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Two speeches on foreign policy are being parsed for their implications for China-U.S.relations going forward.The first was delivered to the National Committee on United States-China Relations by Yang Jiechi.Known as China's top diplomat,Yang spoke directly about the past four years and what will be necessary for relations to improve as the Joe Biden administration finds its footing.The second speech was by U.S.President Biden,delivered at the State Department,where he emphasized in contrast with his predecessor that U.S."diplomacy is back,"and the U.S.will rekindle ties with allies but will also seek cooperation with adversaries and competitors.  相似文献   

Civil mediation contributes to dispute resolution with minimum harm to social relations Yang Jiuzhou,a people’s mediator in Luhe District of Nanjing,Jiangsu Province in east China,has a natural fl air for mediation.When he lived in a village,he used to settle disputes among the villagers and his effi ciency earned him their trust.  相似文献   

A Green Approach     
On November 1, Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a written statement to the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow. He offered a three-point proposal, including upholding multilateral consensus, focusing on concrete actions and acceler-ating the green transition, with a view to offering Chinese experience and expertise to the global response to climate change.  相似文献   

<正>In response to the continuing economic slowdown, the Chinese Government has made a series of moves to promote economic growth. The central bank cut interest rates and lowered the deposit reserves rate, while quickening the pace of examining and approving basic construction projects and investing in  相似文献   

正Intangible cultural heritage becomes a powerful tool for progress When she was 12,Cai Qun and her elder sister were sent out by their impoverished family from their village in southwest China’s Guizhou Province to earn a living.The two girls walked for more than 100km on tortuous mountains routes to reach provincial capital Guiyang,where they became  相似文献   

Energy is an indispensable resource of our time. Nevertheless,energy consumption has some nasty side effects, such as air pollution,resource depletion and global warming. This dual nature of energy has  相似文献   

<正>The sudden death of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il not only has taken some world leaders, and Northeast Asia in particular, by surprise, but has also sparked widespread speculation about the fate of the country,  相似文献   

All parties should take active steps to resolve the Korean Peninsula standoff The situation on the Korean Peninsula reached a new crossroads in January with the passage of the UN Security Council Resolution 2087. Although more symbolic than substantive, it nevertheless tightened the screws on North Korea. Pyongyang responded with a strongly worded statement vowing to conduct more rocket launches and hinting at a higher-level nuclear test.  相似文献   

A Fresh Approach     
Based on its long-term experience in foreign assistance and South-South cooperation,China is transforming its international development cooperation.On January 10,the State Council Information Office issued a white paper to indicate the change and the future direction in the new era.  相似文献   

ACCORDINGtoa1996census,Chinahasarurallaborforceof452million,50percentoftotalruralpopulation.However,only250millionofthemareactuallyengagedinfarmwork,withtherestworkinginbusinessandindustry.Thepercentageoffanners'incomeearnedthroughagricultUrehasalsofallen.Inthecountryside,130.28millionpeople,30percentoftherurallaborforce,areemployedbytownshipenterprises.Therestarenotnecessarilyoccupiedsolelybyfarmwork.AccordingtoaChineseAcademyofSocialSciences(CASS)report,over95percentofruralfamiliespe…  相似文献   

THE Internet has changed the way people live. Farmers in the remotest of villages have benefited from it, and now want to join the ranks of China's netizens. "Online Farm Agent" Several years ago, farmers in Zhangzhai Village, Fengxian County, Jiangsu Province lived a primitive lifestyle. Their sole income was from crops grown on one mu (1/15  相似文献   

The Happy Farm     
正FOR several years,a computer game about farming has been on the minds and lips of millions of Chinese people,young and old alike.In"The Happy Farm"players tend crops and steal vegetables from their neighbors to win points.It is so popular that some players wake up in the middle of the night just to play the game and steal from other players while they sleep.Today,many  相似文献   


A social ecological approach to consultation was evaluated through a four-year primary prevention field research project with 10,000 people in 24 church congregations. Significantly lower levels of personal distress and alcohol abuse were found in experimental congregations exposed to intervention processes which encouraged an increase in heterogeneous settings and activities when compared to control congregations not exposed to the same intervention processes. Continuing reciprocal social support and mutual empowerment, defined as knowing how to give and receive support, caring for others, knowing others by name, and being asked to help others, were identified as the key process variables which minimized distress and abuse.  相似文献   

<正>I have always wanted to learn another language. As a kid, my cousin and I would speak in our own made-up language and pretend that we understood each other.In an effort to fulfill my goal, I had my goat Spanish. My high school required a foreign language and Spanish was the only option. I tried to connect with the language, but I could not find the motivation to really focus.  相似文献   

正A white paper titled China’s Policies on AsiaPacific Security Cooperation was released by the State Council Information Office on January 11.It dwelt upon China’s security vision for the AsiaPacific region,its relations with other major nations in the region,its views on regional hotspot issues,its participation in major multilateral mechanisms in the region,and its role in regional non-traditional security cooperation.The white paper represents the  相似文献   

正Changes in innovation and investment are needed to get China's agricultural sector out of the stone age Seventy-two-year old Eleanor Dvorchak is a typical American farmer with an incredible tie to China:he has twice hosted Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping in his home in Muscatine,Iowa.Xi first visited Muscatine in 1985 as a provincial official from Iowa's sister province of Hebei.Leading a delegation of four other local  相似文献   

家庭农场作为一种新型农业经营主体,具有家庭经营、适度规模、集约化生产、商品化经营、农业收入为主等五个基本特征。与传统小农户和雇工农场相比较,家庭农场既把现代农业要素融入到了传统意义上的农户家庭经营中,又避免了雇工农场大规模流转土地带来的解放劳动力过多、企业运行风险累及农民、农作精细化程度不够等问题,是农业从传统农业走向现代农业的路径选择。  相似文献   

North Korea could learn from countries that voluntarily abandoned their nuclear programs After months of heightened tensions on the Korean Peninsula, North Korea began to show signs of openness to settling the nuclear matter through various platforms, including the six-party talks, which involve North Korea, South Korea, China, the United States, Russia and Japan. In the meantime, Pyongyang and Seoul restored communication lines and may soon reopen the joint Kaesong industrial complex. With these favorable new developments, all parties should focus their efforts on making progress in the denuclearization of Korean Peninsula.  相似文献   

依法行政是现代行政法的基本原则。依法行政的内涵在中国和西方有所区别,依法行政不是机械行政,是形式行政和实质行政的结合。只有全面了解法律的含义,全面解析行政和行政权,进一步认识行政执法者在行政中的作用,才能更好地发挥依法行政原则的精神,才能保障法治国家的建立和健全。依法行政的目标是实现法的相对确定性,依法行政的方法包括法律推理、法律解释、法律补充和价值衡量。  相似文献   

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