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During this time of global pandemic and human suffering,economic hardship and uncertainty about the future is a growing and worrying trend.The calls from countries around the world to disengage and decouple from each other on trade,manufacturing,technology and commerce have been increasing.Not only is this a dangerous and fatally flawed way of thinking about and acting on the future,but also would produce aftershocks that in the parlance of the day,are an example ofthe cure being worse than the disease.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍,使用深色不透明金属或非金属粉末作为显现介质,并用指纹胶带提取的粉末指纹,作为影相负片,进行接触投影印相。  相似文献   

<正>The news of the Japanese parliamentary election results has been closely followed in China.That's not only because Japan is a major economicpower in the region,but also because of the possible impact on bilateral ties at a time when tensions between the two countries continue to linger.In the July 21 upper house elections,the ruling coalition led by PrimeMinister Shinzo Abe won76of the121seats up for grabs,seizing an over-whelming majority in the upper house.  相似文献   

PiecesofthePastAdozenyearsago,Panjiayuanwaslikeahomelesschild.Itcameoutofnowhere,belongedtonoone,andwasundernobody'scharge.Itsimplysquattedintheareaandbroughtitselfup.Themarkethasbeenclosetobeingbannedafewtimes,butvendorswithaseeminglyendlesssupplyofmerchandisehavepersistentlyuseditastheirpitch,andsoithassurvived.Eventually,Panjiayuanwaslegitimized,andputunderaresponsibleperson'sguardianship.Aftersomedeliberation,itwasnameda"second-handmarket,"anamethatdoesnotreallyexpressexactlywhatitis.Ge…  相似文献   

East Asia economic integration should start with free trade among ASEAN, China, Japan and South Korea Should East Asia pursue economic integration through the East Asia Free Trade Area (EAFTA) or the Comprehensive Economic Partnership  相似文献   

On the southern bank of the beautiful Qinghai Lake is anethnic boarding school-the Jiayi Ethnic School ofDaotanghe Township, Gonghe County, Hainan TibetanAutonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province. The 100 or moreTibetan students at this school all speak good English, whiletheir headmaster, Konoll Cahgeorg, speaks good Tibetan. Hehas even given himself a Tibetan name-Garzang Dorje.Konoll and San Paul, another foreign teacher at the school,share the desire to make Jiayi the leading forei…  相似文献   

由于女性承担着生育的重任,因此女性的盆腔结构比男性的要更为复杂。女性的盆腔含子宫、输卵管、卵巢,也包括其中的疏松组织,即盆腔腹膜及子宫周围的结缔组织。这样看来,如果女性得了盆腔炎,那恐怕并不是单一性的疾病,而是盆腔内各大器官组织病变的总称。因此千万别小看了盆腔炎。  相似文献   

侦查人员出庭作证刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侦查人员出庭作证有助于控诉犯罪 ,提高诉讼效率 ;有助于侦查机关队伍建设 ,有助于控辩双方平等对抗 ,保护被告人的合法权利。但要对侦查人员的证人资格进行认定 ,规定侦查人员的作证范围。要转变司法人员的思想观念 ,完善立法 ,理顺公检法三者间的关系 ,加强侦查基础建设 ,建立健全激励机制。  相似文献   

正An Africal-oriented monthly covering China and Africa published by BEIJING REVIEW,China Africa is the leading publication in China featuring news,views and analysis for an African audience.SUBSCRIPTIOM HOTLINES (8610) 6831 0644,+27 (0)71 613 2053 Email:circulation@bjreview.com.cn,casa201208@hotmail.com WWW.CHINAFRICH.CN  相似文献   

跨国知识产权诉讼是当今各国对知识产权进行国际保护的主要途径.如何在知识产权保护的国际诉讼中遵循国民待遇原则,是知识产权国际保护的关键.由于跨国知识产权诉讼的复杂性、新颖性以及相关立法的滞后,造成了法院在审理相关案件时为片面追求司法任务的简单化,往往会拒绝外国原告的诉讼.不方便法院原则就成为拒绝当事人诉讼的最好理由,其中美国的做法最具有代表性.这与TRIPS协议等保护知识产权国际条约所确立的国民待遇原则相冲突.为给予国际知识产权流动以更多的保护与协调,各国应完善跨国知识产权管辖权体系,确立严格的适用不方便法院原则的标准.  相似文献   

正The health insurance for foreigners at my company does not cover visits to English-speaking doctors. This isn’t as bad as I first thought because the English-speaking doctor susually don’t speak English anyway.Beijing has a very wide range of medical options. The high end is very  相似文献   

THOSE who have read thenovel, Tracks in the SnowyForest, will forget neitherYang Zirong, the intelligentand courageous hero, nor themagic land covered by ice andsnow. Now, on this piece of land, apicturesque modern internationaltrade and tourist city-Mudanjiang - advances towardsus.Mudanjiang, meaning "curv-ing river" in the Manchurian lan-guage, is located on China's north-eastern frontier bordering Russia.It is the political, economic andcultural center of southwesternHeilongjiang.Muda…  相似文献   

Melt your mom’s heart this year and pamper her on her special day. Enjoy a delightful Mother’s Day Sunday Brunch with an array of mom’s favorites: Boston lobster, oysters and specially designed desserts. Let us record every loving moment with a special memento presented to your mum, just because you love her.  相似文献   

改革与发展是当今我国社会经济生活的两大主题。上个世纪最后20年,中心主题是研究改革,即如何实现由计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济的转轨,因此可归结为“改革经济学”。进入21世纪后,中心主题发生了历史性转折,即把发展放在总揽全局的位置上,因此可以称之为“发展经济学”。本文着重论述了“发展经济学”的基本理论框架和基本课题。  相似文献   

This study explored the sense of community among women (n = 21) and women with children (n = 30) living in Oxford Houses, with emphasis on how the presence of children might affect the household. Sense of community did not vary between participants with more or less than three months residence. Residents reported very high levels of satisfaction with the home, possibly because of a ceiling effect of little room for increases in their sense of community over time. Participants reported that they were getting along with the children in the home, that mothers could count on babysitting help, and that the children had a positive effect on the household and their own recovery process. This effect did not differ between mothers and non-mothers, suggesting that non-mothers might view the children in the home with a sense of responsibility and sensitivity comparable to that of the mothers. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

<正>Founded on December 5, 2000, Beijing Sunshine Eternity Technology Co., Ltd. has always pursued the values of safety,  相似文献   

土司制度是元、明、清三代在我国西南地区普遍推行的行政管理制度。其基本内涵是用当地的各少数民族首领,充任各级、各类土官,如土司、土职、土弁等。在土司制度执行的过程中,朝廷又多次执行"改土归流",以至于此前有的学者将土官与流官视为截然两分的行政机构,甚至将土司视为游离于朝廷之外的"化外"酋邦。然而,仔细排比元、明、清三代史志的相关资料后却不难发现,即令是在执行土司制度的地区,朝廷任命的流官始终在土司衙门中任职。土司被"改土归流"后,其后裔还可以在当地充任各级土职,与流官一道治理当地各少数民族,有的土司甚至还能以土司的身份因功受奖,未经科举考试而直接充任高级流官。这些事实的客观存在足以表明,土司与流官之间并不存在不可逾越的鸿沟,他们都是朝廷职官制度中的两个有机构成部分。其间不仅可以并存,还可以互换,而且还能够相互制衡、互为补充,因而"土流并治"理当是土司制度推行中的常态。  相似文献   

正As pension funds will soon be permitted to invested in stock,the market is highly expectant that they will expand the source of funds in China’s A-share market.However,when it comes to pension funds,which are special in nature,safety should come first once they are invested in such markets.For China’s A-share market,the significance of pension funds lies in offering a new long-term and steady investment source,rather than merely a short-term market increase.In the mid and  相似文献   

遏制地王与囤地现象的应对之策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年全球金融危机爆发至今一年有余,中国房地产市场的率先反弹带动了相关产业链条的发展.在火爆的房地产市场中,央企、上市公司踊跃争夺地王;开发商大量囤地,赚取暴利.产生这些问题的原因是多方面的,主要还在于房地产市场的回暖导致企业逐利预期增强,房价上涨带动地价上涨,又反过来进一步推动房价上涨,使得这一循环不断延续,最终在土地这一生产资料上极端地反映出来.当前,疏堵兼顾是应对之策.  相似文献   

刘国强 《公安学刊》2011,(1):74-76,90
世博安保的成功实践为平湖市打造"后世博安保时期"维稳联动格局提供了经验和启示。要防止思想松懈、力度减弱、停滞不前以及急于求成等四种倾向。要以世博安保工作为借鉴,全力打造以"合作"为基础、"抓小"为根本、"动力"为保障的"后世博安保时期"维稳联动新格局。  相似文献   

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