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The aims of this study were to investigate the sex discriminating potential of the talus in Koreans and compare this with other analyses in different populations. Statistical analyses were performed using data from nine measurements acquired from 140 tali (70 men, 70 women). The talus of Koreans is dimorphic between sexes in all measurements (p < 0.01). Discriminant function equations were generated by univariate, multivariate, and stepwise methods with a range of accuracy from 67.1 to 87.1%. Stepwise equations of other populations did not discriminate the sex of the Korean sample as accurately as each equation's own accuracies. The variables with high accuracy in this study are useful for sex determination of Koreans on the basis of confirmation of population specificity.  相似文献   

The authors have analyzed 80 skeletons (40 males and 40 females) from the collection at the Institute of Legal Medicine of the University of Bari belonging to a known contemporary Southern Italian population; time of death was around 1970 and ages ranged from 25 to 80 years. Seven measurements taken on 80 intact, undeformed right patellae (max height, max width, thickness, height and width of the external facies articularis, height and width of the internal facies articularis) were used to determine sex by multivariate discriminant analysis. One function associating two parameters (max width and thickness) obtained the highest value of correct sex determination with a rate of 83.8%; other functions showed a higher percentage of misclassification (up to 17.5%). This study tests the success rate of correct sex prediction based exclusively on patellar dimensions. The discriminant functions carried out by statistical analysis may aid the forensic anthropologist when no other human skeletal remains suitable for sex determination are available.  相似文献   

目的应用数字X线摄影方法测量跟骨,评估5项测量指标在法医学性别判定中的价值。方法393例受试对象随机分组,实验组334例(男性148例,女性186例),验证组59例(男性26例,女性33例)。每一受试对象按照规定投照方法摄跟骨侧位DR片,分别测量5项跟骨长度指标。方差分析检验实验组各项指标性别间差异,Fisher判别分析及多元逐步判别分析建立性别判别函数。验证组样本数据回代,前瞻性评估判别效能。结果5项指标性别差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。共建立了6组性别判别函数,性别判断正确率在78.4%~88.9%之间;回代检验,判断正确率在79.7%~86.4%之间。结论跟骨侧位数字X线片5项长度测量指标代入判别函数进行性别判定的方法可为法医学个人识别中的性别判定提供帮助。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have addressed sex estimation from the hands and feet with varying results. These studies have utilized multiple measurements to determine sex from the hands and feet, including measures of robusticity (e.g., base width and midshaft diameter). However, robusticity measurements are affected by activity, which can disguise underlying patterns of sexual dimorphism. The purpose of this study is to investigate the utility of length measurements of the hands and feet to estimate sex. The sample consists of white females (n=123) and males (n=136) from the Terry Collection. Discriminant function analysis was used to classify individuals by sex. The left hand outperformed both the right hand and foot producing correct classification rates exceeding 80%. Surprisingly, the phalanges were better sex discriminators than either the metacarpals or metatarsals. This study suggests that length measures are more appropriate than robusticity measures for sex estimation.  相似文献   

Reliable methods for sex estimation during the development of a biological profile are important to the forensic community in instances when the common skeletal elements used to assess sex are absent or damaged. Sex estimation from the calcaneus has potentially significant importance for the forensic community. Specifically, measurements of the calcaneus provide an additional reliable method for sex estimation via discriminant function analysis based on a North American forensic population. Research on a modern American sample was chosen in order to develop up-to-date population specific discriminant functions for sex estimation. The current study addresses this matter, building upon previous research and introduces a new measurement, posterior circumference that promises to advance the accuracy of use of this single, highly resistant bone in future instances of sex determination from partial skeletal remains. Data were collected from The William Bass Skeletal Collection, housed at The University of Tennessee. Sample size includes 320 adult individuals born between the years 1900 and 1985. The sample was comprised of 136 females and 184 males. Skeletons used for measurements were confined to those with fused diaphyses showing no signs of pathology or damage that may have altered measurements, and that also had accompanying records that included information on ancestry, age, and sex. Measurements collected and analyzed include maximum length, load-arm length, load-arm width, and posterior circumference. The sample was used to compute a discriminant function, based on all four variables, and was performed in SAS 9.1.3. The discriminant function obtained an overall cross-validated classification rate of 86.69%. Females were classified correctly in 88.64% of the cases and males were correctly classified in 84.75% of the cases. Due to the increasing heterogeneity of current populations further discussion on this topic will include the importance that the re-evaluation of past studies has on modern forensic populations. Due to secular and micro evolutionary changes among populations, the near future must include additional methods being updated, and new methods being examined, both which should cover a wide population spectrum.  相似文献   

Recently, a method which estimates the sex of unknown skeletal remains by discriminant function analysis of the patella has received much recognition. With seven simple measurements and a sexing accuracy of almost 84% this morphometric approach would be very suitable both in the forensic and anthropological context. In order to put this method to the test, 52 unfractured and non-pathological left and right patellae (26 males, 26 females) from a prehistoric skeletal sample were analyzed. In addition, 30 patellae were randomly selected which were not part of the original reference series. The first 15 (4 males, 11 females) had the same sample origin as the 30 target specimen but were of mediocre preservational state. The second 15 belonged to an archaeological sample of different provenience (8 males, 7 females). The results of the current study indicate that the morphometric assessment of this sesamoid is indeed well-suited as the results of the previous study could be duplicated, when sample size was not taken into consideration (85%). However, when the issue of small sample size was systematically addressed via a jack-knife procedure or the calculation of Delta-value, the resultant accuracies dropped to 78 and 74%, respectively. It is suggested that two confounding factors--age and sex of the individual--may be held accountable. There are slight, whilst not statistically significant tendencies to misclassify female and older specimen.  相似文献   

Sex determination in forensic practice is performed mostly on sexually dimorphic bones, including pelvic bones such as the os sacrum. Postmortem CT scan provides an easy and fast method for depicting and measuring bone structures prior to elaborate autopsy preparations. To develop a simple and objective method for sex determination in postmortem CT, metric data were evaluated from CT images of the pelvic-associated os sacrum of 95 corpses (49 men and 46 women) from the Canton of Bern, Switzerland. Discriminant function analysis of the data showed that the best accuracy in determining sex was 76.8% and 78.9% with two different observers. It is concluded that measuring the os sacrumin postmortem CT for sex determination has moderate accuracy and should only be applied in combination with other methods.  相似文献   

Sex determination and estimation of stature from the long bones of the arm   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The determination of sex and the estimation of stature from bones play an important role in identifying unknown bodies, parts of bodies or skeletal remains. In medico-legal practice statements on the probable sex of a decomposed body or part of a body are often expected even during autopsy. The present study was, therefore, restricted to few easily accessible dimensions from bones which were prepared only by mechanically removing soft tissues, tendons and ligaments. The specimens came from the Anatomical Institutes in Munich and Cologne from the years 1994-1998 including a total of 143 individuals (64 males and 79 females). The mean age was 79 years (46-108), the mean body height 161cm (134-189). The following measurements were taken: maximum humeral length (mean: 33.4cm in males; 30.7cm in females), vertical humeral head diameter (mean: 5.0cm in males, 4.4cm in females), humeral epicondylar width (mean: 6.6cm in males; 5.8cm in females), maximum ulnar length (mean: 26.5cm in males, 23.8cm in females), proximal ulnar width (mean: 3.4cm in males, 2.9cm in females), distal ulnar width (mean: 2.2cm in males; 1.8cm in females), maximum radial length (mean: 24.6cm in males; 22.0cm in females), radial head diameter (mean: 2.6cm in males, 2.2cm in females) and distal radial width (mean: 3.6cm in males; 3.2cm in females). The differences between the means in males and females were significant (P<0.0005). A discriminant analysis was carried out with good results. A percentage of 94.93% of cases were correctly classified when all measures of the radius were applied jointly, followed by humerus (93.15%) and ulna (90.58%). Applied singly, the humeral head diameter allowed the best distinction (90.41% correctly grouped cases), followed by the radial length (89.13%), the radial head diameter (88.57%) and the humeral epicondylar width (88.49%). The linear regression analysis for quantifying the correlation between the bone lengths and the stature led to unsatifactory results with large 95%-confidence intervals for the coefficients and high standard errors of estimate.  相似文献   

With a large number of unidentified skeletal remains found in South Africa, the development of population specific osteometric standards is imperative. Forensic anthropologists need to have access to a variety of techniques to establish accurate demographic profiles from complete, fragmentary and/or commingled remains. No research has been done on the forearm of African samples, even though these bones have been shown to exhibit sexual dimorphism. The purpose of this paper is to develop discriminant function formulae to determine sex from the radius and ulna in a South African population. The sample consisted of 200 male and 200 female skeletons from the Pretoria Bone (University of Pretoria) and Raymond A. Dart (Witwatersrand University) collections. Sixteen standard anthropometric measurements were taken from the radius (9) and ulna (7) and subjected to stepwise and direct discriminant function analysis. Distal breadth, minimum mid-shaft diameter and maximum head diameter were the best discriminators of sex for the radius, while minimum mid-shaft diameter and olecranon breadth were selected for the ulna. Classification accuracy for the forearm ranged from 76 to 86%. The radius and ulna can be considered moderate discriminators for determining sex in a South African group. However, it is advised that these formulae are used in conjunction with additional methods to determine sex.  相似文献   

The current practice whereby criminals dismember the remains of their victims in an attempt to make their identification difficult requires that simple methods of sex determination from fragmented skeletal remains are available to forensic anthropologists and skeletal biologists. The head of the femur is an example of such bone fragments. Identification and demarking points have been derived from the diameters of the head of the femur and used to determine the sex of individuals. It has been shown, however, that the numerical values of these parameters that permit sex identification vary between races. The objectives of the present study were therefore to establish the standard numerical values of the identification and demarking points for sex determination in South African whites and blacks and to see if these standards are different in the two races. A total of 520 femurs of white (160 males and 100 females) and black (160 males and 100 females) South Africans were obtained from the Raymond Dart Skeletal Collection in the Department of Anatomical Sciences of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. The vertical and transverse diameters of the heads of the femurs were measured by means of a stainless steel vernier caliper. Identification and demarking points were derived from the values of these diameters. The head diameter identification point and demarking point were found to be sexually dimorphic in both white and black South Africans. The mean head diameter of the male femur was significantly greater than the mean head diameter of the female femur in both population groups (significant at P<0.001). These values were correspondingly greater in the white than the black population. The numerical values of the male identification and demarking points were higher than the corresponding female values in the two population. In both sexes, these values were greater in the whites than the blacks South Africans. It is concluded that the diameters of the head of the femur and the identification and demarking points that are derived from them are sexually dimorphic in South African white and black populations. However, the numerical values of these sex-determining bone parameters defer between the two population groups. Therefore, it is necessary to determine race-specific standards of these parameters.  相似文献   

中国汉族人颅骨数字模型的性别判别方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的利用步进Fisher法建立多元性别判别函数,对西安地区成年人颅骨进行性别判别。方法从颅面数据库中选择西安地区133个(73男,60女)三维颅骨模型,利用计算机软件测量并统计颅骨的12项几何测量指标和2项角度测量指标,利用步进Fisher方法建立多元性别判别函数,并对方程进行回代检验。结果男性的12项几何测量指标均值大于女性,女性的2项角度测量指标均值大于男性,除2项指标(X7和X14)外,其他指标均存在显著性差异(P〈0.01)。由4项指标建立的判别方程,判别率男性为87.5%,女性为86.67%。结论利用计算机软件可以实现完整颅骨和无下颌的颅骨的性别判别。  相似文献   

For sex determination, it is difficult to examine the sex chromatin in the hair root devoid of the epithelial root sheath because of melanin deposition in the hair cortex cells. In the present study, the possibility of determining sex was sought by observing the frequency of Y chromatin in the nuclei of hair cortex cells from human hair root devoid of epithelial root sheath. The male hair contained nuclei in each of which one brightly fluorescent spot was recognizable. The average frequency of the fluorescent spot in the hair cortex nuclei observed in 90 samples from 30 males was 59.4%; the maximum frequency was 74% and the minimum 37%. On the other hand, the fluorescent spots were rarely found in the nuclei of hair cortex cells from female hair. The frequency of occurrence was 5.3% on average, the maximum frequency being 12%, the minimum 0%. The frequency distribution of the male group and female group exhibited two discontinuous peaks. The frequency of the fluorescent spots can therefore be used as a criterion for determining sex. The fluorescent spot in dried male hair was shown to be detectable in a frequency of 20 – 40% 4 weeks after plucking, indicating that the nuclei of hair cortex cells can be subjected to the examination for at least this period if the hair has been kept in a dry condition.  相似文献   

Hands and feet are often recovered from the site of natural as well as man-made disasters because of bomb blasts, train accidents, plane crashes, or mass homicides. This study is intended to establish standards for determination of sex from the dimensions of hands and feet in a North Indian population. The data for this study comprise 123 men and 123 women aged between 17 and 20 years from the "Rajput" population of Himachal Pradesh in North India. Four anthropometric measurements viz. hand length, hand breadth, foot length, and foot breadth have been taken on both sides of each subject following international anthropometric standards. The hand index (hand breadth/hand length × 100) and the foot index (foot breadth/foot length × 100) were calculated. Sectioning points and regression models are derived for the hand and foot dimensions and the derived indices. The hand and foot dimensions show a higher accuracy in sex determination by sectioning point analysis when compared to hand and foot index. Of the hand and the foot dimensions, hand breadth and foot breadth showed better accuracy in sex determination. Hand index and foot index remain poor sex discriminators in the study.  相似文献   

To date, there are no metric standards for differentiating between population groups from measurements of the calcaneus in South Africa. Previously, some of the measurements of the calcaneus have been used for sex determination in Americans, Europeans, Italians and South Africans. However, the variations in the number of articular facet present on the superior surface of the calcaneus have been observed in different population groups. This study aims at investigating the potentials of measurements of the calcaneus in diagnosing population affinity and observes population variations of the number of articular facet present on its superior surface in indigenous South Africans and those of European descent. Nine measurements were taken from 180 non-pathological left calcanei in a sample of known sex and population affinity obtained from the Raymond A. Dart Collection of Human Skeletons. Three articular facet types were observed. A significantly higher incidence of type A was observed in South Africans of European descent (SAED) population group while type B predominated in the indigenous South African (ISA) population group. Type C even though rare was found only in ISA group. The metrical data were subjected to discriminant function analyses. The average accuracy in correct classification (81-89%) obtained for the discriminant function equations derived in this study may assist in the determination of population affinity when the calcaneus is present for analysis in forensic cases.  相似文献   

Analysis of a sample of 1108 radii corresponding to 567 black and white North Americans in the Terry Collection at the Smithsonian Institution demonstrates that the diameter of the radial head is an accurate sex discriminator for human remains. A simple "radial-head method" of sex determination consists of measuring the maximum and minimum diameters of the head and comparing such measurements with the test cutoff points. The subject is female when the maximum radial head diameter (either left or right) is less than or equal to 21 mm, and male when the maximum diameter (either left or right) is greater than or equal to 24 mm. The same decisions apply to the minimum diameters of 20 mm or less and 23 mm or more, respectively. When the maximum diameter is 23 mm or the minimum is 22 mm, the subject is more likely male; when the maximum diameter is 22 mm or the minimum is 21 mm, the subject is more likely female. The sample frequency of any one of these latter diameters is never more than 16%. Cross-validation of the method with a sample of 50 pairs of radii of the Terry Collection, different from the original specimens, resulted in 92% sexing accuracy when using the left radius singly, 94% accuracy when using the right radius singly, and 96% accuracy when using both radii jointly.  相似文献   

Until now, determining the sex of a recently deceased individual using the measurement of the bicondylar breadth of the femur (also known as condylar width, epicondylar breadth and distal epiphyseal breadth) raised some concerns as to accuracy because no sample of contemporary French subjects was available. In this study, a sample of 88 female and male femurs taken from recently deceased elderly French people was studied. The bones were collected from subjects who had donated their bodies to the Medical School of Nice. The mean value of the male bicondylar breadth was found to be greater than that of females (84.3mm versus 74.8mm), confirming the sexual dimorphism of this parameter. Furthermore, the results showed a 95.4% accuracy rate for sexing individuals. To date, in the French population, as in some other samples, epicondylar breadth is the single most accurate measurement of sex determination, ahead even of head diameter. A discriminant function is presented to allow sex determination from remains of the distal femur. With regard to the data available in the literature, sexual dimorphism is probably the result of both genetic and environmental factors. The comparison of our results with those of other populations shows that there are inter-population variations of the bicondylar breadth, and also intra-population variations that account for the differences in the accuracy rate of this variable for the purposes of sex determination. These findings underscore the need to re-evaluate bone measurements within various contemporary populations.  相似文献   

Sex determination is a vital part of the medico-legal system but can be difficult in cases where the integrity of the body has been compromised. The purpose of this study was to develop a technique for sex assessment from measurements of the first lumber vertebrate. Twenty-nine linear measurements and five ratios were collected from 113 Chinese adult males and 97 Chinese adult females using digital three-dimensional anthropometry methods. By using discriminant analysis, we found that 23 linear measurements and two ratios identified sexual dimorphism (P<0.01), with predictive accuracy ranging from 57.1% to 86.6%. Using a stepwise method of discriminant function analysis, we found three dimensions predicted sex with 88.6% accuracy: (a) upper end-plate width (EPWu), (b) left pedicle height (PHl), and (c) middle end-plate depth (EPDm). This study shows that a single first lumber vertebra can be used for this purpose, and that the discriminant equation will help forensic determination of sex in the Chinese population.  相似文献   

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