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<正>Several deadly terrorist attacks in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region last month attracted great public attention.Despite the attacks,the general situation in Xinjiang has remained stable since a major riot in Urumqi,the regional capital,on July 5,2009.Encouragingly,Xinjiang has shown a promising trend of growth,which is essential to realizing lasting stability in the region.  相似文献   

正China’s aviation industry makes a splash by producing large amphibian aircraft The world’s largest amphibious aircraft,a Chinese-made plane,rolled off the production line in late July in Zhuhai,South China’s Guangdong Province.The event,which took place in front of an audience from industry,government and military  相似文献   

The Beijing-based Economic Daily recently carried the headline,“China Takes Three Steps As the World Takes One”——an observation on China‘s economic growth. Its 16 percent annual GDP growth means that Pudong is advancing at double that speed. This phenomenal growth rate makes Pudong the central focus of this issue.  相似文献   

Anna Chennault discovers new dimensions of China’s development during her recent visit to the hinterland of the country China’s vast hinterland has long conjured up images of rugged mountains and countrysides dotted by villages  相似文献   

It Takes Two     
正Didi and Uber declare a marriage of convenience They have been at loggerheads over fares for years,but now a white flag has been waved across the ride-hailing market in China.Didi Chuxing and Uber have finally agreed to bury the hatchet ending their costly fight for the largest on-demand transportation market in the world.Didi Chuxing,or Didi for short,is a home-  相似文献   

Taking Off     
Eastern Airlines Yunnan Co.Ltd.has high hopes for the future On July 28,2010,China Eastern Airlines’ Yunnan Branch officially changed its name to Eastern Airlines Yunnan Co.Ltd.and became a joint venture between China Eastern Airlines  相似文献   

Off Center     
Central Asia’s internal problems obstruct the region’s economic potential Compared with its outstanding achievements in maintaining regional security and stability, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)-which consists of China, Kazakhstan  相似文献   

Yunnan Povince usually boasts one of the most abundant sources of water across China-ranking third among provinces nationwide.The origin of the Pearl River,which runs through the most vibrant economic center in south China,has recently seen its source of water cut off,leaving behind parched land and dead crops.  相似文献   

"Really, I never, never expected to win this," said Chinese director Jia Zhangke on hearing he had taken the top award for his movie Still Life (Sanxia Haoren) at the Venice Film Festival, on September 9. A surprise late entry, Still Life quickly emerged as the favorite and the Gold Lion was again hugged by Chinese. The well-known Chinese director Zhang Yimou won the same award back in 1999, for Not One Less-also a  相似文献   

正Zhi Shuping,Minister of the General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine of China(AQSIQ)elaborated at a press conference in Beijing on September 13 on a newly issued policy that aims at improving the quality of homegrown products and services and advancing the upgrading of China’s manufacturing industry.Edited excerpts of his speech are as follow:  相似文献   

The World Expo 2010 Shanghai is expected to create a platform for Africa to show its best side to the world As the first comprehensive world expo held in a developing country,  相似文献   

Unremitting efforts to control the spread of A/H1 N1 flu prove to be effective In China, 20.34 million people had been inoculated against the A/H1N1 flu nation- wide as of November 22, said China's Ministry of Health.  相似文献   

正Dear Readers,Forum is a column that provides a space for varying perspectives on contemporary Chinese society.We invite you to submit personal viewpoints on past and current topics(in either English or Chinese).yanwei@bjreview.com Please provide your name and address along with your comments  相似文献   

Off the Wall     
<正>Mural artist transforms hometown into rural art gallery Every time muralist Liu Zhicheng,better known as Liu Xiaobei,paints a wall in his hometown in Yongsheng County,Yunnan Province in southwest China,he captures the entire creative process on camera.The goodhumored 27-year-old is often seen talking to curious villagers about his murals,donning paintstained clothing and a distinctive white hat-his assortment of painting tools at hand.He paints from sunrise to sunset,sometimes burning t...  相似文献   

Online and Off     
China's population of Internet users now numbers 298 million, and the worldwide web has profoundly impacted people's lives in both positive and negative ways. On the eve of this year's sessions of the National People's Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Premier Wen Jiabao engaged the nation's netizens during a two- hour interactive web chat. During the sessions, Wen regularly logged on to collect the people's opinions on their progress.  相似文献   

Off the Rails     
Rescuers try to move a derailed passenger train carriage in Liuzhou, in southwest China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous  相似文献   

<正>An Israeli self-defense system gains popularity among Chinese fans By Jacques FourrierMost people might think that introducing Krav Maga to the Chinese would be like carrying coals to Newcastle.After all,China is famous for the diversity of its martial arts styles,and household names such as Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan have greatly contributed to the worldwide promotion of the kungfu phenomenon.How could an Israeli self-defense and fighting system created only a few decades ago appeal to the Chinese?  相似文献   

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