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图为一枚左手指小指第一指节乳突纹线形态。指印左侧为一倾绞形斗纹,右侧为一长螺旋斗纹,且绞形斗右边中心和螺旋斗左边中心纹线部分重叠,呈绞形斗。外围纹线和部分重叠纹线顺势连接,并在绞形斗左侧和螺旋斗右侧各有1个三角,但二者重叠部位无三角构成。据称  相似文献   

一些资料及教科书介绍,具有3个三角的斗型纹一般为杂形斗,并且呈左、中、右分布。最近在我校的一位学生手印作业中,发现其左手中指的花纹为具有3个三角的绞形斗。三角的位置分布,除左、右各一个外,在其右上方还有1个三角。(见图)  相似文献   

441枚3个三角的绞形斗@杨胜发$贵州省人民警察学校~~  相似文献   

与天斗,其乐无穷;与地斗,其乐无穷;与人斗,其乐无穷。 在毛泽东的《四言诗·奋斗》里,这句耳熟能详的句式告诉我们:人要不停地奋斗,克服任何恶劣环境和条件,不断努力,直至成功。这里的“斗”体现的是一种积极、乐观、不畏困难的精神。然而,在现实生活中,很多人把这个奋斗的“斗”演绎成了斗气的“斗”。  相似文献   

<正>溺死者尸体口鼻部常出现蕈形泡沫,但扼颈捂口致死尸体鼻部出现蕈形泡沫少见。现报道1例。 1 案例资料 沈某,女,17岁。2002年12月某日被人发现死于  相似文献   

“形合实独”是我国合议制度的一大弊端。本文详细分析了“形合实独”的现状、成因,并对其弊端进行了具体评析。在此基础上,作者指出要改变“形合实独”的状况,必须采取措施改革案件承办人制度、健全案件的程序分流机制、完善陪审员制度以及保障合议庭独立审判权的行使。  相似文献   

目的探索被增配凸形钥匙上仿形刀痕迹倾斜角度与齿坡角间的关系。方法用铝板制作相同坡长不同齿坡角的钥匙模型,在相同夹持方式下模拟增配过程,观察并总结钥匙上仿形刀痕迹倾斜角度的变化。结果不同齿坡角上仿形刀痕迹倾斜角度不同。结论凸齿钥匙上仿形刀增配痕迹倾斜角度随齿坡角的增大而减小。  相似文献   

修德怡神 注重修德之人,行事光明磊落,性格豁达开朗,如此则情志怡然安宁,气血调和,脏腑功能平稳,形与神俱,可得天年。“大德必得其寿”(《礼记·中庸》)。现代研究认为,人既是一个受生物学规律制约的生命有机体,更是一个有着复杂心理活动的社会成员,  相似文献   

唐律"斗杀"可概括为因斗、殴之事而杀人,"斗"与"殴"为伤害行为前后相续的两个阶段。唐律在"斗杀"的时机条件、犯罪工具的使用、客观环境的判断方面皆有具体规定。"斗杀"之罪过形式,可概括为间接故意。唐代传世文献中,少有涉及"斗杀"案件的记载,但宋代史料在"斗杀"立法与司法方面有所记述。通过文献记载可知,"斗杀"在性质上为一类重罪,常赦所不原;但法律实践中"斗杀"与相近犯罪的区分往往产生困难。  相似文献   

传统中国画中有众多赋有民族特色的范畴,要学习,就应抓重点、抓线索.我认为"形"与"神"这一对范畴,在传统中国画诸范畴中既是重点,又是线索.首先,文章考察了"形"与"神"的确切涵义;然后,阐明它是传统国画诸范畴中的重点;最后,阐明了它是把握其它范畴的一条线索。  相似文献   

赵毅 《北方法学》2013,7(4):67-77
在罗马法中,本质错误与身份错误、行为性质的错误、标的物错误并称为使行为无效的四种实质性错误。本质错误与材料错误相关又不等同于材料错误。本质错误的内涵见于D.18,1,9,2中的"醋为酒卖"案,是在社会经济功能影响下的标的物之内在特性发生错误。本质错误的外延见于"古杯"案及D.18,1,11、D.18,1,14等文本,涵涉了大部分的材料错误和性别错误,并可以作为一种兜底条款适用于那些对诸如艺术品价值、作者发生错误的情形。本质错误在近代演化为法国法的"实质错误"、意大利法的"本质上的错误"、瑞士法的"重大错误"、德国法和我国台湾地区法的"性质错误",在赋予法官自由裁量权的功能上,它们和中国大陆民法的错误制度殊途同归。  相似文献   

物权法定原则   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
物权法定原则决定了物权法的基本性质与特征,也严格地限制了当事人在创设新型物权、改变既有物权之内容等方面的意思自由。物权法定原则的内涵是指物权的种类、内容、效力以及公示方法由法律规定,原则上不能由法律之外的规范性文件进行规定,也不能允许当事人自由创设物权的种类以及确定物权的内容、效力和公示方法。作者比较了物权法定模式的表述方式和基本功能,并认为我国物权法中物权法定中的“法”应当被主要限定为法律;司法解释应当具有一定的创设物权的功能;判例不能创设物权。当事人关于物权设定的约定违反物权法定原则的法律后果,应当根据不同的情况来确定。  相似文献   

对物诉讼与我国的船舶扣押法律制度   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
向明华 《河北法学》2006,24(4):121-124
对物诉讼源于罗马法,却只在英国得到延续,并在其海事诉讼中得到巨大发展.随着英国殖民者将对物诉讼制度带到其殖民属地,移植法律与本地法律互相作用,逐渐发展出英美法系各国目前各具特色的扣船制度,其中最有代表性的莫过于英美两国的对物诉讼制度.我国的扣船制度既坚持了对人诉讼的传统,又大胆吸收了对物诉讼制度的合理内涵,反映了国际船舶扣押立法中对人诉讼与对物诉讼相互融合的良性发展态势.  相似文献   

The study of confidence in the police in Latin America is rare, partially for lack of interest and partially for lack of reliable data. Social, economic, and political instability in those countries also contributes to the problem. Relying on data from the World Values Surveys 1995-1997, the current research proposed a theory of the police in transitional societies and reported the results of analyses of confidence in the police in nine countries of Latin America. The levels of confidence in the police in the nine Latin American nations were compared with that of the U.S. The inclusion of a heterogeneous set of control variables in the multivariate analysis yielded several consistent predictors of confidence in the police. Similar to the findings in the U.S., confidence in the police in Latin America was part of the broader attitude complex. Different from the findings in the U.S., confidence in the police was positively related to one's employment status and religiosity, and negatively to income.  相似文献   

The article analyzes the attributions of the causes of poverty and wealth in Russia and Estonia in 1991 and 1996 and their determinants. Among the latter are the perceived actual justice of the society, the perceived size of the middle class, and the personal position in the system of inequalities. Despite the economic hardships and a rise in inequalities in both countries, individualistic explanations of wealth and poverty have increased over the 5 years between the surveys. At the same time respondents in both countries demonstrated a growing awareness of the importance of starting positions and connections to achieve wealth. The perceived middle class has a significant effect on attributions of poverty but not on wealth. Russians in Estonia have a particular bias against wealth, whereas non-Russians in Russia are more likely to justify wealth on the basis of individual merit. Explanations of poverty and wealth in Estonia are more rooted in the factors of socialization (age, education, and gender), whereas in Russia they are more rooted in the changes in the family financial circumstances between 1991 and 1996. There was a general increase in support for government intervention in distribution in both countries.  相似文献   

汪琴 《行政与法》2007,(9):119-123
物权请求权发轫于罗马法的诉权,凭借对物之诉和对人之诉存在于罗马法中。在部门法运动和中世纪法学理论的推动下,物权请求权分立于罗马诉权。尽管物权请求权承继罗马诉权的程序功能,且得诉权之行使方可实现,但是物权请求权非因之而附着于诉权,而是独立于诉权,发展为横跨实体权利与诉讼程序之间的桥梁,为物权的顺利实现提供服务和保障。但物权请求权不附属于物权,也非物权的效力所致,它是异于物权的,在物权存续期间,于一物的同一类型的物权请求权因同质的侵害行为会反复出现,但基于物权请求权的相对性和相对人的变化,此时的物权请求权与彼时的物权请求权并非同质,物权请求权是一种相对独立于物权的请求权。正是基于物权请求权的此等属性,物权请求权才可能成为诉讼时效的客体。  相似文献   

急性心肌缺血再灌注时Bax的免疫组织化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 为心肌缺血 /再灌注损伤所致心性猝死的法医学诊断提供形态学依据 ,方法运用免疫组织化学方法 ,研究Bax蛋白在心肌组织中不同区域的表达。 结果 对照组正常心肌组织无Bax蛋白表达。Bax蛋白再灌注 0 .5h后即可在缺血区域表达 ,且表达主要在心肌内层。再灌注 1h后可观察到Bax蛋白不仅表达于心肌内层且已经扩展至心肌的全层。再灌注 2h发现心肌外层表达明显强于心肌内层 ,随着再灌注时间的延长可以发现Bax蛋白的表达逐渐减弱。 结论 在急性心肌缺血再灌注中 ,Bax基因对心肌细胞凋亡的发生有着重要的作用 ,且可以作为心肌缺血再灌注的早期诊断提供一项辅助诊断依据。  相似文献   

日本法医学DNA研究始于1983年,从整体上看,其发展历程即是欧美法医学 DNA发展史的缩影,在一些课题研究方面走在世界的前列.1991年成立DNA多型学会,1997年建立DNA鉴定方针,对一些问题做了有关规定与解释,以保证DNA鉴定的正确使用.  相似文献   

The pituitary was examined in patients with craniocerebral injuries who died in hospital in various periods after treatment. Control group consisted of victims died at the site of accident. The results indicate the significance of examining the pituitary in craniocerebral injuries for the diagnosis of thanatogenesis, particularly in patients died in hospital. Causes of traumatic changes in the organ were determined, highly incident in the practice of forensic medical experts: directly during injury, as a result of skull bone fractures; during development of dislocation syndrome and in disorders of blood and lymph circulation in the brain matter; resultant from augmenting traumatic edema of the brain.  相似文献   

Blood and urine samples are collected when the Norwegian police apprehend a person suspected of driving under the influence of drugs other than alcohol. Impairment is judged from the findings in blood. In our routine samples, urine is analysed if morphine is detected in blood to differentiate between ingestion of heroin, morphine or codeine and also in cases where the amount of blood is too low to perform both screening and quantification analysis. In several cases, the collection of urine might be time consuming and challenging. The aim of this study was to investigate if drugs detected in blood were found in oral fluid and if interpretation of opiate findings in oral fluid is as conclusive as in urine. Blood, urine and oral fluid samples were collected from 100 drivers suspected of drugged driving. Oral fluid and blood were screened using LC-MS/MS methods and urine by immunological methods. Positive findings in blood and urine were confirmed with chromatographic methods. The analytical method for oral fluid included 25 of the most commonly abused drugs in Norway and some metabolites. The analysis showed a good correlation between the findings in urine and oral fluid for amphetamines, cocaine/benzoylecgonine, methadone, opiates, zopiclone and benzodiazepines including the 7-amino-benzodiazepines. Cocaine and the heroin marker 6-monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM) were more frequently detected in oral fluid than in urine. Drug concentrations above the cut-off values were found in both samples of oral fluid and urine in 15 of 22 cases positive for morphine, in 18 of 20 cases positive for codeine and in 19 of 26 cases positive for 6-MAM. The use of cannabis was confirmed by detecting THC in oral fluid and THC-COOH in urine. In 34 of 46 cases the use of cannabis was confirmed both in oral fluid and urine. The use of cannabis was confirmed by a positive finding in only urine in 11 cases and in only oral fluid in one case. All the drug groups detected in blood were also found in oral fluid. Since all relevant drugs detected in blood were possible to find in oral fluid and the interpretation of the opiate findings in oral fluid was more conclusive than in urine, oral fluid might replace urine in driving under the influence cases. The fast and easy sampling is time saving and less intrusive for the drivers.  相似文献   

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