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正Premier Li Keqiang’s Cuba visit adds new dynamism to bilateral ties Chinese Premier Li Keqiang made an official visit to Cuba in late September to meet Cuban President Raul Castro,and the two heads of government witnessed the  相似文献   

PUSHING open the tail gate,you are welcomed with the delieate scent of orchids, waft ins: in the breeze. This is a wild orchid farm, lying 19 kilometers outside of Kunming, provincial capital of Yunnan. The various species of orchid growing randomly by the small bridges and local offices make the people feel they are living in the most peaceful place on earth.  相似文献   

我国西部农村的开发是一个跨世纪的伟大工程,不仅关系到西部农村的发展和现代化,更关系到全国的改革和发展,关系到党和国家的长治久安,具有重大的经济、政治和社会意义。西部农村地区自然、历史、社会条件各不相同,开发过程和现代化道路也应因地制宜。园区模式无疑是开发西部农村过程中一个可借鉴的模式,文章中重点介绍了园区建设的类型以及推进园区建设中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

Bamboo Garden     
INMay,Kunmingwasaprofusionofflowersofbrightcolors.Thesunlightwassharp.ThelushgreengrovesofbamboointheBambooGarden,oneofthesixthemeparksoftheHorticultureExpo'99,feltcoolafterthewarmthofthesun.TheBambooGarden,ontherightofthewestentrancetotheexposition,coversabout20,000squaremeters.Itcontains318kindsofbamboocarefullyselectedfromvariouspartsofChina.NearlytwothirdsofthevarietiescomefromYunnanProvince,whosebambooisacclaimedasthe"bestunderheaven."Yunnanbamboovarietiesaccountfor70percentofChina'…  相似文献   

Tree Garden     
THEWorldHorticultureExpo'99'sTreeGardencomprisestreesandflowerstransplantedfromYunnanProvince.The25,400-squaremetergardenislocatedattheexhibition'scenterandfeaturesmagnoliaceae,rareendangeredplants,aneconomicforest,andforestplantgeneresources.Exquisiteponds,pavilions,terraces,andflowerpathsarealsoscatteredthroughout,andatthegarden'scentersitsanexquisiteexhibitionhall.ThegardennotonlydemonstratestheachievementsofChina'srareplantprotectionefforts,butalsoreflectsYunnan'simportantpositionandro…  相似文献   

陈国平 《理论月刊》2005,(8):120-122
与西方传统音乐相比,中国传统音乐具有“和”的精神、“虚”的意境和线的形态的美学特征,即体现出中和之美、无言之美和行云之美。本文从儒家伦理准则、道家哲学观念和汉字笔墨趣味等三个方面阐释了中国传统音乐的系统的审美结构。  相似文献   

孙立新  李子 《前沿》2010,(20):173-176
本文论述了中国文化的知识概念的系统结构。认为中国文化的知识概念是在"技术性"的基础上构成的。围绕技术性知识的类型应该有四种,它们分别是:第一,器物用之于的世界——目的论的知识;第二,器物成之于的世界——关于物之物性的知识;第三,器物的型制特征——器之器性的知识;第四,器物的制作艺术——工艺学知识。从这种知识系统的观点看,西方的科学仅仅是关于物之物性的知识的一种特殊形态。  相似文献   

“共同体”在中国传统法文化中的存在样式,可以从组织制度与原则、精神的层面考察。本土共同体代表了一种包含特定的主体观、自我观、认同纽带、利益机制的群体生活模式,它在中国传统法文化内获得了礼乐刑政、观念、制度的支持,它的生命力的根基,是其所蕴涵的包括利益保障机制、风险防范机制等因素在内的治理能力。  相似文献   

<正>Situated in vibrant Liangmaqiao Road in Chaoyang District,east Third Ring Road of Beijing,the high class serviced  相似文献   

Southeastern coastal city Xiamen spares no efforts in developing its burgeoning touLin Cheng’en is the general manager of Shanghai-based R&R Capital.Although he frequently travels around the world,there’s one city that always tops his favoriteslist—Xiamen.Located at the southeast coast  相似文献   

WITH a civilization that goes back more than 5,000 years, China boasts a rich cultural heritage that is expressed in varied forms in every corner of the nation. For millennia these folk arts and customs have defined the identity of the Chinese people and how they think and live. Today, however, many traditions have been elbowed out of mainstream culture by recent surges of foreign influence and new technology, and some are on the verge of  相似文献   

我想先说说《红楼梦》中的大观园.关于书中的大观园的原型究竟指哪里,虽然从我个人角色看来无关紧要,但还是要提一提. 自《红楼梦》问世以来,对于书中描绘的大观园究竟以哪里为原型,注家蜂起.  相似文献   

NANNING deservedly enjoys,its reputation as a garden city."Be careful,fruits might hit you,"locals say without exaggeration. The city's streets are lined with fruit-bearing tropical trees, such as coconut,mango and jackfruit,and residents love to sit in the shade of magnolia trees.Jacaranda trees line its many bicycle paths, pinangs decorate its restaurants,and local residents cultivate a variety of flowers on their balconies.In this humid city,the streets are always covered in greenery,even in the depths of winter.  相似文献   

<正>Whether you are celebrating an anniversary or creating an unexpected surprise for your beloved one,we have just the right recipe for love.Starting April 1,check into the Sky Garden Suite in the JW Marriott Hotel Beijing Central.You can have your own private Chinese or Western sunset dinner with wine on the open balcony for free.  相似文献   

Young imams with an international and modern view are being trained in Xinjiang The morning of May 8 was a busy one for Abdusami Ablati, a fourth-year student at Xinjiang Islamic Institute.  相似文献   

BAODING, known as the"back garden of Beijing,"houses a conglomerationof scenic spots and histori-cal sites. They attract swarms oftourists every year.The Qing Dynasty WestImperial MausoleumsThe West ImperialMausoleums, 125 kilometers awayfrom Beijing, are located at thefoot of Yongning Mountain inBaoding's Yixian County. The site,on which almost half of the Qingemperors were buried, has beendesignated world cultural heritageby UNESCO. The tomb com-pound is guarded at the entranceby…  相似文献   

徽州传统文化在今天有大量的物质文化遗存、非物质文化遗存和文献文书遗存,它们许多都得到了开发,融入了现代社会.具体开发的路径是:徽州传统物质文化的遗存直接导致了徽州人文旅游事业的发展、徽州传统非物质文化的遗存直接导致了徽州传统工艺的产业化开发、徽州古代文献文书的遗存直接促进了徽学事业的发展.这些开发都具有很强的地域特色,对其已达到的开发状况,宜作合理的价值评估:徽州人文旅游事业的发展目前尚属初级阶段,由之也显示出了十足的后劲;徽州传统技艺的产业化开发目前尚属起步阶段,由之也显示出了极大的潜力;徽学的研究目前尚处在发展阶段,由之也显示出了多学科的价值有待更全面展开.  相似文献   

《洛阳名园记》与唐宋园史研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前人对李格非《洛阳名园记》多从园记散文角度鉴赏,本文则从园史及唐宋洛阳园林变迁角度进行考述,指出《名园记》开专题园录之先河;《名园记》有证史补史之功用;其所述内容篇幅简短,但首尾始末,皆可独立,近似缩微园史;其研究方法为勘踏记实,近似科学考察报告;其写作宗旨是为了求真实供鉴戒。本文侧重就《名园记》与《河南志》及《唐两京城坊考》中相关园林史料进行比较,指出其独到的史料学与史源学价值。  相似文献   

以学术视角剖析《园冶》,从构园总格、择址立意、造景之法、哲学取向等四个主要方面阐释《园冶》中所折射出的我国古典园林设计的基本理念。  相似文献   

薄茹 《北京观察》2005,(3):4-10
今年初,适逢中共中央<关于坚持和完善中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度的意见>发表十五周年之际,中共中央政治局召开会议,研究加强中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度建设问题.  相似文献   

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