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在中日关系中,华侨华人一直发挥着重要作用,越是在中日关系处于困难的时候,生芦侨华人与民间交流的作用越会得到彰显。当前,在日华侨华人近百万人,在中日关系中,华侨华人一直发挥着重要作用。在日华侨华人和留学生积极传递“正能量”,改善日本社会对华印象。  相似文献   

尽管中日关系还可能经受各种风浪的考验,但中日友好是民心所向,历史之必然 2008年中日关系迎来重要的机遇之年。胡锦涛主席即将实现他访日的春暧之旅,但两国关系也仍面临诸多挑战和考验。当前的中日关系可谓喜中有忧,爬坡前行。中日关系可喜的方面是,日本福田内阁执政以来积极推动对华关系。福田首相去年年底访华,受到中方热烈欢迎,成功地实现了迎春之旅。福田内阁是  相似文献   

中日关系空前和睦,这主要是因为中日关系升温有利于向全世界表明,中国崛起不会带来威胁。中国也钦佩日本战后发展的某些方面,中国仍有很多要学习的地方。  相似文献   

蒋丰 《党政论坛》2012,(10):33-33
中日邦交正常化四十周年,本应是一个值得纪念之年、珍惜之年。但是,我们也应该看到,日本就是有一些人想在这样一个历史性的年头挑拨中日关系,把中日关系引向歧途。从近期日本名古屋市长河村隆之否定南京大屠杀事件,到近日东京都知事石原慎太郎再次蔑称中国为"支那",我们可以看出未来中日关系的一些走向。  相似文献   

中日关系的根本大计●冯昭奎中日复交25年来,中日关系的发展总的来说是良好的,但是,正如天气一样,中日关系也是有阴有晴,变化起伏。近两年来两国间问题迭出,令人产生一种阴郁的感觉。但是,今年以来两国关系渐又出现起色,9月份桥本首相访华之后,李鹏总理又将访...  相似文献   

从2004年到2006年,中日关系可能呈现以下轨迹: “政冷经热”——“政冷经凉”——“政冷经温” 2006年中日关系根本好转或全面恶化的可能性都不大,中日关系既没有坏到谷底,也没有不可救药,小泉之后的形势值得关注。从2004年到2006年,中日关系可能呈现以下轨迹:“政冷经热”——“政冷经凉”——“政冷经温”。2007年是中日邦交正常化35周年,2008年是《中日  相似文献   

孙艳晓 《学理论》2010,(21):293-294
中日两国互为邻邦,在大约2000年的生存联系中,中日关系经历过友好,也经历过冰天雪地,目前如何实现中日关系的“冰雪消融,春暖花开”,是我们一直在探讨并试图解决的问题,那么,中国大学生对于邻国日本又持有怎样的观念?我们如何从大学生这个环节上做好,通过课堂教学培养大学生理性客观的日本观,以此来促动中日关系走上良性循环的道路。  相似文献   

中日关系"脱困"之见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前的中日关系十分微妙,若两国政府不采取果断措施而任其发展下去,很可能危及中日关系的政治基础,其结果不仅不利于中日双方,也不利于地区的稳定和发展。  相似文献   

进一步推进中日关系发展,现在是天时、地利、人和三大要素齐备2007年12月27日至30日,日本新任首相福田康夫对中国进行了他上任以来的首次访问。时至岁末,福田首相此次访华给中日关系增添了缕缕暖意。从2007年4月温家宝总理的"融冰之旅",到这次"议题广泛、成果丰硕"的"迎春之旅",中日关系的改善唤起两国人民的殷切企盼。  相似文献   

诚如中日领导人一再表明的那样:当前中日关系总的来说是好的。所谓“总的来说”的意思是,从包括经济、政治、安全、文化、民间交流、地方交流、亚洲地区合作等各领域在内的、全面的中日关系来说,中日关系是好的。应该说这种评价绝非“外交辞令”,而是完全符合实际的,特别是在数以百亿美元计的经贸合作和数以百万计的人员往来方面,当今中日交流规模显然是长达两千  相似文献   

20世纪60年代,中日之间有一段特殊的贸易——“友好贸易”往来。它形成于日本内阁更迭、中苏关系恶化之际。在政治原则,贸易原则,政经不可分原则的基础上以一种特殊的方式进行。到了“革”期间,其“政治化”色彩愈加浓烈。  相似文献   

客体关系心理治疗(Object Relations Therapy)是一种强调“治疗师一来访者”关系的深度心理治疗方法。拟通过诠释客体和客体关系内涵,分析客体关系心理治疗的理论依据以及实施的四个阶段,并对我国罪犯心理矫治的启示进行初步探讨。在罪犯心理矫治中引进客体关系心理治疗,是罪犯心理咨询和治疗手段的创新,也是提升罪犯教育改造质量和践行监管安全“首要标准”的有效途径。  相似文献   

Howard Williams 《政治学》1994,14(3):135-141
International relations and political theory are generally seen as two distinct disciplines with their different methodologies and clusters of problems. This division of labour has in some respects proved useful but may now be too extreme. Political theory and international relations have a common subject matter in political action and state behaviour. The advantages for political theory and international relations in crossing the dividing lines between the disciplines are explored. A case is made for a political theory which is focussed on international relations and an international relations which exploits the approaches and methods of political theory.  相似文献   

In a recent debate in Economy and Society, Ingham criticized Marxist theory of money on the grounds that it relates money to commodities through the labour theory of value, while ignoring credit money. Ingham suggested instead that money is constituted by social relations characteristic of credit, namely relations of ‘promise to pay’. Drawing on Marx, this article shows that, pace Ingham, it is necessary theoretically to relate money to commodities. Money is indeed constituted by social relations, but these are commercial relations among ‘foreign’ commodity owners, not credit relations. The social relations of money are successfully captured by Marx's concept of the universal equivalent, when that is interpreted as monopoly over the ability to buy. In this light, both commodity and credit money are forms of the universal equivalent, but qualitatively different from each other.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to analyse the relations between the educational system and economy in capitalist societies. The economy is conceived here in terms of its technical as well as its social relations. The analysis here is centered around the capitalist labour market rather than capitalist technical relations of production as is usual in the literature on the relations between the educational system and the economy. This article is a preliminary attempt to break out of both economistic and sociologistic conceptions which dominate the literature on education.  相似文献   

李冬俐 《学理论》2012,(16):42-45
传统的社会主义国家发展生产力的基本模式具有独特性,由于把马克思主义的基本结论作为建设社会主义的基本前提,因此,它们通过建立社会主义生产关系来推动生产力的发展。这种用既定的生产关系推动生产力发展的模式,既有对经典社会主义基本理论的坚持,也包含了根据国情探索落后国家发展生产力的新途径。实践证明,由于新的生产关系是生产力发展的前提而不是结果,生产关系大大超越了生产力水平,其结果就是传统社会主义国家的生产力长期得不到有效发展。所以,现存的社会主义国家必须改革传统的生产力发展模式,根据现实的生产力状况建立相应的生产关系,遵循生产力与生产关系矛盾运动规律。  相似文献   

Public sector industrial relations is a somewhat neglected field of investigation. The relative neglect by industrial relations scholars is surprising given that public sector employees in Australia are much more likely to be unionised and work within larger organisations with formalised industrial. Moreover, it has been within public sector environments where the efficacy of public policy directions in industrial relations have been tested. Public sector environments are more likely to be characterised by structured bargaining and policy testing than much of the private sector. One of the purposes of this symposium, then, is to remedy this relative neglect of public sector industrial relations.  相似文献   

Do political tensions harm economic relations? Theories claim that trade prevents war and political relations motivate trade, but less is known about whether smaller shifts in political relations impact economic exchange. Looking at two major economies, we show that negative events have not hurt U.S. or Japanese trade or investment flows. We then examine specific incidents of tensions in U.S.‐French and Sino‐Japanese relations over the past decade—two case pairs that allow us to compare varying levels of political tension given high existing economic interdependence and different alliance relations. Aggregate economic flows and high salience sectors like wine and autos are unaffected by the deterioration of political relations. In an era of globalization, actors lack incentives to link political and economic relations. We argue that sunk costs in existing trade and investment make governments, firms, and consumers unlikely to change their behavior in response to political disputes.  相似文献   

在现代社会中,任何一个社会组织都要处理好与自身发展密切相关的内外公众关系,树立良好的组织形象。充分重视和发挥公关礼仪的功能和作用是警察组织的形象塑造的一个重要方面。本文对警察公共关系工作中礼仪的功能、原则、意义和养成等方面进行了探讨。认为公共关系是一门塑造形象的艺术,人民警察外在的行为、举止等表现,在人民群众心目中形成的形象、地位、信任和支持程度构成了人民警察的形象。而公关礼仪正是塑造形象这一艺术的起点。  相似文献   


The field of international relations has traditionally been dominated by a state-centric analysis of world politics, in which sovereignty is unequivocally tied to the Westphalian State. In recent literature, many international relations scholars have begun to question the primacy of the state and its relevance for understanding global politics. What remains to be analyzed is, if the Westphalian State is declining, where will sovereignty reside in the emerging post-Westphalian order? In order to address this question, this article will attempt to disaggregate sovereignty from the nation-state. The goal of this deconstructive exercise is to provide future international relations scholars with a more relevant conception of sovereignty and its possible impact on international relations studies. Only by engaging in this type of critical analysis can international relations scholars break out of their state-centric cocoon and progress towards a better understanding of the transforming global system.  相似文献   

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