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Sovereignty-disputed islands have special effect on maritime delimitations, whereas positive international law has no regulation on such matters. The legal status of sovereignty-disputed islands on maritime delimitation fall into three categories: full status, partial status and zero status. Full and partial status suggest the cases in which the sovereignty of the islands can be decided un-ambiguously in legal terms, while zero status means the circumstances to which islands under sovereignty dispute are not clearly subject to legal adjudication. Partial and zero status are commonly seen in international cases. The willingness of the disputed parties to a considerable extent defines the relevance of the legal status. Natural circumstances of islands affect not only the nature of the disputed islands and their legal status, but also the willingness of parties greatly. Geographic position of islands may lead to different legal status and affect the willingness of parties. The principle of equity is supposed to play an important role in the determination of legal status of disputed islands. In the case of the Diaoyu Islands for instance, if sovereignty issue can be decided in legal terms, then some extent of partial or full status will take place in the maritime delimitation of East China Sea; if sovereignty issue cannot be decided in legal terms, then only zero status can be granted. “Putting aside disputes and developing jointly” should not be treated as the preferred option and should be transited to certain real dispute resolution such as delimitation agreements or judicial judgments.  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of a legislative survey conducted to determine the legal status of parent education in the United States. Specifically, this survey reveals that since 1994. the number of states that enacted legislation authorizing or mandating attendance at parent education programs has more than quadrupled. The article features a state-by-state analysis of the various legal models currently in effect, including the source of authority, attendence model, and legal circumstances giving rise to participation. A capsule summary describing specific characteristics of the governing law of each state is also provided for reference.  相似文献   

家兔肺冲洗的巨噬细胞吞噬作用与死亡时间的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用流式细胞仪对不同死亡时间家兔肺冲洗的巨噬细胞吞噬荧光微球的功能进行定量测定。结果显示:随着死亡时间的推移,吞噬细胞的吞噬功能均有显著下降,各时间点吞噬细胞吞噬荧光微球的百分率和在每个吞噬细胞中的荧光微球的数目也是逐渐减少,这种巨噬细胞吞噬功能规律性的下降,有助于估计死亡时间。  相似文献   

陈灵海 《中外法学》2006,(4):494-507
<正>1906年12月6日,时任剑桥大学唐宁英国法教授的弗里德里克·威廉·梅特兰(Fredrick William Maitland,1850-1906)最后一次离开剑桥,踏上赴加纳利岛(Canaries)过冬的瑟瑟行程。途中,他被流感和肺炎病毒击倒,于20日清晨在岛上的拉斯帕尔马斯市(Las Palmas)的一家旅馆中逝世,次日被安葬在那里的英国公墓。有感于梅特兰对英国法史学所作出的无以伦比的贡献,笔者撰写了这篇文章,简要介绍梅特兰的生平、主要成就与历史观,并谨致纪念。  相似文献   

JOHN H. LAUB 《犯罪学》2004,42(1):1-26
The field of criminology lacks a sense of its own history. To rectify this situation, I apply the concepts and framework of the life‐course perspective to the development of criminology as a discipline. Examining criminology in the United States over the last 100 years, I discuss three eras (or life‐course phases), intellectual continuities and turning points in the field. My thesis is that if we knew our history, we would realize that ideas about crime matter. I offer a revised version on how to view criminology and in doing so address the theme of the 2003 annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, “The Challenge of Practice, the Benefits of Theory.”  相似文献   

利用7例颅脑外伤死亡的健康青年尸体,在死后48h,环境温度18~24℃,空气相对湿度83~92%和实验湿度54~64%的条件下,检测肝脏、肾脏酶活性的变化。实验结果表明,肝脏乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)和L-苹果酸脱氢酶(MDH),随着死亡时间的延长,活性逐渐减低,48h近于阴性;而肾脏上述二种酶活性则在死亡后6h和24h出现高峰,36h开始下降;肝脏的酸性磷酸酶(ACP)亦于死后6h和24h出现高峰,36h开始下降。而肾脏此种酶在死后18~24h,有增高趋势。笔者认为上述酶活性的规律性变化有助于死亡时间的推断。应用二种以上酶活性的变化特点,能够较准确地判断死亡时间。  相似文献   

李有观 《检察风云》2011,(13):32-33
1911年3月25日是星期六,下午4点45分,美国纽约市曼哈顿区三角制衣厂(主要生产女用衬衫)的275名年轻女孩开始收拾东西准备下班。然而,在随后不到20分钟的时间内,其中一些女孩身体被大火烧成了焦炭,尸体沿格林街东侧排成了行。一些女孩们从九楼跳下来,摔在水泥地上,当场死亡,她们的尸体上只盖着防水油布。贝尔维尤太平间装不下这么多尸体,不得不在毗连的东河码头设立临时停尸房。数百位父母和家庭成员前来辨认遇难的亲人。这一天晚上,三角制衣厂发生的火灾导致146名员工丧生。  相似文献   

中国死刑的当代命运   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
陈兴良 《中外法学》2005,(5):513-533

Microanalysis holds sway over macroanalysis in contemporary criminology. All of criminology would be better off if greater attention were devoted to the big picture—the relationship between crime and the interplay of institutions in the social systems of whole societies. Microlevel researchers often assume that the reduction of individual criminal propensities leads ipso facto to reductions in aggregate crime rates, but the implied connection is illusive, has not been demonstrated, and is belied by the macroanalysis of crime. The perspectives, methods, and data of macrocriminology also need to be developed, however, if they are to advance our understanding of crime at the level of social systems. Emile Durkheim , Talcott Parsons , Karl Polanyi , and C. Wright Mills have contributed essential building blocks for the study of the big picture of crime. Improvements in the quality and timeliness of aggregate crime data, finally, are necessary to bolster the policy relevance of macrocriminology.  相似文献   

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