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亚洲“四小龙”城市住宅状况田夫一台湾台湾是我国的一个省份,也是世界上人口最密的地区之一。人均国民生产总值由1952年的150美元上升为1982年的2334美元。1、住宅状况据台湾省1980年的统计资料,全省共有住宅378万套,平均每户1.01套,每套...  相似文献   

公路——南朝鲜南朝鲜近年来大量投资于公路建设,尤其是高速公路的建设卓有成效,并形成了以高速公路为主干的公路网络,实现了所谓“全国交通一日生活圈”,即在一天之内可以从汉城到南朝鲜任何一个地方作往返旅行。到1990年,南朝鲜共建有10条高速  相似文献   

自50年代末60年代初开始,南朝鲜、台湾、香港、新加坡相继实行对外开放政策,推行出口导向型的工业化发展战略,经济逐步腾飞。到70年代末期,它们都跨进了新兴工业化行列,成为举世瞩目的经济奇迹创造者,被誉为发展中国家(地区)中的“优等生”、“佼佼者”,有人更把它们喻为腾飞中的四条小龙。直到如  相似文献   

亚洲“四小龙”用30多年的时间发展经济,将原来贫穷落后的国家和地区变为新兴工业国家和地区。 为什么“四小龙”经济发展能够取得如此巨大成就,而第三世界其他国家例如墨西哥、巴西、阿根廷、乌拉圭等国曾经一度试图起飞却不能达到亚洲“四小龙”这样程度?许多人认为“四小龙”之所以成龙,有一种奇特的精神力量在起作用,那就是它们不仅同  相似文献   

近年来,亚洲“四小龙”积极向东南亚国家投资,从而加速了这些国家的经济发展。1992年起“四小龙”的投资趋向出现了新的变化,香港和台湾企业大举转移中国大陆,南韩与中国的建交强化了双方的经济关系,新加坡则大力支援越南的开放体制,从而使东亚和东南亚的经济关系呈现前所未有的连动局面。不过,“四小龙”本身也面临劳工不足,工资上涨,物价腾贵等问题。  相似文献   

近年来,南朝鲜、台湾、香港和新加坡的经济发展引起世人注目,而作为“亚洲四小龙”经济结构中重要组成部分的中小企业,在其经济发展中发挥着重要的作用。本文拟就中小企业在“亚洲四小龙”经济发展中的地位和作用,当局采取的政策措施,以及中小企业进一步发展所面临的困难作一初步的分析。  相似文献   

亚洲“四小”在经济发展过程中所取得的成就为世人所公认,它们的出口导向型经济发展战略也为越来越多的发展中国家所借鉴。在这一发展战略中,国际市场状况成为其经济成长中的关键因素。而美国和日本又是它们头等重要的贸易伙伴,本文拟就“四小”与美、日贸易关系的演进过程与变化特点作一些粗浅的剖析。  相似文献   

70年代以来,为适应经济起飞的需要,新加坡、香港台湾和南朝鲜的电信事业得到迅猛发展。其中,新加坡电话机数的年平均增长率,在60年代为国民生产总值年平均增长率的1.17倍,70年代为1.79倍,80年代为1.40倍;香港电话机数的年平均增长率,在60年代为本地生产总值平均增长率的1.48倍,70年代为1.29倍,80年代为1.08倍;台湾电话机数的年平均增长率,在60年代为台湾省国民生产总值平均  相似文献   

"生产性老化"概念最初由美国学者巴特勒提出,经过近40年的发展,逐步成为西方福利国家应对老龄化的重要理论依据,影响力逐渐扩大。在亚洲,日本和韩国是最先进入老龄化行列的国家,是"生产性老化"理论实践的先行者。本文主要以"生产性老化"的韩国化实践为中心,讨论这一理论在韩国实践过程中出现的问题,分析"生产性老化"与生产性福利的关系,在此基础上以批判的视角重新审视"生产性老化",以期为我国应对老龄化提出对策建议。  相似文献   

朱良胜  杨江 《新民周刊》2012,(27):22-27
没有什么比一夜暴富更撩拨人心。国家发行公益彩票,目的是为了促进社会福利事业与体育事业的发展,不过,不可否认,支撑这个产业的基点正是人们的博弈心理。据统计,我国有彩民2亿,其中问题彩民高达700万。令人遗憾的是,无论彩民本身还是彩票发行与管理机构都没有对此引起足够重视。  相似文献   

东南亚地区城市化发展中出现了城市首位度高、城市化水平整体较低、城市分布地区差别明显、过度城市化等问题,这些问题的形成既有主观原因,也有客观原因,既有历史原因,也有现代政府发展的原因.  相似文献   

Scholars disagree over the consequences of economic reforms on regional inequality in China. This article has found that dramatic disparities exist among the provinces in China's coastal region. While coastal provinces like Jiangsu have experienced dramatic growth, the relative position of Liaoning has declined, and Shanghai has experienced a decline and a recent recovery. These changing patterns of growth have contributed to the decline of interprovincial inequality, but led to the rise of the coast-interior divide in China. The analysis of the diverse coastal provinces is critical to improve the understanding of regional inequality in China.  相似文献   

Abstract— While favelas have been an important feature of many Brazilian cities over the past 50 years, they were relatively insignificant in São Paulo until the mid- 1970s. Since then, São Paulo's favelas have experienced a dramatic expansion and some estimates now put their total population in the region of two million. This article examines potential explanations for this sudden change, including migration, changes in the housing market, relative prices and state intervention.  相似文献   

The rapid pace of economic growth in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia indicates that all three ASEAN countries are quickly becoming Newly Industrialized Economies (NIEs). Yet a close comparison of the three leads the author to conclude that there are dissimilarities in their economic development resulting from each country's unique social and economic conditions. Masato Hayashida was a senior economist in the Economic Research Division at The Mitsubishi Bank before being seconded to IIPS as a senior research fellow.  相似文献   

In view of China's economic growth and rising international status, Latin American and Caribbean countries will accord increasing priority to their relations with the Asian giant. China's permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council is also a factor to reckon with. Today, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and Mexico have established strategic partnerships with China. While the vast distance between China and Latin America generates difficulties in transportation and mutual understanding, it also means that both parties have no serious conflicts of strategic and political interests. Their Third World orientations in diplomacy contribute to a 95% concurrence in their votes in the United Nations. While the Chinese leadership seeks to promote multipolarity to curb US unilateralism, it appreciates its limitations in Latin America. In addition, China and the Latin American and Caribbean countries value good relations with the US. In the foreseeable future, China will increase its investment in Latin America and more Sino-Latin American business joint ventures will be formed. These trends may well reduce trade frictions associated with China's economic expansion.  相似文献   


When India, Pakistan and Ceylon gained home rule more than two decades ago, their leaders set forth certain goals for their futures. Among them were control of their own political and economic destinies, increased productivity and improvements in livelihood, education and health, mixed private and state-planned economies, some cooperative institutions of production and distribution, and movement toward socio-economic equality. Land reform and industrial development were central to these goals. All three nations were to be western-style party democracies with progressively broadening franchise in elections at national, provincial and local levels.  相似文献   


Subsequent to a U.S. Army Symposium on its Limited-War Mission (1962), an organization called the Foreign Areas Research Coordinating Group [FAR] was formed under the State Department to coordinate foreign areas research and to recruit the interests of social scientists to the conduct of research relevant to the needs of FAR's member agencies: Army, Air Force, Navy, CIA, ACDA, etc. FAR's first step was to set up in 1964 a FAR China Subcommittee, chaired by Dr. Allen Whiting, and mandated to serve as a catalyst for the stimulation of research both in and out of government. In May 1965 the FAR China Subcommittee produced a “Statement of External Research Priorities” reflecting the needs of its member agencies. The Statement was communicated to the Joint Committee on Contemporary China [JCCC] of the Social Science Research Council [SSRC] and the American Council of Learned Societies [ACLS]. While the response of the JCCC to this Statement is still unclear, there is, prima facie, considerable correspondence between it and the work sponsored by the JCCC and, in fact, the work in the contemporary China field in general. We therefore demand access to the files of the FAR China Subcommittee to assess the extent of such correspondence, if any.  相似文献   

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