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<正>Conditions have improved in Syria,but challenges still lie ahead on the path to peace Since March 2011,the prolonged war in Syria has become a nightmare haunting its people and delivering each of them the bitter taste of terror.As the Syrian conflict enters its seventh year,some positive changes have occurred.Will the Syrian people seize the sliver of hope for peace?  相似文献   

Renewed peace talks between Palestine and Israel are in everybody’s best interest The efforts of U.S.Secretary of State John Kerry to facilitate peace between Palestine and Israel have paid off-somewhat,at least.After the top U.S.diplomat’s six mediation trips to the Middle East within half  相似文献   

The recent memorandum of understanding between the Israelis and the Palestinians has restarted the Middle East Peace talks,but is the road to lasting peace in sight? Peace talks between Israel and Palestine during the past several years have not been as crucial as other Middle East issues such as the Iranian nuclear issue and the war in Iraq.During this time,the peace process has not made any progress and the situation in the region has not improved.But in late November,the world was surprised to see lsraeli and Palestinian leaders meeting in  相似文献   

If the situation in Syria were a storm,the country is now approaching the eye of the hurricane after 18 months of conflict.Intense fighting between government forces and rebels broke out in the country's second largest city Aleppo,and insurgent forces claimed the city will see a decisive battle to end the Bashar al-Assad administration. Chinese political observers noted that the Syria issue has become more complicated with the involvement of Western countries and neighboring countries in the region.They believe the Syrian Government is capable of resisting the rebels longer than Western countries expect,and insist that Syria's peace should be made by Syrian people through communication and negotiation.  相似文献   

<正>Beijing Review interviewed Lakhdar Brahimi,the former UN and Arab League Special Envoy to Syria,in Beijing on November 5 to get his insights on the Syrian crisis and how to solve it.A former Algerian foreign minister and creator of the world-renowned Brahimi Report,he has devoted his career to resolving conflicts and building peace in some of the world’s most troubled regions.An excerpt of the interview follows:  相似文献   

Neighbors of War     
<正>Syrian refugee crisis plagues Jordan and surrounding countries As the world’s attention shifted from the impact of the Syrian refugee crisis in the Middle East itself to its effects on Europe,those countries that continue to bear the brunt of supporting refugees have largely been left  相似文献   

<正>Riyadh-Tehran detente demonstrates China’s peace diplomacy March 2023,Beijing,two long-term rivals in the Middle East have decided to open a new chapter in their relationship.Saudi Arabia and Iran held talks from March 6 to 10,ending seven years of hostility by agreeing to resume diplomatic relations.According to a joint statement released by China,Saudi Arabia and Iran,  相似文献   

<正>The Afghan Government announced the death of Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Omar a day before the second round of peace talks between the Afghan Government and Taliban was set to take place in Pakistan on July 31.This was by no means the first time that the rumor of Omar's demise had been floated.  相似文献   

<正>A ceasefire deal quells the Ukraine crisis for now,but long-term settlement requires U.S.involvement Thanks to the mediation and shuttle di plomacy of European leaders—German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande—four-party peace talks between Germany,France,Russia and Ukraine were resumed in the Belarusian capita  相似文献   

正Lasting peace is still elusive in Syria even as a fragile truce takes hold On April 11,one day before the deadline set by international mediator Kofi Annan,the Syrian Government announced it would halt its military operations on armed opposition groups.Annan,the joint envoy of the UN and the Arab League  相似文献   

<正>Since 1999,there have been 11 Sino-German Human Rights symposiums.Due to the concept of peace and development and the principle of dialogue through consultation,nonconfrontation and pragmatism with equality,which have been upheld by organizers,such symposiums have made great achievements.The  相似文献   

正Groundbreaking talks between DPRK and ROK expected to usher in peace Last year,the Korean Peninsula remained under a cloud of imminent nuclear war.But today,the situation has evolved into one of the most dazzling highlights of the current chaotic world.On April 27,the leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(DPRK),Kim  相似文献   

<正>Despite steps taken in Iran nuclear talks,satisfying all parties remains a daunting taskTop negotiators of the Iran nuclear talks reached a preliminary deal in Lausanne of Switzerland on April 2,marking another step toward capping the marathon negotiations by the end of June.Negotiators from Iran and the P5+1 countries—namely the United States,France,Britain,Russia,and China plus Germany—have agreed  相似文献   

Troubled Talks     
The six-party talks on the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue need clearly defined goals and a strengthened process The six-party talks, a multilateral mechanism intended to peacefully resolve the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula, once bore high expectations and optimism from the six participants and international observers concerned about peace and stability in Northeast Asia. However, after five rounds  相似文献   

A Tangled Web     
<正>Syria’s ties to Russia and Iran make Western intervention unlikely After the fall of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya,Syria appeared to be the next target of Western powers.They have declared sanctions against Syria and publicly demanded Syrian President Bashar al-Assad step down.This Middle Eastern country now faces  相似文献   

<正>Developments in Syria at the end of2016 broke new ground.On December23, the Syrian Government announced that it had gained full control of Aleppo,the country’s largest city and also the former major base of opposition forces.The retaking of Aleppo is seen as the government’s greatest triumph since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011.With mediation by Russia and Turkey, the Syrian Government  相似文献   

SCIENCE and technology have raised the level of the material life and culture of humankind but also can undermine peace and the people's well-being. To make science serve peace is the common desire of men and women of goodwill in the world. In 1986, the United Nations initiated activities for the International Year of Peace. Later, programmes to mark the International Week of Scientists for Peace were organized in a number of countries. The enlarged scope of such activities in 1987 caught the great attention of the international community and the U.N., so a resolution was adopted at the 43rd Session of the U.N.  相似文献   

"The Chinese side is ready to make joint efforts with all the parties concerned to overcome difficulties, create conditions, promote the six-party talks, and jointly maintain peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia." Chinese Ambassador to the UN, Wang Guangya, after the UN Security Council adopted a resolution on July 15 strongly urging North Korea to return immediately to the six-party talks without precondition  相似文献   

A Daunting Task     
正The prospect of peace in Syria is still gloomyOn December 18,2015,the UN Security Council unanimously adopted a roadmap for a peace process in Syria,which was seen as having injected"fresh impetus"to solve the Syrian crisis.The UN Security Council Resolution 2254requires a nationwide ceasefire in Syria within  相似文献   

正Syrian ceasefire goes into effect with American,Russian support There is no question that peace is much desired by the citizens of Syria,as it would be for any people suffering through a more than five-year long civil war.But can peace be easily attained?A ceasefire brokered by the United States  相似文献   

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