal was the main route between the South and North of China till the introduction of the railway. Productions of the fertile southeast, like tea,  相似文献   

The Shandong section of the Grand Canal's successful application for World Heritage listing augurs an immense conservation project that will construct eco-cities and beautiful villages, hence promoting rural tourism and brining inestimable benefits to local residents.  相似文献   

正The Shandong section of the Grand Canal’s successful application for World Heritage listing augurs an immense conservation project that will construct eco-cities and beautiful villages,hence promoting rural tourism and bringing inestimable benei ts to local residents.  相似文献   

IT is Cangzhou's geographic location that encouraged its sons to excel in martial arts. As it is in a strategic location, scene of many ancient battles, Cangzhou natives developed their own effective form of fending off attackers. Over time, Cangzhou's martial spirit has attracted large numbers of martial arts practitioners. In 1992 the State Physical Culture and Sports Commission named it "birthplace of martial arts."  相似文献   

2006年5月,国务院核准公布“京杭大运河”为全国重点文物保护单位。2006年12月,大运河(北京市、天津市、河北省、山东省、江苏省、安徽省、浙江省、河南省)被列为《中国世界文化遗产预备名单》第一项。2006年,“全国政协京杭大运河保护与申遗考察团”自通州至杭州对大运河进行了全程考察,发表《杭州宣  相似文献   

LIAOCHENG, on the dry, wind-swept landscape of the North China Plain, is an oasis of water.The city is in Shandong Province, famous for the glitzy seaside city of Qingdao. But subtler treats await inland.Liaocheng is in Shandong’s far west,where its neighbors are Hebei and Henan provinces. The Grand Canal  相似文献   

THE Minyue Kingdom city is35 kilometers north of theWuyi Mountains in FujianProvince, and has a history ofmore than 2,300 years. Constructedon the summits of a few foothills,the city faces the magnificent WuyiMountains to the west, and hills andmounds to its north and south. Agurgling crystalline stream originating in the Wuyi Mountains flowsfrom the west to the city and thengoes past it from north to south. Itsvast stretches of alluvial plains inthe east and north give this ancientcity a…  相似文献   

古希腊罗马城市是一种宗教性的联盟体,城市因神庙和诸神的存在而具有了神圣的意义与合法性,城市制度的建立来自于城市神权。宗教信仰与古希腊罗马城市的建立、城市神权与城市权力结构、城市神权与城市公民的权利义务等三个方面,有着密切的联系。神与神的联盟促进了人与人的合作关系,神与人的契约规制着人与人的关系,神与人的契约的履行是古代城市法治源头的最早体现。  相似文献   

论古代蒙古族的生态环境保护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
古代蒙古族在自己长期的游牧生产和生活中所形成的习俗、宗教、道德、立法等领域蕴涵着许多比较符合自己游牧文明的生态环保思想意识,即人与自然协调平衡的发展观、对动植物有恻隐之心的生态伦理观、认为自然资源或自然要素是无比珍贵的价值观。这些正确的环保思想意识是我国古代优秀的民族文明成果,它对于我国目前日益恶化的环境问题和西部大开发活动中民族地区的环境保护有重大的现实借鉴意义和智慧启悟。  相似文献   

王伟 《中国发展》2008,8(4):27-32
天津滨海新区要建成生态城区,其开发开放离不开生态环境的保护与恢复。该文着眼于滨海新区开发开放中生态环境保护,基于该区生态环境现状,在分析天津市十一五环境规划相关内容的基础上,从生态哲学、环境立法角度对滨海新区的生态环境保护与建设进行了理论探索。  相似文献   

赵冬菊 《长江论坛》2006,(6):82-88,93
本文根据三峡考古中的生态资料,探讨了巴人良好的生态环境状况,这种环境状况与当地地质地貌之间的关系,以及三峡地区生态环境对巴人物质生活和精神生活的影响。  相似文献   

中国古代以运河为单元实施管理,于明代形成了专门的管理机构;在水源调配、灌区水量分配等方面,形成了相应的法规和制度;对于运河生态系统的维护也采取了大量措施.我国加强流域管理立法,应吸取古代运河治理的经验教训.关于流域管理机构立法,应明确规定流域管理机构的法律地位高于省级水行政主管部门;要建立和健全流域管理法律制度,加强流域立法的可操作性.关于流域水资源配置立法,要使流域初始水权的政府配置在法律上加以巩固和完善;建立和健全流域水权有偿转让的法律制度.关于流域生态系统保护立法,要促使流域内水土资源及其相关资源的开发、利用与保护,进行统一规划与协调.  相似文献   

HONGJIANG City is little known in modern times,but historically it was a key port and bus- tling trade center full of riches,spendthrift lifestyles and opium dens.Located in a mountainous zone in the southern province of Hunan,Hong- jiang's role as an important trade hub stretches back to antiquity.More than 3,000 years ago it lay on the trade route between China's interior and the Indian and Arabic Oceans,and the Red and  相似文献   

"提升文化软实力"是党中央站在时代的高度,审时度势、科学分析,做出的适应时代发展的重大决策,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义.提高大连文化软实力,是适应时代发展的诉求;是彰显城市信心,应对金融危机的迫切需要;也是建设中国北方科学发展示范城市的内在要求.  相似文献   

陈秀平  陈继雄 《前沿》2010,(20):28-31
民本思想是中国传统治国理论的核心,是影响中国治国安邦大业达几千年之久的政治法律思想。先秦时期君民关系理论(主要是西周和春秋战国时期的理论)中蕴含着丰富的古代民本思想。西周时期就出现了"敬德保民"思想,春秋战国时期儒、墨、道、法家从不同阶级、阶层利益出发,提出了不同内容的君民关系理论,但都是提醒君主要重视民众,以民为根本,这些思想是当今"以民为本"理论的重要源头。  相似文献   

越是民族的就越是世界的.海南正在建设国际旅游岛,如果没有民族特色的旅游文化,很难把海南真正建成国际化的旅游目的地.为此,海南在建设文明生态村,即建设社会主义新农村的时候,千万不能丢掉自己古老的民族特色.黎族同胞的船形屋金字屋,就是海南古老的民族文化特色,是不可多得的旅游资源,要在开发中加以保护,在保护中加以开发.  相似文献   

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