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Although spouse abuse is a psychosocial problem and needs to be addressed from an ecological perspective, many clinicians confront this family issue daily. Outlined are some practical suggestions on how to deal with the abuser and the couple when one or both are clients. This work emphasizes the importance of contracts that are related to the level of work being done. Suggestions are made regarding the important considerations in the first few meetings when working with groups of men in the community. Interventions are derived from a broadly conceived cognitive-behavioral-systems perspective.  相似文献   

Substance abuse, and in particular alcohol abuse, has been linked to the aetiology and maintenance of violent offending generally and sexual offending specifically. The current paper reviews the literature pertaining to substance abuse among sexual offenders and highlights theoretical developments in the area. An emphasis on issues associated with the therapeutic alliance is stressed when working with high-risk clients who present with multiple needs, including alcohol abuse. The discussion concludes with some practical suggestions regarding assessment and treatment of groups of moderate- to high-risk offenders.  相似文献   

The current study examines the utility of self-trauma theory for explaining the long-term impact of childhood psychological abuse on aggression. Specifically, the self-capacities of interpersonal relatedness, identity, and affect regulation are tested as mediators of the impact of psychological abuse on various types of aggression in adulthood. Hierarchical regression analyses are used to examine data collected from 268 university students who completed the Personality Assessment Inventory, Comprehensive Child Maltreatment Scale, and the Inventory of Altered Self-Capacities. Results show that self-capacities were predicted by maltreatment, particularly psychological abuse. Altered self-capacities fully mediate the impact of child maltreatment on various forms of aggression. Problems with interpersonal relationships play the most significant role in mediating the relationship between child maltreatment and aggression. Results suggest more frequent maltreating experiences predict more dysfunctional self-capacities, which increases the probability of displaying various forms of aggression.  相似文献   

Controversy exists in the literature as to whether or not there is a causal relationship between epilepsy and violence. In spite of this lack of certainty, epilepsy has long been used as a criminal defense. After a review of the relevant literature, the following conclusions are made: (1) ictal violence is rare, disorganized, and very unlikely to result in acts of vicious violence; and (2) whether or not interictal violence is caused by epilepsy probably depends on the focus of the seizure activity, with right temporal lobe epileptics being most likely to display violence and aggression.  相似文献   

The rate of violent crimes among girls and women appears to be increasing. One in every five female prisoners has been reported to have antisocial personality disorder. However, it has been quite unclear whether the impulsive, aggressive behaviour among women is affected by the same biological mechanisms as among men. Psychiatric sleep research has attempted to identify diagnostically sensitive and specific sleep patterns associated with particular disorders. Most psychiatric disorders are typically characterized by a severe sleep disturbance associated with decreased amounts of slow wave sleep (SWS), the physiologically significant, refreshing part of sleep. Among men with antisocial behaviour with severe aggression, on the contrary, increased SWS has been reported, reflecting either specific brain pathology or a delay in the normal development of human sleep patterns. In our preliminary study among medication-free, detoxified female homicidal offenders with antisocial personality disorder, the same profound abnormality in sleep architecture was found. From the perspective of sleep research, the biological correlates of severe impulsive aggression seem to share similar features in both sexes.  相似文献   


The current study sought to examine the associations between involvement in bullying (traditional and cyber), attitudes about aggression, and animal abuse. Four hundred and thirty-nine undergraduate students (267 females and 172 males) enrolled in Introductory Psychology completed surveys assessing bullying involvement, normative beliefs about aggression, and animal abuse tendencies. Results revealed that animal abusers reported significantly higher rates of bullying (traditional and cyber) and significantly more accepting views of aggression when compared to non-abusers. A logistic regression model indicated that bullying perpetration (traditional and cyber), normative beliefs about aggression, and gender were significant predictors of animal abuse. In addition, the findings suggest that normative beliefs about aggression may serve as an underlying mechanism linking traditional bullying, cyberbullying, and animal abuse. Implications for prevention and intervention programs for aggression toward humans and animals are discussed.  相似文献   

This research examines the relatively unexplored area of psychological aggression in dating relationships. One causal factor of particular interest is interpersonal control, that is, the degree to which one person controls another in a relationship. Data are collected on men and women inflicting and sustaining psychological abuse in heterosexual college dating relationships. The results show that interpersonal control is an important predictor of psychological aggression.  相似文献   

赵莉 《北方法学》2014,(6):69-78
域外配偶继承权制度立法或修法之争显示,配偶继承权是和夫妻财产制紧密相联的,要构建配偶继承权制度,必须注意与夫妻财产制相对应,以平衡对配偶继承权和对直系血亲继承权的保护。因此,在夫妻财产共有制下,无需修改现行《继承法》有关配偶的继承顺序及份额,亦无必要通过规定居住权即用益权以及先取权再行保护;但在夫妻约定财产制下,则有必要通过明确配偶的继承份额和特留份这一有效方法,保障别产制下的生存配偶在另一方死亡时的财产清算。另一方面,通过完善老年配偶的必继份制度、建立后位继承制度来保障老年配偶的继承权,构建少子高龄化下的我国配偶继承权制度。  相似文献   


This publication draws on the contributions to a Symposium on ‘Sexual Harassment in Sport - Challenges for Sport Psychology in the New Millennium’, held at the Xth Congress of the International Society for Sport Psychology, Skiathos, Greece from May 28th to June 2nd 2001. The symposium was intended to move forward the international research agenda on sexual harassment and abuse in sport and, in particular, to examine professional practice issues for sport psychologists. It was clear from the attendance of over 60 delegates at that symposium that international interest in this subject is growing. Further evidence of this came from the attendance of 26 members states - from Azerbaijan to Sweden - at a Council of Europe seminar on The Protection of Children, Young People and Women in Sport, held in Helsinki in September 2001. It seemed appropriate, therefore, to take the work on sport-based sex abuse research to a wider audience, both to increase awareness of sexual abuse in extra-familial settings and to attract critical interest in the sharing of research perspectives between those working inside and outside sport. One of the co-organisers of the Skiathos Symposium (Celia Brackenridge) is a NOTA member and serves on its Research Sub-Committee so it seemed particularly appropriate to approach the Journal of Sexual Aggression with a proposal for this publication. We are delighted that Marcus Erooga and Helen Masson were enthusiastic about the idea and we thank them and the publishers for investing in this issue on sport. We sincerely hope that this marks the start of a long and fruitful exchange of research ideas and expertise between sports researchers and readers of the Journal.  相似文献   

Recent research on recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse has shown that there are at least two types of recovered memory experiences: those that are gradually recovered within the context of suggestive therapy and those that are spontaneously recovered, without extensive prompting or explicit attempts to reconstruct the past. By focusing on well‐known imperfections of human memory, we were able to find differing origins for these recovered memory experiences, with people recovering memories through suggestive therapy being more prone to forming false memories, and with people reporting spontaneously recovered memories being more prone to forgetting prior incidences of remembering. Moreover, the two types of recovered memory reports are associated with differences in corroborative evidence, suggesting that memories recovered spontaneously, outside of suggestive therapy, are more likely to correspond to genuine abuse events. In this paper, we summarize recent research on recovered memories and we argue that these scientific findings should be applied in the justice system, but also in clinical practice.  相似文献   

略论夫妻间对配偶权的侵害   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘向上 《河北法学》2001,19(1):53-55
夫妻间对配偶权的侵害要承担民事责任,实行“不告不理”的司法原则。由于配偶权内容的复杂性,有些内容不宜作为侵权行为的客体,夫妻间侵害配偶权的行为主要指违反贞操义务,违反同居义务和违反抚养、扶助义务的行为。  相似文献   


Despite increasing interest in child sexual abuse occurring in organisations, the perpetration of such abuse by females is largely ignored. This study examined situational factors in 136 cases of sexual abuse perpetrated by women working with children in the UK, Canada and the USA between 2000 and 2016. Qualitative and quantitative content analysis of court reports, professional regulator decisions, media reports and an online sentencing database was used, findings indicating that situational and contextual factors are highly relevant in perpetration. Much abuse occurs away from the organisational environment, particularly in perpetrators’ homes and cars, and in virtual environments. However, it also occurs within organisations, generally in unsupervised areas, outside of operating hours and often during mentoring/tutoring or extra-curricular activities. Organisational and local culture can be a facilitator in this abuse and allow it to continue even when concerns are raised. Practical prevention measures are suggested to assist in reducing future abuse.  相似文献   

隐私权是一种具体的人格权,是绝对权,配偶权是一种身份权利,是相对权,其权利内涵不包含忠实义务,法律对配偶权的救济只能是禁止一方把意志强加于另一方.因此,不能以侵犯配偶权为由否认侵权人的隐私权,不能以侵权人违背了道德准则而否认其应受隐私权保护.法律可以对婚外性行为予以调整,但配偶权的设置并不能完成这一任务.  相似文献   

The aims of the study were to assess the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Index of Spouse Abuse (ISA), and to validate it against external criteria of intimate partner violence. The Spanish version of the ISA was administered to 223 non-abused women and 182 victims of intimate partner violence. Internal consistency coefficients oscillated between 0.88 and 0.98. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis failed to replicate the original two-factor structure. Using Exploratory Factor Analysis, a two-factor solution was found: physical (ISA-P) and non-physical (ISA-NP), but the items included in each factor were slightly different from the original two subscales. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis revealed an AUC value for the ISA global score of 0.99 (95% CI: 0.98–0.99), with the optimal cut-off of 12 for detecting intimate partner violence. The Spanish version of the ISA is a valid instrument for detecting intimate partner violence in a female population.  相似文献   

夫妻一方以个人名义所负的债务之所以被认定为夫妻共同债务,其理论渊源就是夫妻家事代理权制。然而,当前执行工作中追加被执行人原配偶的司法实践,却违反了夫妻代理权制的相关原则,以至于实践中也产生了不少实际问题,因此,有必要从多方面对该制度进行完善。  相似文献   

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