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反对和防止腐败是全党、全国的一项重大的政治任务。本文通过总结腐败问题的现状及其危害,从思想观念蜕化,对腐败问题查处不力,廉政制度建设不健全等几个方面深入分析了腐败问题屡禁不止的原因。并从加强法制建设入手,提出要加大对腐败的法律制裁力度以提高腐败的"成本",加大公权运用的透明度,加强反腐败体制、机制创新,加强监督管理工作,建立群众反腐败机制,从而有效遏制腐败问题的发生。  相似文献   

No Limits     
正China advances confidently by manned spacecraft and submersible China's scientific horizons expanded greatly in both space and sea as explorers achieved new feats in June. On June 24,  相似文献   

Testing Limits     
DPRK’s pursuit of nuclear capability is more than a military strategy The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(DPRK) on February 12 carried out its third nuclear test—the first since Kim Jong Un came into power.The test triggered a storm of reaction from the international community, including worries about a possible leak of nuclear materials among neighboring countries. Analysis of the greater context shows that the primary purpose of possessing nuclear capability is not to wield nuclear power,nor to  相似文献   

For Chinalco, the country's largest aluminum maker, this year's goal is about revival China Aluminum Corp. (Chinalco) stunned the world with its high- profile $19.5-billion investment plan for Australian mining company Rio Tinto Group. But the aluminum giant' s financial health may not be as sound as headlines suggest.  相似文献   

The Enemy Within     
It’s imperative for the U.S.to look at its own shortcomings rather thanblaming and shaming others‘We have met the enemy and he is ours.This is how U.S.Commander Oliver Hazard Perry famously reported defeating and capturing British Royal Navy vessels in the Battle of Lake Erie,fought along the coast of Ohio,in one of the most important engagements in the War of 1812.  相似文献   

正People with disabilities are working their way out of poverty with the help of the government and society At the age of 13, Zhao Yang, a resident of Xiaozhao Village in Nangong City, Hebei Province in north China, lost his arms due to electric shock. He said the accident changed his life in the blink of an eye.  相似文献   

Since July 2008,the local government of Sihong County,east China's Jiangsu Province,has employed 68 anti-corruption inspectors to keep a secret eye on local officials'  相似文献   

<正>More Chinese cities will limit home purchase to cool the red-hot real estate market In June 2011,the average house price in 100 Chinese cities was 8,856 yuan ($1,373)per square meter.Of these cities,house prices in 75 of them increased  相似文献   

正College graduates-turned-village officials explore opportunities in the vast countryside While most fresh university graduates in China aim to find jobs in the cities, more and more welleducated young people are starting to look for career opportunities in rural areas.  相似文献   

正Syrian ceasefire goes into effect with American,Russian support There is no question that peace is much desired by the citizens of Syria,as it would be for any people suffering through a more than five-year long civil war.But can peace be easily attained?A ceasefire brokered by the United States  相似文献   

正RMB internationalization is one of the most important issues for China’s economy.Owing to the real factors affecting it,however,its development will be slower than media speculation can envisage.There is an exaggerated perception of RMB internationalization when considered according to percentage growth statistics,because calculations of them start from extremely low levels.For example,the proportion of RMB payments in the U.S.in April 2014 rose 100percent compared to a year earlier.This sounds spectacular,until taking into account that the rise constituted  相似文献   

A Chinese court has ruled that a woman is not guilty of murder and acted in selfdefense when she chased down robbers with her car before driving into them, leaving one dead and one injured.  相似文献   

SINCE 2004, Chinese ex-perts and governments atvarious levels have beenactively promoting the de-velopment of a recyclableeconomy. Those involved agree thatthe eco-industrial park model has so farbeen most effective in constructing a re-cyclable economy.Eco-industrial parks involve theestablishment of an ecological chainwhere businesses collaborate in sharingresources, information and materialsand use one another's industrial wastes,discharges and by-products as raw ma-terials or energies. A…  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,移居美国的香港华人极力想要在美国积累文化资本和经济资本,开始在旧金山的湾区购买房地产。他们带去“风水”的文化逻辑,即在他们认为会给他们带来好运的地方进行房地产投资。这一行为在当今这样一个跨国时代的背景下,向皮埃尔.布迪厄提出的文化资本积累的观点提出了挑战。新的移民也许可以获得文化资本,但却难于把它转变为社会资本,因为在象征资本和种族认同之间产生了一种不协调,也因此造成了他们在东道社会中社会地位低下的原因。所以,文化资本积累上的局限对移民来说是十分明显的。  相似文献   

FOR many people, free trade is all about free entry of goods and services into other countries. But a crucial condition underpinning this freedom is that countries do not willfully block nor hinder the flow of exports from their own shores. Such a position is hypocritical and contrary to the tenets of free trade.  相似文献   

随着社会利益本位说的发展,正当防卫的必要限度成为刑法理论界的一个新的问题。对于防卫行为应如何界定其限度?应该从哪些方面来界定正当防卫的必要限度?在界定的时候有什么具体的标准?这些,都是正当防卫理论中应该探讨的问题。正当防卫的必要限度是正当防卫与防卫过当的分水岭,关于正当防卫的必要限度在英美法系、大论法系以及我国的刑法界都有成熟的理论,但是在司法实践中却存在着标准难以把握的问题。因此,在司法实践中应该有一个明确具体的标准来界定正当防卫的必要限度。  相似文献   

当前我们正处于社会转型时期,在公共安全方面还存在着诸多问题,整个社会的公众安全程度还不是很高.某些问题的存在已经成为了制约公共安全的瓶颈.具体表现在四个方面:一是公共安全基础设施薄弱;二是安全理念落后,安全理论匮乏;三是公共安全信息不对称;四是公共安全危机事件处置中的社会心理矫治不到位.  相似文献   

THE annual United Nations Climate Change Conference,held in Lima,capital of Peru,fi nally concluded in the small hours of December 14,2014,after running more than 32 hours over schedule.There were gaps in the General Assembly’s adoption of a final resolution,but it reached a consensus on elements of the draft agreement expected to be passed at the Paris climate change conference in December 2015.Disappointing presentations from  相似文献   

遗嘱自由是继承法的一个重要原则,并为现代各国私法立法所普遍采用。在坚持遗嘱自由原则的同时,加强对这一原则的监督和限制,以完善继承法体系。建立专门机构管理有关继承和遗嘱事项,同时学习外国先进的特留份制度,建立有中国特色的社会主义特留份制度。对破坏家庭和谐且违反社会公共道德和公共秩序的人,禁止遗嘱人遗赠财产给这些人。从而使遗嘱自由原则在限制中发展。做到遗嘱自由与限制的平衡。  相似文献   

网络舆论监督及其规范   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
网络舆论监督是行政监督体系的重要组成部分。网络舆论监督极大地提升了公民的话语权,具有问责主体广泛、问责通道多元、问责成果高效等突出特点。网络舆论监督也是一把双刃剑,目前,网络舆论监督的缺点主要表现为网络暴力和媒体审判。因此除了从制度、技术、伦理三个维度需要加强对网络监督的正确引导和合理规范外,还需要从加强传统媒体对网络监督的监督、规范网络报道的内容和方式等方面进行有效监督,从而追求一种健康、理性的网络舆论监督。  相似文献   

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