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法律文化是对法律实践的客观反映.由于中西方的历史条件及物质生产方式不同,体现的法律实践就有所不同,因此,产生了不同的法律文化,在文化全球化的必然发展趋势中,中国法律文化与西方法律文化不断发生冲突与交融,本文通过对中西法律文化的差异进行分析研究,从法的本位、法的学术传统、法的精神三个方面对中西方法律文化的各自不同的特点进行阐述,促进中西方法律文化的交流与发展.  相似文献   

朱波 《行政与法》2013,(3):28-31
法律文化是一个涉及面广泛、内涵丰富且处于不断发展和变化中的概念。本文尝试从中西方法律文化的比较出发,通过分析中西方法律文化差异得出结论:在中国法律现代化的进程中,借鉴和吸收西方的法律一定要充分考虑中国的法律文化因素,以避免水土不服。即只有从法律文化的角度来审视和看待法律,才会更好地促进中国法律现代化的发展。  相似文献   

法的价值是价值概念在法学领域的具体应用,在了解了价值和法的价值概念,对中西方法律法律价值观进行比较。中西方法律价值围绕着各自的价值评价标准,反映了中西方在法律认识方面的差异,同时也体现了各自在法律价值追求上的差别。  相似文献   

法的价值是价值概念在法学领域的具体应用,在了解了价值和法的价值概念,对中西方法律法律价值观进行比较。中西方法律价值围绕着各自的价值评价标准,反映了中西方在法律认识方面的差异,同时也体现了各自在法律价值追求上的差别。  相似文献   

西方古代的自然法与中国古代的自然法则在各自法律传统的形成过程中扮演了重要的角色,直接影响了法律成长的内容与走向,从而使得中西方的法律制度与传统形成了巨大的差异。  相似文献   

商奕璠 《法制与社会》2010,(32):243-243
作为高等学校法学专业选修课程教材中的一本,《西方法律思想史》一书吸收了该学科近年来研究的最新成果,信息量大又简明扼要,生动而又全面地向读者展现了西方法律思想史的概貌。本书系统地介绍了西方法律观念的变迁史,作为教科书,能使学生对影响和制约西方法律制度的主要法律观念之来龙去脉有一个全面的了解,进而掌握西方法的精神;作为普通读物,也能使读者徜徉在西方法律思想史的小径中,接受法律思想的浸染和熏陶。  相似文献   

基督教文明孕育了西方的法治理念,因为有了宗教的支持,法律成为西方人根深蒂固的信仰。当法治成为必然的选择,在缺失了上帝的中国,树立民众的法律信仰只能在制定良好的法律中寻找出路。回归本土资源,关注传统法律的文化意蕴和价值取向,以实现传统法律在当今法治建设中创造性转化。  相似文献   

在比较法研究中,中国法一直占有重要地位,但在主流的西方比较法文献中,西方法是正统,中国法只处于边缘地位。法律在社会中不占主导地位,一直是西方人眼中中国传统法的主要特点。西方学者认为,中国传统法具有专制主义、集权主义的特征,这同中国的“治水社会”的历史有着密切联系。改革开放以来中国经济与社会的发展,对西方有关中国法的观点以及法律和社会发展的模式提出了挑战。在法律的地位和集权与分权问题上,不应把中国法与西方法绝对对立起来,西方和中国在处理熟人关系和陌生人关系,应对正常状态和非常状态问题上有许多相近之处,它们是中国与西方共同面对的问题。把中国法研究放在西方各种法律进化模式中虽然具有参考价值,但终归是靠不住的,应转到以问题为中心的轨道。  相似文献   

法律职业与法学教育(上)   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
霍宪丹  刘亚 《中国律师》2000,(12):67-70
一.法律职业的产生与法学教育法律职业源于西方国家。西方国家中,法学教育与法律职业从一开始就有着不解之缘:法学教育是从事法律职业的必经之路,法律职业的共同体只对那些具有同一教育背景的人开放。法律职业在现代西方社会的相对“自治”和法律职业人员的专业化已成为西方法律最重要的传统特征之一。在西方国家,法律职业是指“以通晓法律及法律应用为基础的,职业”(《大不列颠百科全书》)。“法律职业者是一群精通法律专门知识并实际操作和运用法律的人,包括法官、检察官、律师。他们受过良好的法律专业训练,具有娴熟的运用法律…  相似文献   

秩序、过程与文化--西方法律人类学的发展及其问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
法律人类学作为一门学科,在19世纪迅速发展。该学科绝大多数的开创性研究都是建立在西方法理学的基本框架之上的。由于20世纪初期功能主义和社会人类学的兴起,上述状况又经历了一个重要的转型。20世纪50年代以后,西方法律人类学抛弃了既有的西方法理学模式,不再强调于特殊文化共同体中寻求规范的存在。许多法律人类学家继而转向描述法律案件或者政治事件的具体过程。以西方为中心的法律神话通常认为,西方以外的“他者”都生活在静态的、统一的以及封闭的社会之中。在这一“白人的神话”之中,西方的法律被认为是具有反思理性的,相反,其他的文化则被想像为充满了暴力、混乱和武断。现代法律人类学家对于这种文化分类具有了更为清醒的认识,转而关注特定的文化中真实的法律过程。  相似文献   

张千帆 《法学研究》2004,26(3):39-51
随着《收容遣送办法》的废止,个人自由权利与社会治安秩序之间的现实冲突比过去更为突显。应转变中央和地方关系的传统思维,在允许地方更多自主权和选择权的同时,更充分地保障公民个人的宪法基本权利。无论是中央和地方关系的法律界定,还是公民权利的宪法保障,都要求建立独立的司法机构以审查地方立法的有效性。  相似文献   

This article examines the family and household patterns of widowers and widows in England and Wales between 1891 and 1921 in terms of the proportion of widowers and widows who lived with never- or ever-married children, servants, or inmates, with nonrelatives only, or on their own. The absence of marked change between 1891 and 1921 in the frequency with which elderly widowers and widows lived with a married or never-married child are in line with the Laslett [J. Fam. Hist. 12 (1987) 263.] expectation that family patterns evolve only slowly, certainly much slower than the forces of political and economic change. Where changes can be detected, as in the decline in frequency of coresidence with servants or inmates, these changes were experienced by the younger as well as the older widowed and by married people. Apparently, the residence patterns of the elderly widowed changed due to the introduction of means-tested old-age pensions in 1910. A second investigated is the extent to which the socioeconomic environment influenced the residence patterns of the widowed in a given time period. The effect in general proves to be weak with little difference between one environment and another in the frequency with which widowers coresided with their children and evidence of gender balancing of the household (relatively more widows living with sons and more widowers with daughters) visible only in agricultural environments.  相似文献   

全球化与法理学的变革和更新   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全球化进程深刻地改变着法的存在方式、价值取向和发展方向 ,也必然引起法理学的理论变革与更新。本文以法律本体论、法律价值观、法律人格观、法律发展观、法治观等五个法理学的基本论题为主题 ,分析或展望全球化所可能引起的法理学的理论变革和更新。  相似文献   

当前广东拐卖妇女儿童犯罪的特点、原因及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
祝卫莉 《政法学刊》2001,18(1):66-68
近年来,广东一些地区拐卖妇女儿童犯罪屡禁不绝,愈演愈烈.拐卖妇女儿童犯罪是一种十分野蛮的犯罪活动,它严重侵害了妇女儿童最基本的人身权利,极大地危害了社会秩序,败坏了社会风气.本文通过分析其犯罪特点及原因,进一步提出相应对策.  相似文献   

MPs are often criticised as being homogeneous. This is well known in terms of social background or gender, but the criticism also holds for values and norms. MPs are said to share normative agreements on the essential points and demonstrate differences on second-order issues. This criticism is even more widespread regarding the new politics based on the cultural divide, notably vis-à-vis politicians from the extreme right as far as immigration, European integration or globalisation are concerned. In this contribution, these criticisms are addressed by investigating the degree of normative agreements and disagreements of French MPs. Furthermore, the differences both in old and new politics between MPs on the one hand and the electorate as a whole and their supporters on the other hand are evaluated. It is concluded that MPs are definitely not all the same and the degrees of difference among MPs or with the electorate are far from being those expected.  相似文献   

This article stages an encounter between Habermas and Deleuze on law, rights, and adjudication. Most of the article is spent developing Habermas’s concept of adjudication as the application of communicatively generated norms. This application, I argue, involves a complex temporality that is at once retrospective and non-creative. Deleuze is used to critique this concept of adjudication in favor of one based on concrete situations and the creation of new problems. In so doing, I will develop Deleuze’s notorious, and notoriously hostile, remarks on human rights and philosophies of communication by relating them to discourse ethics and to the positive conception of law and judgment that can be drawn from his work.
Alexandre LefebvreEmail:

The history of crime prevention and control efforts in the United States has demonstrated little progressive improvement in our ability to deter crime. The major obstacles to implementing effective interventions and policies have been a weak scientific knowledge base about how to prevent crime, the research community's inability to effectively disseminate what is known about the causes of crime and to translate this knowledge into operational programs and policies, and a resistance on the part of practitioners and policy makers to evaluate programs and policies and to use this information in the development of new programs and policies. In the last decade, there have been major advances in our understanding about the causes of crime and we have now demonstrated the effectiveness of selected prevention programs. But there is little evidence that this scientific knowledge is informing current practice or policy. Problems in the dissemination of this information and the resistance to utilizing it remain. These problems are discussed and suggestions are made for addressing them. Our knowledge base remains modest, but it is now sufficient to inform policy and practice. The research community must work to do a better job of disseminating this information and overcoming the resistance to utilizing it before we will be successful in implementing effective crime prevention programs and policies. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This article considers the relationship between family and business among economically successful artisans who were on the way to attaining the status of industrial bourgeoisie. For 19th-century master artisans as well as for entrepreneurs, the family was an important means of economic success. The connection between family and business, however, manifested itself in various ways. Cross-sectional household structures show two distinct patterns, which might be interpreted as “traditional” and “modern” family forms. Yet, the study of family biographies and of intergenerational succession casts doubt upon dichotomous perspectives and points toward complex relations between family strategies, kinship networks, and the guilds.  相似文献   

张鹏  陈建智 《政法学刊》2009,26(6):63-67
询问和质询两者的相同点是:它们都是人大的监督形式,都要按一定的法律程序提出,都要在会议期间作出答复或说明。两者在性质、目的、对象、问题的内容和范围、答复或说明的场合、答复或说明问题的法律性质和范围、运作程序、法律效力和法律后果等方面存在不同。  相似文献   

International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics - The access to goods and their allocation (who gets what, when, where and how) is one of the analytical problems of the 2009...  相似文献   

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