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Theory and research suggest that members of high-status groups feel more positively about their own group than members of low-status groups feel about their group. The studies presented here test two hypotheses derived from this general idea (1) that members of high-status groups will show greater bias in favor of the in-group when they believe that others perceive the status difference between their group and relevant low-status groups to be larger; and (2) that this relationship will be stronger when high-status group members also endorse ideologies legitimizing their privileged status. However, because low group status may have self-protective properties, it was hypothesized that imputed status differences would not relate to out-group bias among low-status group members, regardless of ideology endorsement. Two studies—using samples from the United States and Israel, respectively—provided clear support for these hypotheses. Implications for the study of both intergroup biases and legitimizing ideologies are discussed.  相似文献   

严考亮 《政法学刊》2000,17(2):57-60
大力加强公安队伍思想政治建设,是党中央对政法队伍提出的要求。我们要把握公安队伍思想政治建设的内容和要求,加强思想建设,提高政治理论水平;加强政治建设,坚定正确的政治方向;加强作风建设,增强服务意识;加强职业道德建设,增强人格力量;加强廉政建设,增强拒腐防变的能力。  相似文献   

We examined whether ideological differences influenced perceptions of the underlying causes of public aid applicants’ predicaments, and whether in turn ideology-patterned attributions accounted for how resource allocators prioritized need- and efficiency-related goals in allocating aid. To examine the need-efficiency trade-off, participants (N=112) divided a hypothetical pool of aid applicants for subsidized health insurance into two “incorrect” allocation outcomes: false alarms (allocate aid to unneedy applicants) and misses (deny aid to needy applicants). Moreover, to examine beliefs about the absolute percentage of aid applicants who are truly in need of societal assistance, participants divided the remaining aid applicants into two “correct” allocation outcomes: hits (allocate aid to needy applicants) and correct rejections (deny aid to unneedy applicants). Results of a series of structural equation models indicated that conservatism was linked to the causal belief that aid applicants’ predicaments arise from dispositional rather than situational factors, which in turn predicted a preference for making efficiency-related over need-related resource allocation judgments (e.g., preferring misses to false alarms) and the belief that a relatively small number of aid applicants are truly in need of societal assistance (e.g., preferring correct rejections to hits). Results are discussed in terms of how ideologically driven attributions influence the manner in which people resolve need-efficiency trade-offs inherent in the context of public aid decision making.  相似文献   

随着改革开放的深入发展和社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,社会对人才素质提出了更高要求。高等教育要充分有效地发挥思想政治的服务和保证功能,才能适应形势发展需要。  相似文献   

“焚书令”字里行间体现出来的是一种精密的专制主义知识分类体系。在它所包括的政治法律、历史典籍、人文价值和实用技术这四种知识中,前三种皆属于意识形态知识范畴,也可以视为广义的价值知识。这说明,“焚书令”所依托的是一个价值理性和工具理性都同样发达的意识形态秩序。正因为价值理性发达,所以它能对区分各种价值知识制定出明确的判断标准;正因为工具理性发达,所以它能对控制各种价值知识制定出严格的操作规则。  相似文献   

经营者论:基于经济法规范与原理的分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
徐孟洲  叶姗 《现代法学》2007,29(5):89-95
根据现行经济法规范的规定,将经营者定位为"经济法上的人"之一是合适的。如要突显经营者的经济法主体属性,必须认识到"经营者"这一范畴具有多重属性。应在考察法律经验意义上的经营者的基础上,用富有经济法标签意义的经济法理念去阐释经营者的概念,从逻辑上推导出应然法上的经营者的内涵,并应着力建构和规整经营者的权利义务结构。  相似文献   

多模态话语普遍存在于广告语篇中,因此,对广告进行多模态话语分析显得十分必要。论文以ChinaDaily上的一则英文公寓广告为语料,对广告中的图片采用视觉语法的分析方法,对广告中的文字说明则以批评性话语分析的三维模式为出发点进行意识形态分析。该研究揭示了语篇生产者如何在特定的社会文化语境下运用各种符号对消费者进行情感、态度、观念上的控制,旨在增强受众对不同层面意识形态渗透手段的认识,提高受众批判性视觉阅读能力与语言阅读能力。  相似文献   

学校思想政治工作的方法是随着社会的发展而完善,这是由其学科的性质和特殊性所决定的,因此要不断探索新的工作方法来充实和丰富学校思想政治工作的方法体系。增强教育客体的本位意识是开展学校思想政治工作的必然要求,是时代发展和教育客体自身特点决定的,也是当前学校思想政治工作的现状和教育方针等的时代选择。  相似文献   

杨建军 《法律科学》2005,23(6):17-25
将事实表达为客观真实是一种面向大众的政治表达,而表达为法律真实是一种面向法律职业者司法操作标准的专业表达。两种表达的共通性在于只追求事实之真,回避了可能的事实虚假及事实的非真实问题。但司法实践中认定的事实可能并非是完全真实的,因此产生了法学的表达与司法实践的背离。在事实认定可能并非真实的情况下,通过正当法律程序、协商与沟通以及法律论证,达到事实认定与判决的可接受性,是保障判决合法性的关键。  相似文献   

公共性控制:政府环境责任的省察与实现路径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阳东辰 《现代法学》2011,33(2):72-81
政府环境责任以公众环境利益为指向,以公共性为价值追求。政府环境责任的确立是行政伦理道德、政治合法性与权力合法性的客观要求。我国目前的政府环境责任一方面缺少法律规范的支持,另一方面表现出一些与环境善治不符的病症。完善政府环境责任,要求责任理念回归公共性、公共环境利益明晰化,并从具体制度规范上予以配合。  相似文献   

为了维持权威地位,企业管理者必须获得企业权力的合法性.权力的合法性是被下属认同的权力,权力的合法性不仅源于产生权力的资源或制度,而且还来源于对权力的价值认同和权力运作效果的接受.因此,企业权力的合法性基础来源于企业文化、企业制度和企业经营的有效性,企业文化是企业权力获得合法性的价值前提,企业制度是企业权力获得合法性的根本保证,企业经营的有效性是企业权力获得合法性的诱导力量.企业文化、企业制度和企业经营的有效性相互联系、相互支持,共同影响着企业权力合法性水平的高低.  相似文献   

突发事件应急治理是一个全局性的工作,需要各部门法在治理目的的统摄下相互协调、综合应对。无论从刑事法律体系功能化转向还是应急治理对国家权力、个人权利的重新塑造来看,刑事司法基于应急治理需求的应变具有当然正当性。然而突发事件带来的情势急转,存在刑事法律滑向工具主义、应急目的的非理性反应和对应急权力制约弱化的潜在风险,这就要求刑事法律在适用过程中严守人权保障底线,在充分考量集体法益共识形成过程和精准判断特殊法益侵害的情形下,谨慎、规范地适用刑事法律规范。  相似文献   

The procedural justice model has been widely used as an explanation for understanding legitimacy and compliance with the law, particularly within the context of policing. Central to this model is the importance of procedural fairness—in which the treatment of citizens and offenders by criminal justice agents can play a key role in building legitimacy and influencing compliance with legal rules and values. This paper examines the relationship between procedural fairness and legitimacy within the context of corrections. Drawing on data from a longitudinal survey of more than 3,000 prisoners across England and Wales, we identify an important link between procedural fairness and prisoner perceptions of legitimacy. We further examine variations in legitimacy in terms of individual prisoner characteristics, conditions within prison, as well as differences between prisons.  相似文献   

Whether individuals evaluate a distribution of outcomes to be unfair and how they respond to it depends upon the social context and their perceptions of why the objective injustice occurred. Here we examine a general feature of the situation that highlights what is often overlooked in distributive justice research: the impact of the group. We conceptualize such impact in terms of the group value model of procedural justice (Lind and Tyler, 1988) and in terms of collective sources of legitimacy (Walker and Zelditch, 1993). The former highlights how the extent to which one feels valued by the group may enhance perceptions of distributive justice (net of actual outcomes) and thus ameliorate the impetus to respond to objective injustice. The latter considers how the dynamics of group influence may reduce the propensity to respond behaviorally to perceived injustice. Our analysis shows how procedural justice and legitimacy (in the forms of authorization and endorsement) may affect attributions in a work setting, and, in turn, influence individuals' justice perceptions and reactions. By combining these elements, we chart for the first time the relative impact of two factors representing elements of the group on an individual's evaluation of and response to distributive injustice.  相似文献   

This empirical study examines procedural justice perceptions among 51 female serious offenders in Ecuador, with the aim of identifying differences between those women who were satisfied with law enforcement and those who were not. The results demonstrate that when women were treated with courtesy and respect, and their rights were acknowledged, they felt satisfied with the police, in a way that they did not give importance to the irregularities they observed while arrested and in custody. On the other hand, the majority of women participants were dissatisfied with the police. Their dissatisfaction with, and lack of trust in, the authorities affected their desire to cooperate with police activities. The study also demonstrates that, although the Ecuadorian police force has made considerable efforts in promoting citizens’ trust during the last 7 years, corruption and illegal police conduct when dealing with offenders are far from uncommon.  相似文献   

法的合法性问题研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
法的合法性问题是很重要的 ,西方许多思想家都对此作了论述。一种法律要被人们遵守 ,首先必须被信仰 ,而法律信仰的本质是对它的合法性 ,即正当性和权威性的确信。这种确信是以人们对法律的合法性评价为基础的。合法性评价应从实质和形式两个方面进行 ,二者各有其评价标准。  相似文献   

诱惑侦查手段在犯罪侦查中存在合法性不足的问题,在实践中的运行处于封闭状态,不符合侦查法治化原则。学界对诱惑侦查合法性界定的"两分法"标准存在缺陷,不能合理地解决诱惑侦查手段在毒品犯罪侦查中的合法性及被告人的刑事责任问题,对诱惑侦查合法性标准实行"三分法",可以较好弥补"两分法"标准的不足。最后以"数量引诱"和"打预谋"侦查方法为例,分析其合法性及其刑事责任。  相似文献   

勘验、检查笔录的采用标准是我国刑事证据制度问题研究中一个不可或缺的组成部分,是法官对某特定的勘验、检查笔录是否可以作为“定案的根据”行使自由裁量权的依据,是勘验、检查人员制作勘验、检查笔录的“行动指南”,也是刑事诉讼参与人质疑其能否作为“定案根据”的依据。从关联性、客观性和合法性三个方面探讨勘验、检查笔录的采用标准,以期为刑事诉讼实践,尤其是勘验、检查主体制作笔录提供理论方面指导。  相似文献   

司法的真相——在法律解释的合法性与妥当性之间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对规范和事实的不同安置,以及由此折射出的对合法性与正义性的不同态度,构成了西方法学史的全部。但至少到目前为止,纠缠于规范与事实、合法与正义之间的争论似乎并未取得令人满意的成果。而从现代西方哲学的商谈理论中我们发现,只有放弃学术立场上的任何一种“独断”,实现规范与事实、法律共同体与相应“听众”之间的合意,并对合法性与正义性进行适合法学语境的重新解读,才能最终缓解甚至消除合法性与正义性(妥当性)之间的冲突。  相似文献   


This paper examines whether campus police legitimacy relevance varies across different crime contexts. 519 respondents from 31 undergraduate sections at a public university rated campus police legitimacy as well as their willingness to report a campus crime to the public safety department. Students were assigned to different crime vignettes, involving experimental manipulation of crime type: petty theft, indecent exposure, aggravated assault, and gun possession on a college campus. Results indicate general support for the procedural justice model, specifically the invariance of the influence of legitimacy on reporting. This paper argues for increased specificity in measurement of cooperation beyond general willingness to assist, or a single crime context.  相似文献   

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