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正最近两年,我国的暴力恐怖主义犯罪进入了高发期。仅2014年至今短短几个月,就已经发生了1·24新和恐怖爆炸案、3·1昆明火车站暴力恐怖案件、4·30乌鲁木齐火车南站暴力恐怖案件等多起案件。这意味着我国面临的反恐局面甚是严峻,更令人忧惧的是:越来越多的女性青少年开始参与恐怖活动,使得恐怖活动的危害更加严重。  相似文献   

论预防未成年人犯罪的综合治理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过对我国未成年人犯罪严峻形势的分析,论证了只有对未成年人犯罪实行综合治理方能落实《中华人民共和国预防未成年人犯罪法》所提出的要求,进而探讨了如何对预防未成年人犯罪实行综合治理。  相似文献   

无被害人犯罪一般是指基于行为人的自愿和彼此双方同意进行的犯罪,关于其犯罪化的根据理论上存在着争议:即无被害人犯罪化与非犯罪化之争。本文详细的分析了不同学者的观点,阐明了无被害人犯罪化的根据;论证了无被害人犯罪犯罪化的诸多局限,最后主张应当对其进行非犯罪化。  相似文献   

未成年人违法犯罪率不断上升已是近年来我国乃至全世界刑事犯罪的一个特征和趋势,预防和减少未成年人犯罪成为当今世界各国十分重视的重大社会问题。笔者在此借助凤阳县检察院近两年来提请批捕的未成年案件,就未成年人犯罪的原因及预防措施谈下自己浅显的认识。  相似文献   

代晓 《法制博览》2013,(6):118-119
流动人口的概念产生于我国特殊的户籍制度下,流动人口为城市的发展做出了重要贡献,然而因此产生的问题也不容忽视,流动人口犯罪率高就是其中的重要问题之一。  相似文献   

情境犯罪的预防与青少年   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
犯罪预防有社会预防和环境因素预防两种,环境因素预防通常被视为较为消极的预防方法,认为会造成犯罪的转移。但这种方法有许多成功的实例,在减少特殊形式犯罪中特别有效,它的缺陷并不象批评者所指出的那么多。作者同时阐述了环境因素预防方法在保护青少年不受伤害方面的具体做法。  相似文献   

论青少年犯罪之社区预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对青少年犯罪的研究是新中国犯罪学研究的起点。20世纪70年代末80年代初,我国的青少年犯罪十分严重,犯罪率急遽上升,危害十分严重。我国在此时开始了青少年犯罪问题研究,从而推动了犯罪学的研究。就整体而言,我国在犯罪现象分类研究中对于青少年犯罪的研究相对于其他犯罪类别是比较全面和深入的。  相似文献   

杨建 《法制博览》2013,(1):108-109
按照传统的犯罪构成理论,将犯罪主体作为犯罪构成要件要素,造成了逻辑上的矛盾和现实的重重困境。因此,对犯罪主体进行合理的消解,将犯罪主体资格和身份纳入该当性范畴,责任能力纳入有责性范畴,能够为理论的缺陷和实践的困境找到出路。  相似文献   

近年未成年人犯罪现象日益突出,已经成为社会热点问题之一。不仅在案件绝对数量上急剧增加,而且犯罪成员中存在未成年人的案件在刑事案件中的比例也呈上升趋势。预防和控制未成年人犯罪成为摆在全社会面前的重要课题,必须从家庭、学校、社会等方面多管齐下、综合预控,尤其要求政府发挥主导作用,尽到应尽的职责,方能取得未成年人犯罪预防与控制的良好效果。  相似文献   

Islamist extremists in Afghanistan and elsewhere are exaggerating their successes in inflicting casualties on American and other International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) forces. This article quantifies the exaggeration for the month of November 2010, putting the claimed casualty rate at approximately one-half battalion per month. It provides an analysis of how and why this is occurring, and links this extremist strategic communication effort to dominant historical master narratives in the region that may produce sympathy among intended recipients of the messages. The authors argue that these measures undertaken by the extremists can be countered successfully through the use of similar story forms, more timely reporting, use of side-by-side comparisons, and use of similar reporting venues. These steps could challenge the credibility of the Taliban reports, reduce sympathy, and diminish potential recruitment.  相似文献   

In contradistinction to existing typologies of terrorist organizations by ideology or intent, a functional classification is suggested. By analyzing terrorist groups according to their target population and base of operation, four basic types of organizations are delineated: Domestic‐based xenofighters, foreign‐based xenofighters, domestic‐based homofighters, and foreign‐based homofighters. On the basis of the operational objectives and specific limitations of these types of terrorist groups, it is proposed that xenofighters tend to adopt more indiscriminate tactics than homofighters, and that foreign‐based groups tend to perpetrate international terrorism, and are dependent on foreign countries’ support. Whereas the struggle against foreign‐based terrorists must focus on reducing the sponsoring countries’ motivation to support them, the battlefield regarding domestic‐based groups is home public opinion.  相似文献   

Terrorists realize that ideological commitment to their organizational goals is a prerequisite to their survival as an effective fighting force. Consequently, they carefully avoid undertaking any intentional action which might fall beyond the umbrella of a real or a contrived popular cause. Thus, the terrorist has learned how to skillfully manipulte social conditions and grievances and execute specific criminal acts gauged to impact upon a preselected target audience. Additionally the management practices, cellular and columnar structures, personnel selection and internal control measures utilized by the terrorist are intended to enhance the effective and efficient achievement of his organizational goals and objectives. However, the American police, particularly, have caused terrorist groups to adjust their methods of operation, style of organization, and to carefully regulate and restrict their membership. The increased sophistication of the police, therefore, particularly in the areas of communication, mobility, and information, seems to have greatly impaired the organization and extension of terrorist groups in the United States.  相似文献   

英国标准时间7月7日上午,伦敦这座美丽的城市刚刚品尝到申奥成功的喜悦--赢得2012年夏季奥运会的举办权、成为迄今为止惟一三次获得奥运会举办权的城市,人们还没来得及为胜利尽情欢呼与庆祝,一场突如其来的连环恐怖袭击就降临了:位于市中心的5个地铁站几乎同时发生爆炸,紧接着地铁站附近的两辆公共汽车又遭到炸弹袭击.爆炸致使多辆公共汽车被毁,所有地铁停运,伦敦交通全面瘫痪.死亡人数达56人,受伤人数升达至700余人.  相似文献   

儒家文化和犯罪防御   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儒家文化是中国传统人文精神的中流砥柱。在两千多年的封建社会中,它的思想内容逐渐与国家政权相结合,成为封建制法的根本指导思想,以礼法并重的模式长期影响着古老而文明的中国。就是现在对我们的影响仍然十分巨大。站在法治社会的今天,儒家文化在防御犯罪方面的作用,更突显它的魅力--通过针对变态人格心理和克制私欲的人格心灵塑造和社会个人自我理性批判,来完成它的防御犯罪的社会功能,从而实现它的积极入世的当代社会作用。  相似文献   

Bowman R 《Time》2005,165(13):50-51


This article treats terrorist organizations as political interest groups. Starting from the assumption that terrorists are rational political actors, it follows that organizational considerations will play a role in the formation and decline of terrorist groups, just as is the case in other political organizations. The effects of several factors, including recruitment, ability to provide selective and purposive incentives, the need for entrepreneurial political leadership, competition from other organizations, the ability to attract outside support, and the ability to form coalitions with other groups, are considered.  相似文献   


Because of the diversity of terrorist groups and causes, there is no one terrorist “mindset.” Within this diversity it is useful to distinguish two major categories: the “anarchic‐ideologues,” such as the Red Army Faction, committed to destroying the world of their fathers; and the “nationalist‐secessionists,” such as ETA of the Basques, who carry on the mission of their fathers.

There is a tendency for marginal, isolated, and inadequate individuals from troubled family backgrounds to be attracted to the path of terrorism, so that for many, belonging to the terrorist group is the first time they truly belonged, and the group comes to represent family. This creates powerful pressures to conform within the group, for to disagree is to be seen as disloyal, and to risk losing the group. Organized against society, the group is seen as all good, and the outside society as all bad, this being the rationale for committing violent anti‐society acts.  相似文献   

以网络检索而得的10个青少年杀亲个案为主要资料,通过对个案的分析,发现青少年杀亲存在着的一些共性的特征,诸如,杀亲诱因主要是解除压力和寻求亲情,杀亲方式主要是投毒等.同时,从自我角色的冲突、社会联系的断裂、家庭教育的缺陷以及社会不良文化的熏陶等四个方面分析了青少年亲杀的原因,并在这个基础上提出了四个可行性的对策.  相似文献   

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