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Between December 1918 and the end of 1921, the French authorities sought to “cleanse” the Moselle region of Germans as part of a programme of francisation. Different commissions, operating without any proper legal basis worked to identify and classify native and German immigrant indésirables respectively; their victims faced undignified, even harrowing train journeys to Germany. Those who remained faced the ever present risks of denunciation or harrassment, prompting them to opt for voluntary repatriation to Germany. Again, the circumstances of their departure were far from ideal. Like the expellees they suffered the sequestration and liquidation of their property, being allowed to take with them a minimum of cash and hand luggage. Nearly 100,000 Germans left the Moselle in this way; only a very few returned once the Versailles Treaty allowed for a limited number of naturalisations.  相似文献   

This paper uses a model developed by Brams and Doherty (1993) to examine negotiations among a country of origin, a country of asylum, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in a refugee crisis. A unique feature of the paper is its treatment of the country of asylum as a separate player in the negotiations, which makes the choice to permit or deny settlement in the asylum country endogenous.
The model is applied to two groups of Rwandese refugees: Tutsis living in exile in Burundi for three decades and Hutus in Zaire during the 1990s. The contrasting circumstances surrounding these two refugee crises provide an opportunity to study asylum countries that were sympathetic and unsympathetic, and to model changing attitudes in the country of origin and the international community toward the refugees. For both crises, the predictions of the model are broadly consistent with the unfolding of the negotiation process and the opportunities that eventually became available to the refugees.  相似文献   

松花江以北中共控制区日侨俘的遣返,是东北日侨俘遣返的重要组成部分。日本战败后,松花江以北地区滞留的日侨俘20余万人等待遣返。为顺利地完成遣侨,国共美三方多次会商,签订《遣送东北中共管制区日人之协定书》。东北民主联军以认真负责的态度,采取各种有效措施,做好遣侨工作,从1946年8月20日至10月初,共遣返日侨俘18万余人。这一善举体现了中华民族的博大胸怀和中国人民的人道主义精神。  相似文献   


This essay presents some preliminary notes in an anthropological perspective on terrorism. The following aims to be a questioning review of issues that haunt informed students of terrorism, and yet also an introductory text to the study of terrorism. It is revisionist but didactic. The essay is based on extended research of Palestinian and Israeli terrorism cases, and on critical integration of the literature on terrorism. It offers an alternative approach to the problem of the definition and distinct character of terrorism, expands on overlooked aspects of terrorism, like its relationship to the concept of “home,” emphasizes under-theorized subjects, like the randomness of the targets, and discusses hitherto untouched topics, like the “bad death” of terrorism’s victims. Terrorism is examined in terms of liminality and hybridity, and consequently as more subversive than coercive, threatening our ontological security no less than our physical security.  相似文献   

本文从归属认同、利益依赖、救济便利等方面,对区域性人权机制与联合国人权机制进行了比较。文章认为,亚洲区域性人权机制缺乏实质性制度安排,其根源在于政治、经济、历史、文化差异的障碍,冷战的消极影响,跨区域组织的“离心力”,次区域组织的“越位”,统一性、综合性区域组织的缺位等因素的综合作用。文章还对亚洲人权合作制度性建设等问题提出了看法。  相似文献   

The article examines the perception of jihad in Shi'a Islam. It first provides an overview of the understanding of jihad in Islam at large, and then examines the reflections of four central Shi'a thinkers on jihad. More so than the traditional Sunni approach to this concept, the Shi'a understanding of jihad is heavily influenced by perceptions of historical suffering, placing an emphasis on injustice, tyrannical rule, indignity, humiliation, and resistance. In recent decades, Shi'a and Sunni notions of jihad have become more closely aligned, as Salafi-Jihadists, who increasingly monopolize the Sunni discourse on jihad, persistently frame jihad as a response to the oppression by Western “infidel” regimes and tyrannical “apostate” regimes in the Arab and Muslim world.  相似文献   

面对国际金融危机带来的严峻形势,俄联邦政府从2008年9月起相继出台了一系列拯救金融体系的措施。2008年12月29日,饿政府批准了《2020年前俄罗斯金融市场发展战略》。2009年2月5目,俄政府批准了在俄罗斯建立国际金融中心的构想。俄预计在2012年前使俄罗斯的交易所进入世界上股票交易量和股票上市量前12家大型交易所之列,俄罗斯金融领域在国内生产总值中的份额增长到6%,利用五年的时间形成强有力的区域金融中心,提高俄罗斯金融业的国际影响。  相似文献   

冷战结束后 ,安全的定义不断得到扩延和发展。面对日益凸显的广义安全威胁 ,中印两国的安全观也相应发生转变。安全观转型为中国和印度提供了更多安全合作的契机 ,有助于两国在合作与互信的良性互动中改善关系。  相似文献   

印度教美学的最高范畴就是梵,本文主要讨论了梵在印度教美学中的主要意义,其中包括梵的无限性、梵的显与不可显以及梵之和谐美等几个主要方面。  相似文献   

中巴贸易能源通道构想与前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巴基斯坦以其特有的地缘优势可望在未来地区能源供求上发挥重要作用。由于中巴长期以来的友好关系和现实利益的需要,巴基斯坦似乎更愿意成为中国的贸易和能源通道。本文主要从三方面展开分析:巴方设想的贸易能源通道的构成要素;建立中巴贸易能源通道的重要意义;实现贸易能源通道面临的挑战。  相似文献   

西方对中国发展中国家地位的认知   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国在国际经济和政治领域地位的凸显,西方开始质疑中国的发展中国家地位。西方这种错误认知的主要原因,一方面是缘于发展中国家概念的模糊与狭义化趋势,另一方面是以此要求中国在国际上承担更多的责任。  相似文献   

建设中国南宁-新加坡旅游通道,不仅有助于中国与东盟旅游业的合作与发展,而且对维护中国与东盟国家长期和平发展,促进沿途各国各民族繁荣发展等,都具有重要的作用和现实意义。广西和东南亚各国山水相连,文化相似,旅游资源丰富,各方以大通道为依托,整合旅游资源,打造旅游品牌,开辟旅游精品路线,强化保障措施,可使其成为东亚旅游经济增长带。  相似文献   

阿非利卡人的土地观念与殖民南非   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙红旗 《西亚非洲》2007,4(9):29-34
17世纪下半叶,荷属"东印度公司"的雇员从北欧出发,占领了南部非洲的开普,并以此为据点,逐步向北和向东开拓,最后占据了整个南非。也正是在此殖民过程中,荷兰人成为了阿非利卡人,几乎成为南非所有土地的主人。荷兰人殖民扩张的主要思想渊源,也是最具理论性和法理性的武器,就是"无主土地"的观点。在这种深层心理根基的积淀下,荷兰人及其后裔阿非利卡人大肆掠夺原住民土地。在今天看来,在土著民族和主持公正的世人眼里,以荷兰人为代表的西方殖民者编造的这种"无主土地"的神话无疑是一种强词夺理的强盗逻辑。  相似文献   

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