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对全球化本身做"问题化"理论处理首先便要求对中国法学的"全球化论辩"进行分析和反思,因此在本文中,我首先把中国法学之"全球化论辩"的"四步骤套路"转换成了一种参照性背景;其次通过把"全球化是经济全球化还是多维度的全球化"与"法律全球化"这两个问题转变成了对具体问题的分析进路,对中国法学的"全球化论辩"进行一般性的厘清和分析:在对中国法学两种对立的全球化论说的分析中,我批判了那种"经济主义"的全球化论说,认为全球化是一个多维度的既依凭民族国家又脱离民族国家的社会变迁过程;同时,本文也分析了与上述两种全球化学说紧密联系的中国法学学者有关"法律全球化"争辩之"肯定"、"否定"和"折衷主义"三种观点及其背后不同的理据。  相似文献   

PETER KOLLER 《Ratio juris》1992,5(2):153-171
This article deals with the conceptual features and the rational justification of moral rights. For this purpose, the author starts with a common classification of rights, i.e., the distinction between rights in rem and rights in personam . He argues that rights of the first kind can be justified by a two-fold application of the principle of universalizability, while the latter are based on moral rules concerning special social relations, rules which themselves are founded on the principle of universalizability. This distinction, however, does not suffice to cover a further category of rights that play a very important role in social life, namely the rights of community membership, i.e., the particular rights that exist between the members of a social community. These rights cannot be derived from universalizability alone, but, instead, are based on the idea of social justice. This paper provides a short account of the main principles of social justice, and tries to apply them to property and welfare rights.  相似文献   

The European Union is still far from having social legitimacy. The issue is indicative of a huge uncertainty about Social Europe. What is it? What are the principles of social justice behind it? In our view, a new social constitution of the European Union is needed. Political democratisation must be accompanied by the foundation of a social Europe. We argue that were the IGC to combine the Charter of The Fundamental Social Rights of Workers with the Maastricht Protocol on Social Policy, inserting both into the TEU, it would lay the legal foundations for a dynamic European social constitution; a Social Europe dedicated to the combating of social exclusion and the maintenance of solidarity.  相似文献   

“垄断福利”的法学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"垄断福利"的正当性以及如何治理"垄断福利"为社会各界所关注。本文主要从民商经济法的角度分析了"垄断福利"的实质,批驳了为"垄断福利"辩解的"福利说"、"便利说"、"优惠说",分析了"垄断福利"对国家、社会和消费者的危害,提出了治理"垄断福利"的法律和政策措施。  相似文献   

论"物权属于绝对权"与"物权具有绝对性"的区别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国民法学界,人们往往将绝对性与绝对权,相对性与相对权相等同,将"物权属于绝对权"与"物权具有绝对性"相混淆,导致了逻辑上的混乱,造成了理论上的错误.实际上,"物权属于绝对权"与"物权具有绝对性"是不同的两个命题,不能混淆.  相似文献   

作为知识产权对象的信息不应是信息论意义上的信息,而应是控制论意义上的信息,即具有"同型结构+意义"双重结构。这有其法学上的规范意义。具备"源于人、有价值、法定性"条件的信息即可成为知识产权的对象,其特点有主客观双重属性、与载体的可分离性、可复制性、可传递性、可共享性等。知识产权的诸多困境即源于信息的主客观双重属性。  相似文献   

2007年3月16日,十届全国人大五次会议以2799票赞成、52票反对、37票弃权、1人未按表决器的表决结果,表决通过了《中华人民共和国物权法》(以下简称《物权法》)。《物权法》将于2007年10月1日起施行。现将该法有关问题简介如下:一、《物权法》的制定过程改革开放以来,为适应经济  相似文献   

试析垄断行业“福利腐败”的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梁平  袁辉 《行政与法》2007,(5):37-39
“福利腐败”的本质是一种集体特权腐败,它的蔓延和扩散,隐含着许多危机,其产生的根源在于行业垄断,不透明所致。因此,消除垄断行业的“福利腐败”最根本的办法就是打破垄断,即引入市场竞争机制,对行业实行内外监管,健全法制,形成一种良好的舆论氛围。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the argument of Jennings' path-breaking work, The Law and the Constitution , and assesses its importance. The argument of the paper is that a basic tension runs through the evolving work: between celebrating the democratic nature of the contemporary constitution whilst expressing certain concerns about democracy's potential implications. This is a tension that Jennings was never able satisfactorily to resolve. The Law and the Constitution nevertheless remains a landmark text, especially in reminding lawyers of the need to look to the social and economic explanations for constitutional change. Although the constitution Jennings was writing about has altered, his public law method of examining the purpose for which public power is acquired before reflecting on desirable constraints remains of value today.  相似文献   

“一带一路”倡议目前所涵盖的69个国家在参与国际知识产权争端解决的过程中遇到了一些困境.面对现有知识产权争端解决机制的缺陷和新的知识产权贸易发展趋势的挑战,“一带一路”沿线国家需要冲破牢笼,寻求具有“一带一路”特色的、符合“一带一路”沿线国家利益的知识产权争端解决机制.然而“一带一路”是否要构建、如何构建独有的知识产权争端解决机制,是“一带一路”沿线各国要面对的难题.本文在分析现有经验的基础上,结合国际趋势,对“一带一路”各国构建新型知识产权争端解决机制提出了设想.  相似文献   

导论:劳动财产权说解读知识产权制度的研究现状在探讨知识产权的哲学基础时,人们往往首先想到劳动财产权说,该学说源于17世纪英国思想家洛克。他在《政府论》中,表达了这一思想,主要包括:①(1)一个人对基于自己身体的劳动享有财产权,即每个人对自己的人身拥有所有权,每个人的劳动属于他自己;(2)对于未被他人拥有的物施加自己的劳动可以对整个物获得财产权。后者还需要两个限制条件:(1)在取得财产所有权时应该留下足够好、同样多的东西给他人;(2)取得财产所有权以不造成浪费为限。“现代学者热衷于将洛克学说运用到知识产权领域,讨论知识产权…  相似文献   

一、导论源于德国民法学说的“一般人格权”(ein allgemeines Pers nlichkeitsrecht)概念,引入中国大陆不过10多年的时间,但在人格权法理论中,已经成为一个关键词。〔1〕在几年前撰写的一篇论文中,笔者提出目前中国大陆民法理论上对一般人格权的认识,存在着不少欠缺,甚至对一些  相似文献   

知识产权通则:立法进程中的一种尝试   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李雨峰 《法学论坛》2006,21(1):58-63
在中国知识产权的立法进程中,存在“单行立法”、“一般性规定”和“法典化”三种进路,它们基本上沿袭了世界上既有的知识产权三种立法模式。“单行立法”模式容易导致条文之间的矛盾、冲突与重复,“一般性规定”模式面临着逻辑上和实践中的困难。在中国语境下,“法典化”具有一种比较优势,但不具有现实性。在此基础上,本文提出了制定一部知识产权通则的构想。  相似文献   

This paper will attempt to situate the current discourse on 'crack pregnancies' within the context of a broader regulatory discourse.' It will argue that defining and locating state intervention solely within the confines of formal legal discourse not only privileges the criminal law, but (1) occludes recognition of the ways in which regulation and control are effected by administrative law and welfare policy and (2) fails to specify the role of the welfare state in the construction and reproduction of dominant cultural norms of womanhood and mothering. The paper draws on feminist literature and fieldwork-in-progress to suggest that many of these women are already subject to substantial mechanisms of social control and cultural reproduction. In concluding, it is suggested that the construction of this debate to date has served to deflect attention away from the fissures of gender, race and class that render these women's lives as publicly problematic.  相似文献   

This study examines psychological and marital risk factors of 322 immigrant FSU couples in Israel. The research focuses on two populations: the general immigrant population and the welfare immigrant population; the latter group is comprised of couples treated in welfare service departments. The dependent variable is spousal violence. The independent variables are: education level, gender, symbolic loss, psychological adjustment (both positive and negative emotions) and the “cultural–familial gap”. Surprisingly, it was found that the welfare immigrant population reports less spousal violence than the regular immigrant population. In addition, a correlation was found between spousal violence and the following factors: higher education, lower level of psychological adjustment and greater familial-cultural gap between the country of origin and Israel. The discussion focuses on the characteristics of FSU immigrants—educational level and orientation towards cultural preservation—within the Israeli context that connects to psychological responses which, in turn, creates spousal violence.  相似文献   

法家治国方略与秦朝速亡关系的再考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
屈永华 《法学研究》2007,29(5):140-149
法家治国方略导致秦朝速亡的通说存在诸多疑问。法家法、势、术相结合的治国方略是以顺应时势、合乎人心的法为基础,以维护和强化君主专制的势为目标,势和术的运用必须建立在法的基础之上,而法和术相结合共同增强势即维护和强化君主专制。秦朝速亡的根本原因是最高统治者对法家治国方略的理解与运用发生严重偏差,从而导致重大政策失误,法、势、术尽失而致灭亡。  相似文献   

冉昊 《中国法学》2005,4(6):68-79
大陆法系财产法先后经历了萌芽、对物权与对人权分野、依对象标准划分物权债权、依效力标准划分物权债权和批判发展五个阶段,形成了相对凝固的物债二元结构。但在现阶段的反思中,不具有物债典型性的“中间型权利”日益增多,使我们不能再停留于物权债权化和债权物权化的含混概括中,故本文做出原初的整理,将中间型权利分为历史形成的类型、法典确立时即存在的混合类型以及现代的转化类型三大类别。这些中间型权利的存在强烈冲击了财产法的二元架构,使我们在认识论意义上保留此分类的同时,必须在实证意义上将其弱化:设定一切权利都具有剩余性,因此权利应该“反向认定”,分别按具体标准考察权利的权能,并改变传统意思自治标准,以“当事人的知晓”为标准决定交往秩序的平衡。  相似文献   

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