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Mumia Abu‐Jamal, ALL THINGS CENSORED. Edited with introduction by Noelle Hanrahan; foreword by Alice Walker (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2000).

Eric Parens and Adrienne Asch, eds., PRENATAL TESTING AND DISABILITY RIGHTS (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2000).

August H. Nimtz, Jr. MARX AND ENGELS: THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO THE DEMOCRATIC BREAKTHROUGH (Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press, 2000).

Leo Panitch and Colin Leys, eds. with Greg Albo and David Coates, WORKING CLASSES: GLOBAL REALITIES. SOCIALIST REGISTER 2001 (London, New York, and Halifax: The Merlin Press, Monthly Review Press, and Fernwood Press, 2000 and 2001).

James Blaut, EIGHT EUROCENTRIC HISTORIANS (New York: Guilford Press, 2000).

Susanne Jonas, OF CENTAURS AND DOVES: GUATEMALA'S PEACE PROCESS (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 2000).

Bertell Oilman, HOW TO TAKE AN EXAM...AND REMAKE THE WORLD (Montreal: Black Rose Books, 2001).  相似文献   

基于对行政自由裁量权政治性本质的认识,传统的政治与行政二分法排斥与否认行政自由裁量权的存在,并主张对行政自由裁量权实施严格的政治控制.但政治与行政二分法本身的偏颇所在决定了这种行政自由裁量权政治控制理论的不切实际性.  相似文献   

行政行为抽象与具体的分类在理论上和实践上都具有非常重要的现实意义,抽象行政行为纳入行政诉讼的应然性充分体现了该分类存在的价值,在分类基础上对抽象行政行为作全面研究,其进入行政诉讼的过程对法治的推进、人权的保障、实现宪法可诉和违宪审查制度的建立都大有裨益。在这一过程中,抽象行政行为与具体行政行为的界分会越发模糊,随着其上述使命的完成,该分类存在的必要性也会逐渐减小直至消失。  相似文献   

The Arab world has experienced some unprecedented social movements, labeled by the media as the Arab Spring. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of public policy, advertising, media, and public spheres on the Arab Spring. The media and economic policies enacted in the Arab world in the 1990s played a significant role in changing consumer culture in the Arab region, resulting in significant changes in public policy. Two studies were conducted to test how the change in consumer culture along with new public polices in the region contributed to the uprisings.  相似文献   

The European Commission is promoting more decentralized forms of multilevel administration, without having its own administrative capacity on the ground. This article examines the role of ground-level administration in this multilevel system, by analysing why and how administrative change at sub-national levels comes about in connection with the implementation of European Union (EU) legislation. Despite their similar unitary state systems, Sweden and Norway have implemented the administrative requirements of the Water Framework Directive differently. While Sweden has delegated decision-making authority to novel regional-level bodies, triggering frictions in the hierarchical structure of government, Norway established networked, interdependent structures. Enquiring into the causes, the study finds that complementary use of instrumental, power-oriented and historical institutionalism shed light on the conditions under which European multilevel administration develops. In complex political-administrative systems, domestic legacies and time-specific events provide ‘turfs’ for Europeanization-processes shaping domestic administrative systems from within.  相似文献   

日本的行政改革及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本的行政改革是在经济低迷与政局混乱中启动并完成的.其改革内容是全面的,体现了市场化、分权化与绩效化的趋向,在行政机构重新设置的过程中,完成了对传统官僚制的根本性改造,同时还实现了政府职能的重新清理与定位.改革过程中突出政治领导,充分利用内生动力,并尽力遏制部门利益,以及最终强化了政府首脑及内阁府的行政权力和综合协调功能等做法与结果为各国的行政改革提供了一定的借鉴与参考.  相似文献   

J. Sater 《Citizenship Studies》2014,18(3-4):292-302
In many industrialized countries, the issue of migration has traditionally raised the question of whether migrant groups fully enjoy citizenship rights. Political debates about models of migration emphasize either the values of cultural diversity or the value of integration into ‘host’ societies, whereas fear and security concerns are often embedded in more populist debates. In the Arab Gulf region, as in many other regions, such as East Asia, this debate has taken distinctively different shapes, partially because the concept of citizenship remains a contested notion not just with regard to migrants, but also with regard to local populations. In addition to the contested nature of citizenship, migrants' lack of citizenship rights fulfils distinctive functions in what Saskia Sassen calls ‘global cities’. This concept links the Arab world with a new phenomenon of globalized migration in which the lack of both integration and citizenship is a defining principle. Using these two perspectives, this article examines the relationship between citizenship rights and migration in the Gulf region, drawing on data from the UAE along with Bahrain, Kuwait, and Qatar.  相似文献   

行政问责制与行政自责文化建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国行政问责正由“权力问责”走向“制度问责”。而问责制要真正产生实效,必须有相应的行政问责文化来支持。在行政问责制的建立健全过程中,加强行政自责文化的培育十分重要和紧迫。为此,必须积极推进我国政治文明及行政文化的现代化进程,塑造公务员的现代品格,加快行政自责的制度化、法制化建设,营造良好的社会及政治环境,推进责任型政府建设。  相似文献   

论信访的行政救济功能及其与行政复议的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信访兼具有监督和行政救济两大功能,但在实践中更多地承载着救济个人权利、维护群众权益的作用,是我国行政救济机制中重要的一元.信访在行政救济程序方面具有灵活性和多样性的特征,其权益救济的范围大于其他行政救济程序,但信访工作机构缺乏实体处理权.信访与行政复议之间既存在着分工又呈现出重叠关系,为了体现法定途径的优先性和提高行政救济程序的效率,两者之间应当建立工作协调机制.  相似文献   

This article assesses the various disagreements between Arab and western states that surfaced at the 1998 Rome Conference and Preparatory Commission. It also discusses the relationship between state repression and cultural adaptation by examining the undeveloped domestic criminal systems of Arab states and the ambiguous role played by shariah (Islamic law) in the constitutions of many of them. It argues two main points: that more mutual accommodation will be needed to resolve these and future conflicts between Islamic and international law; and that such conflicts between the ICC and Arab states expose the need for further cultural adaptation to the ICC Statute. It is out of this process of cultural adaptation that the relationship between Islam and serious international crimes will evolve.  相似文献   

行政合同的行政性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
行政合同是行政行为,其行政性表现在:建立的基础和目的是行政法律关系;行政主体享有统治者特权;行政合同以契约不自由为原则.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Daniel P. Carpenter, The Forging of Bureaucratic Autonomy: Reputations, Networks, and Policy Innovation in Executive Agencies, 1862–1928
David E. Lewis, Presidents and the Politics of Agency: Design Political Insulation in the United States Government Bureaucracy, 1946–1997  相似文献   

对行政自由裁量的程序控制已成为现代各国行政法的“命脉”。行政立法行为作为一种范围相当广泛的授权性自由裁量行为对社会产生着无孔不入的影响,如则。强对其的监控已越来越引起人们的关注。就我国目前的行政立法、地方性行政法规和规章中存在的问题及原因进行研究,并提出完善行政立法的设想,极具现实意义。  相似文献   


The Arab World has witnessed massive popular uprisings that seek to overturn years of authoritarianism and supposedly bring about democratic change and social justice. These uprisings evoke both optimism and pessimism about religion, violence, and their connection to cities. As people in various parts of the Arab world embark on their quest for self-government, there is no telling where this great experiment will lead. Based on current indications, religion will play a decisive role in shaping the futures of these nations, and particularly their cities. These directions seem to be charted by the religious parties that have come to power, and through a series of subtle and gradual policies that are setting the foundations for future theocratic states. The aim of this article is to explore the urban processes by which religious ideologies transform into fundamentalist urban movements, and how their actions are starting to reshape the cities of the Arab World.  相似文献   

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