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Five homicides of abused children are reviewed. These children had been removed from the parents because of physical abuse, then later returned to the home where they were subsequently killed. In each case, certain factors were present either during the interval of removal or after the return of the child, which could have alerted individuals, agencies or the court and, if heeded, could have prevented the deaths. Premature return occurred because of administrative inadequacies, including abbreviated investigations, violation of routine procedures because of heavy caseloads, and inadequate or absent psychotherapy of parents or caretakers. Court dates are not extended to compensate for these failings. The factors which operate in the home after the return of the child are essentially the same as those which prompted the removal: physical abuse. In these circumstances, more frequent follow-up visits by the agency or social worker are necessary and for a longer period of time. There should be a heightened awareness that in children who are returned home after removal for physical abuse, further physical abuse is a signal for immediate removal before a fatality occurs.  相似文献   

Forty-six cases of child abuse/neglect autopsied during the period of 1967 to 1990 were investigated. The weight and histological findings of the thymus were compared with those of control children. In most abused and/or neglected children, the weight of the thymus decreased conspicuously. Involution correlated well to the degree and period of maltreatment. In cases without weight loss of the thymus, i.e. spasmodic abuse by a mentally deranged parent or foster parent, a short history of maltreatment was noted. On the other hand, marked involution was observed in cases of prolonged physical abuse and/or neglect. Microscopically, a decrease in the number and pyknosis of lymphocytes were observed in the involuted thymus. Atrophy of the thymus was more conspicuous in the cortex than in medulla. Immunohistochemically, CD-1a positive cells (immature thymocytes) decreased in cases with thymic involution. This involution appears to be an important index of the degree and duration of child abuse/neglect. Furthermore, thymic involution in the early stage of childhood may also be related to insufficiency of the immune system.  相似文献   

Psychiatric disorders of 142 parents of adolescents who were documented as physically abused during adolescence and 168 parents of non-abused comparison adolescents were assessed. Fathers and mothers of physically abused adolescents exhibited higher rates of Axis I diagnoses and co-occurring disorders, and had more impaired GAS scores than comparison parents. Fathers of abused adolescents had greater lifetime incidence of Conduct Disorder and Substance Abuse/Dependence than comparison fathers. Mothers of abused adolescents had more unipolar depressive disorders than comparison mothers. This study highlights the importance of mental health assessments and interventions for parents of physically abused adolescents. Since onsets of parental psychiatric disorders antedated the abuse, early recognition and treatment of parental disorders may contribute to prevention of the onset and/or reoccurrence of adolescent physical abuse.
Sandra J. KaplanEmail:

This article offers observations regarding some of the major manifestations of family violence, neonaticide, infanticide, and filicide with the purpose of aiding in the early identification of parents at risk. They are discussed within the past and present historical and cultural milieu. A brief review of pertinent literature is presented. Pertinent case studies from the forensic psychiatric practice of the author along with psychodynamic reflections are offered.  相似文献   

This study investigates the potential buffering effect of help-seeking in the association between intimate partner assault and women's psychological trauma, and how this, in turn, may depend on the partner's stake in conformity. The sample consists of 374 women reporting the experience of domestic violence from a current intimate partner, drawn from the larger survey Violence and Threats of Violence Against Women and Men in the United States, 1994-1996. Help-seeking did not appear to buffer the impact of assault severity, contrary to expectation. However, the partner's stake in conformity did condition the effect of his or her having been arrested. Victims had higher levels of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) when police arrested partners of average or below-average stake in conformity. But victims of partners characterized by higher than average stake in conformity did not show elevated PTSD due to their partners having been arrested. On the other hand, PTSD was higher among women experiencing more emotional abuse from the partner.  相似文献   

The Department of Forensic Medicine (forensic pathology and clinical forensic medicine), Aarhus, Jutland, Denmark, performs examinations of children suspected to have been sexually abused when reported to and requested by the police in Jutland, Denmark. Jutland covers an area of 210,000 km2 with about 300,000 inhabitants in Aarhus. A colposcope initially equipped with an Olympus camera, but now with a video camera attached has been used since 1994. Since 1994 the department has performed more than 100 examinations of children suspected of having been sexually abused. A preliminary study was taken to evaluate all cases from 1995 including the legal outcome. RESULTS: The material included 34 cases with three boys, mean age 11 years, and 31 girls, mean age 8 years, at the time of the examination. The sexual abuse events were fondling including penetration of the vagina, vaginal (14), anal (7), and oral (5) intercourse as well as cunnilingus and nontouching abuses. The medical examination was most often performed more than a week after the abuse. The examination revealed normal findings in 23 cases, nonspecific findings including erytherma in 13 cases, and in only one child was a traumatic lesion with rupture of the hymen seen. The perpetrators were above 25 years of ane and were family members or someone known to the child. Nine perpetrators were convicted at court, of whom three admitted having abused the child. CONCLUSION: A medical examination in cases of sexual child abuse seldom provides a legal proof of sexual abuse. The most important is the story told by the child. Therefore, the examination is a supplement which may support or remain neutral to the story told by the child.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to understand differences in patterns of supervisor support desired by female victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) and to examine whether the pattern of support desired at work is reflective of a woman's stage of change in the abusive relationship, IPV-related work interference, and IPV-related job reprimands or job loss. We conducted interviews in Spanish or English with adult women working in low-income jobs who had been physically or sexually abused by an intimate partner/ ex-partner in the past year ( N = 133). Cluster analysis revealed three distinct clusters that form a hierarchy of type of support wanted: those who desired limited support; those who desired confidential, time-off, and emotional support; and those who desired support in wide variety of ways from their supervisor. The clusters appeared to reflect stages of behavior change in an abusive relationship. Specifically, the limited-support cluster may represent an early precontemplation stage, with women reporting the least interference with work. The support-in-every-way cluster may represent later stages of change, in which women are breaking away from the abusive partner and report the greatest interference with work. Women in the confidential-, time-off-, and emotional-support cluster are in a transition stage in which they are considering change and are exploring options in their abusive relationship. Understanding the hierarchy of the type of support desired, and its relationship to stages of change in the abusive relationship and work interference, may provide a strong foundation for developing appropriate and effective workplace interventions to guide supervisors in providing support to women experiencing IPV.  相似文献   

Three processes of psychotherapy scales, the Vanderbilt Process of Psychotherapy Scale-Revised (VPPS), the Perceptual Process of Psychotherapy Scale (PPPS), and a Rating Form, were utilized to assess sexually abused girls' behavior during an initial counseling session. The variable of interest was the interactional differences between those girls who were treated by male as opposed to female counselors. Videotape recordings provided the medium by which the sessions were assessed. Trained raters observed a continuous portion of videotaped assessment sessions. Results indicated that there was no significant effect for the sex of counselor on the observers' ratings for the VPPS, the PPPS, and the frequency of verbalization as exhibited by the child and counselor. These findings suggest that there is no significant difference in sexually abused girls' interaction with a male or female counselor during an initial counseling session.  相似文献   

This article applies Goode's Resource Theory of wife beating to Lane County, Oregon from 1891 to 1900. The sample population consists of 56 women who appeared in divorce suits and claimed that their husbands had physically abused them. The study's findings largely support Resource Theory, although biases in the sample population make it more suggestive than conclusive. Wife beaters of the 1890s tended to be relatively low in economic and social resources, particularly when compared to their wives. The violent husbands' resources appear particularly slight when their psychological resources are considered. The article closes by suggesting that Resource Theory is not necessarily at odds with feminist interpretations of wife battering. Social scientists who assert that husbands' physical violence is more likely when their dominance is pronounced rather than fragile need to define more carefully and detect the actual level of power and resources that particular husbands enjoy.  相似文献   

Many abused women use professional and community services and begin to talk to professionals about the abuse they have endured. This article presents and discusses results of a study of 270 abused women who used the services of professionals and service agencies. The article presents information on the frequency of contact and the perceived helpfulness of different professions. Also presented are the types of responses which were considered to be useful and ineffective. This study revealed that the most frequently contacted professions were not necessarily perceived to be the most helpful. Further, certain responses of the service providers were more frequently reported to have value.  相似文献   

The eyes of fourteen fatally abused children and sixteen control cases were examined histopathologically. Ten of the abused children showed intraocular change. The most common ocular changes were subdural hemorrhage of the optic nerve and retinal hemorrhage which involved all the layers of the retina, but most commonly the nerve fiber layer, ganglion cell layer and inner nuclear layer. The presence of blood cavities within the retina partially supported the hypothesis of traumatic retinoschisis. The control cases of non-abused children rarely showed intraocular hemorrhage.  相似文献   

The useful TDxFLx calibration data was obtained for the interpretation of the interactions of the abused drugs to sheep antiserum protein. The antibody of TDxFLx calibrators was prepared from sheep antiserum. Furthermore these data can be used to interpret the abused drug-protein binding phenomena in human body and the TDxFLx screening results of the abused drugs in urine samples. TDxFLx system uses fluorescence polarization immunoassay technique that is a competitive binding immunoassay methodology to allow tracer-labeled antigen (*Drug) and patient antigen (Drug) to compete for the same binding sites on the antibody molecules of sheep antiserum. To obtain the binding parameters, binding constant (K) and number of independent binding site (n), generally, Scatchard equation is used. This Scatchard equation is expressed in the concentration terms of free drug, bound drug, and protein (antibody). The binding parameters can not be obtained by applying the TDxFLx calibration data to the Scatchard equation directly because the TDxFLx calibration data are composed of the fluorescence polarization and the total drug concentrations. To obtain the binding parameters from the TDxFLx calibration data the new useful equation which was expressed in the total concentrations of drug and fluorescence polarization should be derived. Derivation of new equation was based on the Scatchard equation. The TDxFLx calibration data was curve fitted to the derived equation using KaleidaGraph program and Macintosh computer. The binding constant (K) and the number (n(P(t))) of binding site of 11-nor-delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid (COOH.THC) on the antibody were 1.14 x 10(8)l/mole and 4.04 x 10(-7)M, respectively. The binding constant and the number (n(P(t))) of binding site of amphetamine were 5.15 x 10(5)l/mole and 2.05 x 10(6)M, respectively. In case of COOH.THC the fluorescence polarization decreased linearly with the concentration. However, in case of amphetamine or the other three abused drugs the fluorescence polarizations decreased exponentially with their concentrations.  相似文献   

液相色谱-质谱联用同时检测17种常见毒品的定性分析方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 建立同时检测17种常见毒品的液相色谱-质谱联用定性分析方法.方法 对海洛因、吗啡、冰毒、氯胺酮等17种毒品的色谱行为进行了研究,对流动相梯度程序和质谱参数进行了细致考察和优化.采用岛津Shim-pack XR-ODS(100mm×2.0mm,2.2μm)色谱柱,流动相A:0.3%甲酸;流动相B:0.3甲酸乙腈,梯度洗脱程序0min~3min~8min~15min~20min,3%B~18%B~23%B~93%B~93%B,雾化电压5kV,扫描速度3750u/sec,雾化气流量1.5L/min,干燥气流量10L/min.结果 所测17种毒品的21种组分均获得了良好的分离效果和质谱响应,scan模式下检测限(S/N≥3)1.9pg/μL~40.0pg/μL.结论 该方法快速、简便、高效,适合公安办案中对未知毒品进行定性检测.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate psychosocial adjustment and psychopathology among men sexually abused during their childhood and arrive at a better understanding of the reasons for which, following such sexual experiences, some adult males manifest greater distress than others. In total, 64 participants were interviewed and completed eight questionnaires covering various aspects of childhood and adult life. Results suggest the existence of three types of sexual abuse scenarios. Participants in each of these three groups presented with an adult-specific adjustment. However, the methodology and multivariate analyses used in this study suggest that some of these problems were not only associated with the sexual contacts but also with other childhood experiences and with the participant's cognitive, affective, and psychological resources.  相似文献   

Risk behaviors were compared between sexually abused and nonabused youth living with HIV (YLH). Abused YLH were significantly more likely to have attempted suicide, to have been admitted into an alcohol and/or drug treatment program, and to have engaged in crack cocaine use than were nonabused YLH and had a greater number of sexual partners. A significantly higher proportion of abused YLH had been incarcerated in contrast to nonabused youth. There were also significantly greater conduct problems among abused YLH. Finally, abused YLH had significantly higher scores on positive action and social-support coping styles than nonabused youth. Consistent with previous research, abused youth are at higher risk for a variety of negative outcomes and are also similar in many respects to sexually abused youth who are not HIV-positive. The high frequencies of two positive styles of coping among abused YLH were also observed.  相似文献   

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